public void DoLevelUp()
            this.Level         += 1;
            this.CurrentEXP     = 0;
            this.NextLevelEXP  += this.NextLevelEXP * 45 / 100;
            this.MaxHp         += 6 * this.MaxHp / 100;
            this.MaxMp         += 4 * this.MaxMp / 100;
            this.Hp             = this.MaxHp;
            this.Mp             = this.MaxMp;
            this.MinDamage     += this.MinDamage * 10 / 100;
            this.MaxDamage     += this.MaxDamage * 15 / 100;
            this.ChangeToDodge += 2;
            this.Defense       += 4;
            this.CriticalRate  += 2;
            Projectile prjt = (Projectile)StateOwner._objectManagerArray[6].CreateObject(18);

            prjt.X = this.X;
            prjt.Y = this.Y;
            prjt.CharacterOwner = this;
            ProjectileController pct = new PoisonWormController();

            pct.Owner = prjt;
            prjt.ProjectileController = pct;
            StateOwner._displayMessageLayer.InfoMessageArray.Add(new DisplayMessageLayer.InfoMessage
                MessageContent = "Level up to " + this.Level.ToString(),
                LifeTime       = 120,
                TextColor      = Color.OrangeRed,
 public void DoLevelUp()
     this.Level += 1;
     this.CurrentEXP = 0;
     this.NextLevelEXP += this.NextLevelEXP * 45 / 100;
     this.MaxHp += 6 * this.MaxHp / 100;
     this.MaxMp += 4 * this.MaxMp / 100;
     this.Hp = this.MaxHp;
     this.Mp = this.MaxMp;
     this.MinDamage += this.MinDamage * 10 / 100;
     this.MaxDamage += this.MaxDamage * 15 / 100;
     this.ChangeToDodge += 2;
     this.Defense += 4;
     this.CriticalRate += 2;
     Projectile prjt = (Projectile)StateOwner._objectManagerArray[6].CreateObject(18);
     prjt.X = this.X;
     prjt.Y = this.Y;
     prjt.CharacterOwner = this;
     ProjectileController pct = new PoisonWormController();
     pct.Owner = prjt;
     prjt.ProjectileController = pct;
     StateOwner._displayMessageLayer.InfoMessageArray.Add(new DisplayMessageLayer.InfoMessage
         MessageContent = "Level up to " + this.Level.ToString(),
         LifeTime = 120,
         TextColor = Color.OrangeRed,