public SkyLabel(RenderContext11 renderContext, Vector3d point, string text, LabelSytle style) { Text = text; Style = style; if (texture == null) { texture = Texture11.FromBitmap(, 0); } pos = point; center = new Vector3(9, 9, 0); textBatch = new Text3dBatch(80); if (style == LabelSytle.Telrad) { // Telrad-style labels are always screen-aligned Text3d t3 = new Text3d(new Vector3d(0, 0, 0.1), new Vector3d(0, 1, 0), text, 20, .01); t3.alignment = Text3d.Alignment.Left; textBatch.Add(t3); } else { // This will produce sky or orbit aligned text textBatch.Add(new Text3d(pos, new Vector3d(0, 1, 0), text, 20, .01)); } }
public static void Draw(RenderContext11 renderContext, PositionColoredTextured[] points, int count, Texture11 texture, SharpDX.Direct3D.PrimitiveTopology primitiveType, float opacity = 1.0f) { if (VertexBuffer == null) { VertexBuffer = new Buffer(renderContext.Device, System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.SizeOf(points[0]) * 2500, ResourceUsage.Dynamic, BindFlags.VertexBuffer, CpuAccessFlags.Write, ResourceOptionFlags.None, System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.SizeOf(points[0])); VertexBufferBinding = new VertexBufferBinding(VertexBuffer, System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.SizeOf((points[0])), 0); } renderContext.devContext.InputAssembler.PrimitiveTopology = primitiveType; renderContext.BlendMode = BlendMode.Alpha; renderContext.setRasterizerState(TriangleCullMode.Off); SharpDX.Matrix mat = (renderContext.World * renderContext.View * renderContext.Projection).Matrix11; mat.Transpose(); WarpOutputShader.MatWVP = mat; WarpOutputShader.Use(renderContext.devContext, texture != null, opacity); renderContext.SetVertexBuffer(VertexBufferBinding); DataBox box = renderContext.devContext.MapSubresource(VertexBuffer, 0, MapMode.WriteDiscard, MapFlags.None); Utilities.Write(box.DataPointer, points, 0, count); renderContext.devContext.UnmapSubresource(VertexBuffer, 0); if (texture != null) { renderContext.devContext.PixelShader.SetShaderResource(0, texture.ResourceView); } else { renderContext.devContext.PixelShader.SetShaderResource(0, null); } renderContext.devContext.Draw(count, 0); }
public static void Draw2D(RenderContext11 renderContext, Texture11 srcTexture, SizeF size, PointF rotationCenter, float rotationAngle, PointF position, System.Drawing.Color color) { cornerPoints[0].Position = MakePosition(position.X, position.Y, -size.Width / 2, -size.Height / 2, rotationAngle).Vector4; cornerPoints[0].Tu = 0; cornerPoints[0].Tv = 0; cornerPoints[0].Color = color; cornerPoints[1].Position = MakePosition(position.X, position.Y, size.Width / 2, -size.Height / 2, rotationAngle).Vector4; cornerPoints[1].Tu = 1; cornerPoints[1].Tv = 0; cornerPoints[1].Color = color; cornerPoints[2].Position = MakePosition(position.X, position.Y, -size.Width / 2, size.Height / 2, rotationAngle).Vector4; cornerPoints[2].Tu = 0; cornerPoints[2].Tv = 1; cornerPoints[2].Color = color; cornerPoints[3].Position = MakePosition(position.X, position.Y, size.Width / 2, size.Height / 2, rotationAngle).Vector4; cornerPoints[3].Tu = 1; cornerPoints[3].Tv = 1; cornerPoints[3].Color = color; renderContext.setRasterizerState(TriangleCullMode.Off); renderContext.DepthStencilMode = DepthStencilMode.Off; DrawForScreen(renderContext, cornerPoints, 4, srcTexture, SharpDX.Direct3D.PrimitiveTopology.TriangleStrip); }
public Texture11 GetTexture(string date, string url) { if (!cache.ContainsKey(date)) { Add(date, url); } WmsCahceEntry result = cache[date]; if (result.Texture != null) { return(result.Texture); } Texture11 tempTexture = null; foreach (WmsCahceEntry entry in cache.Values) { if ((entry.Date.CompareTo(date) > 0 && tempTexture != null)) { return(tempTexture); } if (entry.Texture != null) { tempTexture = entry.Texture; } } return(tempTexture); }
