예제 #1
파일: frmMain.cs 프로젝트: Loong-Lee/VSDT
        private void FillPropertyGrid3()
            string[]     Languages  = new string[] { "English", "Italian", "Spanish", "Dutch" };
            MyOwnClass[] ListValues = new MyOwnClass[] { new MyOwnClass("English", 0), new MyOwnClass("Italian", 1), new MyOwnClass("Spanish", 2), new MyOwnClass("Dutch", 3) };

            DataTable LookupTable       = null;
            bool      IsXmlSampleLoaded = false;

            document = new XmlDataDocument();

            // Load a DataTable from XML
            ParseSchema(ref document, (new Microsoft.VisualBasic.ApplicationServices.WindowsFormsApplicationBase()).Info.DirectoryPath + "\\books.xsd");
                document.Load((new Microsoft.VisualBasic.ApplicationServices.WindowsFormsApplicationBase()).Info.DirectoryPath + "\\books.xml");
                if (document.DataSet != null)
                    LookupTable = document.DataSet.Tables[1];
                if (LookupTable != null)
                    iCountRow         = LookupTable.Rows.Count;
                    IsXmlSampleLoaded = true;
            catch (Exception ex)
                Console.WriteLine("Exception during XML Load: " + ex.Message);
                IsXmlSampleLoaded = false;

            Properties.ShowCustomProperties = true;

            Properties.Item.Add("Array of objects", ListValues[2].Text, false, "Databinding", "This is a UITypeEditor that implement a listbox", true);
            Properties.Item[Properties.Item.Count - 1].ValueMember   = "Value";
            Properties.Item[Properties.Item.Count - 1].DisplayMember = "Text";
            Properties.Item[Properties.Item.Count - 1].Datasource    = ListValues;

            Properties.Item.Add("Array of strings", Languages[1], false, "Databinding", "This is a UITypeEditor that implement a listbox", true);
            Properties.Item[Properties.Item.Count - 1].Datasource          = Languages;
            Properties.Item[Properties.Item.Count - 1].IsDropdownResizable = true;

            // If the XML Samples was loaded
            if (IsXmlSampleLoaded)
                // Bind a property to a DataTable
                Properties.Item.Add("Datatable", "", false, "Databinding", "This is a UITypeEditor that implement a listbox", true);
                Properties.Item[Properties.Item.Count - 1].ValueMember   = "book_Id";
                Properties.Item[Properties.Item.Count - 1].DisplayMember = "title";
                Properties.Item[Properties.Item.Count - 1].Datasource    = LookupTable;

예제 #2
파일: frmMain.cs 프로젝트: sunpander/VSDT
        private void FillPropertyGrid3()
            string[] Languages = new string[] { "English", "Italian", "Spanish", "Dutch" };
            MyOwnClass[] ListValues = new MyOwnClass[] { new MyOwnClass("English", 0), new MyOwnClass("Italian", 1), new MyOwnClass("Spanish", 2), new MyOwnClass("Dutch", 3) };

            DataTable LookupTable = null;
            bool IsXmlSampleLoaded = false;
            document = new XmlDataDocument();

            // Load a DataTable from XML
            ParseSchema(ref document, (new Microsoft.VisualBasic.ApplicationServices.WindowsFormsApplicationBase()).Info.DirectoryPath + "\\books.xsd");
                document.Load((new Microsoft.VisualBasic.ApplicationServices.WindowsFormsApplicationBase()).Info.DirectoryPath + "\\books.xml");
                if (document.DataSet != null)
                    LookupTable = document.DataSet.Tables[1];
                if (LookupTable != null)
                    iCountRow = LookupTable.Rows.Count;
                    IsXmlSampleLoaded = true;
            catch (Exception ex)
                Console.WriteLine("Exception during XML Load: " + ex.Message);
                IsXmlSampleLoaded = false;

            Properties.ShowCustomProperties = true;

