/// <summary> /// Quand <see cref="_yearHasOwnTournamentCodes"/> est vrai, permet de récupérer le code générique du tournoi à partir de celui de l'année en cours. /// Sinon, le code est retourné à l'identique. /// </summary> /// <param name="baseCode">Le code du tournoi pour l'année courante.</param> /// <returns>Le code générique du tournoi.</returns> private string GetGenericTournamentCode(string baseCode) { string code = baseCode; if (_yearHasOwnTournamentCodes) { code = SqlTools.ExecuteScalar(string.Format("select code_original from tournaments_code_{0} where code_new = @code", _year), baseCode, new SqlParam("@code", DbType.String, baseCode)); } return(code); }
/// <summary> /// Calcule et met à jour en base de données les points ELO pour un joueur pour une semaine spécifiée. /// </summary> /// <param name="player">Le joueur.</param> /// <param name="weekEditions">Les éditions de tournois pour la semaine spécifiée.</param> /// <param name="year">L'année.</param> /// <param name="week">Le numéro de semaine.</param> public void ComputeEloAtDate(Player player, List <Edition> weekEditions, int year, uint week) { bool previousYearIs53 = Tools.YearIs53Week(year - 1); // ELO de la semaine précédente ushort currentElo = SqlTools.ExecuteScalar("SELECT elo FROM atp_ranking WHERE player_ID = @pid AND (year < @year OR (year = @year AND week_no < @week)) ORDER BY year DESC, week_no DESC LIMIT 0, 1", Tools.DEFAULT_ELO, new SqlParam("@pid", DbType.UInt64, player.ID), new SqlParam("@year", DbType.UInt32, year), new SqlParam("@week", DbType.UInt32, week)); if (weekEditions.Count > 0) { // Récupération des matchs du joueur pour les éditions de la semaine (les forfaits d'avant-match ne sont pas pris en compte) // Note : le ELO des adversaires est celui de la semaine précédente, pas celui "live" au cours de l'édition System.Text.StringBuilder sbQuery = new System.Text.StringBuilder(); sbQuery.AppendLine("SELECT ("); sbQuery.AppendLine(" SELECT level_ID FROM editions AS e WHERE e.ID = edition_ID"); sbQuery.AppendLine(") AS level_ID, ("); sbQuery.AppendLine(" SELECT elo FROM atp_ranking"); sbQuery.AppendLine(" WHERE player_ID = IF(winner_ID = @pid, loser_ID, winner_ID)"); sbQuery.AppendLine(" AND (year < @year OR (week_no < @week AND year = @year))"); sbQuery.AppendLine(" ORDER BY year DESC, week_no DESC LIMIT 0, 1"); sbQuery.AppendLine(") AS opponent_ELO, IF(winner_ID = @pid, 1, 0) AS is_winner FROM matches"); sbQuery.AppendLine("WHERE walkover = 0 AND (loser_ID = @pid OR winner_ID = @pid) AND edition_ID IN ({0})"); sbQuery.AppendLine("ORDER BY (SELECT date_begin FROM editions AS e where e.ID = edition_ID) ASC, IF(round_ID = 9, 1, round_ID) DESC"); using (DataTableReader reader = SqlTools.ExecuteReader( string.Format(sbQuery.ToString(), string.Join(", ", weekEditions.Select(_ => _.ID).ToList())), new SqlParam("@pid", DbType.UInt64, player.ID), new SqlParam("@year", DbType.UInt32, year), new SqlParam("@week", DbType.UInt32, week))) { while (reader.Read()) { Tuple <double, double> elo = Tools.ComputeElo( currentElo, reader.GetUint16Null("opponent_ELO") ?? Tools.DEFAULT_ELO, reader.GetBoolean("is_winner"), Tools.GetLevelEloCoeffK((Level)reader.GetByte("level_ID"))); currentElo = Convert.ToUInt16(Math.Floor(elo.Item1)); } } } SqlTools.ExecuteNonQuery("UPDATE atp_ranking SET elo = @elo WHERE player_ID = @pid AND year = @year AND week_no = @week", new SqlParam("@pid", DbType.UInt64, player.ID), new SqlParam("@year", DbType.UInt32, week == 1 ? (year - 1) : year), new SqlParam("@week", DbType.UInt32, week == 1 ? (previousYearIs53 ? (uint)53 : 52) : week), new SqlParam("@elo", DbType.UInt16, currentElo)); }
// Calcule le nombre de données à charger. private void ComputeDataCount() { List <string> tables = new List <string> { "points", "editions", "tournaments", "players", "players_nat_history", "countries" }; if (Properties.Settings.Default.ComputeStatisticsWhileLoading) { tables.Add("edition_player_stats"); } if (Properties.Settings.Default.ComputeMatchesWhileLoading) { tables.Add("matches"); } foreach (string table in tables) { _totalDataCount += SqlTools.ExecuteScalar(string.Format("select count(*) from {0}", table), 0); } }