protected override void setupShader(RenderContext11 renderContext, Texture11 texture, float opacity) { SharpDX.Matrix mvp = (renderContext.World * renderContext.View * renderContext.Projection).Matrix11; mvp.Transpose(); float aspectRatio = renderContext.ViewPort.Width / renderContext.ViewPort.Height; Color4 color = new Color4(TintColor.Red, TintColor.Green, TintColor.Blue, TintColor.Alpha * opacity); // Set up the shader if (renderStrategy == RenderStrategy.GeometryShader) { PointSpriteShader11.WVPMatrix = mvp; PointSpriteShader11.Color = color; PointSpriteShader11.ViewportScale = new SharpDX.Vector2(1.0f, aspectRatio) * 0.001f; PointSpriteShader11.MinPointSize = MinPointSize; PointSpriteShader11.PointScaleFactors = PointScaleFactors; PointSpriteShader11.Use(renderContext.Device.ImmediateContext); } else { CompatibilityPointSpriteShader.WVPMatrix = mvp; CompatibilityPointSpriteShader.Color = color; CompatibilityPointSpriteShader.ViewportScale = new SharpDX.Vector2(1.0f, aspectRatio) * 0.001f; CompatibilityPointSpriteShader.PointScaleFactors = PointScaleFactors; CompatibilityPointSpriteShader.MinPointSize = MinPointSize; bool useInstancing = renderStrategy == RenderStrategy.Instanced; CompatibilityPointSpriteShader.Use(renderContext.Device.ImmediateContext, useInstancing); } // Set shader resources renderContext.Device.ImmediateContext.PixelShader.SetShaderResource(0, texture == null ? null : texture.ResourceView); }
public void Draw(RenderContext11 renderContext, int count, Texture11 texture, float opacity) { setupShader(renderContext, texture, opacity); count = Math.Min(this.count, count); switch (renderStrategy) { case RenderStrategy.GeometryShader: renderContext.devContext.InputAssembler.PrimitiveTopology = SharpDX.Direct3D.PrimitiveTopology.PointList; renderContext.SetVertexBuffer(0, vertexBuffer); renderContext.devContext.Draw(count, 0); renderContext.Device.ImmediateContext.GeometryShader.Set(null); break; case RenderStrategy.Instanced: renderContext.devContext.InputAssembler.PrimitiveTopology = SharpDX.Direct3D.PrimitiveTopology.TriangleList; renderContext.SetVertexBuffer(0, spriteCornerVertexBuffer); renderContext.SetVertexBuffer(1, vertexBuffer); renderContext.SetIndexBuffer(indexBuffer); renderContext.devContext.DrawIndexedInstanced(6, count, 0, 0, 0); break; case RenderStrategy.Fallback: renderContext.devContext.InputAssembler.PrimitiveTopology = SharpDX.Direct3D.PrimitiveTopology.TriangleList; renderContext.SetVertexBuffer(0, fallbackVertexBuffer); renderContext.SetIndexBuffer(indexBuffer); renderContext.devContext.DrawIndexed(count * 6, 0, 0); break; } }
void CleanUp() { if (texture != null) { texture.Dispose(); texture = null; } }
public void CleanUp() { if (texture != null) { texture.Dispose(); } dirty = true; texture = null; }
public KmlLabels() { texture = Texture11.FromBitmap(, 0); star = Texture11.FromBitmap(Resources.icon_rating_star_large_on, 0); center = new Vector3(10, 10, 0); positions = new List<Vector3>(); names = new List<string>(); }
public KmlLabels() { texture = Texture11.FromBitmap(, 0); star = Texture11.FromBitmap(Properties.Resources.icon_rating_star_large_on, 0); center = new Vector3(10, 10, 0); positions = new List <Vector3>(); names = new List <string>(); }
