예제 #1
		public async Task PingFailsFallsOverToHealthyNodeWithoutPing()
			/** Here's an example with a cluster with 2 nodes where the second node fails on ping */
			var audit = new Auditor(() => Framework.Cluster
				.Ping(p => p.Succeeds(Always))
				.Ping(p => p.OnPort(9201).FailAlways())

			/** When making the calls, the first call goes to 9200 which succeeds,
			* and the 2nd call does a ping on 9201 because it's used for the first time.
			* The ping fails so we wrap over to node 9200 which we've already pinged.
			* Finally we assert that the connectionpool has one node that is marked as dead
			await audit.TraceCalls(

				new ClientCall {
					{ PingSuccess, 9200},
					{ HealthyResponse, 9200},
					{ pool =>
					} }
				new ClientCall {
					{ PingFailure, 9201},
					{ HealthyResponse, 9200},
					{ pool =>  pool.Nodes.Where(n=>!n.IsAlive).Should().HaveCount(1) }
예제 #2
		public async Task ASniffOnStartupHappensOnce()
			var audit = new Auditor(() => Framework.Cluster
				.Sniff(s => s.Fails(Always))
				.Sniff(s => s.OnPort(9202).Succeeds(Always))

			 await audit.TraceCalls(
				 new ClientCall
					{ SniffOnStartup},
					{ SniffFailure, 9200},
					{ SniffFailure, 9201},
					{ SniffSuccess, 9202},
					{ PingSuccess , 9200},
					{ HealthyResponse, 9200}
				new ClientCall
					{ PingSuccess, 9201},
					{ HealthyResponse, 9201}
예제 #3
		public async Task PingAfterRevival()
			var audit = new Auditor(() => Framework.Cluster
				.ClientCalls(r => r.SucceedAlways())
				.ClientCalls(r => r.OnPort(9202).Fails(Once))
				.Ping(p => p.SucceedAlways())

			audit = await audit.TraceCalls(
				new ClientCall { { PingSuccess, 9200 }, { HealthyResponse, 9200 } },
				new ClientCall { { PingSuccess, 9201 }, { HealthyResponse, 9201 } },
				new ClientCall {
					{ PingSuccess, 9202},
					{ BadResponse, 9202},
					{ HealthyResponse, 9200},
					{ pool =>  pool.Nodes.Where(n=>!n.IsAlive).Should().HaveCount(1) }
				new ClientCall { { HealthyResponse, 9201 } },
				new ClientCall { { HealthyResponse, 9200 } },
				new ClientCall { { HealthyResponse, 9201 } },
				new ClientCall {
					{ HealthyResponse, 9200 },
					{ pool => pool.Nodes.First(n=>!n.IsAlive).DeadUntil.Should().BeAfter(DateTime.UtcNow) }

			audit = await audit.TraceCalls(
				new ClientCall { { HealthyResponse, 9201 } },
				new ClientCall { { HealthyResponse, 9200 } },
				new ClientCall { { HealthyResponse, 9201 } }

			audit.ChangeTime(d => d.AddMinutes(20));

			audit = await audit.TraceCalls(
				new ClientCall { { HealthyResponse, 9201 } },
				new ClientCall {
					{ Resurrection, 9202 },
					{ PingSuccess, 9202 },
					{ HealthyResponse, 9202 }
		public async Task CanOverrideBadResponse()
			var audit = new Auditor(() => Framework.Cluster
				.ClientCalls(r => r.FailAlways(400))
				.Settings(s => s.DisablePing().MaximumRetries(0))

			audit = await audit.TraceCalls(
				new ClientCall() {
					{ BadResponse, 9200 }
				new ClientCall(r => r.AllowedStatusCodes(400)) {
					{ HealthyResponse, 9201 }
		/** == Disabling sniffing and pinging on a request basis 
		* Even if you are using a sniffing connection pool thats set up to sniff on start/failure
		* and pinging enabled, you can opt out of this behaviour on a per request basis
		* In our first test we set up a cluster that pings and sniffs on startup 
		* but we disable the sniffing on our first request so we only see the ping and the response

