/// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="input"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static int SequentialAddressing(int[] input)
            // Preconditions
            if (input == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("input");

            // Declare variables to hold the current number of threads per block and number of blocks; re-used throughout the code below
            int NumThreadsPerBlock = 0, NumBlocks = 0;

            // Calculate the block and grid sizes needed for the first "level" of the reduction
            CalculateBlockAndGridSizes(2, input.Length, out NumThreadsPerBlock, out NumBlocks);

            // Perform the first "level" of the reduction
            int[] OutputData = new int[NumBlocks];
            Reduction.SequentialAddressingKernel(input, OutputData);

            // If necessary, perform additional "levels" of reduction until we have only a single element (the result)
            while (NumBlocks > CpuThreshold)
                // Calculate the number of threads and blocks based on the current input size
                CalculateBlockAndGridSizes(2, NumBlocks, out NumThreadsPerBlock, out NumBlocks);

                // Replace the current "level's" input data with the output data from the previous "level"
                input = OutputData;

                // Create a new array to hold the output data for this "level"
                OutputData = new int[NumBlocks];

                // Call the reduction method to perform the current "level" of reduction
                Reduction.SequentialAddressingKernel(input, OutputData);

            // Return the final reduction value
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="input"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static int FirstReductionFromGlobal(int[] input)
            // Preconditions
            if (input == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("input");

            //// Perform the first "level" of the reduction
            //OutputData = new int[NumBlocks];
            //Reduction.FirstReductionFromGlobalKernel(ClonedInputData, OutputData);

            //// If necessary, perform additional "levels" of reduction until we have only a single element (the result)
            //while (NumBlocks > CpuThreshold)
            //    // TEMP: Calculate the result from the partial block sums (for testing purposes)
            //    int TempResult = 0;
            //    for (int i = 0; i < OutputData.Length; i++) { TempResult += OutputData[i]; }

            //    // Calculate the number of threads and blocks based on the current input size
            //    CalculateBlockAndGridSizes(3, NumBlocks, out NumThreadsPerBlock, out NumBlocks);
            //    Launcher.SetBlockSize(NumThreadsPerBlock);
            //    Launcher.SetGridSize(NumBlocks);

            //    // Replace the current "level's" input data with the output data from the previous "level"
            //    ClonedInputData = OutputData;

            //    // Create a new array to hold the output data for this "level"
            //    OutputData = new int[NumBlocks];

            //    // Call the reduction method to perform the current "level" of reduction
            //    Reduction.FirstReductionFromGlobalKernel(ClonedInputData, OutputData);
            //Console.Out.WriteLine("done. (Value = {0}, Time = {1:F02} ms)", OutputData[0], Watch.Elapsed.TotalMilliseconds);
            //Console.Out.Write("Test ");
            //if (OutputData[0] == CpuReductionValue) { ConsoleWriteLineColored("passed!", ConsoleColor.Green); }
            //else { ConsoleWriteLineColored("failed!", ConsoleColor.Red); }

            // Declare variables to hold the current number of threads per block and number of blocks; re-used throughout the code below
            int NumThreadsPerBlock = 0, NumBlocks = 0;

            // Calculate the block and grid sizes needed for the first "level" of the reduction
            CalculateBlockAndGridSizes(3, input.Length, out NumThreadsPerBlock, out NumBlocks);

            // Perform the first "level" of the reduction
            int[] OutputData = new int[NumBlocks];
            Reduction.FirstReductionFromGlobalKernel(input, OutputData);

            // If necessary, perform additional "levels" of reduction until we have only a single element (the result)
            while (NumBlocks > CpuThreshold)
                // Calculate the number of threads and blocks based on the current input size
                CalculateBlockAndGridSizes(3, NumBlocks, out NumThreadsPerBlock, out NumBlocks);

                // Replace the current "level's" input data with the output data from the previous "level"
                input = OutputData;

                // Create a new array to hold the output data for this "level"
                OutputData = new int[NumBlocks];

                // Call the reduction method to perform the current "level" of reduction
                Reduction.FirstReductionFromGlobalKernel(input, OutputData);

            // Return the final reduction value
예제 #3
        private const int NumElements = 1 << 23;// 1 << 24;        // 1 << 22 = 4194304 // 1 << 24 = 16777216   // Must be power-of-two sizes

        static void Main(string[] args)
            // Create input and output data arrays
            int[] InputData = new int[NumElements];