public Texture11 GetCachedTexture(string filename, bool colorKey) { if (textureList == null) { textureList = new Dictionary <string, Texture11>(); } if (textureList.ContainsKey(filename)) { return(textureList[filename]); } Texture11 texture; if (ProjectorServer) { // Synce Layers try { string dir = Path.GetDirectoryName(filename); string name = Path.GetFileName(filename); if (!Directory.Exists(dir)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(dir); } if (!File.Exists(filename)) { WebClient client = new WebClient(); string url = string.Format("http://{0}:5050/Configuration/images/tour/{1}", NetControl.MasterAddress, name); Byte[] data = client.DownloadData(url); File.WriteAllBytes(filename, data); } } catch { } } if (colorKey) { //todo11 Add Color Key support texture = Texture11.FromFile(filename); } else { texture = Texture11.FromFile(filename); } textureList[filename] = texture; return(texture); }
internal void Draw(RenderContext11 renderContext) { if (reticleImage == null) { reticleImage = Texture11.FromBitmap(Properties.Resources.Reticle); } ComputePoints(); Sprite2d.Draw(renderContext, points, 4, reticleImage, SharpDX.Direct3D.PrimitiveTopology.TriangleStrip); }
// Set up render context state required for drawing ground overlays when shaders // are enabled. public void SetupGroundOverlays(RenderContext11 renderContext) { // A shader should be set up already if (renderContext.Shader == null) { renderContext.SetupBasicEffect(BasicEffect.TextureOnly, 1.0f, Color.White); } // Count the number of overlays so that we can choose the appropriate shader int overlayCount = 0; foreach (KmlGroundOverlay overlay in GroundOverlays) { if (overlay.Icon.Texture != null) { ++overlayCount; } } overlayCount = Math.Min(PlanetShader11.MaxOverlayTextures, overlayCount); if (overlayCount == 0) { // No work to do return; } // Get a shader identical to the one currently in use, but which supports // the required number of overlays. PlanetShaderKey key = renderContext.Shader.Key; key.overlayTextureCount = overlayCount; PlanetShader11 overlayShader = PlanetShader11.GetPlanetShader(renderContext.Device, key); renderContext.Shader = overlayShader; renderContext.Shader.DiffuseColor = new SharpDX.Vector4(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f); SharpDX.Direct3D11.DeviceContext devContext = renderContext.Device.ImmediateContext; int overlayIndex = 0; foreach (KmlGroundOverlay overlay in GroundOverlays) { Texture11 texture = overlay.Icon.Texture; if (texture != null) { if (overlayIndex < PlanetShader11.MaxOverlayTextures) { renderContext.Shader.SetOverlayTextureMatrix(overlayIndex, overlay.GetMatrix().Matrix11); renderContext.Shader.SetOverlayTextureColor(overlayIndex, overlay.color); renderContext.Shader.SetOverlayTexture(overlayIndex, texture.ResourceView); } ++overlayIndex; } } }
public void SetCurrentImage() { string timeString = GetTimeString(); string url = GetCurrentPath(timeString); Texture11 texture = WmsCache.GetTexture(timeString, url); Overlay.Icon = new KmlIcon(); Overlay.Icon.Texture = texture; //Earth3d.MainWindow.Text = Overlay.Icon.Href; }
public void SetTexture(Bitmap bmp) { if (this.texture != null) { this.texture.Dispose(); GC.SuppressFinalize(texture); this.texture = null; } texture = Texture11.FromBitmap(RenderContext11.PrepDevice, bmp); Width = bmp.Width; Height = bmp.Height; }
public SkyLabel(RenderContext11 renderContext, double ra, double dec, string text, LabelSytle style, double distance) { RA = ra; Dec = dec; Text = text; Style = style; Distance = distance; if (texture == null) { texture = Texture11.FromBitmap(, 0); } Vector3d up = new Vector3d(); Vector3d textPos = new Vector3d(); if (Earth3d.MainWindow.SolarSystemMode) { pos = Coordinates.RADecTo3d(ra, -dec, distance); up = Coordinates.RADecTo3d(ra, -dec + 90, distance); pos.RotateX(Coordinates.MeanObliquityOfEcliptic(SpaceTimeController.JNow) / 180.0 * Math.PI); pos.Add(Planets.GetPlanet3dLocation(SolarSystemObjects.Earth)); up.RotateX(Coordinates.MeanObliquityOfEcliptic(SpaceTimeController.JNow) / 180.0 * Math.PI); up.Add(Planets.GetPlanet3dLocation(SolarSystemObjects.Earth)); } else { pos = Coordinates.RADecTo3d(ra + 12, dec, distance); textPos = Coordinates.RADecTo3d(ra + 12, dec + 2, distance); up = Coordinates.RADecTo3d(ra + 12, dec + 92, distance); } center = new Vector3(9, 9, 0); textBatch = new Text3dBatch(24); if (style == LabelSytle.Telrad) { // Telrad-style labels are always screen-aligned Text3d t3 = new Text3d(new Vector3d(0, 0, 0.1), new Vector3d(0, 1, 0), text, 20, .01); t3.alignment = Text3d.Alignment.Left; textBatch.Add(t3); } else { up.Normalize(); textPos.Normalize(); textBatch.Add(new Text3d(textPos, up, text, 20, .0005)); } }
public static Texture11 GetTexture(Bitmap bitmap) { return(Texture11.FromBitmap(RenderContext11.PrepDevice, bitmap)); //todo11 reenable the pooling of textures //if (bitmap.Width != 256 || bitmap.Height != 256 | !(bitmap.PixelFormat == PixelFormat.Format32bppArgb | bitmap.PixelFormat == PixelFormat.Format24bppRgb)) //{ // return UiTools.LoadTextureFromBmp(Tile.prepDevice, bitmap); //} //Texture11 texture = null; //if (TexturePool256.Count > 0) //{ // texture = TexturePool256.Pop(); //} //else //{ // texture = new Texture11(Tile.prepDevice, 256, 256, 0, Usage.AutoGenerateMipMap, Format.A8R8G8B8, Pool.Managed); //} //if (bitmap.PixelFormat == PixelFormat.Format32bppArgb | bitmap.PixelFormat == PixelFormat.Format24bppRgb) //{ // BitmapData bitmapData = bitmap.LockBits(new Rectangle(0, 0, bitmap.Width, bitmap.Height), ImageLockMode.ReadOnly, PixelFormat.Format32bppArgb); // int pitch; // GraphicsStream textureData = texture.LockRectangle(0, LockFlags.Discard, out pitch); // unsafe // { // uint* texturePointer = (uint*)textureData.InternalDataPointer; // for (int y = 0; y < bitmap.Height; y++) // { // uint* bitmapLinePointer = (uint*)bitmapData.Scan0 + y * (bitmapData.Stride / sizeof(int)); // uint* textureLinePointer = texturePointer + y * (pitch / sizeof(int)); // int length = bitmap.Width; // while (--length >= 0) // { // *textureLinePointer++ = *bitmapLinePointer++; // } // } // } // bitmap.UnlockBits(bitmapData); // texture.UnlockRectangle(0); // // texture.GenerateMipSubLevels(); //} //return texture; }
public void Dispose() { if (texture != null) { texture.Dispose(); GC.SuppressFinalize(texture); texture = null; } if (labelBuffer != null) { labelBuffer.Dispose(); GC.SuppressFinalize(labelBuffer); labelBuffer = null; } }
public override void CleanUp(bool removeFromParent) { if (starVertexBuffer != null) { starVertexBuffer.Dispose(); starVertexBuffer = null; } if (starProfile != null) { starProfile.Dispose(); GC.SuppressFinalize(starProfile); starProfile = null; } TextureReady = false; }
public void Draw(RenderContext11 renderContext, int count, Texture11 texture, float opacity, IndexBuffer11 indexBufferIn) { setupShader(renderContext, texture, opacity); count = Math.Min(this.count, count); switch (renderStrategy) { case RenderStrategy.GeometryShader: renderContext.devContext.InputAssembler.PrimitiveTopology = SharpDX.Direct3D.PrimitiveTopology.PointList; renderContext.SetVertexBuffer(0, vertexBuffer); renderContext.SetIndexBuffer(indexBufferIn); renderContext.devContext.DrawIndexed(count, 0, 0); renderContext.Device.ImmediateContext.GeometryShader.Set(null); break; } }
