예제 #1
 //removes a news from the news box
 public void removeNews(News news)
     this.HasUnreadNews = this.News.Exists(n => n.IsUnRead);
예제 #2
 //returns all news for a specific type
 public List<News> getNews(News.NewsType type)
     return this.News.FindAll((delegate(News n) { return n.Type == type; }));
예제 #3
 //adds a news to the news box
 public void addNews(News news)
     this.HasUnreadNews = true;
 public NewsMVVM(News news)
     this.News = news;
     this.IsRead = news.IsRead;
     this.IsUnRead = !news.IsRead;
예제 #5
        public static void ReceiveInsurancePayout(Airline airline, AirlineInsurance policy, InsuranceClaim claim)
            if (claim.Damage > policy.Deductible)
                claim.Damage -= (int)policy.Deductible;
                airline.Money -= policy.Deductible;
                policy.Deductible = 0;
                policy.InsuredAmount -= claim.Damage;
                airline.Money += claim.Damage;
                News news = new News(News.NewsType.Airline_News, GameObject.GetInstance().GameTime, "Insurance Claim Payout", "You have received an insurance payout in the amount of $" + claim.Damage.ToString() + ". This was for claim number " + claim.Index);

            else if (claim.Damage < policy.Deductible)
                policy.Deductible -= claim.Damage;
                //Warnings.AddWarning("Low Damage", "The damage incurred was less than your deductible, so you will not receive an insurance payout for this claim! \n Reference: " + claim.Index);
예제 #6
 //for damage and claims involving an airliner and airport or airport facility
 public static void FileInsuranceClaim(Airline airline, FleetAirliner airliner, Airport airport, int damage)
     InsuranceClaim claim = new InsuranceClaim(airline, airliner, airport, GameObject.GetInstance().GameTime, damage);
     News news = new News(News.NewsType.Airline_News, GameObject.GetInstance().GameTime, "Insurance Claim Filed", "You have filed an insurance claim. Reference: " + claim.Index);