public void LoadTerptaskFile() { while (terpTaskFileLock) { Thread.Sleep(50); } if (!terpTaskFileLock) { if (File.Exists(Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.ApplicationData) + "\\Ticketnik\\terpTask")) { terpTaskFileLock = true; terpFile = new NbtFile(); terpFile.LoadFromFile(Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.ApplicationData) + "\\Ticketnik\\terpTask"); foreach (NbtCompound mtt in terpFile.RootTag.Tags) { if (mtt.Name != "Custom") { MyTimeTerp myterp = new MyTimeTerp(mtt.Get <NbtString>("ID").Value, mtt.Get <NbtString>("Label").Value, mtt.Get <NbtString>("Name").Value, mtt.Get <NbtString>("Number").Value); foreach (NbtCompound mtta in mtt.Get <NbtCompound>("Tasks").Tags) { MyTimeTask mytask = new MyTimeTask(mtta.Get <NbtString>("ID").Value, mtta.Get <NbtString>("Label").Value, mtta.Get <NbtString>("Name").Value); foreach (NbtString mtty in mtta.Get <NbtList>("Types")) { mytask.TypeLabels.Add(mtty.Value); } myterp.Tasks.Add(mytask); } if (!Terpy.ContainsKey(mtt.Get <NbtString>("Label").Value)) { Terpy.Add(myterp.Label, myterp); } else { Terpy[myterp.Label] = myterp; } } } if (terpFile.RootTag.Get <NbtCompound>("Custom") != null) { foreach (NbtCompound customTerpy in terpFile.RootTag.Get <NbtCompound>("Custom").Tags) { MyTimeTerp myterp = new MyTimeTerp(customTerpy.Get <NbtString>("ID").Value, customTerpy.Get <NbtString>("Label").Value, customTerpy.Get <NbtString>("Name").Value, customTerpy.Get <NbtString>("Number").Value); foreach (NbtCompound mtta in customTerpy.Get <NbtCompound>("Tasks").Tags) { MyTimeTask mytask = new MyTimeTask(mtta.Get <NbtString>("ID").Value, mtta.Get <NbtString>("Label").Value, mtta.Get <NbtString>("Name").Value); foreach (NbtString mtty in mtta.Get <NbtList>("Types")) { mytask.TypeLabels.Add(mtty.Value); } myterp.Tasks.Add(mytask); } if (!Terpy.ContainsKey(customTerpy.Get <NbtString>("Label").Value)) { Terpy.Add(myterp.Label, myterp); } else { Terpy[myterp.Label] = myterp; } } } terpTaskFileLock = false; } } }
public MyTimeTask GetTerpTaskData(string terpID, string taskID) { terpLoaderBrowser.Navigate(new Uri("" + terpID + "/tasks?mode=my&term=" + taskID)); while (!terpLoaderReady) { Thread.Sleep(100); } terpLoaderReady = false; if (result.Contains("Access denied") || result.Contains("Navigation to the webpage was canceled") || result.Contains("Your session has expired")) { terpLoaderBrowser.Navigate(new Uri("")); while (!terpLoaderReady) { Thread.Sleep(100); } terpLoaderReady = false; terpLoaderBrowser.Navigate(new Uri("" + terpID + "/tasks?mode=my&term=" + taskID)); while (!terpLoaderReady) { Thread.Sleep(100); } terpLoaderReady = false; } JsonTextReader reader = new JsonTextReader(new StringReader(result)); string tmpId = "", tmpName = "", tmpLabel = ""; MyTimeTask myTimeTask = null; while (reader.Read()) { if (reader.Value != null) { if (reader.TokenType == JsonToken.PropertyName && (string)reader.Value == "id") { reader.Read(); tmpId = reader.Value.ToString(); } else if (reader.TokenType == JsonToken.PropertyName && (string)reader.Value == "task_description") { reader.Read(); tmpName = (string)reader.Value; } else if (reader.TokenType == JsonToken.PropertyName && (string)reader.Value == "label") { reader.Read(); tmpLabel = (string)reader.Value; } if (tmpId != "" && tmpLabel != "" && tmpName != "") { myTimeTask = new MyTimeTask(tmpId, tmpLabel, tmpName); tmpId = tmpLabel = tmpName = ""; } } } myTimeTask.TypeLabels = GetTerpTaskTypes(terpID, myTimeTask.ID); return(myTimeTask); }