public static void Main() { string cmd = ""; string lCmd = ""; //IBS = Items being sold ItemCreation itemCreator = new ItemCreation(); Asks eg = new Asks(); Adventurers ad = new Adventurers(); Random random = new Random(); Customer customer = new Customer(); PlayerStats ps = new PlayerStats(); Saving saveandload = new Saving(); bool New = false; bool Loaded = false; MainMenu(); while (lCmd != "exit") { cmd = eg.Ask("What would you like to do? "); lCmd = cmd.ToLower(); //creates a new game and gives the player 100 gold and five items to start with. if (lCmd == "new") { New = true; PlayerGold += 100; TotalGoldEarned += 100; Console.WriteLine("If you need help type help into the command prompt to bring up a list of commands."); Console.WriteLine("Here are some starting items.\r\n"); itemCreator.Creation(5, 0); Console.WriteLine("\r\nInput Anything to continue."); Console.ReadKey(); } //loads the save game. if (lCmd == "load") { saveandload.ReadPI(); saveandload.ReadPS(); Loaded = true; } while (New == true || Loaded == true) { Console.Clear(); cmd = eg.Ask("{=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-{-}-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=}" + "\nWhat would you like to do?\r\n " + "\nYou can check your inventory(1) " + "\nSend out adventurers(2) " + "\nSell an item at your shop[3] " + "\nClose up shop for the day[4] " + "\nCheck your stats[stats] " + "\nIf you need any more help type help\r\n" + $"\nNumber of days open {Days}. " + $"\nYou have {HoursLeft} hours left to do something. " + $"\nCurrent gold {PlayerGold}" + $"\nAmount of adventurers sent out is {Adventurers.AS}" + $"\nAdventurers Guild LVL is {Adventurers.ALVL}" + "\n{=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-{-}-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=}\n"); lCmd = cmd.ToLower(); switch (lCmd) { //Displays the players inventory case ("1"): itemCreator.Inventory(); eg.Ask("Input anything to go back to town square"); break; //Displays a help menu with a list of commands case ("help"): Help(); eg.Ask("Input anything to go back to town square"); break; //Used to schedule an adventurer to gather items case ("2"): if (HoursLeft > 0) { Console.WriteLine("{=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-{-}-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=}" + $"\n The Adventurers guild is LVL {Adventurers.ALVL} and are {Adventurers.AXP} out of {Adventurers.XPTNLVL} to the next LVL" + $"\n Each Adventurer will cost {25 * Adventurers.ALVL}" + $"\n You currently have {Adventurers.AS} out gathering items" + "\n{=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-{-}-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=}"); lCmd = eg.Ask("Do you want to send out any Adventurers? " + "\nType yes to send out adventurers or type anything else to go back to town square. " + "\n"); if (lCmd == "yes") { int.TryParse(eg.Ask("How many adventurers would you like to send? "), out ad.AWTS); ad.AC = ad.AWTS * (25 * Adventurers.ALVL); if (ad.AC <= PlayerGold && ItemCreation.InvetoryCount <= 100) { Adventurers.AS += ad.AWTS; Console.WriteLine($"you have sent out {Adventurers.AS} Adventurers!"); PlayerGold -= ad.AC; TotalAdventurersSent += Adventurers.AS; TotalGoldSpent += ad.AC; HoursLeft -= 1; eg.Ask("Input anything to go back to town square"); break; } else if (ad.AC > PlayerGold) { Console.WriteLine("You do not have the gold to fund this many adventurers."); eg.Ask("Input anything to go back to town square"); break; } else { Console.WriteLine("You already have to many items. sell some before you send out more adventurers!"); break; } } else { eg.Ask("Going back to town square"); } } else { Console.WriteLine("It is too late to send out adventurers."); eg.Ask("Input anything to go back to town square"); break; } break; //Will allow the player to see what they are selling, the chance the item is sold, and how much each item is being sold for case ("3"): if (HoursLeft > 0) { lCmd = eg.Ask("{=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-={-}=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=}" + "\n|Do you want to work at your shop This hour? |" + "\n|Type yes to work the shop, do anthing else to go back. |" + "\n{=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-={-}=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=}\n"); if (lCmd == "yes" && ItemCreation.InvetoryCount > 0) { int CustomersChoice; int Price; CustomersChoice = random.Next(0, ItemCreation.InvetoryCount); Console.WriteLine("{=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-={-}=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=}" + "\nAfter a while a costumer enters the shop asking about the price of "); itemCreator.GettingValue(CustomersChoice); Console.WriteLine("{=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-={-}=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=}\n"); int.TryParse(eg.Ask("How much would you like to sell the item for?"), out Price); if (Price > 0) { itemCreator.GettingValue2(CustomersChoice); customer.CustomersDecision(itemCreator.Cost, Price, CustomersChoice); HoursLeft -= 1; eg.Ask("Input anything to go back to town square"); if (customer.Sold) { itemCreator.DeleteTheItem(CustomersChoice); customer.Sold = false; break; } } else { Console.WriteLine("Please input a number above 0."); Console.ReadKey(); break; } } else { eg.Ask("you have ran out of items to sell"); } } else { Console.WriteLine("it is too late to open the store now."); eg.Ask("Input anything to go back to town square"); break; } break; //Ends the day case ("4"): lCmd = eg.Ask("{=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-={-}=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=}" + "\n|Do you want to go to close up for the day? |" + "\n|Type yes to close, type anything else to do something else. |" + "\n{=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-={-}=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=}\n"); if (lCmd == "yes") { if (Adventurers.AS > 0) { Console.WriteLine("the Adventurers you sent out have brought back"); ad.AdventurersReturn(); HoursLeft = 12; Days += 1; } else { Console.WriteLine("you sent out no adventurers"); } eg.Ask("Input anything to go back to town square"); } break; case ("stats"): { lCmd = eg.Ask("Would like you see a specific stat or all of them?[1][2]"); if (lCmd == "1") { lCmd = eg.Ask("{=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-{-}-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=}" + "\n|What stat would you like to see? |" + "\n|[1]Total gold earned [2]Total gold spent [3]Total items made [4]Total items sold [5]total adventurers sent |" + "\n{=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-{-}-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=}\n"); Stats(Convert.ToInt32(lCmd)); } if (lCmd == "2") { Stats(); } break; } //Saves the game case ("save"): saveandload.WritePI(); saveandload.WritePS(); Console.WriteLine("You have saved your game."); Console.ReadKey(); break; //Creates an item(Developer tool) case ("create"): itemCreator.Creation(1, 5 * Adventurers.ALVL); Console.ReadKey(); break; case ("exit"): New = false; Loaded = false; lCmd = "exit"; break; } } } }