예제 #1
 public TDCMovementTargetAI(TDGInstance mInstance, TDCMovement mMovementComponent, TDCTarget mTargetComponent, TDCDirection mDirectionComponent,
                            string mPathmapName, bool mSetsDirection = true, bool mIsPathfinder = false, bool mIsObstinate = true, bool mUsesPathmap = true,
                            bool mIncludesStartNode = false)
     _instance = mInstance;
     _movementComponent = mMovementComponent;
     _targetComponent = mTargetComponent;
     _directionComponent = mDirectionComponent;
     SetsDirection = mSetsDirection;
     IsPathfinder = mIsPathfinder;
     IsObstinate = mIsObstinate;
     UsesPathmap = mUsesPathmap;
     PathmapName = mPathmapName;
     IncludesStartNode = mIncludesStartNode;
예제 #2
 public TDCPathmapper(TDGInstance mInstance, string mPathmapName)
     _instance = mInstance;
     _pathmapName = mPathmapName;
예제 #3
        private void SetInstance(TDGInstance mInstance, int mPlayerX, int mPlayerY, int mPlayerDirection)
            _instance = mInstance;
            _instance.CreatePlayer(mPlayerX, mPlayerY, mPlayerDirection);

            // Starting variables
            _currentTurn = 0;
            _playerAlive = true;

            // Reset and set undo stuff
            _undoValues.PlayerStartX = mPlayerX;
            _undoValues.PlayerStartY = mPlayerY;
            _undoValues.PlayerStartDirection = mPlayerDirection;
예제 #4
        private TDGInstance CreateInstance(TDSRoom mRoom, bool mTemporary = false)
            var result = new TDGInstance(this, mTemporary);
            TDLFactory.Instance = result;

            // Initialize field and pathfinder
            result.Initialize(mRoom.Level.RoomWidth, mRoom.Level.RoomHeight);

            // Refresh texture size, if instance isn't temporary
            if (!mTemporary) RefreshGFX(TDUtils.TileSize*result.Width, TDUtils.TileSize*result.Height);

            // Fill the instance with floor
            for (var iY = 0; iY < result.Height; iY++)
                for (var iX = 0; iX < result.Width; iX++)
                    TDLFactory.Tile = result.GetTile(iX, iY);

            // Get all tiles from the editor tilemanager and create corrispondent entities
            foreach (var tileManagerEntity in mRoom.TileManager.Entities)
                var methodInfo = tileManagerEntity.Outline.MethodInfo;
                var parameterValues = new object[tileManagerEntity.Parameters.Count];

                for (var i = 0; i < tileManagerEntity.Parameters.Count; i++)
                    parameterValues[i] = tileManagerEntity.Parameters[i].Value;

                TDLFactory.Tile = result.GetTile(tileManagerEntity.Tile.X, tileManagerEntity.Tile.Y);
                var invokedEntity = (Entity) methodInfo.Invoke(null, parameterValues);

                // If the room was cleared previously and the entity is required, destroy it instantly
                // This means that if the player returns to the room after it was cleared, there are no mobs
                if (mRoom.IsClear && invokedEntity.HasTag(TDLTags.RequiredKill))


            return result;