public userMapOverlay(IMapDrawable drawable, Geocode geocode, Library.User user) { _drawable = (userMapDrawable)drawable; _geocode = geocode; _user = user; _offset = new Point((ClientSettings.SmallArtSize + (ClientSettings.Margin * 2) / 2), (ClientSettings.SmallArtSize + (ClientSettings.Margin * 2))); }
Point GeocodeToScreen(Geocode geocode, int zoom, int adjustX, int adjustY) { Point p = new Point(LongitudeToXAtZoom(geocode.Longitude, zoom), LatitudeToYAtZoom(geocode.Latitude, zoom)); p.X += adjustX; p.Y += adjustY; return(p); }
public Geocode CenterRelativePointToGeocode(Point point) { Geocode ret = new Geocode(); ret.Longitude = XToLongitudeAtZoom((myCenterTile.X << 8) + myCenterOffset.X + point.X, myZoom + 8); ret.Latitude = YToLatitudeAtZoom((myCenterTile.Y << 8) + myCenterOffset.Y + point.Y, myZoom + 8); return(ret); }
public Point GeocodeToCenterRelativePoint(Geocode geocode) { int centerXReference = (myCenterTile.X << 8) + myCenterOffset.X; int centerYReference = (myCenterTile.Y << 8) + myCenterOffset.Y; int px = LongitudeToXAtZoom(geocode.Longitude, myZoom + 8); int py = LatitudeToYAtZoom(geocode.Latitude, myZoom + 8); return(new Point(px - centerXReference, py - centerYReference)); }
void DrawAtGeocode(Geocode tlGeo, Geocode brGeo, IMapRenderer renderer, Geocode geocode, int pixelLevelZoom, int adjustX, int adjustY, IMapDrawable drawable) { if (!GeocodeBoxContains(tlGeo, brGeo, geocode) || drawable == null) { return; } Point p = GeocodeToScreen(geocode, pixelLevelZoom, adjustX, adjustY); renderer.Draw(drawable, new Rectangle(p.X - drawable.Width / 2, p.Y - drawable.Height / 2, drawable.Width, drawable.Height), new Rectangle(0, 0, drawable.Width, drawable.Height)); }
static List <Segment> DecodeSteps(char[] chars) { StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); builder.Append(chars); string blob = builder.ToString(); Regex regex = new Regex(@"new VE_RouteInstruction\('(.*?)',(-*[\d]+.[\d]+),(-*[\d]+.[\d]+),(-*[\d]+.[\d]+)"); Regex cleaner = new Regex(@"&#[\d]+;.*?&#[\d]+;"); Regex bolder = new Regex(@"( [A-Z][A-Z]+ )"); Match m = regex.Match(blob); List <Segment> ret = new List <Segment>(); while (m.Success) { Segment segment = new Segment(); Geocode geocode = new Geocode(); geocode.Latitude = double.Parse(m.Groups[2].Value); geocode.Longitude = double.Parse(m.Groups[3].Value); segment.Geocode = geocode; segment.Distance = string.Format("{0} miles", m.Groups[4].Value); string text = m.Groups[1].Value; Match m2 = cleaner.Match(text); while (m2.Success) { text = text.Replace(m2.Value, string.Empty); m2 = cleaner.Match(text); } string formattedText = text; m2 = bolder.Match(text); while (m2.Success) { text = text.Replace(m2.Value, m2.Value.ToLower()); formattedText = formattedText.Replace(m2.Value, string.Format("<b>{0}</b>", m2.Value.ToLower())); m2 = bolder.Match(text); } text = text.Replace(" ", " "); formattedText = formattedText.Replace(" ", " ").Replace("<b> ", " <b>").Replace(" </b>", "</b> "); segment.FormattedText = formattedText; segment.Text = text; ret.Add(segment); m = m.NextMatch(); } return(ret); }