            Properties.Item.Add("Array of objects", ListValues[2].Text, false, "Databinding", "This is a UITypeEditor that implement a listbox", true);
            Properties.Item[Properties.Item.Count - 1].ValueMember = "Value";
            Properties.Item[Properties.Item.Count - 1].DisplayMember = "Text";
            Properties.Item[Properties.Item.Count - 1].Datasource = ListValues;

            Properties.Item.Add("Array of strings", Languages[1], false, "Databinding", "This is a UITypeEditor that implement a listbox", true);
            Properties.Item[Properties.Item.Count - 1].Datasource = Languages;
            Properties.Item[Properties.Item.Count - 1].IsDropdownResizable = true;

            // If the XML Samples was loaded
            if (IsXmlSampleLoaded)

                // Bind a property to a DataTable
                Properties.Item.Add("Datatable", "", false, "Databinding", "This is a UITypeEditor that implement a listbox", true);
                Properties.Item[Properties.Item.Count - 1].ValueMember = "book_Id";
                Properties.Item[Properties.Item.Count - 1].DisplayMember = "title";
                Properties.Item[Properties.Item.Count - 1].Datasource = LookupTable;

예제 #3
파일: frmMain.cs 프로젝트: sunpander/VSDT
        private void FillPropertyGrid1(FilterPropertyType filter)
            string[] Languages = new string[] { "English", "Italian", "Spanish", "Dutch" };
            MyOwnClass[] ListValues = new MyOwnClass[] { new MyOwnClass("English", 0), new MyOwnClass("Italian", 1), new MyOwnClass("Spanish", 2), new MyOwnClass("Dutch", 3) };
            int[] Values = new int[] { 1, 2, 3, 4 };
            MyOwnClass oInstance = new MyOwnClass("String value", 0);

            // The variable filter is used in the "Serialization Example"
            // The filter remove from the grid the properties not correctly supported
            // or not supported at all.

            Properties.ShowCustomProperties = true;

            // Simple properties
            Properties.Item.Add("My Integer", 100, false, "Simple properties", "This is an integer", true);
            Properties.Item.Add("My Double", 10.4, false, "Simple properties", "This is a double", true);
            Properties.Item.Add("My String", "My Value", false, "Simple properties", "This is a string", true);
            if (filter != FilterPropertyType.FilterXmlSerializer)
                Properties.Item.Add("My Font", new Font("Arial", 9), false, "Simple properties", "This is a font class", true);
                Properties.Item.Add("My Color", new Color(), false, "Simple properties", "This is a color class", true);
                Properties.Item.Add("My Point", new Point(10, 10), false, "Simple properties", "This is point class", true);
            Properties.Item.Add("My Date", new DateTime(DateAndTime.Today.Ticks), true, "Simple properties", "This is date class", true);
            Properties.Item.Add("My Enum", MyEnum.FirstEntry, false, "Simple properties", "Work with Enum too!", true);

            // IsPassword attribute
            Properties.Item.Add("My Password", "password", false, ".NET v2.0 only", "This is a masked string." + "\r\n" + "(This feature is available only under .NET v2.0)", true);
            Properties.Item[Properties.Item.Count - 1].IsPassword = true;

            // Filename editor
            Properties.Item.Add("Filename", "", false, "Properties with custom UITypeEditor", "This property is a filename path. It define a custom UITypeConverter that show a OpenFileDialog or a SaveFileDialog when the user press the 3 dots button to edit the value.", true);
            Properties.Item[Properties.Item.Count - 1].UseFileNameEditor = true;
            Properties.Item[Properties.Item.Count - 1].FileNameDialogType = UIFilenameEditor.FileDialogType.LoadFileDialog;
            Properties.Item[Properties.Item.Count - 1].FileNameFilter = "Text files (*.txt)|*.txt|All files (*.*)|*.*";

            if (filter != FilterPropertyType.FilterBinaryFormatter && filter != FilterPropertyType.FilterXmlSerializer)
                // Custom Editor
                Properties.Item.Add("My Custom Editor", "", false, "Properties with custom UITypeEditor", "The component accept custom UITypeEditor.", true);
                Properties.Item[Properties.Item.Count - 1].CustomEditor = new MyEditor();

