public static void makeButtons(HudManager hm) { Ninja.MakeButtons(hm); Sheriff.MakeButtons(hm); PlagueDoctor.MakeButtons(hm); Lighter.MakeButtons(hm); SerialKiller.MakeButtons(hm); Fox.MakeButtons(hm); Immoralist.MakeButtons(hm); FortuneTeller.MakeButtons(hm); LastImpostor.MakeButtons(hm); SoulPlayer.MakeButtons(hm); SchrodingersCat.MakeButtons(hm); Trapper.MakeButtons(hm); BomberA.MakeButtons(hm); BomberB.MakeButtons(hm); EvilTracker.MakeButtons(hm); Puppeteer.MakeButtons(hm); MimicK.MakeButtons(hm); MimicA.MakeButtons(hm); gmButtons = new List <CustomButton>(); gmKillButtons = new List <CustomButton>(); Vector3 gmCalcPos(byte index) { return(new Vector3(-0.25f, -0.25f, 1.0f) + Vector3.right * index * 0.55f); } Action gmButtonOnClick(byte index) { return(() => { PlayerControl target = Helpers.playerById(index); if (!MapOptions.playerIcons.ContainsKey(index) || target.Data.Disconnected) { return; } if ( != target.transform.position) { = target.transform.position; } }); }; Action gmKillButtonOnClick(byte index) { return(() => { PlayerControl target = Helpers.playerById(index); if (!MapOptions.playerIcons.ContainsKey(index) || target.Data.Disconnected) { return; } if (!target.Data.IsDead) { MessageWriter writer = AmongUsClient.Instance.StartRpcImmediately(PlayerControl.LocalPlayer.NetId, (byte)CustomRPC.GMKill, Hazel.SendOption.Reliable, -1); writer.Write(index); AmongUsClient.Instance.FinishRpcImmediately(writer); RPCProcedure.GMKill(index); } else { MessageWriter writer = AmongUsClient.Instance.StartRpcImmediately(PlayerControl.LocalPlayer.NetId, (byte)CustomRPC.GMRevive, Hazel.SendOption.Reliable, -1); writer.Write(index); AmongUsClient.Instance.FinishRpcImmediately(writer); RPCProcedure.GMRevive(index); } }); }; Func <bool> gmHasButton(byte index) { return(() => { if (( == null || PlayerControl.LocalPlayer != || (!MapOptions.playerIcons.ContainsKey(index)) || (!GM.canWarp) || (Helpers.playerById(index).Data.Disconnected)) { return false; } return true; }); } Func <bool> gmHasKillButton(byte index) { return(() => { if (( == null || PlayerControl.LocalPlayer != || (!MapOptions.playerIcons.ContainsKey(index)) || (!GM.canKill) || (Helpers.playerById(index).Data.Disconnected)) { return false; } return true; }); } Func <bool> gmCouldUse(byte index) { return(() => { if (!MapOptions.playerIcons.ContainsKey(index) || !GM.canWarp) { return false; } Vector3 pos = gmCalcPos(index); Vector3 scale = new Vector3(0.4f, 0.8f, 1.0f); Vector3 iconBase = hm.UseButton.transform.localPosition; iconBase.x *= -1; if (gmButtons[index].PositionOffset != pos) { gmButtons[index].PositionOffset = pos; gmButtons[index].LocalScale = scale; MapOptions.playerIcons[index].transform.localPosition = iconBase + pos; //TheOtherRolesPlugin.Instance.Log.LogInfo($"Updated {index}: {pos.x}, {pos.y}, {pos.z}"); } //MapOptions.playerIcons[index].gameObject.SetActive(PlayerControl.LocalPlayer.CanMove); return PlayerControl.LocalPlayer.CanMove; }); } Func <bool> gmCouldKill(byte index) { return(() => { if (!MapOptions.playerIcons.ContainsKey(index) || !GM.canKill) { return false; } Vector3 pos = gmCalcPos(index) + Vector3.up * 0.55f; Vector3 scale = new Vector3(0.4f, 0.25f, 1.0f); if (gmKillButtons[index].PositionOffset != pos) { gmKillButtons[index].PositionOffset = pos; gmKillButtons[index].LocalScale = scale; } PlayerControl target = Helpers.playerById(index); if (target.Data.IsDead) { gmKillButtons[index].buttonText = ModTranslation.getString("gmRevive"); } else { gmKillButtons[index].buttonText = ModTranslation.getString("gmKill"); } //MapOptions.playerIcons[index].gameObject.SetActive(PlayerControl.LocalPlayer.CanMove); return true; }); } for (byte i = 0; i < 15; i++) { //TheOtherRolesPlugin.Instance.Log.LogInfo($"Added {i}"); CustomButton gmButton = new CustomButton( // Action OnClick gmButtonOnClick(i), // bool HasButton gmHasButton(i), // bool CouldUse gmCouldUse(i), // Action OnMeetingEnds () => { }, // sprite null, // position, // hudmanager hm, hm.UseButton, // keyboard shortcut null, true ); gmButton.Timer = 0.0f; gmButton.MaxTimer = 0.0f; gmButton.showButtonText = false; gmButtons.Add(gmButton); CustomButton gmKillButton = new CustomButton( // Action OnClick gmKillButtonOnClick(i), // bool HasButton gmHasKillButton(i), // bool CouldUse gmCouldKill(i), // Action OnMeetingEnds () => { }, // sprite null, // position, // hudmanager hm, hm.KillButton, // keyboard shortcut null, true ); gmKillButton.Timer = 0.0f; gmKillButton.MaxTimer = 0.0f; gmKillButton.showButtonText = true; var buttonPos = gmKillButton.actionButton.buttonLabelText.transform.localPosition; gmKillButton.actionButton.buttonLabelText.transform.localPosition = new Vector3(buttonPos.x, buttonPos.y + 0.6f, -500f); gmKillButton.actionButton.buttonLabelText.transform.localScale = new Vector3(1.5f, 1.8f, 1.0f); gmKillButtons.Add(gmKillButton); } gmZoomOut = new CustomButton( () => { if (Camera.main.orthographicSize < 18.0f) { Camera.main.orthographicSize *= 1.5f; hm.UICamera.orthographicSize *= 1.5f; } if (hm.transform.localScale.x < 6.0f) { hm.transform.localScale *= 1.5f; } /*TheOtherRolesPlugin.Instance.Log.LogInfo($"Camera zoom {Camera.main.orthographicSize} / {TaskPanelBehaviour.Instance.transform.localPosition.x}");*/ }, () => { return(!( == null || PlayerControl.LocalPlayer !=; }, () => { return(true); }, () => { }, GM.getZoomOutSprite(), // position + Vector3.up * 3.75f + Vector3.right * 0.55f, // hudmanager hm, hm.UseButton, // keyboard shortcut KeyCode.PageDown, false ); gmZoomOut.Timer = 0.0f; gmZoomOut.MaxTimer = 0.0f; gmZoomOut.showButtonText = false; gmZoomOut.LocalScale = * 0.275f; gmZoomIn = new CustomButton( () => { if (Camera.main.orthographicSize > 3.0f) { Camera.main.orthographicSize /= 1.5f; hm.UICamera.orthographicSize /= 1.5f; } if (hm.transform.localScale.x > 1.0f) { hm.transform.localScale /= 1.5f; } /*TheOtherRolesPlugin.Instance.Log.LogInfo($"Camera zoom {Camera.main.orthographicSize} / {TaskPanelBehaviour.Instance.transform.localPosition.x}");*/ }, () => { return(!( == null || PlayerControl.LocalPlayer !=; }, () => { return(true); }, () => { }, GM.getZoomInSprite(), // position + Vector3.up * 3.75f + Vector3.right * 0.2f, // hudmanager hm, hm.UseButton, // keyboard shortcut KeyCode.PageUp, false ); gmZoomIn.Timer = 0.0f; gmZoomIn.MaxTimer = 0.0f; gmZoomIn.showButtonText = false; gmZoomIn.LocalScale = * 0.275f; }
public static bool hidePlayerName(PlayerControl source, PlayerControl target) { if (source == target) { return(false); } if (source == null || target == null) { return(true); } if (source.isDead()) { return(false); } if (target.isDead()) { return(true); } if (Camouflager.camouflageTimer > 0f) { return(true); // No names are visible } if (!source.isImpostor() && Ninja.isStealthed(target)) { return(true); // Hide ninja nametags from non-impostors } if (!source.isRole(RoleType.Fox) && !source.Data.IsDead && Fox.isStealthed(target)) { return(true); } if (!source.isRole(RoleType.Puppeteer) && !source.Data.IsDead && target.isRole(RoleType.Puppeteer) && Puppeteer.stealthed) { return(true); } if (!source.isRole(RoleType.Puppeteer) && !source.Data.IsDead && target == Puppeteer.dummy && !Puppeteer.stealthed) { return(true); } if (MapOptions.hideOutOfSightNametags && GameStarted && ShipStatus.Instance != null && source.transform != null && target.transform != null) { float distMod = 1.025f; float distance = Vector3.Distance(source.transform.position, target.transform.position); bool anythingBetween = PhysicsHelpers.AnythingBetween(source.GetTruePosition(), target.GetTruePosition(), Constants.ShadowMask, false); if (distance > ShipStatus.Instance.CalculateLightRadius(source.Data) * distMod || anythingBetween) { return(true); } } if (!MapOptions.hidePlayerNames) { return(false); // All names are visible } if (source.isImpostor() && ((target.isImpostor() || target.isRole(RoleType.Spy)) || (target == Sidekick.sidekick && Sidekick.wasTeamRed) || (target == Jackal.jackal && Jackal.wasTeamRed))) { return(false); // Members of team Impostors see the names of Impostors/Spies } if (source.getPartner() == target) { return(false); // Members of team Lovers see the names of each other } if ((source.isRole(RoleType.Jackal) || source.isRole(RoleType.Sidekick)) && (target.isRole(RoleType.Jackal) || target.isRole(RoleType.Sidekick) || target == Jackal.fakeSidekick)) { return(false); // Members of team Jackal see the names of each other } if ((source.isRole(RoleType.Fox) || source.isRole(RoleType.Immoralist)) && (target.isRole(RoleType.Fox) || target.isRole(RoleType.Immoralist))) { return(false); // Members of team Fox see the names of each other } return(true); }