public void FitPOIToDimensions(int width, int height, int maxZoom, params Geocode[] geocodes) { // find the center Geocode topLeft = new Geocode(double.MinValue, double.MaxValue); Geocode bottomRight = new Geocode(double.MaxValue, double.MinValue); foreach (Geocode geocode in geocodes) { topLeft.Latitude = Math.Max(topLeft.Latitude, geocode.Latitude); topLeft.Longitude = Math.Min(topLeft.Longitude, geocode.Longitude); bottomRight.Latitude = Math.Min(bottomRight.Latitude, geocode.Latitude); bottomRight.Longitude = Math.Max(bottomRight.Longitude, geocode.Longitude); } Geocode center = new Geocode((topLeft.Latitude + bottomRight.Latitude) / 2, (topLeft.Longitude + bottomRight.Longitude) / 2); // center the map on the center myZoom = maxZoom; int y = LatitudeToYAtZoom(center.Latitude, myZoom + 8); int x = LongitudeToXAtZoom(center.Longitude, myZoom + 8); myCenterTile.X = x / 256; myCenterTile.Y = y / 256; myCenterOffset.X = x % 256; myCenterOffset.Y = y % 256; int halfWidth = width / 2; int halfHeight = height / 2; while (myZoom > 0) { ZoomOut(); y = LatitudeToYAtZoom(center.Latitude, myZoom + 8); x = LongitudeToXAtZoom(center.Longitude, myZoom + 8); int tly = LatitudeToYAtZoom(topLeft.Latitude, myZoom + 8); int tlx = LongitudeToXAtZoom(topLeft.Longitude, myZoom + 8); int bry = LatitudeToYAtZoom(bottomRight.Latitude, myZoom + 8); int brx = LongitudeToXAtZoom(bottomRight.Longitude, myZoom + 8); if (tlx - x > -halfWidth && tly - y > -halfHeight && brx - x < halfWidth && bry - y < halfHeight) { break; } } }
public static Directions GetDirections(Geocode startLoc, Geocode endLoc) { string uri = string.Format("{0}&startlon={1}&endlat={2}&endlon={3}&units=m&type=q", startLoc.Latitude, startLoc.Longitude, endLoc.Latitude, endLoc.Longitude); HttpWebRequest request = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(uri); request.Method = "GET"; using (HttpWebResponse response = (HttpWebResponse)request.GetResponse()) { if (response.StatusCode != HttpStatusCode.OK) return null; using (MemoryStream memory = new MemoryStream()) { using (Stream stream = response.GetResponseStream()) { byte[] buffer = new byte[1024]; int read = -1; while (read != 0) { read = stream.Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length); memory.Write(buffer, 0, read); } } string stepsStartString = "new VE_RouteInstruction"; int stepsStart = FindFirstOccurence(memory, stepsStartString, 0); if (stepsStart == -1) throw new Exception("Could not find Directions Steps blob."); stepsStart -= stepsStartString.Length; int stepsEnd = FindFirstOccurence(memory, "]", stepsStart); if (stepsEnd == -1) throw new Exception("Could not find Directions Steps blob."); memory.Seek(stepsStart, SeekOrigin.Begin); char [] charBuffer = new char[stepsEnd - stepsStart - 1]; StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(memory); reader.Read(charBuffer, 0, charBuffer.Length); List<Segment> steps = DecodeSteps(charBuffer); int latsStart = FindFirstOccurence(memory, ",'", stepsEnd); if (latsStart == -1) throw new Exception("Could not find lats blob."); int latsEnd = FindFirstOccurence(memory, "','", latsStart); if (latsEnd == -1) throw new Exception("Could not find lats blob."); memory.Seek(latsStart, SeekOrigin.Begin); byte[] subset = new byte[latsEnd - latsStart - 1]; memory.Read(subset, 0, subset.Length); MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(subset); reader = new StreamReader(ms); List<double> lats = DecodeDoubles(reader.ReadToEnd()); int lonsStart = latsEnd; if (lonsStart == -1) throw new Exception("Could not find