                // Custom Event Editor
                Properties.Item.Add("My Custom Event", "Click me", false, "Properties with custom UITypeEditor", "The component accept custom UITypeEditor.", true);
                Properties.Item[Properties.Item.Count - 1].OnClick += this.CustomEventItem_OnClick;

                // Custom TypeConverter
                Properties.Item.Add("Integer", 1, false, "Properties with custom TypeConverter", "This property have a custom type converter that show a custom error message.", true);
                Properties.Item[Properties.Item.Count - 1].CustomTypeConverter = new MyTypeConverter();

            // Custom Choices Type Converter
            if (filter != FilterPropertyType.FilterXmlSerializer)
                Properties.Item.Add("Language", "", false, "Properties with custom TypeConverter", "This property uses a TypeConverter to dropdown a list of values.", true);
                Properties.Item[Properties.Item.Count - 1].Choices = new CustomChoices(Languages, true);

                Properties.Item.Add("Values", 1, false, "Properties with custom TypeConverter", "This property uses a TypeConverter to dropdown a list of values.", true);
                Properties.Item[Properties.Item.Count - 1].Choices = new CustomChoices(Values, false);

            if (filter != FilterPropertyType.FilterBinaryFormatter && filter != FilterPropertyType.FilterXmlSerializer)
                // Expandable Type Converter
                Properties.Item.Add("My object", oInstance, false, "Properties with custom TypeConverter", "This property make a \'MyOwnClass\' instance browsable.", true);
                Properties.Item[Properties.Item.Count - 1].IsBrowsable = true;
                Properties.Item[Properties.Item.Count - 1].BrowsableLabelStyle = BrowsableTypeConverter.LabelStyle.lsEllipsis;

            // Dynamic properties
            if (filter != FilterPropertyType.FilterBinaryFormatter && filter != FilterPropertyType.FilterXmlSerializer)
                object grid = Properties;
                Properties.Item.Add("Autosize properties", ref grid, "AutoSizeProperties", false, "Dynamic Properties", "This is a dynamic bound property. It changes the autosize property of this grid. Try it!", true);
                Properties.Item.Add("Draw flat toolbar", ref grid, "DrawFlatToolbar", false, "Dynamic Properties", "This is a dynamic bound property. It changes the DrawFlatToolbar property of this grid. Try it!", true);

                object form = this;
                Properties.Item.Add("Form opacity", ref form, "Opacity", false, "Dynamic Properties", "This is a dynamic bound property. It changes the Opacity property of this form. Try it!", true);
                Properties.Item[Properties.Item.Count - 1].IsPercentage = true;

                // PropertyGridEx
                Properties.Item.Add("Item", ref grid, "Item", false, "PropertyGridEx", "Represent the PropertyGridEx Item collection.",true);
                Properties.Item[Properties.Item.Count - 1].Parenthesize = true;

                Properties.Item.Add("DocComment", ref grid, "DocComment", false, "PropertyGridEx", "Represent the DocComment usercontrol of the PropertyGrid.", true);
                Properties.Item[Properties.Item.Count - 1].IsBrowsable = true;

                Properties.Item.Add("Image", ref grid, "DocCommentImage", false, "PropertyGridEx", "Represent the DocComment usercontrol of the PropertyGrid.", true);
                Properties.Item[Properties.Item.Count - 1].DefaultValue = null;
                Properties.Item[Properties.Item.Count - 1].DefaultType = typeof(Image);

                Properties.Item.Add("Toolstrip", ref grid, "Toolstrip", false, "PropertyGridEx", "Represent the toolstrip of the PropertyGrid.", true);
                Properties.Item[Properties.Item.Count - 1].IsBrowsable = true;

            if (filter == FilterPropertyType.FilterBinaryFormatter)