private Bitmap GetChartImageBitmap(Earth3d window) { Bitmap bmp = null; if (chartType == ChartTypes.Histogram) { if (!Stats.Computed) { Stats = layer.GetSingleColumnHistogram(TargetColumn); } bmp = GetBarChartBitmap(Stats); texture = Texture11.FromBitmap(bmp, 0); } else if (chartType == ChartTypes.BarChart) { if (!Stats.Computed) { Stats = layer.GetDomainValueBarChart(domainColumn, targetColumn, denominatorColumn, statType); } bmp = GetBarChartBitmap(Stats); texture = Texture11.FromBitmap(bmp, 0); } else if (chartType == ChartTypes.TimeChart) { if (!Stats.Computed) { Stats = layer.GetDateHistogram(TargetColumn, DateFilter); } bmp = GetBarChartBitmap(Stats); texture = Texture11.FromBitmap(bmp, 0); } Width = bmp.Width; Height = bmp.Height; Top = (int)window.RenderContext11.ViewPort.Height - (Height + 120); Left = (int)window.RenderContext11.ViewPort.Width / 2 - (Width / 2); return(bmp); }
static public Texture11 FromStream(Device device, Stream stream) { byte[] data = null; if (SaveStream) { MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(); stream.CopyTo(ms); stream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin); data = ms.GetBuffer(); } try { ImageLoadInformation loadInfo = new ImageLoadInformation(); loadInfo.BindFlags = BindFlags.ShaderResource; loadInfo.CpuAccessFlags = CpuAccessFlags.None; loadInfo.Depth = -1; loadInfo.Format = RenderContext11.DefaultTextureFormat; loadInfo.Filter = FilterFlags.Box; loadInfo.FirstMipLevel = 0; loadInfo.Height = -1; loadInfo.MipFilter = FilterFlags.Linear; loadInfo.MipLevels = 0; loadInfo.OptionFlags = ResourceOptionFlags.None; loadInfo.Usage = ResourceUsage.Default; loadInfo.Width = -1; if (loadInfo.Format == SharpDX.DXGI.Format.R8G8B8A8_UNorm_SRgb) { loadInfo.Filter |= FilterFlags.SRgb; } Texture2D texture = Texture2D.FromStream <Texture2D>(device, stream, (int)stream.Length, loadInfo); Texture11 t11 = new Texture11(texture); t11.savedStrem = data; return(t11); } catch { return(null); } }
public void Draw3D(RenderContext11 renderContext, float transparancy) { ratio = 1116f / (float)Earth3d.MainWindow.RenderWindow.ClientRectangle.Height; if (SingleSelectHandles == null) { SingleSelectHandles = Texture11.FromBitmap(RenderContext11.PrepDevice, (Bitmap)global::TerraViewer.Properties.Resources.Selhand); } if (MultiSelectHandles == null) { MultiSelectHandles = Texture11.FromBitmap(RenderContext11.PrepDevice, (Bitmap)global::TerraViewer.Properties.Resources.MultiSelhand); } if (FocusHandles == null) { FocusHandles = Texture11.FromBitmap(RenderContext11.PrepDevice, (Bitmap)global::TerraViewer.Properties.Resources.FocusHandles); } if (selectionSet.Count > 1) { foreach (Overlay overlay in selectionSet) { if (overlay == focus) { DrawSelectionHandles(renderContext, overlay, FocusHandles); } else { DrawSelectionHandles(renderContext, overlay, MultiSelectHandles); } } } else { foreach (Overlay overlay in selectionSet) { DrawSelectionHandles(renderContext, overlay, SingleSelectHandles); } } }
public static void ReturnTexture(Texture11 texture) { if (texture == null) { return; } texture.Dispose(); GC.SuppressFinalize(texture); //todo11 reimplement pooling of textures //SurfaceDescription sd = texture.GetLevelDescription(0); //if (sd.Height != 256 || sd.Width != 256) //{ // texture.Dispose(); // GC.SuppressFinalize(texture); //} //else //{ //BufferMutex.WaitOne(); // TexturePool256.Push(texture); //BufferMutex.ReleaseMutex(); //} }
public static Texture11 GetPushPinTexture(int pinId) { if (pinTextureCache.ContainsKey(pinId)) { return(pinTextureCache[pinId]); } Bitmap bmp = new Bitmap(32, 32, System.Drawing.Imaging.PixelFormat.Format32bppArgb); Graphics gOut = Graphics.FromImage(bmp); int row = pinId / 16; int col = pinId % 16; gOut.DrawImage(Pins, new Rectangle(0, 0, 32, 32), (col * 32), (row * 32), 32, 32, GraphicsUnit.Pixel); gOut.Flush(); gOut.Dispose(); Texture11 tex = Texture11.FromBitmap(bmp, 0xFF000000); bmp.Dispose(); pinTextureCache.Add(pinId, tex); return(tex); }
