예제 #1
        public override void Update(GameTime gameTime)
            if (currentDragableControl != null)
                currentDragableControl.Location = new Vector2(this.CurrentFrameMouseState.Position.X - mouseOrigin.X, this.CurrentFrameMouseState.Position.Y - mouseOrigin.Y);
                if (this.CurrentFrameMouseState.LeftButton == ButtonState.Released)
                    // if hovering over no slot, return the control back to original location (only if the control is inside the root matrix window)
                    if (hoveringDragableContaner == null && this.RootParent.GlobalRectangle.Contains(this.CurrentFrameMouseState.Position)) // && inside the window.
                        currentDragableControl.Location = Vector2.Zero;

                        currentDragableControl   = null;
                        currentDragableContainer = null;
                        // TO-DO: prompt to drop the item from inventory.
                        currentDragableControl.Location = Vector2.Zero;
                        currentDragableControl          = null;
                        currentDragableContainer        = null;

            // updated every frame so this is fine.
            hoveringDragableContaner = null;


예제 #2
        void tmpContainer_Pressed(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // Press a container
            // If the container has a control in it, grab it
            // DONT Clear that control from the container
            DragableContainer clickedOn = sender as DragableContainer;

            contextMenu.IsDrawn = false;

            if (currentDragableControl == null && clickedOn.ControlContained != null)
                if (currentDragableContainer == null)
                    currentDragableContainer = clickedOn;

                currentDragableControl = clickedOn.ControlContained;
                mouseOrigin            = new Vector2(this.CurrentFrameMouseState.Position.X - currentDragableControl.Location.X, this.CurrentFrameMouseState.Position.Y - currentDragableControl.Location.Y);
예제 #3
        void tmpContainer_HoverRelease(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // Check to see if the container released over has a control in it
            // if so, swap
            // else add.
            if (currentDragableControl != null)
                DragableContainer hoveringOver = sender as DragableContainer;
                hoveringDragableContaner = hoveringOver;

                DragableControl lastControl = hoveringOver.SetDragableControl(currentDragableControl);

                if (lastControl != null && currentDragableContainer != null)

                currentDragableContainer = null;
                currentDragableControl   = null;
예제 #4
        void tmpContainer_Hover(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // if this container does not have an item in it, return
            DragableContainer container = sender as DragableContainer;

            if (container == null || container.ControlContained == null || container.ControlContained.Item == null)
                //contextMenu.IsDrawn = false;

            // display hovering container showing stats of item.
            Item.Item item = container.ControlContained.Item;

            // menu location
            if (currentDragableContainer == null)
                contextMenu.Location = new Vector2(this.CurrentFrameMouseState.Position.X, this.CurrentFrameMouseState.Position.Y);
                contextMenu.Location = new Vector2(currentDragableControl.GlobalLocation().X + currentDragableControl.Size.X, currentDragableControl.GlobalLocation().Y);

            // load item info
            if (contextMenu.Item != item)

            // make sure it draws
            contextMenu.IsDrawn = true;
예제 #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Sets up containers relative to this matrix position. Will create square containers with sidelength appropriate for maxSlots.
        /// </summary>
        private void SetupContainers()
            // TO-DO: center the controls or provide divider, they will probably be off a little due to floats.
            //Math.Max(Size.X % tileSize, Size.Y % tileSize);
            float dividerX = 0;
            float dividerY = 0;

            if (maxSlots == 1)
                sideLength = Math.Min(Size.X, Size.Y);
                // find optimal container size when max number of slots are in this matrix

                // http://stackoverflow.com/questions/868997/max-square-size-for-unknown-number-inside-rectangle
                // come up with an initial guess
                double aspect   = (double)Size.Y / Size.X;
                double xf       = Math.Sqrt(maxSlots / aspect);
                double yf       = xf * aspect;
                int    tx       = (int)Math.Max(1.0, Math.Floor(xf));
                int    ty       = (int)Math.Max(1.0, Math.Floor(yf));
                int    x_size   = (int)Math.Floor((double)Size.X / tx);
                int    y_size   = (int)Math.Floor((double)Size.Y / ty);
                int    tileSize = Math.Min(x_size, y_size);

                // test our guess:
                tx = (int)Math.Floor((double)Size.X / tileSize);
                ty = (int)Math.Floor((double)Size.Y / tileSize);
                if (tx * ty < maxSlots) // we guessed too high
                    if (((tx + 1) * ty < maxSlots) && (tx * (ty + 1) < maxSlots))
                        // case 2: the upper bound is correct
                        //         compute the tileSize that will
                        //         result in (x+1)*(y+1) tiles
                        x_size   = (int)Math.Floor((double)Size.X / (tx + 1));
                        y_size   = (int)Math.Floor((double)Size.Y / (ty + 1));
                        tileSize = Math.Min(x_size, y_size);
                        // case 3: solve an equation to determine
                        //         the final x and y dimensions
                        //         and then compute the tileSize
                        //         that results in those dimensions
                        int test_x = (int)Math.Ceiling((double)maxSlots / ty);
                        int test_y = (int)Math.Ceiling((double)maxSlots / tx);
                        x_size   = (int)Math.Min(Math.Floor((double)Size.X / test_x), Math.Floor((double)Size.Y / ty));
                        y_size   = (int)Math.Min(Math.Floor((double)Size.X / tx), Math.Floor((double)Size.Y / test_y));
                        tileSize = Math.Max(x_size, y_size);

                sideLength = tileSize;

                dividerX = (Size.X % tileSize) / ((float)Math.Floor(Size.X / tileSize) - 1);
                dividerY = (Size.Y % tileSize) / ((float)Math.Floor(Size.Y / tileSize) - 1);

            // add the containers via for
            int count = 0;

            for (float y = 0; y + sideLength <= Size.Y && count < maxSlots; y += (sideLength + dividerY))
                for (float x = 0; x + sideLength <= Size.X && count < maxSlots; x += (sideLength + dividerX))
                    DragableContainer tmpContainer = new DragableContainer(new Vector2(sideLength, sideLength));
                    tmpContainer.Location      = new Vector2(x, y);
                    tmpContainer.HoverRelease += tmpContainer_HoverRelease;
                    tmpContainer.Hover        += tmpContainer_Hover;
                    tmpContainer.Pressed      += tmpContainer_Pressed;
                    tmpContainer.parent        = this;