public override void OnInitialize() { base.OnInitialize(); string text = _mod.DisplayName + " v" + _mod.modFile.version; if (_mod.tModLoaderVersion < new Version(0, 10)) { text += $" [c/FF0000:({Language.GetTextValue("tModLoader.ModOldWarning")})]"; } if (_mod.modFile.HasFile("icon.png")) { try { Texture2D modIconTexture; using (_mod.modFile.Open()) using (var s = _mod.modFile.GetStream("icon.png")) modIconTexture = Texture2D.FromStream(Main.instance.GraphicsDevice, s); if (modIconTexture.Width == 80 && modIconTexture.Height == 80) { _modIcon = new UIImage(modIconTexture) { Left = { Percent = 0f }, Top = { Percent = 0f } }; Append(_modIcon); _modIconAdjust += 85; } } catch (Exception e) { Logging.tML.Error("Unknown error", e); } } _modName = new UIText(text) { Left = new StyleDimension(_modIconAdjust, 0f), Top = { Pixels = 5 } }; Append(_modName); _uiModStateText = new UIModStateText(_mod.Enabled) { Top = { Pixels = 40 }, Left = { Pixels = _modIconAdjust } }; _uiModStateText.OnClick += ToggleEnabled; Append(_uiModStateText); _moreInfoButton = new UIImage(UICommon.ButtonModInfoTexture) { Width = { Pixels = 36 }, Height = { Pixels = 36 }, Left = { Pixels = -36, Precent = 1 }, Top = { Pixels = 40 } }; _moreInfoButton.OnClick += ShowMoreInfo; Append(_moreInfoButton); Mod loadedMod = ModLoader.GetMod(_mod.Name); if (loadedMod != null && ConfigManager.Configs.ContainsKey(loadedMod)) { _configButton = new UIImage(UICommon.ButtonModConfigTexture) { Width = { Pixels = 36 }, Height = { Pixels = 36f }, Left = { Pixels = _moreInfoButton.Left.Pixels - 36 - PADDING, Precent = 1f }, Top = { Pixels = 40f } }; _configButton.OnClick += OpenConfig; Append(_configButton); if (ConfigManager.ModNeedsReload(loadedMod)) { _configChangesRequireReload = true; } } _modReferences = => x.mod).ToArray(); if (_modReferences.Length > 0 && !_mod.Enabled) { string refs = string.Join(", ",; var icon = UICommon.ButtonExclamationTexture; _modReferenceIcon = new UIHoverImage(icon, Language.GetTextValue("tModLoader.ModDependencyClickTooltip", refs)) { Left = new StyleDimension(_uiModStateText.Left.Pixels + _uiModStateText.Width.Pixels + PADDING, 0f), Top = { Pixels = 42.5f } }; _modReferenceIcon.OnClick += EnableDependencies; Append(_modReferenceIcon); } if (_mod.modFile.ValidModBrowserSignature) { _keyImage = new UIHoverImage(Main.itemTexture[ItemID.GoldenKey], Language.GetTextValue("tModLoader.ModsOriginatedFromModBrowser")) { Left = { Pixels = -20, Percent = 1f } }; Append(_keyImage); } if (ModLoader.badUnloaders.Contains(_mod.Name)) { _keyImage = new UIHoverImage(UICommon.ButtonErrorTexture, "This mod did not fully unload during last unload.") { Left = { Pixels = _modIconAdjust + PADDING }, Top = { Pixels = 3 } }; Append(_keyImage); _modName.Left.Pixels += _keyImage.Width.Pixels + PADDING * 2f; } if ( { _keyImage = new UIHoverImage(Main.itemTexture[ItemID.ShadowKey], Language.GetTextValue("tModLoader.BetaModCantPublish")) { Left = { Pixels = -10, Percent = 1f } }; Append(_keyImage); } if (loadedMod != null) { _loaded = true; int[] values = { loadedMod.items.Count, loadedMod.npcs.Count, loadedMod.tiles.Count, loadedMod.walls.Count, loadedMod.buffs.Count, loadedMod.mountDatas.Count }; string[] localizationKeys = { "ModsXItems", "ModsXNPCs", "ModsXTiles", "ModsXWalls", "ModsXBuffs", "ModsXMounts" }; int xOffset = -40; for (int i = 0; i < values.Length; i++) { if (values[i] > 0) { Texture2D iconTexture = Main.instance.infoIconTexture[i]; _keyImage = new UIHoverImage(iconTexture, Language.GetTextValue($"tModLoader.{localizationKeys[i]}", values[i])) { Left = { Pixels = xOffset, Percent = 1f } }; Append(_keyImage); xOffset -= 18; } } } OnDoubleClick += (e, el) => { // Only trigger if we didn't target the ModStateText, otherwise we trigger this behavior twice if (e.Target.GetType() != typeof(UIModStateText)) { _uiModStateText.Click(e); } }; }