		[U] public async Task DisableSniff()
			var audit = new Auditor(() => Framework.Cluster
				.ClientCalls(r => r.SucceedAlways())
				.Settings(s => s.SniffOnStartup())

			audit = await audit.TraceCalls(
				* We disable sniffing so eventhoug its our first call we do not want to sniff on startup
				new ClientCall(r=>r.DisableSniffing()) {
					{ PingSuccess, 9200 },
					{ HealthyResponse, 9200 }
				* Instead the sniff on startup is deffered to the second call into the cluster that 
				* does not disable sniffing on a per request basis
				new ClientCall()
					{ SniffOnStartup },
					{ SniffSuccess, 9200 },
					{ PingSuccess, 9200 },
					{ HealthyResponse, 9200 }
				* And after that no sniff on startup will happen again
				new ClientCall()
					{ PingSuccess, 9201 },
					{ HealthyResponse, 9201 }
		public async Task RespectsRequestTimeoutOverride()

			/** we set up a 10 node cluster with a global time out of 20 seconds.
			* Each call on a node takes 10 seconds. So we can only try this call on 2 nodes
			* before the max request time out kills the client call.
			var audit = new Auditor(() => Framework.Cluster
				.ClientCalls(r => r.FailAlways().Takes(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10)))
				.ClientCalls(r => r.OnPort(9209).SucceedAlways())
				.Settings(s => s.DisablePing().RequestTimeout(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(20)))

			audit = await audit.TraceCalls(
				new ClientCall {
					{ BadResponse, 9200 },
					{ BadResponse, 9201 },
					{ MaxTimeoutReached }
				* On the second request we specify a request timeout override to 80 seconds
				* We should now see more nodes being tried.
				new ClientCall(r => r.RequestTimeout(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(80)))
					{ BadResponse, 9203 },
					{ BadResponse, 9204 },
					{ BadResponse, 9205 },
					{ BadResponse, 9206 },
					{ BadResponse, 9207 },
					{ BadResponse, 9208 },
					{ HealthyResponse, 9209 },

		/**== Disabling sniffing and pinging on a request basis
		* Even if you are using a sniffing connection pool thats set up to sniff on start/failure
		* and pinging enabled, you can opt out of this behaviour on a _per request_ basis.
		* In our first test we set up a cluster that pings and sniffs on startup
		* but we disable the sniffing on our first request so we only see the ping and the response

		[U] public async Task DisableSniff()
			/** Let's set up the cluster and configure clients to **always** sniff on startup */
			var audit = new Auditor(() => Framework.Cluster
				.ClientCalls(r => r.SucceedAlways())
				.Settings(s => s.SniffOnStartup()) // <1> sniff on startup

			audit = await audit.TraceCalls(
				/** Now We disable sniffing on the request so even though it's our first call, we do not want to sniff on startup */
				new ClientCall(r => r.DisableSniffing()) // <1> disable sniffing
					{ PingSuccess, 9200 }, // <2> first call is a successful ping
					{ HealthyResponse, 9200 }
				/** Instead, the sniff on startup is deferred to the second call into the cluster that
				* does not disable sniffing on a per request basis
				new ClientCall()
					{ SniffOnStartup }, // <3> sniff on startup call happens here, on the second call
					{ SniffSuccess, 9200 },
					{ PingSuccess, 9200 },
					{ HealthyResponse, 9200 }
				/** And after that no sniff on startup will happen again */
				new ClientCall()
					{ PingSuccess, 9201 },
					{ HealthyResponse, 9201 }
예제 #8
		public async Task FallsOverDeadNodes()
			/** A cluster with 2 nodes where the second node fails on ping */
			var audit = new Auditor(() => Framework.Cluster
				.ClientCalls(p => p.Succeeds(Always))
				.ClientCalls(p => p.OnPort(9201).FailAlways())
				.ClientCalls(p => p.OnPort(9203).FailAlways())