lons blob."); int lonsEnd = FindFirstOccurence(memory, "',", lonsStart); if (lonsEnd == -1) throw new Exception("Could not find lons blob."); memory.Seek(lonsStart, SeekOrigin.Begin); subset = new byte[lonsEnd - lonsStart - 1]; memory.Read(subset, 0, subset.Length); ms = new MemoryStream(subset); reader = new StreamReader(ms, Encoding.UTF8); List<double> lons = DecodeDoubles(reader.ReadToEnd()); Directions ret = new Directions(); ret.Segments = steps.ToArray(); ret.PolyLine = new Geocode[lats.Count]; ret.Levels = new int[lats.Count]; for (int i = 0; i < lats.Count; i++) { ret.Levels[i] = 3; ret.PolyLine[i] = new Geocode(lats[i], lons[i]); } return ret; } } }
public static Directions GetDirections(Geocode startLoc, Geocode endLoc) { string uri = string.Format("{0}&startlon={1}&endlat={2}&endlon={3}&units=m&type=q", startLoc.Latitude, startLoc.Longitude, endLoc.Latitude, endLoc.Longitude); HttpWebRequest request = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(uri); request.Method = "GET"; using (HttpWebResponse response = (HttpWebResponse)request.GetResponse()) { if (response.StatusCode != HttpStatusCode.OK) { return(null); } using (MemoryStream memory = new MemoryStream()) { using (Stream stream = response.GetResponseStream()) { byte[] buffer = new byte[1024]; int read = -1; while (read != 0) { read = stream.Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length); memory.Write(buffer, 0, read); } } string stepsStartString = "new VE_RouteInstruction"; int stepsStart = FindFirstOccurence(memory, stepsStartString, 0); if (stepsStart == -1) { throw new Exception("Could not find Directions Steps blob."); } stepsStart -= stepsStartString.Length; int stepsEnd = FindFirstOccurence(memory, "]", stepsStart); if (stepsEnd == -1) { throw new Exception("Could not find Directions Steps blob."); } memory.Seek(stepsStart, SeekOrigin.Begin); char [] charBuffer = new char[stepsEnd - stepsStart - 1]; StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(memory); reader.Read(charBuffer, 0, charBuffer.Length); List <Segment> steps = DecodeSteps(charBuffer); int latsStart = FindFirstOccurence(memory, ",'", stepsEnd); if (latsStart == -1) { throw new Exception("Could not find lats blob."); } int latsEnd = FindFirstOccurence(memory, "','", latsStart); if (latsEnd == -1) { throw new Exception("Could not find lats blob."); } memory.Seek(latsStart, SeekOrigin.Begin); byte[] subset = new byte[latsEnd - latsStart - 1]; memory.Read(subset, 0, subset.Length); MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(subset); reader = new StreamReader(ms); List <double> lats = DecodeDoubles(reader.ReadToEnd()); int lonsStart = latsEnd; if (lonsStart == -1) { throw new Exception("Could not find lons blob."); } int lonsEnd = FindFirstOccurence(memory, "',", lonsStart); if (lonsEnd == -1) { throw new Exception("Could not find lons blob."); } memory.Seek(lonsStart, SeekOrigin.Begin); subset = new byte[lonsEnd - lonsStart - 1]; memory.Read(subset, 0, subset.Length); ms = new MemoryStream(subset); reader = new StreamReader(ms, Encoding.UTF8); List <double> lons = DecodeDoubles(reader.ReadToEnd()); Directions ret = new Directions(); ret.Segments = steps.ToArray(); ret.PolyLine = new Geocode[lats.Count]; ret.Levels = new int[lats.Count]; for (int i = 0; i < lats.Count; i++) { ret.Levels[i] = 3; ret.PolyLine[i] = new Geocode(lats[i], lons[i]); } return(ret); } } }
