public void addNeighbor(Node node, SpecialConnection settings = null, bool possibleDuplicate = false) { if (!possibleDuplicate && this.neighbors.Find(o => o.neighbor == node) != null) { throw new Exception(""); } this.neighbors.Add(new Connection(node, settings)); }
public Connection(NormalNode neighbor, SpecialConnection settings = null) { this.neighbor = neighbor; this.settings = settings; }
public void CreateDatabase() { Stopwatch sw; File.Delete("nodes.db"); var doors = CreateDoors(); sw = Stopwatch.StartNew(); List <Node[, ]> nodeLists = new List <Node[, ]>(); // Create the set of nodes for every map image for (int i = 0; i <= 15; i++) { nodeLists.Add(CreateNodes(mapImages[i], i, doors)); } sw.Stop(); Console.WriteLine("Create initial nodes {0}ms", sw.Elapsed.TotalMilliseconds); var specialConnections = CreateSpecialConnections(nodeLists); sw = Stopwatch.StartNew(); // Now do some optimization stuff List <Node> allNodes = new List <Node>(); List <Node> highLevelNodes = new List <Node>(); for (int k = 0; k <= 15; k++) { HashSet <Node> hierarchicalNodes = new HashSet <Node>(); Node[,] nodes = nodeLists[k]; for (int x = 0; x < mapImages[7].Width; x++) { for (int y = 0; y < mapImages[7].Height; y++) { if (nodes[x, y] != null) { hierarchicalNodes.Add(nodes[x, y]); nodes[x, y].parent = null; } } } // we create a layer above the 'base' nodes // this layer is used to speed up pathfinding significantly // basically, we create a high-level node that is the parent to a certain amount of nodes // it connects to other high level nodes that are reachable from the child-nodes // this is basically a high level 'filter' step that allows us to immediately discard a large number of paths early on // by first computing the path on these high level nodes (which is cheap because there are few of them) // we only need to consider paths that go through the high level nodes, filtering a significant amount of possible paths int childCount = 100; // this is the maximum amount of children for the hierachical node while (hierarchicalNodes.Count > 0) { Node current = null; foreach (Node n in hierarchicalNodes) { current = n; break; } if (current == null) { break; } Node hierarchicalNode = new Node(current); hierarchicalNode.children = new List <Node>(); List <Node> openSet = new List <Node> { current }; HashSet <Node> closedSet = new HashSet <Node>() { current }; while (openSet.Count > 0 && hierarchicalNode.children.Count < childCount) { Node n = openSet[0]; openSet.RemoveAt(0); hierarchicalNode.children.Add(n); hierarchicalNodes.Remove(n); if (n.parent != null) { throw new Exception("Already has a parent."); } n.parent = hierarchicalNode; foreach (Connection conn in n.neighbors) { if (conn.settings != null) { continue; } Node neighbor = conn.neighbor as Node; if (hierarchicalNodes.Contains(neighbor) && !closedSet.Contains(neighbor)) { closedSet.Add(neighbor); openSet.Add(neighbor); } } } // set up the bounding rectangles of the high level nodes foreach (Node n in hierarchicalNode.children) { hierarchicalNode.Merge(n.rect); } highLevelNodes.Add(hierarchicalNode); } } // now set up the neighbors of the high level nodes // we check the neighbors of the low-level nodes, and check the high-level node they are part of // if they are part of a different high-level node, that high-level node is reachable from this high-level node, thus it is a neighbor for (int k = 0; k <= 15; k++) { foreach (Node hierarchicalNode in highLevelNodes) { foreach (Node n in hierarchicalNode.children) { foreach (Connection conn in n.neighbors) { Node neighbor = conn.neighbor as Node; if (neighbor.parent == null) { throw new Exception("Node without a parent."); } if (neighbor.parent != hierarchicalNode) { Connection existingConnection = hierarchicalNode.getNeighbor(neighbor.parent); if (existingConnection == null) { hierarchicalNode.addNeighbor(neighbor.parent, conn.settings); } } } } } } Node node = nodeLists[beginz][beginx, beginy]; sw.Stop(); Console.WriteLine("Create hierarchical stuff: {0}ms", sw.Elapsed.TotalMilliseconds); SQLiteConnection sqlconn = new SQLiteConnection(String.Format("Data Source={0};Version=3;", "nodes.db")); sqlconn.Open(); SQLiteCommand command; command = new SQLiteCommand("CREATE TABLE Doors(x INTEGER, y INTEGER, z INTEGER, condition STRING)", sqlconn); command.ExecuteNonQuery(); command = new SQLiteCommand("CREATE TABLE SpecialConnections(id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, x1 INTEGER, y1 INTEGER, z1 INTEGER, x2 INTEGER, y2 INTEGER, z2 INTEGER, name STRING, cost INTEGER)", sqlconn); command.ExecuteNonQuery(); command = new SQLiteCommand("CREATE TABLE HierarchicalNode(id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, x INTEGER, y INTEGER, z INTEGER, width INTEGER, height INTEGER)", sqlconn); command.ExecuteNonQuery(); command = new SQLiteCommand("CREATE TABLE HierarchicalConnections(nodeid INTEGER, nodeid2 INTEGER, specialid INTEGER)", sqlconn); command.ExecuteNonQuery(); using (SQLiteTransaction transaction = sqlconn.BeginTransaction()) { for (int i = 0; i < doors.Count; i++) { foreach (var value in doors[i]) { command = new SQLiteCommand(String.Format("INSERT INTO Doors(x, y, z, condition) VALUES ({0},{1},{2},{3})", value.Key.Item1, value.Key.Item2, i, value.Value == null ? "NULL" : String.Format("'{0}'", value.Value)), sqlconn, transaction); command.ExecuteNonQuery(); } } foreach (Node n in highLevelNodes) { command = new SQLiteCommand(String.Format("INSERT INTO HierarchicalNode(x, y, z, width, height) VALUES ({0},{1},{2},{3},{4})", n.rect.X, n.rect.Y, n.z, n.rect.Width, n.rect.Height), sqlconn, transaction); command.ExecuteNonQuery(); command.CommandText = "select last_insert_rowid()"; int rowid = (int)(long)command.ExecuteScalar(); n.weight = rowid; } foreach (Node n in highLevelNodes) { foreach (Connection c in n.neighbors) { int special_id = -1; if (c.settings != null) { SpecialConnection connection = c.settings; command = new SQLiteCommand(String.Format("INSERT INTO SpecialConnections(x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2, name, cost) VALUES ({0}, {1}, {2}, {3}, {4}, {5}, '{6}', {7});", connection.source.rect.X, connection.source.rect.Y, connection.source.z, connection.destination.rect.X, connection.destination.rect.Y, connection.destination.z,"'", "''"), connection.cost), sqlconn, transaction); command.ExecuteNonQuery(); command.CommandText = "select last_insert_rowid()"; special_id = (int)(long)command.ExecuteScalar(); } command = new SQLiteCommand(String.Format("INSERT INTO HierarchicalConnections(nodeid, nodeid2, specialid) VALUES ({0},{1}, {2})", n.weight, (c.neighbor as Node).weight, special_id), sqlconn, transaction); command.ExecuteNonQuery(); } } transaction.Commit(); } }
public List <SpecialConnection> CreateSpecialConnections(List <Node[, ]> nodeLists) { Stopwatch sw; List <SpecialConnection> specialConnections = new List <SpecialConnection>(); sw = Stopwatch.StartNew(); // Add connections between floors created by stairs/rope holes (these are added if both image (i) and image (i + 1) have the color yellow at a pixel) for (int x = 0; x < mapImages[7].Width; x++) { for (int y = 0; y < mapImages[7].Height; y++) { for (int i = 0; i < 15; i++) { if (nodeLists[i][x, y] != null && nodeLists[i][x, y].color == stairsColor) { Node other = null; if (nodeLists[i + 1][x, y] != null && nodeLists[i + 1][x, y].color == stairsColor) { other = nodeLists[i + 1][x, y]; } else if (nodeLists[i + 1][x + 1, y] != null && nodeLists[i + 1][x + 1, y].color == stairsColor) { other = nodeLists[i + 1][x + 1, y]; } else if (nodeLists[i + 1][x - 1, y] != null && nodeLists[i + 1][x - 1, y].color == stairsColor) { other = nodeLists[i + 1][x - 1, y]; } else if (nodeLists[i + 1][x, y - 1] != null && nodeLists[i + 1][x, y - 1].color == stairsColor) { other = nodeLists[i + 1][x, y - 1]; } else if (nodeLists[i + 1][x, y + 1] != null && nodeLists[i + 1][x, y + 1].color == stairsColor) { other = nodeLists[i + 1][x, y + 1]; } if (other != null) { SpecialConnection connection = new SpecialConnection { source = nodeLists[i][x, y], destination = other, cost = 50, name = "Stairs" }; SpecialConnection connection2 = new SpecialConnection { source = other, destination = nodeLists[i][x, y], cost = 50, name = "Stairs" }; specialConnections.Add(connection); specialConnections.Add(connection2); nodeLists[i][x, y].addNeighbor(other, connection); other.addNeighbor(nodeLists[i][x, y], connection2); } } } } } // Add connections that are stored in the teleports.xml file // These are teleports that cannot be deduced from the image files themselves (i.e. actual teleporters, boats) using (StreamReader str = new StreamReader("teleports.xml")) { using (XmlReader reader = XmlReader.Create(str)) { Node startNode = null, endNode = null; string currentNode = null; string startName = ""; Dictionary <string, string> attributes = new Dictionary <string, string>(); while (reader.Read()) { switch (reader.NodeType) { case XmlNodeType.Element: currentNode = reader.Name; attributes.Clear(); if (currentNode == "Destination") { attributes.Add("Name", reader.GetAttribute("Name")); attributes.Add("Cost", reader.GetAttribute("Cost")); } break; case XmlNodeType.Text: if (currentNode == "Name") { startName = reader.Value; } else if (currentNode == "Start") { string[] split = reader.Value.Split(','); int x = int.Parse(split[0]); int y = int.Parse(split[1]); int z = int.Parse(split[2]); startNode = nodeLists[z][x, y]; } else if (currentNode == "Destination") { string name = startName + " to " + attributes["Name"]; int cost = int.Parse(attributes["Cost"]); string[] split = reader.Value.Split(','); int x = int.Parse(split[0]); int y = int.Parse(split[1]); int z = int.Parse(split[2]); endNode = nodeLists[z][x, y]; SpecialConnection connection = new SpecialConnection { source = startNode, destination = endNode, cost = cost, name = name }; SpecialConnection connection2 = new SpecialConnection { source = endNode, destination = startNode, cost = cost, name = ReverseName(name) }; specialConnections.Add(connection); specialConnections.Add(connection2); startNode.addNeighbor(endNode, connection); endNode.addNeighbor(startNode, connection2); } break; case XmlNodeType.XmlDeclaration: case XmlNodeType.ProcessingInstruction: case XmlNodeType.Comment: break; case XmlNodeType.EndElement: currentNode = null; if (reader.Name == "Teleport") { startNode = null; } break; } } } } // Add connections that are stored in the 'teleports' file using (StreamReader reader = new StreamReader("teleports")) { string line; while ((line = reader.ReadLine()) != null) { string[] split = line.Split('-'); if (split.Length != 3) { continue; } string[] source = split[0].Split(','); string[] dest = split[1].Split(','); string name = split[2]; bool one_way = false; if (name.Contains(" ONE WAY")) { one_way = true; name = name.Replace(" ONE WAY", ""); } int x, y, z; x = int.Parse(source[0]); y = int.Parse(source[1]); z = int.Parse(source[2]); Node startNode = nodeLists[z][x, y]; x = int.Parse(dest[0]); y = int.Parse(dest[1]); z = int.Parse(dest[2]); Node endNode = nodeLists[z][x, y]; if (startNode == null || endNode == null) { Console.WriteLine(String.Format("Warning: {0}", line)); continue; } SpecialConnection connection; if (!startNode.hasNeighbor(endNode)) { connection = new SpecialConnection { source = startNode, destination = endNode, cost = 100, name = name }; specialConnections.Add(connection); startNode.addNeighbor(endNode, connection); } if (!one_way) { if (!endNode.hasNeighbor(startNode)) { connection = new SpecialConnection { source = endNode, destination = startNode, cost = 100, name = ReverseName(name) }; specialConnections.Add(connection); endNode.addNeighbor(startNode, connection); } } } } sw.Stop(); Console.WriteLine("Create teleports: {0}ms", sw.Elapsed.TotalMilliseconds); return(specialConnections); }