private void Initialize()
            _instance = this;

            if (null == _csseWorker)
                _csseWorker = new Worker(typeof(TimeplifySvc));
        /// <summary>
        /// [Firmusoft] The main entry point for the application.
        /// </summary>
        static void Main(string[] args)
            // Handle command line arguments.
            if (null != args && 0 != args.Length)
                TimeplifySvcInstaller projInstaller = null;
                if ("-i" == args[0])
                    projInstaller = new TimeplifySvcInstaller();
                else if ("-u" == args[0])
                    projInstaller = new TimeplifySvcInstaller();
                #if (!DEBUG)
                    ServiceBase[] ServicesToRun = null;
                    ServicesToRun = new ServiceBase[] 
				        new TimeplifySvc() 
                    // Debug code: this allows the process to run as a non-service.
                    // It will kick off the service start point, but never kill it.
                    // Shut down the debugger to exit
                    TimeplifySvc service = new TimeplifySvc();
                    // Put a breakpoint on the following line to always catch
                    // your service when it has finished its work