public static async Task Run([HttpTrigger(WebHookType = "genericJson")] HttpRequestMessage req, [ApiHubTable(connection: "azureSQL", TableName = "TweetTextScore")] ITable <JObject> outputTable, TraceWriter log) { string jsonContent = await req.Content.ReadAsStringAsync(); dynamic data = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(jsonContent); var tweetText = data.TweetText.ToString(); var user = data.UserDetails.UserName.ToString(); //Call shared code to score the tweet text var score = await new EvaluateText().ScoreTextSentiment(tweetText); // Create new score entity as JObject var tweetScore = new JObject { new JProperty("Username", user), new JProperty("TweetText", tweetText), new JProperty("TextSentimentScore", score) }; //Store the text score record in the database await StoreOutput.StoreOutputSQL(tweetScore, outputTable, log, "TweetText"); log.Info($"Scored tweet: {tweetText}, " + $"user: {user}, sentiment score: {score}"); }
public static async Task Run( [BlobTrigger("documents/{name}", Connection = "blobStorageConnection")] Stream myBlob, [ApiHubTable(connection: "azureSQL", TableName = "DocumentTextScore")] ITable <JObject> outputTable, string name, TraceWriter log) { var blobContent = new StreamReader(myBlob).ReadToEnd(); //Call shared code to score the tweet text var textScore = await new EvaluateText().ScoreTextSentiment(blobContent); // Create new score entity as JObject var documentScore = new JObject { new JProperty("DocumentName", name), new JProperty("TextSentimentScore", textScore) }; //Store the text score record in the database await StoreOutput.StoreOutputSQL(documentScore, outputTable, log, "DocumentName"); log.Info($"Document scoring function processed a text file \"{name}\" and returned a score of {textScore}"); }