private TagReadData ParseRqlResponse(string row, DateTime baseTime) { String[] fields = row.Split(_selFieldSeps); if (_readFieldNames.Length != fields.Length) { throw new ReaderParseException(String.Format("Unrecognized format." + " Got {0} fields in RQL response, expected {1}.", fields.Length, _readFieldNames.Length)); } byte[] epccrc = ByteFormat.FromHex(fields[ID].Substring(2)); byte[] epc = new byte[epccrc.Length - 2]; Array.Copy(epccrc, epc, epc.Length); byte[] crc = new byte[2]; Array.Copy(epccrc, epc.Length, crc, 0, 2); TagProtocol proto = CodeToProtocol(fields[PROTOCOL_ID]); string idfield = fields[ID]; TagData tag = null; switch (proto) { case TagProtocol.GEN2: byte[] pcbits = null; if (_readFieldNames.Length > 7) { pcbits = ByteFormat.FromHex(fields[METADATA].ToString()); } tag = new Gen2.TagData(epc, crc,pcbits); break; case TagProtocol.ISO180006B: tag = new Iso180006b.TagData(epc, crc); break; case TagProtocol.IPX64: tag = new Ipx64.TagData(epc, crc); break; case TagProtocol.IPX256: tag = new Ipx256.TagData(epc, crc); break; default: throw new ReaderParseException("Unknown protocol code " + fields[PROTOCOL_ID]); } int antenna = int.Parse(fields[ANTENNA_ID]); TagReadData tr = new TagReadData(); tr.Reader = this; tr._tagData = tag; tr._antenna = antenna; tr._baseTime = baseTime; tr.ReadCount = int.Parse(fields[READ_COUNT]); if (_readFieldNames.Length > 7) { tr._data = ByteFormat.FromHex(fields[DATA]); tr._phase = int.Parse(fields[PHASE]); } tr._readOffset = int.Parse(fields[DSPMICROS]) / 1000; tr._frequency = int.Parse(fields[FREQUENCY]); if ("Mercury5" != _model) { tr._lqi = int.Parse(fields[LQI]); } return tr; }
private void ParseNotifyTag(MSG_RO_ACCESS_REPORT msg) { if (null == tagReads) { tagReads = new List<TagReadData>(); } TagReadData tag = null; if (null != msg) { for (int i = 0; i < msg.TagReportData.Length; i++) { try { tag = new TagReadData(); if (msg.TagReportData[i].EPCParameter.Count > 0) { string epc; // reports come in two flavors. Get the right flavor if (msg.TagReportData[i].EPCParameter[0].GetType() == typeof(PARAM_EPC_96)) { epc = ((PARAM_EPC_96)(msg.TagReportData[i].EPCParameter[0])).EPC.ToHexString(); } else { epc = ((PARAM_EPCData)(msg.TagReportData[i].EPCParameter[0])).EPC.ToHexString(); } TagData td = new TagData(ByteFormat.FromHex(epc)); TagProtocol tagProtocol = 0; //Match the recieved rospec id with the rospec id stored in the hashtable at the time of setting readplan if (roSpecProtcolTable.ContainsKey(msg.TagReportData[i].ROSpecID.ROSpecID)) { tagProtocol = (TagProtocol)roSpecProtcolTable[msg.TagReportData[i].ROSpecID.ROSpecID]; } if (TagProtocol.GEN2.Equals(tagProtocol)) { //Get crc and pc bits UNION_AirProtocolTagData tagdata = msg.TagReportData[i].AirProtocolTagData; td = new Gen2.TagData(ByteFormat.FromHex(epc), ByteConv.EncodeU16(((PARAM_C1G2_CRC)tagdata[1]).CRC), ByteConv.EncodeU16(((PARAM_C1G2_PC)tagdata[0]).PC_Bits)); } else if (TagProtocol.ISO180006B.Equals(tagProtocol)) { td = new Iso180006b.TagData(ByteFormat.FromHex(epc)); } else { td = new TagData(ByteFormat.FromHex(epc)); } tag.Reader = this; tag._tagData = td; tag._antenna = (int)msg.TagReportData[i].AntennaID.AntennaID; UInt64 usSinceEpoch = msg.TagReportData[i].LastSeenTimestampUTC.Microseconds; tag._baseTime = epochTime.AddMilliseconds(usSinceEpoch / 1000); tag._readOffset = 0; // Since Spruce release firmware doesn't support phase, there won't be PARAM_ThingMagicTagReportContentSelector // custom paramter in ROReportSpec string[] ver = softwareVersion.Split('.'); if (((Convert.ToInt32(ver[0]) == 4) && (Convert.ToInt32(ver[1]) >= 17)) || (Convert.ToInt32(ver[0]) > 4)) { tag._phase = Convert.ToInt32(((PARAM_ThingMagicRFPhase)msg.TagReportData[i].Custom[0]).Phase); } tag.Rssi = Convert.ToInt32(msg.TagReportData[i].PeakRSSI.PeakRSSI.ToString()); tag.ReadCount = msg.TagReportData[i].TagSeenCount.TagCount; int chIndex = Convert.ToInt32(msg.TagReportData[i].ChannelIndex.ChannelIndex); List<uint> freq = frequencyHopTable[0]; tag._frequency = Convert.ToInt32(freq[chIndex - 1]); UNION_AccessCommandOpSpecResult opSpecResult = msg.TagReportData[i].AccessCommandOpSpecResult; tag._data = EMPTY_DATA; // Use try-finally to to keep failed tagops from preventing report of TagReadData try { if (null != opSpecResult) { if (opSpecResult.Count > 0) { ParseTagOpSpecResultType(opSpecResult, ref tag); } } } finally { if (continuousReading) { OnTagRead(tag); } else { tagReads.Add(tag); } } } } catch (Exception ex) { ReaderException rx; if (ex is ReaderException) { rx = (ReaderException)ex; } else { rx = new ReaderException(ex.ToString()); } //Release the TagQueueEmptyEvent when parsing exception raised TagQueueEmptyEvent.Set(); ReadExceptionPublisher expub = new ReadExceptionPublisher(this, rx); Thread trd = new Thread(expub.OnReadException); trd.Name = "OnReadException"; trd.Start(); } finally { tag = null; } } TagQueueEmptyEvent.Set(); } }