/// <summary> /// Crée les matchs de l'année du fichier. /// Les valeurs des colonnes 'winner_entry' et 'loser_entry' doivent être surveillées à posteriori (voir <see cref="Services.Entry"/> pour les valeurs autorisées). /// </summary> public void IntegrateMatchs() { Dictionary <string, byte> rounds = new Dictionary <string, byte>(); using (DataTableReader reader = SqlTools.ExecuteReader("select * from rounds")) { while (reader.Read()) { rounds.Add(SqlTools.GetString(reader, "original_code"), SqlTools.GetByte(reader, "ID")); } } #region Préparation de la requête (très longue liste) string insertMatchQuery = SqlTools.BuildInsertQuery("matches", new Dictionary <string, string> { { "original_key", "@original_key" }, { "edition_ID", "@edition_ID" }, { "match_num", "@match_num" }, { "round_ID", "@round_ID" }, { "best_of", "@best_of" }, { "winner_ID", "@winner_ID" }, { "winner_seed", "@winner_seed" }, { "winner_entry", "@winner_entry" }, { "winner_rank", "@winner_rank" }, { "winner_rank_points", "@winner_rank_points" }, { "loser_ID", "@loser_ID" }, { "loser_seed", "@loser_seed" }, { "loser_entry", "@loser_entry" }, { "loser_rank", "@loser_rank" }, { "loser_rank_points", "@loser_rank_points" }, { "minutes", "@minutes" }, { "unfinished", "@unfinished" }, { "retirement", "@retirement" }, { "walkover", "@walkover" }, { "w_ace", "@w_ace" }, { "w_df", "@w_df" }, { "w_svpt", "@w_svpt" }, { "w_1stIn", "@w_1stIn" }, { "w_1stWon", "@w_1stWon" }, { "w_2ndWon", "@w_2ndWon" }, { "w_SvGms", "@w_SvGms" }, { "w_bpSaved", "@w_bpSaved" }, { "w_bpFaced", "@w_bpFaced" }, { "l_ace", "@l_ace" }, { "l_df", "@l_df" }, { "l_svpt", "@l_svpt" }, { "l_1stIn", "@l_1stIn" }, { "l_1stWon", "@l_1stWon" }, { "l_2ndWon", "@l_2ndWon" }, { "l_SvGms", "@l_SvGms" }, { "l_bpSaved", "@l_bpSaved" }, { "l_bpFaced", "@l_bpFaced" }, { "w_set_1", "@w_set_1" }, { "w_set_2", "@w_set_2" }, { "w_set_3", "@w_set_3" }, { "w_set_4", "@w_set_4" }, { "w_set_5", "@w_set_5" }, { "l_set_1", "@l_set_1" }, { "l_set_2", "@l_set_2" }, { "l_set_3", "@l_set_3" }, { "l_set_4", "@l_set_4" }, { "l_set_5", "@l_set_5" }, { "tb_set_1", "@tb_set_1" }, { "tb_set_2", "@tb_set_2" }, { "tb_set_3", "@tb_set_3" }, { "tb_set_4", "@tb_set_4" }, { "tb_set_5", "@tb_set_5" } }); #endregion Dictionary <string, uint> editionsList = new Dictionary <string, uint>(); foreach (Dictionary <string, string> match in _matchs) { string baseCode = match["tourney_id"].Substring(5); uint editionId = 0; if (!editionsList.ContainsKey(baseCode)) { string genericTournamentCode = GetGenericTournamentCode(baseCode); editionId = SqlTools.ExecuteScalar <uint>("select e.ID from editions as e " + "join tournaments as t on e.tournament_ID = t.ID " + "where t.original_code in (@code2, @code1) and e.year = @year", 0, new SqlParam("@code1", DbType.String, baseCode), new SqlParam("@code2", DbType.String, genericTournamentCode), new SqlParam("@year", DbType.UInt32, _year)); if (editionId > 0) { editionsList.Add(baseCode, editionId); } else { Tools.WriteLog(string.Format("Impossible de récupérer l'édition du tournoi {0}.", baseCode)); continue; } } else { editionId = editionsList[baseCode]; } try { SqlTools.ExecuteNonQuery(insertMatchQuery, new SqlParam("@original_key", DbType.String, string.Concat(match["tourney_id"], "-", match["match_num"])), new SqlParam("@edition_ID", DbType.UInt32, editionId), new SqlParam("@match_num", DbType.UInt16, match["match_num"]), new SqlParam("@round_ID", DbType.Byte, rounds[match["round"]]), new SqlParam("@best_of", DbType.Byte, match["best_of"]), new SqlParam("@winner_ID", DbType.UInt64, match["winner_id"]), new SqlParam("@winner_seed", DbType.UInt32, string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(match["winner_seed"]) ? null : match["winner_seed"]), new SqlParam("@winner_entry", DbType.String, string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(match["winner_entry"]) ? null : match["winner_entry"]), new SqlParam("@winner_rank", DbType.UInt32, string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(match["winner_rank"]) ? null : match["winner_rank"]), new SqlParam("@winner_rank_points", DbType.UInt32, string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(match["winner_rank_points"]) ? null : match["winner_rank_points"]), new SqlParam("@loser_ID", DbType.UInt64, match["loser_id"]), new SqlParam("@loser_seed", DbType.UInt32, string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(match["loser_seed"]) ? null : match["loser_seed"]), new SqlParam("@loser_entry", DbType.String, string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(match["loser_entry"]) ? null : match["loser_entry"]), new SqlParam("@loser_rank", DbType.UInt32, string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(match["loser_rank"]) ? null : match["loser_rank"]), new SqlParam("@loser_rank_points", DbType.UInt32, string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(match["loser_rank_points"]) ? null : match["loser_rank_points"]), new SqlParam("@minutes", DbType.UInt32, string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(match["minutes"]) ? null : match["minutes"]), new SqlParam("@unfinished", DbType.Boolean, false), new SqlParam("@retirement", DbType.Boolean, false), new SqlParam("@walkover", DbType.Boolean, false), new SqlParam("@w_ace", DbType.UInt32, string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(match["w_ace"]) ? null : match["w_ace"]), new SqlParam("@w_df", DbType.UInt32, string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(match["w_df"]) ? null : match["w_df"]), new SqlParam("@w_svpt", DbType.UInt32, string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(match["w_svpt"]) ? null : match["w_svpt"]), new SqlParam("@w_1stIn", DbType.UInt32, string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(match["w_1stIn"]) ? null : match["w_1stIn"]), new SqlParam("@w_1stWon", DbType.UInt32, string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(match["w_1stWon"]) ? null : match["w_1stWon"]), new SqlParam("@w_2ndWon", DbType.UInt32, string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(match["w_2ndWon"]) ? null : match["w_2ndWon"]), new SqlParam("@w_SvGms", DbType.UInt32, string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(match["w_SvGms"]) ? null : match["w_SvGms"]), new SqlParam("@w_bpSaved", DbType.UInt32, string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(match["w_bpSaved"]) ? null : match["w_bpSaved"]), new SqlParam("@w_bpFaced", DbType.UInt32, string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(match["w_bpFaced"]) ? null : match["w_bpFaced"]), new SqlParam("@l_ace", DbType.UInt32, string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(match["l_ace"]) ? null : match["l_ace"]), new SqlParam("@l_df", DbType.UInt32, string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(match["l_df"]) ? null : match["l_df"]), new SqlParam("@l_svpt", DbType.UInt32, string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(match["l_svpt"]) ? null : match["l_svpt"]), new SqlParam("@l_1stIn", DbType.UInt32, string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(match["l_1stIn"]) ? null : match["l_1stIn"]), new SqlParam("@l_1stWon", DbType.UInt32, string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(match["l_1stWon"]) ? null : match["l_1stWon"]), new SqlParam("@l_2ndWon", DbType.UInt32, string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(match["l_2ndWon"]) ? null : match["l_2ndWon"]), new SqlParam("@l_SvGms", DbType.UInt32, string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(match["l_SvGms"]) ? null : match["l_SvGms"]), new SqlParam("@l_bpSaved", DbType.UInt32, string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(match["l_bpSaved"]) ? null : match["l_bpSaved"]), new SqlParam("@l_bpFaced", DbType.UInt32, string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(match["l_bpFaced"]) ? null : match["l_bpFaced"]), new SqlParam("@w_set_1", DbType.Byte, ExtractScore(match["score"], 1, true)), new SqlParam("@w_set_2", DbType.Byte, ExtractScore(match["score"], 2, true)), new SqlParam("@w_set_3", DbType.Byte, ExtractScore(match["score"], 3, true)), new SqlParam("@w_set_4", DbType.Byte, ExtractScore(match["score"], 4, true)), new SqlParam("@w_set_5", DbType.Byte, ExtractScore(match["score"], 5, true)), new SqlParam("@l_set_1", DbType.Byte, ExtractScore(match["score"], 1, false)), new