                // Databinding works with serialization
                Properties.Item.Add("Array of objects", ListValues[2].Text, false, "Databinding", "This is a UITypeEditor that implement a listbox", true);
                Properties.Item[Properties.Item.Count - 1].ValueMember = "Value";
                Properties.Item[Properties.Item.Count - 1].DisplayMember = "Text";
                Properties.Item[Properties.Item.Count - 1].Datasource = ListValues;

예제 #4
파일: frmMain.cs 프로젝트: Loong-Lee/VSDT
        private void FillPropertyGrid1(FilterPropertyType filter)
            string[]     Languages  = new string[] { "English", "Italian", "Spanish", "Dutch" };
            MyOwnClass[] ListValues = new MyOwnClass[] { new MyOwnClass("English", 0), new MyOwnClass("Italian", 1), new MyOwnClass("Spanish", 2), new MyOwnClass("Dutch", 3) };
            int[]        Values     = new int[] { 1, 2, 3, 4 };
            MyOwnClass   oInstance  = new MyOwnClass("String value", 0);

            // The variable filter is used in the "Serialization Example"
            // The filter remove from the grid the properties not correctly supported
            // or not supported at all.

            Properties.ShowCustomProperties = true;

            // Simple properties
            Properties.Item.Add("My Integer", 100, false, "Simple properties", "This is an integer", true);
            Properties.Item.Add("My Double", 10.4, false, "Simple properties", "This is a double", true);
            Properties.Item.Add("My String", "My Value", false, "Simple properties", "This is a string", true);
            if (filter != FilterPropertyType.FilterXmlSerializer)
                Properties.Item.Add("My Font", new Font("Arial", 9), false, "Simple properties", "This is a font class", true);
                Properties.Item.Add("My Color", new Color(), false, "Simple properties", "This is a color class", true);
                Properties.Item.Add("My Point", new Point(10, 10), false, "Simple properties", "This is point class", true);
            Properties.Item.Add("My Date", new DateTime(DateAndTime.Today.Ticks), true, "Simple properties", "This is date class", true);
            Properties.Item.Add("My Enum", MyEnum.FirstEntry, false, "Simple properties", "Work with Enum too!", true);

            // IsPassword attribute
            Properties.Item.Add("My Password", "password", false, ".NET v2.0 only", "This is a masked string." + "\r\n" + "(This feature is available only under .NET v2.0)", true);
            Properties.Item[Properties.Item.Count - 1].IsPassword = true;

            // Filename editor
            Properties.Item.Add("Filename", "", false, "Properties with custom UITypeEditor", "This property is a filename path. It define a custom UITypeConverter that show a OpenFileDialog or a SaveFileDialog when the user press the 3 dots button to edit the value.", true);
            Properties.Item[Properties.Item.Count - 1].UseFileNameEditor  = true;
            Properties.Item[Properties.Item.Count - 1].FileNameDialogType = UIFilenameEditor.FileDialogType.LoadFileDialog;
            Properties.Item[Properties.Item.Count - 1].FileNameFilter     = "Text files (*.txt)|*.txt|All files (*.*)|*.*";

            if (filter != FilterPropertyType.FilterBinaryFormatter && filter != FilterPropertyType.FilterXmlSerializer)
                // Custom Editor
                Properties.Item.Add("My Custom Editor", "", false, "Properties with custom UITypeEditor", "The component accept custom UITypeEditor.", true);
                Properties.Item[Properties.Item.Count - 1].CustomEditor = new MyEditor();

                // Custom Event Editor
                Properties.Item.Add("My Custom Event", "Click me", false, "Properties with custom UITypeEditor", "The component accept custom UITypeEditor.", true);
                Properties.Item[Properties.Item.Count - 1].OnClick += this.CustomEventItem_OnClick;