public MapOverlay(IMapDrawable drawable, Geocode geocode, Point offset) { myDrawable = drawable; myOffset = offset; myGeocode = geocode; }
Point GeocodeToScreen(Geocode geocode, int zoom, int adjustX, int adjustY) { Point p = new Point(LongitudeToXAtZoom(geocode.Longitude, zoom), LatitudeToYAtZoom(geocode.Latitude, zoom)); p.X += adjustX; p.Y += adjustY; return p; }
void DrawAtGeocode(Geocode tlGeo, Geocode brGeo, IMapRenderer renderer, Geocode geocode, int pixelLevelZoom, int adjustX, int adjustY, IMapDrawable drawable) { if (!GeocodeBoxContains(tlGeo, brGeo, geocode) || drawable == null) return; Point p = GeocodeToScreen(geocode, pixelLevelZoom, adjustX, adjustY); renderer.Draw(drawable, new Rectangle(p.X - drawable.Width / 2, p.Y - drawable.Height / 2, drawable.Width, drawable.Height), new Rectangle(0, 0, drawable.Width, drawable.Height)); }
static bool GeocodeBoxContains(Geocode tlGeo, Geocode brGeo, Geocode geocode) { return geocode.Latitude > brGeo.Latitude && geocode.Latitude < tlGeo.Latitude && geocode.Longitude > tlGeo.Longitude && geocode.Longitude < brGeo.Longitude; }
public Point GeocodeToCenterRelativePoint(Geocode geocode) { int centerXReference = (myCenterTile.X << 8) + myCenterOffset.X; int centerYReference = (myCenterTile.Y << 8) + myCenterOffset.Y; int px = LongitudeToXAtZoom(geocode.Longitude, myZoom + 8); int py = LatitudeToYAtZoom(geocode.Latitude, myZoom + 8); return new Point(px - centerXReference, py - centerYReference); }
public void FitPOIToDimensions(int width, int height, int maxZoom, params Geocode[] geocodes) { // find the center Geocode topLeft = new Geocode(double.MinValue, double.MaxValue); Geocode bottomRight = new Geocode(double.MaxValue, double.MinValue); foreach (Geocode geocode in geocodes) { topLeft.Latitude = Math.Max(topLeft.Latitude, geocode.Latitude); topLeft.Longitude = Math.Min(topLeft.Longitude, geocode.Longitude); bottomRight.Latitude = Math.Min(bottomRight.Latitude, geocode.Latitude); bottomRight.Longitude = Math.Max(bottomRight.Longitude, geocode.Longitude); } Geocode center = new Geocode((topLeft.Latitude + bottomRight.Latitude) / 2, (topLeft.Longitude + bottomRight.Longitude) / 2); // center the map on the center myZoom = maxZoom; int y = LatitudeToYAtZoom(center.Latitude, myZoom + 8); int x = LongitudeToXAtZoom(center.Longitude, myZoom + 8); myCenterTile.X = x / 256; myCenterTile.Y = y / 256; myCenterOffset.X = x % 256; myCenterOffset.Y = y % 256; int halfWidth = width / 2; int halfHeight = height / 2; while (myZoom > 0) { ZoomOut(); y = LatitudeToYAtZoom(center.Latitude, myZoom + 8); x = LongitudeToXAtZoom(center.Longitude, myZoom + 8); int tly = LatitudeToYAtZoom(topLeft.Latitude, myZoom + 8); int tlx = LongitudeToXAtZoom(topLeft.Longitude, myZoom + 8); int bry = LatitudeToYAtZoom(bottomRight.Latitude, myZoom + 8); int brx = LongitudeToXAtZoom(bottomRight.Longitude, myZoom + 8); if (tlx - x > -halfWidth && tly - y > -halfHeight && brx - x < halfWidth && bry - y < halfHeight) break; } }
public Geocode CenterRelativePointToGeocode(Point point) { Geocode ret = new Geocode(); ret.Longitude = XToLongitudeAtZoom((myCenterTile.X << 8) + myCenterOffset.X + point.X, myZoom + 8); ret.Latitude = YToLatitudeAtZoom((myCenterTile.Y << 8) + myCenterOffset.Y + point.Y, myZoom + 8); return ret; }
