예제 #1
        private object GetUniqueEnumValueForProperty(TestDriverCodePack.ShellPropertyDescription propDesc, ref bool[] used)
            if (propDesc.PropertyEnumTypes != null && propDesc.PropertyEnumTypes.Count > 0)
                if (used == null)
                    used = new bool[propDesc.PropertyEnumTypes.Count];

                // Ensure that each choice is different - some enums are flags, and insist on unique values
                int usedSoFar = used.Where(f => f == true).Count();
                int index     = RandomNumber(propDesc.PropertyEnumTypes.Count - 1 - usedSoFar);
                index += used.Take(index + 1).Where(f => f == true).Count();
                while (used[index])
                used[index] = true;

                // Now work out what string to use from the seleccted enum entry

예제 #2
        private object GetEnumValueForProperty(TestDriverCodePack.ShellPropertyDescription propDesc)
            if (propDesc.PropertyEnumTypes != null && propDesc.PropertyEnumTypes.Count > 0)
                int index = RandomNumber(propDesc.PropertyEnumTypes.Count - 1);

                // Now work out what value to use from the seleccted enum entry

예제 #3
        private string[] GetStringArrayValueForProperty(TestDriverCodePack.ShellPropertyDescription propDesc)
            int n = random.Next(2, 5);

            string[] ss   = new string[n];
            bool[]   used = null;

            for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
                object obj = GetUniqueEnumValueForProperty(propDesc, ref used);
                if (obj != null)
                    ss[i] = (string)obj;
                    ss[i] = RandomString();

예제 #4
        private void SetPropertyValue(string fileName, TestDriverCodePack.ShellPropertyDescription propDesc, IShellProperty prop)
            Type   t = propDesc.ValueType;
            string s;

                if (t == typeof(string))
                    object obj = GetEnumValueForProperty(propDesc);

                    if (obj != null)
                        s = (string)obj;
                        s = RandomString();

                    savedProps.Add(new SavedProp {
                        Name = prop.CanonicalName, Value = s
                    //(prop as ShellProperty<string>).Value = s;

                    // Workaround Code Pack bug with 1 char strings by using PropertyHandler
                    // Have to open and release each time to avoid lock problems - still, it ups the pounding
                    var handler = new CPropertyHandler();
                    handler.Initialize(fileName, 0);

                    PropVariant value = new PropVariant(s);
                    handler.SetValue(new TestDriverCodePack.PropertyKey(prop.PropertyKey.FormatId, prop.PropertyKey.PropertyId), value);

                    Marshal.ReleaseComObject(handler);  // preempt GC for CCW
                else if (t == typeof(string[]))
                    string[] ss = GetStringArrayValueForProperty(propDesc);

                    savedProps.Add(new SavedProp {
                        Name = prop.CanonicalName, Value = ss
                    //(prop as ShellProperty<string[]>).Value = ss;

                    // Workaround Code Pack bug with 1 char strings by using PropertyHandler
                    // Have to open and release each time to avoid lock problems - still, it ups the pounding
                    var handler = new CPropertyHandler();
                    handler.Initialize(fileName, 0);

                    PropVariant value = new PropVariant(ss);
                    handler.SetValue(new TestDriverCodePack.PropertyKey(prop.PropertyKey.FormatId, prop.PropertyKey.PropertyId), value);

                    Marshal.ReleaseComObject(handler);  // preempt GC for CCW
                else if (t == typeof(Int16?) || t == typeof(Int32?) || t == typeof(UInt16?) || t == typeof(UInt32?))
                    object obj = GetEnumValueForProperty(propDesc);

                    if (t == typeof(Int16?))
                        Int16?val = obj != null ? (Int16?)obj : (Int16?)NullableRandomNumber(-max16, max16);
                        savedProps.Add(new SavedProp {
                            Name = prop.CanonicalName, Value = val
                        (prop as ShellProperty <Int16?>).Value = val;
                    else if (t == typeof(Int32?))
                        Int32?val = obj != null ? (Int32?)obj : (Int32?)NullableRandomNumber(-max32, max32);
                        savedProps.Add(new SavedProp {
                            Name = prop.CanonicalName, Value = val
                        (prop as ShellProperty <Int32?>).Value = val;
                    else if (t == typeof(UInt16?))
                        UInt16?val = obj != null ? (UInt16?)obj : (UInt16?)NullableRandomNumber(max16);
                        savedProps.Add(new SavedProp {
                            Name = prop.CanonicalName, Value = val
                        (prop as ShellProperty <UInt16?>).Value = val;
                    else // UInt32?
                        UInt32?val = obj != null ? (UInt32?)obj : (UInt32?)NullableRandomNumber(max16);
                        savedProps.Add(new SavedProp {
                            Name = prop.CanonicalName, Value = val
                        (prop as ShellProperty <UInt32?>).Value = val;
                else if (t == typeof(Int32[]))
                    Int32[] vals = new Int32[4];
                    for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
                        vals[i] = RandomNumber(-max32, max32);
                    savedProps.Add(new SavedProp {
                        Name = prop.CanonicalName, Value = vals
                    (prop as ShellProperty <Int32[]>).Value = vals;
                else if (t == typeof(UInt32[]))
                    UInt32[] vals = new UInt32[4];
                    for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
                        vals[i] = (UInt32)RandomNumber(max32);
                    savedProps.Add(new SavedProp {
                        Name = prop.CanonicalName, Value = vals
                    (prop as ShellProperty <UInt32[]>).Value = vals;
                else if (t == typeof(bool?))
                    int? r     = NullableRandomNumber();
                    bool?value = (r == null) ? (bool?)null : (r % 2 == 0);
                    savedProps.Add(new SavedProp {
                        Name = prop.CanonicalName, Value = value
                    (prop as ShellProperty <bool?>).Value = value;
                else if (t == typeof(DateTime?))
                    DateTime dt = new DateTime((long)(random.NextDouble() * (maxTocks - minTicks) + minTicks));
                    savedProps.Add(new SavedProp {
                        Name = prop.CanonicalName, Value = dt
                    (prop as ShellProperty <DateTime?>).Value = dt;
                else if (t == typeof(double?))
                    // fails in Code Pack, so skip
                    //(prop as ShellProperty<double>).Value = (double)RandomNumber(max64);
                else if (t == typeof(Int64?))
                    // fails in Code Pack, so skip
                    //(prop as ShellProperty<Int64>).Value = RandomNumber(max64);
                else if (t == typeof(UInt64?))
                    // fails in Code Pack, so skip
                    // (prop as ShellProperty<UInt64>).Value = (UInt64) RandomNumber(max64);
                else if (t == typeof(byte?))
                    // The Code Pack does not support setting these, so skip for now
                    //(prop as ShellProperty<byte>).Value = (byte)RandomNumber(max8);
                else if (t == typeof(byte[]))
                    // The Code Pack does not support setting these, so skip for now
                    // Mostly 128 byte arrays e.g. System.Photo.MakerNote
                    //byte[] bs = new byte[128];
                    //(prop as ShellProperty<byte[]>).Value = bs;
                else if (t == typeof(object) || t == typeof(IntPtr?) || t == typeof(System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.IStream))
                    // ignore these, they are system artefacts like group header props, and don't appear in settable lists
                    throw new System.Exception("Need " + t.ToString() + " for " + propDesc.CanonicalName);
            catch (System.Exception e)
                throw new System.Exception(String.Format("Error setting property {0} to '{1}'",
                                                         savedProps.Last().Name, ToDisplayString(savedProps.Last().Value)), e);