예제 #1
        protected virtual void OneTimeSetup()
            // We need to intitialise the default world to get a list
            // of default systems, DefaultSystems is set in TestBootStrap
            if (!m_HasInitialised)
                DefaultWorldInitialization.Initialize("Default World", false);
                m_HasInitialised = true;

            // This is so we can preserve the initial worlds
            // This is redundant in Entities.30 as we can't remove
            // worlds or systems without breaking stuff
            //foreach (var w in World.AllWorlds)
            //    m_InitialWorlds.Add(w);

            // Set up our default list of systems to test with.
            // Inherited classes can add to this list
            m_DefaultSystems = new List <Type>();

            // Just to fake the PostInitialize function;
            m_FakeCWB = new FakeCustomWorldBootstrap();
 protected override void Setup()
     m_FakeCWB = new FakeCustomWorldBootstrap();