static bool GeocodeBoxContains(Geocode tlGeo, Geocode brGeo, Geocode geocode) { return(geocode.Latitude > brGeo.Latitude && geocode.Latitude < tlGeo.Latitude && geocode.Longitude > tlGeo.Longitude && geocode.Longitude < brGeo.Longitude); }
public int DrawMap(IMapRenderer renderer, int x, int y, int width, int height, WaitCallback callback, object state) { int unavailable = 0; // approximate the the top left tile (it may be off by 1), but the loop // below will kept it from being drawn int midX = x + width / 2 - myCenterOffset.X; int midY = y + height / 2 - myCenterOffset.Y; int xTiles = (midX - x) / 256 + 1; int yTiles = (midY - y) / 256 + 1; Key currentXKey = new Key(myCenterTile.X - xTiles, myCenterTile.Y - yTiles, myZoom); int xStart = midX - xTiles * 256; int yStart = midY - yTiles * 256; Rectangle rect = new Rectangle(x, y, width, height); int tickCount = Environment.TickCount; for (int currentX = xStart; currentX < x + width; currentX += 256, currentXKey.X++) { Key key = currentXKey; for (int currentY = yStart; currentY < y + height; currentY += 256, key.Y++) { IMapDrawable tile = null; // find the intersect region of the tile that we are drawing Rectangle tileRect = new Rectangle(currentX, currentY, 256, 256); tileRect.Intersect(rect); Rectangle sourceRect = new Rectangle(tileRect.X - currentX, tileRect.Y - currentY, tileRect.Width, tileRect.Height); // dont draw off the map tiles if (!key.IsValid) { // dont draw gray rect if we're drawing transparent if (!HasAlpha) { renderer.FillRectangle(BackColor, tileRect); } continue; } // first try to get the tile from the tileData TileData tileData = GetTile(key, renderer, callback, state); if (tileData != null) { tile = tileData.Bitmap; tileData.LastUsed = tickCount; } if (tile == null) { // tile not available, so try to generate a tile from child tiles unavailable++; Key childKey = new Key(key.X * 2, key.Y * 2, key.Zoom + 1); Key tl = childKey; Key tr = new Key(childKey.X + 1, childKey.Y, childKey.Zoom); Key br = new Key(childKey.X + 1, childKey.Y + 1, childKey.Zoom); Key bl = new Key(childKey.X, childKey.Y + 1, childKey.Zoom); TileData tld; TileData trd; TileData bld; TileData brd; // see if the children are available // we also need to null check, because they could be loading if (TileCache.TryGetValue(tl, out tld) && TileCache.TryGetValue(tr, out trd) && TileCache.TryGetValue(br, out brd) && TileCache.TryGetValue(bl, out bld) && tld != null && trd != null && bld != null & brd != null && tld.Bitmap != null && trd.Bitmap != null && bld.Bitmap != null && brd.Bitmap != null) { // children are available, so mark them as recently used tld.LastUsed = trd.LastUsed = bld.LastUsed = brd.LastUsed = tickCount; // calculate the destination rects of each child tile Rectangle tlr = new Rectangle(currentX, currentY, 128, 128); Rectangle trr = new Rectangle(currentX + 128, currentY, 128, 128); Rectangle blr = new Rectangle(currentX, currentY + 128, 128, 128); Rectangle brr = new Rectangle(currentX + 128, currentY + 128, 128, 128); tlr.Intersect(rect); trr.Intersect(rect); blr.Intersect(rect); brr.Intersect(rect); // calculate the source rect of each child tile Rectangle tlsr = new Rectangle(tlr.X - currentX, tlr.Y - currentY, tlr.Width * 2, tlr.Height * 2); Rectangle trsr = new