			await audit.TraceCalls(
				/** The first call goes to 9200 which succeeds */
				new ClientCall {
					{ HealthyResponse, 9200},
					{ pool => pool.Nodes.Where(n=>!n.IsAlive).Should().HaveCount(0) }
				/** The 2nd call does a ping on 9201 because its used for the first time.
				* It fails so we wrap over to node 9202 */
				new ClientCall {
					{ BadResponse, 9201},
					{ HealthyResponse, 9202},
					/** Finally we assert that the connectionpool has one node that is marked as dead */
					{ pool =>  pool.Nodes.Where(n=>!n.IsAlive).Should().HaveCount(1) }
				/** The next call goes to 9203 which fails so we should wrap over */
				new ClientCall {
					{ BadResponse, 9203},
					{ HealthyResponse, 9200},
					{ pool => pool.Nodes.Where(n=>!n.IsAlive).Should().HaveCount(2) }
				new ClientCall {
					{ HealthyResponse, 9202},
					{ pool => pool.Nodes.Where(n=>!n.IsAlive).Should().HaveCount(2) }
				new ClientCall {
					{ HealthyResponse, 9200},
					{ pool => pool.Nodes.Where(n=>!n.IsAlive).Should().HaveCount(2) }
				new ClientCall {
					{ HealthyResponse, 9202},
					{ pool => pool.Nodes.Where(n=>!n.IsAlive).Should().HaveCount(2) }
				new ClientCall {
					{ HealthyResponse, 9200},
					{ pool => pool.Nodes.Where(n=>!n.IsAlive).Should().HaveCount(2) }
예제 #9
		public async Task PicksADifferentNodeEachTimeAnodeIsDown()
			/** A cluster with 2 nodes where the second node fails on ping */
			var audit = new Auditor(() => Framework.Cluster
				.ClientCalls(p => p.Fails(Always))

			await audit.TraceCalls(
				/** All the calls fail */
				new ClientCall {
					{ BadResponse, 9200},
					{ BadResponse, 9201},
					{ BadResponse, 9202},
					{ BadResponse, 9203},
					{ MaxRetriesReached },
					{ pool => pool.Nodes.Where(n=>!n.IsAlive).Should().HaveCount(4) }
				/** After all our registered nodes are marked dead we want to sample a single dead node
				* each time to quickly see if the cluster is back up. We do not want to retry all 4
				* nodes
				new ClientCall {
					{ AllNodesDead },
					{ Resurrection, 9201},
					{ BadResponse, 9201},
					{ pool =>  pool.Nodes.Where(n=>!n.IsAlive).Should().HaveCount(4) }
				new ClientCall {
					{ AllNodesDead },
					{ Resurrection, 9202},
					{ BadResponse, 9202},
					{ pool =>  pool.Nodes.Where(n=>!n.IsAlive).Should().HaveCount(4) }
				new ClientCall {
					{ AllNodesDead },
					{ Resurrection, 9203},
					{ BadResponse, 9203},
					{ pool =>  pool.Nodes.Where(n=>!n.IsAlive).Should().HaveCount(4) }
				new ClientCall {
					{ AllNodesDead },
					{ Resurrection, 9200},
					{ BadResponse, 9200},
					{ pool =>  pool.Nodes.Where(n=>!n.IsAlive).Should().HaveCount(4) }
		[U] public async Task DoesASniffAfterConnectionFailureOnPing()
			/** Here we set up our cluster exactly the same as the previous setup 
			* Only we enable pinging (default is true) and make the ping fail
			var audit = new Auditor(() => Framework.Cluster
				.MasterEligable(9202, 9203, 9204)
				.Ping(r => r.OnPort(9201).Fails(Once))
				.Sniff(p => p.SucceedAlways(Framework.Cluster
					.MasterEligable(9200, 9202)
					.Ping(r => r.OnPort(9201).Fails(Once))
					.Sniff(s => s.SucceedAlways(Framework.Cluster
						.Nodes(3, 9210)
						.MasterEligable(9210, 9211)
						.Ping(r => r.SucceedAlways())
						.Sniff(r => r.SucceedAlways())
				.Settings(s => s.SniffOnStartup(false))