                // Custom TypeConverter
                Properties.Item.Add("Integer", 1, false, "Properties with custom TypeConverter", "This property have a custom type converter that show a custom error message.", true);
                Properties.Item[Properties.Item.Count - 1].CustomTypeConverter = new MyTypeConverter();

            // Custom Choices Type Converter
            if (filter != FilterPropertyType.FilterXmlSerializer)
                Properties.Item.Add("Language", "", false, "Properties with custom TypeConverter", "This property uses a TypeConverter to dropdown a list of values.", true);
                Properties.Item[Properties.Item.Count - 1].Choices = new CustomChoices(Languages, true);

                Properties.Item.Add("Values", 1, false, "Properties with custom TypeConverter", "This property uses a TypeConverter to dropdown a list of values.", true);
                Properties.Item[Properties.Item.Count - 1].Choices = new CustomChoices(Values, false);

            if (filter != FilterPropertyType.FilterBinaryFormatter && filter != FilterPropertyType.FilterXmlSerializer)
                // Expandable Type Converter
                Properties.Item.Add("My object", oInstance, false, "Properties with custom TypeConverter", "This property make a \'MyOwnClass\' instance browsable.", true);
                Properties.Item[Properties.Item.Count - 1].IsBrowsable         = true;
                Properties.Item[Properties.Item.Count - 1].BrowsableLabelStyle = BrowsableTypeConverter.LabelStyle.lsEllipsis;

            // Dynamic properties
            if (filter != FilterPropertyType.FilterBinaryFormatter && filter != FilterPropertyType.FilterXmlSerializer)
                object grid = Properties;
                Properties.Item.Add("Autosize properties", ref grid, "AutoSizeProperties", false, "Dynamic Properties", "This is a dynamic bound property. It changes the autosize property of this grid. Try it!", true);
                Properties.Item.Add("Draw flat toolbar", ref grid, "DrawFlatToolbar", false, "Dynamic Properties", "This is a dynamic bound property. It changes the DrawFlatToolbar property of this grid. Try it!", true);

                object form = this;
                Properties.Item.Add("Form opacity", ref form, "Opacity", false, "Dynamic Properties", "This is a dynamic bound property. It changes the Opacity property of this form. Try it!", true);
                Properties.Item[Properties.Item.Count - 1].IsPercentage = true;

                // PropertyGridEx
                Properties.Item.Add("Item", ref grid, "Item", false, "PropertyGridEx", "Represent the PropertyGridEx Item collection.", true);
                Properties.Item[Properties.Item.Count - 1].Parenthesize = true;

                Properties.Item.Add("DocComment", ref grid, "DocComment", false, "PropertyGridEx", "Represent the DocComment usercontrol of the PropertyGrid.", true);
                Properties.Item[Properties.Item.Count - 1].IsBrowsable = true;

                Properties.Item.Add("Image", ref grid, "DocCommentImage", false, "PropertyGridEx", "Represent the DocComment usercontrol of the PropertyGrid.", true);
                Properties.Item[Properties.Item.Count - 1].DefaultValue = null;
                Properties.Item[Properties.Item.Count - 1].DefaultType  = typeof(Image);

                Properties.Item.Add("Toolstrip", ref grid, "Toolstrip", false, "PropertyGridEx", "Represent the toolstrip of the PropertyGrid.", true);
                Properties.Item[Properties.Item.Count - 1].IsBrowsable = true;
            if (filter == FilterPropertyType.FilterBinaryFormatter)
                // Databinding works with serialization
                Properties.Item.Add("Array of objects", ListValues[2].Text, false, "Databinding", "This is a UITypeEditor that implement a listbox", true);
                Properties.Item[Properties.Item.Count - 1].ValueMember   = "Value";
                Properties.Item[Properties.Item.Count - 1].DisplayMember = "Text";
                Properties.Item[Properties.Item.Count - 1].Datasource    = ListValues;