SqlParam("@l_set_2", DbType.Byte, ExtractScore(match["score"], 2, false)), new SqlParam("@l_set_3", DbType.Byte, ExtractScore(match["score"], 3, false)), new SqlParam("@l_set_4", DbType.Byte, ExtractScore(match["score"], 4, false)), new SqlParam("@l_set_5", DbType.Byte, ExtractScore(match["score"], 5, false)), new SqlParam("@tb_set_1", DbType.UInt16, ExtractScore(match["score"], 1, null)), new SqlParam("@tb_set_2", DbType.UInt16, ExtractScore(match["score"], 2, null)), new SqlParam("@tb_set_3", DbType.UInt16, ExtractScore(match["score"], 3, null)), new SqlParam("@tb_set_4", DbType.UInt16, ExtractScore(match["score"], 4, null)), new SqlParam("@tb_set_5", DbType.UInt16, ExtractScore(match["score"], 5, null)) ); } catch (Exception ex) { string errorMessage = string.Format("Echec de l'insertion du match {0}, l'erreur suivante est survenue : {1}", string.Concat(match["tourney_id"], "-", match["match_num"]), ex.Message); Tools.WriteLog(errorMessage); System.Windows.MessageBoxResult dialogResult = System.Windows.MessageBox.Show(errorMessage + "\n\nArrêter l'importation ?", "The Tennis Project - Error", System.Windows.MessageBoxButton.YesNo); if (dialogResult == System.Windows.MessageBoxResult.Yes) { break; } } } }
/// <summary> /// Crée les nouveaux joueurs issus du fichier fourni. /// Ne met pas à jour les informations sur les joueurs existants. /// Ne met pas à jour les dates de début et fin d'activité. /// </summary> public void IntegrateNewPlayers() { string insertPlayerQuery = SqlTools.BuildInsertQuery("players", new Dictionary <string, string> { { "ID", "@id" }, { "name", "@name" }, { "nationality", "@nat" }, { "hand", "@hand" }, { "height", "@height" }, { "date_of_birth", "@dob" } }); Dictionary <int, KeyValuePair <string, IEnumerable <SqlParam> > > queryByPlayer = new Dictionary <int, KeyValuePair <string, IEnumerable <SqlParam> > >(); foreach (Dictionary <string, string> match in _matchs) { for (int i = 1; i <= 2; i++) { string wOl = i == 1 ? "winner" : "loser"; if (SqlTools.ExecuteScalar("select count(*) from players where ID = @id and lower(replace(name, ' ', '')) = lower(replace(@name, ' ', ''))", 0, new SqlParam("@id", DbType.UInt64, match[wOl + "_id"]), new SqlParam("@name", DbType.String, match[wOl + "_name"])) <= 0) { string sqlName = SqlTools.ExecuteScalar <string>("select name from players where ID = @id", null, new SqlParam("@id", DbType.UInt64, match[wOl + "_id"])); if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(sqlName)) { DateTime dob = new DateTime(Tools.DEFAULT_YEAR, 1, 1); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(match[wOl + "_age"])) { // TODO : retravailler cette conversion dob = Tools.ComputeDateOfBirth(Convert.ToDouble(match[wOl + "_age"].Replace('.', ',')), Tools.FormatCsvDateTime(match["tourney_date"])); } if (!queryByPlayer.ContainsKey(Convert.ToInt32(match[wOl + "_id"]))) { queryByPlayer.Add(Convert.ToInt32(match[wOl + "_id"]), new KeyValuePair <string, IEnumerable <SqlParam> >(insertPlayerQuery, new List <SqlParam> { new SqlParam("id", DbType.UInt64, match[wOl + "_id"]), new SqlParam("name", DbType.String, match[wOl + "_name"]), new SqlParam("nat", DbType.String, string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(match[wOl + "_ioc"]) ? DBNull.Value : (object)match[wOl + "_ioc"]), new SqlParam("hand", DbType.String, !new[] { "L", "R" }.Contains(match[wOl + "_hand"].ToUpper()) ? DBNull.Value : (object)match[wOl + "_hand"].ToUpper()), new SqlParam("height", DbType.UInt32, string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(match[wOl + "_ht"]) ? DBNull.Value : (object)match[wOl + "_ht"]), new SqlParam("dob", DbType.DateTime, dob.Year == Tools.DEFAULT_YEAR ? DBNull.Value : (object)dob) })); } } else { Tools.WriteLog(string.Format("L'identifiant {0} existe mais les noms '{1}' / '{2}' ne correspondent pas.", match[wOl + "_id"], match[wOl + "_name"], sqlName)); } } } } foreach (int playerId in queryByPlayer.Keys) { try { SqlTools.ExecuteNonQuery(queryByPlayer[playerId].Key, queryByPlayer[playerId].Value.ToArray()); } catch (Exception ex) { Tools.WriteLog(string.Format("Echec de l'insertion du joueur {0}, avec le message : {1}.", playerId, ex.Message)); } } }