			audit = await audit.TraceCalls(
				new ClientCall {
					{ PingSuccess, 9200 },
					{ HealthyResponse, 9200 },
					{ pool =>  pool.Nodes.Count.Should().Be(5) }
				new ClientCall {
					{ PingFailure, 9201},
					/** We assert we do a sniff on our first known master node 9202 */
					{ SniffOnFail },
					{ SniffSuccess, 9202},
					{ PingSuccess, 9200},
					{ HealthyResponse, 9200},
					/** Our pool should now have three nodes */
					{ pool =>  pool.Nodes.Count.Should().Be(3) }
				new ClientCall {
					{ PingFailure, 9201},
					/** We assert we do a sniff on the first master node in our updated cluster */
					{ SniffOnFail },
					{ SniffSuccess, 9200},
					{ PingSuccess, 9210},
					{ HealthyResponse, 9210},
					{ pool =>  pool.Nodes.Count.Should().Be(3) }
				new ClientCall { { PingSuccess, 9211 }, { HealthyResponse, 9211 } },
				new ClientCall { { PingSuccess, 9212 }, { HealthyResponse, 9212 } },
				/** 9210 was already pinged after the sniff returned the new nodes */
				new ClientCall { { HealthyResponse, 9210 } },
				new ClientCall { { HealthyResponse, 9211 } },
				new ClientCall { { HealthyResponse, 9212 } },
				new ClientCall { { HealthyResponse, 9210 } }
		/** == Sniffing on connection failure 
		* Sniffing on connection is enabled by default when using a connection pool that allows reseeding. 
		* The only IConnectionPool we ship that allows this is the SniffingConnectionPool.
		* This can be very handy to force a refresh of the pools known healthy node by inspecting elasticsearch itself.
		* A sniff tries to get the nodes by asking each currently known node until one response.

		[U] public async Task DoesASniffAfterConnectionFailure()
			* Here we seed our connection with 5 known nodes 9200-9204 of which we think
			* 9202, 9203, 9204 are master eligable nodes. Our virtualized cluster will throw once when doing 
			* a search on 9201. This should a sniff to be kicked off.
			var audit = new Auditor(() => Framework.Cluster
				.MasterEligable(9202, 9203, 9204)
				.ClientCalls(r => r.SucceedAlways())
				.ClientCalls(r => r.OnPort(9201).Fails(Once))
				* When the cull fails on 9201 the sniff succeeds and returns a new cluster of healty nodes
				* this cluster only has 3 nodes and the known masters are 9200 and 9202 but a search on 9201
				* still fails once
				.Sniff(p => p.SucceedAlways(Framework.Cluster
					.MasterEligable(9200, 9202)
					.ClientCalls(r => r.OnPort(9201).Fails(Once))
					* After this second failure on 9201 another sniff will be returned a cluster that no 
					* longer fails but looks completely different (9210-9212) we should be able to handle this
					.Sniff(s => s.SucceedAlways(Framework.Cluster
						.Nodes(3, 9210)
						.MasterEligable(9210, 921)
						.ClientCalls(r => r.SucceedAlways())
						.Sniff(r => r.SucceedAlways())
				.Settings(s => s.DisablePing().SniffOnStartup(false))