Rectangle(trr.X - currentX - 128, trr.Y - currentY, trr.Width * 2, trr.Height * 2); Rectangle blsr = new Rectangle(blr.X - currentX, blr.Y - currentY - 128, blr.Width * 2, blr.Height * 2); Rectangle brsr = new Rectangle(brr.X - currentX - 128, brr.Y - currentY - 128, brr.Width * 2, brr.Height * 2); // don't attempt to draw tiles that we don't need to if (tlsr.Width > 0 && tlsr.Height > 0) { renderer.Draw(tld.Bitmap, tlr, tlsr); } if (trsr.Width > 0 && trsr.Height > 0) { renderer.Draw(trd.Bitmap, trr, trsr); } if (blsr.Width > 0 && blsr.Height > 0) { renderer.Draw(bld.Bitmap, blr, blsr); } if (brsr.Width > 0 && brsr.Height > 0) { renderer.Draw(brd.Bitmap, brr, brsr); } continue; } else { // can't generate from children, so try generating one of the parents Key parent = key; Rectangle parentRect = sourceRect; TileData parentData = null; while (parent.Zoom >= 0 && parentData == null) { parentRect.Width /= 2; parentRect.Height /= 2; parentRect.X /= 2; parentRect.Y /= 2; if (parent.X % 2 == 1) { parentRect.X += 128; } if (parent.Y % 2 == 1) { parentRect.Y += 128; } parent.X /= 2; parent.Y /= 2; parent.Zoom--; TileCache.TryGetValue(parent, out parentData); } if (parentData != null && parentData.Bitmap != null) { // mark this tile as used recently parentData.LastUsed = tickCount; if (tileRect.Width > 0 && tileRect.Height > 0) { renderer.Draw(parentData.Bitmap, tileRect, parentRect); } continue; } else { // tile is being downloaded, and we have no parent or child images we can use to draw a temp // image. let's try to use a refresh bitmap. // tile is not available, and this is a transparent draw, // so dont draw at all if (HasAlpha) { continue; } if ((tile = RefreshBitmap) == null) { renderer.FillRectangle(BackColor, tileRect); continue; } } } } if (tile != null && tileRect.Width > 0 && tileRect.Height > 0) { renderer.Draw(tile, tileRect, sourceRect); } } } int pixelLevelZoom = myZoom + 8; int centerXReference = myCenterTile.X << 8; int centerYReference = myCenterTile.Y << 8; Geocode tlGeo = PointToGeocode(new Point(Math.Max(centerXReference + myCenterOffset.X - width / 2, 0), Math.Max(centerYReference + myCenterOffset.Y - height / 2, 0)), pixelLevelZoom); Geocode brGeo = PointToGeocode(new Point(Math.Min(centerXReference + myCenterOffset.X + width / 2, 1 << pixelLevelZoom), Math.Min(centerYReference + myCenterOffset.Y + height / 2, 1 << pixelLevelZoom)), pixelLevelZoom); int adjustX = midX - centerXReference; int adjustY = midY - centerYReference; foreach (Route route in myRoutes) { List <Point> points = new List <Point>(); Geocode lastOffscreenPoint = Geocode.Null; for (int i = 0; i < route.PolyLine.Length; i++) { Geocode geocode = route.PolyLine[i]; if (myLevelToZoom[route.Levels[i]] > myZoom) { continue; } // check if we're drawing off the screen if (!GeocodeBoxContains(tlGeo, brGeo, geocode)) { // if we're drawing from on screen to off screen, draw it, but note that // we are now off screen if (lastOffscreenPoint == Geocode.Null) { points.Add(GeocodeToScreen(geocode, pixelLevelZoom, adjustX, adjustY)); } lastOffscreenPoint = geocode; continue; } // draw in from off the screen if necessary if (lastOffscreenPoint != Geocode.Null) { points.Add(GeocodeToScreen(lastOffscreenPoint, pixelLevelZoom, adjustX, adjustY)); } // note that we are now in screen space lastOffscreenPoint = Geocode.Null; points.Add(GeocodeToScreen(geocode, pixelLevelZoom, adjustX, adjustY)); } if (points.Count > 1) { renderer.DrawLines(route.LineWidth, Color.Cyan, points.ToArray()); } } foreach (IMapOverlay overlay in Overlays) { DrawAtGeocode(tlGeo, brGeo, renderer, overlay.Geocode, pixelLevelZoom, adjustX + overlay.Offset.X, adjustY + overlay.Offset.Y, overlay.Drawable); } return(unavailable); }