public override void OnInitialize() { base.OnInitialize(); string text = _mod.DisplayName + " v" + _mod.modFile.Version; if (_mod.tModLoaderVersion < new Version(0, 10)) { text += $" [c/FF0000:({Language.GetTextValue("tModLoader.ModOldWarning")})]"; } if (_mod.modFile.HasFile("icon.png")) { try { Asset <Texture2D> modIconTexture; using (_mod.modFile.Open()) using (var s = _mod.modFile.GetStream("icon.png")) modIconTexture = ModLoader.ManifestAssets.CreateUntrackedAsset( $"Terraria.ModLoader.UI.Browser.{_mod.Name}.icon.png", Texture2D.FromStream(Main.instance.GraphicsDevice, s) ); if (modIconTexture.Width() == 80 && modIconTexture.Height() == 80) { _modIcon = new UIImage(modIconTexture) { Left = { Percent = 0f }, Top = { Percent = 0f } }; Append(_modIcon); _modIconAdjust += 85; } } catch (Exception e) { Logging.tML.Error("Unknown error", e); } } _modName = new UIText(text) { Left = new StyleDimension(_modIconAdjust, 0f), Top = { Pixels = 5 } }; Append(_modName); _uiModStateText = new UIModStateText(_mod.Enabled) { Top = { Pixels = 40 }, Left = { Pixels = _modIconAdjust } }; _uiModStateText.OnClick += ToggleEnabled; Append(_uiModStateText); _moreInfoButton = new UIImage(UICommon.ButtonModInfoTexture) { Width = { Pixels = 36 }, Height = { Pixels = 36 }, Left = { Pixels = -36, Precent = 1 }, Top = { Pixels = 40 } }; _moreInfoButton.OnClick += ShowMoreInfo; Append(_moreInfoButton); if (ModLoader.TryGetMod(ModName, out var loadedMod) && ConfigManager.Configs.ContainsKey(loadedMod)) { _configButton = new UIImage(UICommon.ButtonModConfigTexture) { Width = { Pixels = 36 }, Height = { Pixels = 36f }, Left = { Pixels = _moreInfoButton.Left.Pixels - 36 - PADDING, Precent = 1f }, Top = { Pixels = 40f } }; _configButton.OnClick += OpenConfig; Append(_configButton); if (ConfigManager.ModNeedsReload(loadedMod)) { _configChangesRequireReload = true; } } _modReferences = => x.mod).ToArray(); if (_modReferences.Length > 0 && !_mod.Enabled) { string refs = string.Join(", ",; var icon = UICommon.ButtonExclamationTexture; _modReferenceIcon = new UIHoverImage(icon, Language.GetTextValue("tModLoader.ModDependencyClickTooltip", refs)) { Left = new StyleDimension(_uiModStateText.Left.Pixels + _uiModStateText.Width.Pixels + PADDING, 0f), Top = { Pixels = 42.5f } }; _modReferenceIcon.OnClick += EnableDependencies; Append(_modReferenceIcon); } if (_mod.modFile.ValidModBrowserSignature) { _keyImage = new UIHoverImage(Main.Assets.Request <Texture2D>(TextureAssets.Item[ItemID.GoldenKey].Name), Language.GetTextValue("tModLoader.ModsOriginatedFromModBrowser")) { Left = { Pixels = -20, Percent = 1f } }; Append(_keyImage); } if (ModCompile.DeveloperMode && ModLoader.badUnloaders.Contains(ModName)) { _keyImage = new UIHoverImage(UICommon.ButtonErrorTexture, Language.GetTextValue("tModLoader.ModDidNotFullyUnloadWarning")) { Left = { Pixels = _modIconAdjust + PADDING }, Top = { Pixels = 3 } }; Append(_keyImage); _modName.Left.Pixels += _keyImage.Width.Pixels + PADDING * 2f; } if ( { _keyImage = new UIHoverImage(Main.Assets.Request <Texture2D>(TextureAssets.Item[ItemID.ShadowKey].Name), Language.GetTextValue("tModLoader.BetaModCantPublish")) { Left = { Pixels = -10, Percent = 1f } }; Append(_keyImage); } if (loadedMod != null) { _loaded = true; // TODO: refactor and add nicer icons (and maybe not iterate 6 times) int[] values = { loadedMod.GetContent <ModItem>().Count(), loadedMod.GetContent <ModNPC>().Count(), loadedMod.GetContent <ModTile>().Count(), loadedMod.GetContent <ModWall>().Count(), loadedMod.GetContent <ModBuff>().Count(), loadedMod.GetContent <ModMount>().Count() }; string[] localizationKeys = { "ModsXItems", "ModsXNPCs", "ModsXTiles", "ModsXWalls", "ModsXBuffs", "ModsXMounts" }; int xOffset = -40; for (int i = 0; i < values.Length; i++) { if (values[i] > 0) { _keyImage = new UIHoverImage(Main.Assets.Request <Texture2D>(TextureAssets.InfoIcon[i].Name), Language.GetTextValue($"tModLoader.{localizationKeys[i]}", values[i])) { Left = { Pixels = xOffset, Percent = 1f } }; Append(_keyImage); xOffset -= 18; } } } OnDoubleClick += (e, el) => { // Only trigger if we didn't target the ModStateText, otherwise we trigger this behavior twice if (e.Target.GetType() != typeof(UIModStateText)) { _uiModStateText.Click(e); } }; if (!_loaded) { _deleteModButton = new UIImage(TextureAssets.Trash) { Width = { Pixels = 36 }, Height = { Pixels = 36 }, Left = { Pixels = _moreInfoButton.Left.Pixels - 36 - PADDING, Precent = 1 }, Top = { Pixels = 42.5f } }; _deleteModButton.OnClick += QuickModDelete; Append(_deleteModButton); } }