			audit = await audit.TraceCalls(
			/** */
				new ClientCall {
					{ HealthyResponse, 9200 },
					{ pool =>  pool.Nodes.Count.Should().Be(5) }
				new ClientCall {
					{ BadResponse, 9201},
					/** We assert we do a sniff on our first known master node 9202 */
					{ SniffOnFail },
					{ SniffSuccess, 9202},
					{ HealthyResponse, 9200},
					/** Our pool should now have three nodes */
					{ pool =>  pool.Nodes.Count.Should().Be(3) }
				new ClientCall {
					{ BadResponse, 9201},
					/** We assert we do a sniff on the first master node in our updated cluster */
					{ SniffOnFail },
					{ SniffSuccess, 9200},
					{ HealthyResponse, 9210},
					{ pool =>  pool.Nodes.Count.Should().Be(3) }
				new ClientCall { { HealthyResponse, 9211 } },
				new ClientCall { { HealthyResponse, 9212 } },
				new ClientCall { { HealthyResponse, 9210 } },
				new ClientCall { { HealthyResponse, 9211 } },
				new ClientCall { { HealthyResponse, 9212 } },
				new ClientCall { { HealthyResponse, 9210 } },
				new ClientCall { { HealthyResponse, 9211 } },
				new ClientCall { { HealthyResponse, 9212 } },
				new ClientCall { { HealthyResponse, 9210 } }
예제 #12
		public async Task AllNodesArePingedOnlyOnFirstUseProvidedTheyAreHealthy()
			/**A healthy cluster of 4 (min master nodes of 3 of course!) */
			var audit = new Auditor(() => Framework.Cluster
				.Ping(p => p.SucceedAlways())

			await audit.TraceCalls(
				new ClientCall { { PingSuccess, 9200}, { HealthyResponse, 9200} },
				new ClientCall { { PingSuccess, 9201}, { HealthyResponse, 9201} },
				new ClientCall { { PingSuccess, 9202}, { HealthyResponse, 9202} },
				new ClientCall { { PingSuccess, 9203}, { HealthyResponse, 9203} },
				new ClientCall { { HealthyResponse, 9200} },
				new ClientCall { { HealthyResponse, 9201} },
				new ClientCall { { HealthyResponse, 9202} },
				new ClientCall { { HealthyResponse, 9203} },
				new ClientCall { { HealthyResponse, 9200} }
예제 #13
		public async Task PingFailsFallsOverMultipleTimesToHealthyNode()
			/** A cluster with 4 nodes where the second and third pings fail */
			var audit = new Auditor(() => Framework.Cluster
				.Ping(p => p.SucceedAlways())
				.Ping(p => p.OnPort(9201).FailAlways())
				.Ping(p => p.OnPort(9202).FailAlways())