            // Print 'header'
            Console.WriteLine("Performing shared-memory reduction tests...");
            Console.Write("Generating random test data ({0} {1} elements)...", NumElements, InputData.GetType().GetElementType().Name);

            // Fill the input data with random values; these values must fall between zero (0) and the maximum number, which if multiplied by the array length, would still fit in an int32 (signed int) value
            // This is to make our results easier to validate, since we don't have to deal with possible overflow behavior
            Random    rand     = new Random();
            const int MaxValue = Int32.MaxValue / NumElements;

            for (int i = 0; i < InputData.Length; i++)
                InputData[i] = rand.Next(MaxValue);

            // Create the stopwatch we'll use to time how long each reduction takes
            Stopwatch Watch = new Stopwatch();

            // Compute the reduction value on the CPU first so that we can compare it to the GPU-based results
            // TODO: Perform the reduction 2 or 3 times here to get an accurate timing result
            // TODO: Create a version of this project which uses PLINQ / TPL for comparison
            Console.WriteLine("Computing CPU-based result for comparison...");
            int CpuReductionValue = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < InputData.Length; i++)
                CpuReductionValue += InputData[i];
            Console.WriteLine("done. (Value = {0}, Time = {1:F02} ms)", CpuReductionValue, Watch.Elapsed.TotalMilliseconds);

            #region reduce0 (Interleaved access with modulo operator)

            // Start the reduction (and the timer)
            Console.WriteLine("Testing reduce0 (Interleaved access with modulo operator)...");

            // Call the reduction method, which will iterate the reduction kernel until the entire array is reduced
            int InterleavedModuloResult = Reduction.InterleavedModulo(InputData);

            Console.WriteLine("done. (Value = {0}, Time = {1:F02} ms)", InterleavedModuloResult, Watch.Elapsed.TotalMilliseconds);
            Console.Write("Test ");
            if (InterleavedModuloResult == CpuReductionValue)
                ConsoleWriteLineColored("passed!", ConsoleColor.Green);
                ConsoleWriteLineColored("failed!", ConsoleColor.Red);


            #region reduce1 (Interleaved contiguous access)

            // Start the reduction (and the timer)
            Console.WriteLine("Testing reduce1 (Interleaved contiguous access)...");

            // Call the reduction method, which will iterate the reduction kernel until the entire array is reduced
            int InterleavedContiguousResult = Reduction.InterleavedContiguous(InputData);

            Console.WriteLine("done. (Value = {0}, Time = {1:F02} ms)", InterleavedContiguousResult, Watch.Elapsed.TotalMilliseconds);
            Console.Write("Test ");
            if (InterleavedContiguousResult == CpuReductionValue)
                ConsoleWriteLineColored("passed!", ConsoleColor.Green);
                ConsoleWriteLineColored("failed!", ConsoleColor.Red);


            #region reduce2 (Sequential addressing)

            // Start the reduction (and the timer)
            Console.WriteLine("Testing reduce2 (Sequential addressing)...");

            // Call the reduction method, which will iterate the reduction kernel until the entire array is reduced
            int SequentialAddressingResult = Reduction.SequentialAddressing(InputData);

            Console.WriteLine("done. (Value = {0}, Time = {1:F02} ms)", SequentialAddressingResult, Watch.Elapsed.TotalMilliseconds);
            Console.Write("Test ");
            if (SequentialAddressingResult == CpuReductionValue)
                ConsoleWriteLineColored("passed!", ConsoleColor.Green);
                ConsoleWriteLineColored("failed!", ConsoleColor.Red);


            #region reduce3 (Sequential addressing with first reduction from global)

            // Start the reduction (and the timer)
            Console.WriteLine("Testing reduce3 (Sequential addressing with reduction from global)...");

            // Call the reduction method, which will iterate the reduction kernel until the entire array is reduced
            int FirstReductionFromGlobalResult = Reduction.FirstReductionFromGlobal(InputData);

            Console.WriteLine("done. (Value = {0}, Time = {1:F02} ms)", FirstReductionFromGlobalResult, Watch.Elapsed.TotalMilliseconds);
            Console.Write("Test ");
            if (FirstReductionFromGlobalResult == CpuReductionValue)
                ConsoleWriteLineColored("passed!", ConsoleColor.Green);
                ConsoleWriteLineColored("failed!", ConsoleColor.Red);


            // Print the exit message
            Console.WriteLine("Press any key to exit.");