public ReiterateRule(ProofLine lineToReiterate) { if (lineToReiterate == null) throw new ArgumentNullException ("lineToReiterate"); _LineReiterated = lineToReiterate; }
public ConjunctionEliminationRule(ProofLine originalConjunction) { if (originalConjunction == null) throw new ArgumentNullException ("originalConjunction"); _OriginalConjunction = originalConjunction; }
public ReplacementRule(ProofLine templateLine) { if (templateLine == null) throw new ArgumentNullException ("templateLine"); _Template = NormalizeRecursively(templateLine.Statement); }
public ModusTollensRule(ProofLine implication, ProofLine enteredNegatedConsequent) { if (implication == null) throw new ArgumentNullException ("implication"); if (enteredNegatedConsequent == null) throw new ArgumentNullException ("enteredNegatedConsequent"); _Implication = implication; _EnteredNegatedConsequent = enteredNegatedConsequent; }
public ModusPonensRule(ProofLine implication, ProofLine enteredAntecedent) { if (implication == null) throw new ArgumentNullException ("implication"); if (enteredAntecedent == null) throw new ArgumentNullException ("enteredAntecedent"); _Implication = implication; _EnteredAntecedent = enteredAntecedent; }
public ConjunctionIntroductionRule(ProofLine line1, ProofLine line2) { if (line1 == null) throw new ArgumentNullException ("line1"); if (line2 == null) throw new ArgumentNullException ("line2"); _Original1 = line1; _Original2 = line2; }
public DoubleNegationRule(ProofLine doubleNegationLine) : base(doubleNegationLine) { }
/** * Justifies the statement on the basis that it is equivalent to another * on the basis of Double Negation replacement. */ public static DoubleNegationRule DN(ProofLine template) { return new DoubleNegationRule (template); }
/** * Justifies the statement on the basis that it is equivalent to another * on the basis of De Mogan's Rule replacement. */ public static DeMorgansRule DeM(ProofLine template) { return new DeMorgansRule (template); }
/** * Justifies the statement on the basis that it was one of the sides of a previous conjunction. */ public static ConjunctionEliminationRule ConjElim(ProofLine line) { return new ConjunctionEliminationRule(line); }
/** * Justifies the statement on the basis that it reiterates a previous statement. */ public static ReiterateRule Reit(ProofLine line) { return new ReiterateRule(line); }
/** * Justifies the statement on the basis of Modus Tollens. */ public static ModusTollensRule MT(ProofLine implication, ProofLine enteredNegatedConsequent) { return new ModusTollensRule (implication, enteredNegatedConsequent); }
/** * Justifies the statement on the basis of Modus Ponens. */ public static ModusPonensRule MP(ProofLine implication, ProofLine enteredAntecedent) { return new ModusPonensRule (implication, enteredAntecedent); }
/** * Justifies the statement on the basis that it is equivalent to another * on the basis of Material Implication replacement. */ public static MaterialImplicationRule Impl(ProofLine template) { return new MaterialImplicationRule (template); }
/** * Justifies the statement on the basis that it is the conjunction of two previously-entered statements. */ public static ConjunctionIntroductionRule ConjIntr(ProofLine line1, ProofLine line2) { return new ConjunctionIntroductionRule(line1, line2); }
public MaterialImplicationRule(ProofLine templateLine) : base(templateLine) { }
public DeMorgansRule(ProofLine templateLine) : base(templateLine) { }