			await audit.TraceCalls(
				/** The first call goes to 9200 which succeeds */
				new ClientCall {
					{ PingSuccess, 9200},
					{ HealthyResponse, 9200},
					{ pool =>
					} }
				/** The 2nd call does a ping on 9201 because its used for the first time.
				* It fails and so we ping 9202 which also fails. We then ping 9203 becuase
				* we haven't used it before and it succeeds */
				new ClientCall {
					{ PingFailure, 9201},
					{ PingFailure, 9202},
					{ PingSuccess, 9203},
					{ HealthyResponse, 9203},
					/** Finally we assert that the connectionpool has two nodes that are marked as dead */
					{ pool =>  pool.Nodes.Where(n=>!n.IsAlive).Should().HaveCount(2) }
예제 #14
		public async Task ASniffOnStartupHappens()
			var audit = new Auditor(() => Framework.Cluster
				.MasterEligible(9202, 9203, 9204)
				.ClientCalls(r => r.SucceedAlways())
				.Sniff(s => s.SucceedAlways(Framework.Cluster
					.MasterEligible(9202, 9203, 9204)
					.ClientCalls(r => r.SucceedAlways())
					.Sniff(ss => ss.SucceedAlways(Framework.Cluster
						.MasterEligible(9202, 9203, 9204)
						.ClientCalls(r => r.SucceedAlways())
				.Settings(s => s
			/** healty cluster all nodes return healthy responses*/
			audit = await audit.TraceCalls(
				new ClientCall { { HealthyResponse, 9200 } },
				new ClientCall { { HealthyResponse, 9201 } },
				new ClientCall { { HealthyResponse, 9202 } },
				new ClientCall { { HealthyResponse, 9203 } },
				new ClientCall { { HealthyResponse, 9204 } },
				new ClientCall { { HealthyResponse, 9205 } },
				new ClientCall { { HealthyResponse, 9206 } },
				new ClientCall { { HealthyResponse, 9207 } },
				new ClientCall { { HealthyResponse, 9208 } },
				new ClientCall { { HealthyResponse, 9209 } },
				new ClientCall {
					{ HealthyResponse, 9200 },
					{ pool => pool.Nodes.Count.Should().Be(10) }
			/** Now let's forward the clock 31 minutes, our sniff lifespan should now go state
			* and the first call should do a sniff which discovered we scaled up to a 100 nodes!
			audit.ChangeTime(d => d.AddMinutes(31));
			audit = await audit.TraceCalls(
				new ClientCall {
					/** a sniff is done first and it prefers the first node master node */
					{ SniffOnStaleCluster },
					{ SniffSuccess, 9202 },
					{ HealthyResponse, 9201 },
					{ pool => pool.Nodes.Count.Should().Be(100) }

			audit.ChangeTime(d => d.AddMinutes(31));
			audit = await audit.TraceCalls(
				new ClientCall {
					/** a sniff is done first and it prefers the first node master node */
					{ SniffOnStaleCluster },
					{ SniffSuccess, 9202 },
					{ HealthyResponse, 9200 },
					{ pool => pool.Nodes.Count.Should().Be(10) }
		[U] public async Task UsesPublishAdress()
			var audit = new Auditor(() => Framework.Cluster
					.Ping(r => r.OnPort(9200).Fails(Once))
					.Sniff(p => p.SucceedAlways(Framework.Cluster
							.MasterEligible(9200, 9202, 9201)
					.Settings(s => s.SniffOnStartup(false))
			Action<Audit, string, int> hostAssert = (a, host, expectedPort) =>

			audit = await audit.TraceCalls(
				new ClientCall {
					{ PingFailure, a => hostAssert(a, "localhost", 9200)},
					{ SniffOnFail },
					{ SniffSuccess, a => hostAssert(a, "localhost", 9200)},
					{ PingSuccess, a => hostAssert(a, "", 9200)},
					{ HealthyResponse,  a => hostAssert(a, "", 9200)},
					/** Our pool should now have three nodes */
					{ pool =>  pool.Nodes.Count.Should().Be(10) }
		public async Task RespectsConnectTimeoutOverride()
			/** we set up a 10 node cluster with a global time out of 20 seconds.
			* Each call on a node takes 10 seconds. So we can only try this call on 2 nodes
			* before the max request time out kills the client call.
			var audit = new Auditor(() => Framework.Cluster
				.Ping(p => p.SucceedAlways().Takes(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(20)))
				.ClientCalls(r => r.SucceedAlways())
				.Settings(s => s.RequestTimeout(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10)).PingTimeout(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10)))

			audit = await audit.TraceCalls(
				* The first call uses the configured global settings, request times out after 10 seconds and ping
				* calls always take 20, so we should see a single ping failure
				new ClientCall {
					{ PingFailure, 9200 },
					{ MaxTimeoutReached }
				* On the second request we set a request ping timeout override of 2seconds
				* We should now see more nodes being tried before the request timeout is hit.
				new ClientCall(r => r.PingTimeout(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(2)))
					{ PingFailure, 9202 },
					{ PingFailure, 9203 },
					{ PingFailure, 9204 },
					{ PingFailure, 9205 },
					{ PingFailure, 9206 },
					{ MaxTimeoutReached }