private void SetMarkers() { float fSize = 9; List<string> seenLocs = new List<string>(); List<Geocode> codes = new List<Geocode>(); SizeF currentScreen = this.CurrentAutoScaleDimensions; if (currentScreen.Height == 192) { fSize = 4; } foreach (Library.User user in _Users) { string location = user.location; if (!seenLocs.Contains(location)) { seenLocs.Add(location); Yedda.GoogleGeocoder.Coordinate c; if (!Yedda.GoogleGeocoder.Coordinate.tryParse(location, out c)) { c = Yedda.GoogleGeocoder.Geocode.GetCoordinates(location); } if (c.Latitude != 0 && c.Longitude != 0) { userMapDrawable marker = new userMapDrawable(); marker.userToDraw = user; marker.fSize = fSize; Geocode g = new Geocode((double)c.Latitude, (double)c.Longitude); MapOverlay o = new MapOverlay(marker, g, new Point(0, -marker.Height / 2)); codes.Add(g); mySession.Overlays.Add(o); } } } mySession.FitPOIToDimensions(myPictureBox.Width, myPictureBox.Height, 8, codes.ToArray()); }
private void SearchNearHere() { Point OutsidePoint = new Point(0, this.Height / 2); Point CenterPoint = new Point(this.Width / 2, this.Height / 2); Geocode g = mySession.CenterRelativePointToGeocode(OutsidePoint); Geocode c = mySession.CenterRelativePointToGeocode(CenterPoint); double dist = distance(g.Latitude, g.Longitude, c.Latitude, c.Longitude, 'K'); System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(dist); this.Range = dist; this.CenterLocation = c; this.Close(); }
public override bool Equals(object obj) { Geocode other = (Geocode)obj; return(this == other); }
static List<Segment> DecodeSteps(char[] chars) { StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); builder.Append(chars); string blob = builder.ToString(); Regex regex = new Regex(@"new VE_RouteInstruction\('(.*?)',(-*[\d]+.[\d]+),(-*[\d]+.[\d]+),(-*[\d]+.[\d]+)"); Regex cleaner = new Regex(@"&#[\d]+;.*?&#[\d]+;"); Regex bolder = new Regex(@"( [A-Z][A-Z]+ )"); Match m = regex.Match(blob); List<Segment> ret = new List<Segment>(); while (m.Success) { Segment segment = new Segment(); Geocode geocode = new Geocode(); geocode.Latitude = double.Parse(m.Groups[2].Value); geocode.Longitude = double.Parse(m.Groups[3].Value); segment.Geocode = geocode; segment.Distance = string.Format("{0} miles", m.Groups[4].Value); string text = m.Groups[1].Value; Match m2 = cleaner.Match(text); while (m2.Success) { text = text.Replace(m2.Value, string.Empty); m2 = cleaner.Match(text); } string formattedText = text; m2 = bolder.Match(text); while (m2.Success) { text = text.Replace(m2.Value, m2.Value.ToLower()); formattedText = formattedText.Replace(m2.Value, string.Format("<b>{0}</b>", m2.Value.ToLower())); m2 = bolder.Match(text); } text = text.Replace(" ", " "); formattedText = formattedText.Replace(" ", " ").Replace("<b> ", " <b>").Replace(" </b>", "</b> "); segment.FormattedText = formattedText; segment.Text = text; ret.Add(segment); m = m.NextMatch(); } return ret; }