public virtual void CleanUp(bool removeFromParent) { ReadyToRender = false; TextureReady = false; DemData = null; DemReady = false; hdTile = null; if (this.texture != null) { if (Earth3d.Logging) { Earth3d.WriteLogMessage("Tile:Texture Cleanup"); } BufferPool11.ReturnTexture(texture); this.texture = null; } else { if (Earth3d.Logging) { Earth3d.WriteLogMessage("Tile:Cleanup - no Texture"); } } if (this.vertexBuffer != null) { BufferPool11.ReturnPNTX2VertexBuffer(vertexBuffer); this.vertexBuffer = null; } if (this.indexBuffer != null) { foreach (IndexBuffer11 buffer in indexBuffer) { if (buffer != null) { BufferPool11.ReturnShortIndexBuffer(buffer); } } this.indexBuffer = null; } }
public void Draw(RenderContext11 renderContext, int count, Texture11 texture, float opacity) { setupShader(renderContext, texture, opacity); count = Math.Min(this.count, count); switch (renderStrategy) { case RenderStrategy.GeometryShader: renderContext.devContext.InputAssembler.PrimitiveTopology = PrimitiveTopology.PointList; renderContext.SetVertexBuffer(0, vertexBuffer); renderContext.devContext.Draw(count, 0); renderContext.Device.ImmediateContext.GeometryShader.Set(null); break; case RenderStrategy.Instanced: renderContext.devContext.InputAssembler.PrimitiveTopology = PrimitiveTopology.TriangleList; renderContext.SetVertexBuffer(0, spriteCornerVertexBuffer); renderContext.SetVertexBuffer(1, vertexBuffer); renderContext.SetIndexBuffer(indexBuffer); renderContext.devContext.DrawIndexedInstanced(6, count, 0, 0, 0); break; case RenderStrategy.Fallback: renderContext.devContext.InputAssembler.PrimitiveTopology = PrimitiveTopology.TriangleList; renderContext.SetVertexBuffer(0, fallbackVertexBuffer); renderContext.SetIndexBuffer(indexBuffer); renderContext.devContext.DrawIndexed(count * 6, 0, 0); break; } }
public SkyLabel(RenderContext11 renderContext, double ra, double dec, string text, LabelSytle style, double distance) { RA = ra; Dec = dec; Text = text; Style = style; Distance = distance; if (texture == null) { texture = Texture11.FromBitmap(, 0); } var up = new Vector3d(); var textPos = new Vector3d(); if (Earth3d.MainWindow.SolarSystemMode) { pos = Coordinates.RADecTo3d(ra, -dec, distance); up = Coordinates.RADecTo3d(ra, -dec + 90, distance); pos.RotateX(Coordinates.MeanObliquityOfEcliptic(SpaceTimeController.JNow) / 180.0 * Math.PI); pos.Add(Planets.GetPlanet3dLocation(SolarSystemObjects.Earth)); up.RotateX(Coordinates.MeanObliquityOfEcliptic(SpaceTimeController.JNow) / 180.0 * Math.PI); up.Add(Planets.GetPlanet3dLocation(SolarSystemObjects.Earth)); } else { pos = Coordinates.RADecTo3d(ra+12, dec, distance); textPos = Coordinates.RADecTo3d(ra + 12, dec + 2, distance); up = Coordinates.RADecTo3d(ra+12, dec + 92, distance); } center = new Vector3(9, 9, 0); textBatch = new Text3dBatch(24); if (style == LabelSytle.Telrad) { // Telrad-style labels are always screen-aligned var t3 = new Text3d(new Vector3d(0, 0, 0.1), new Vector3d(0, 1, 0), text, 20, .01); t3.alignment = Text3d.Alignment.Left; textBatch.Add(t3); } else { up.Normalize(); textPos.Normalize(); textBatch.Add(new Text3d(textPos, up, text, 20, .0005)); } }
protected void InitializeRift() { // Initialize OVR Library OVR.Initialize(); if (OVR.HmdDetect() < 1) { throw new IndexOutOfRangeException("No Rfft detected"); } // Create our HMD hmd = OVR.HmdCreate(0); if (hmd == null) { throw new IndexOutOfRangeException("Can't create Rift"); } SharpDX.Size2 left = hmd.GetFovTextureSize(EyeType.Left, hmd.DefaultEyeFov[0]); SharpDX.Size2 right = hmd.GetFovTextureSize(EyeType.Right, hmd.DefaultEyeFov[1]); leftEyeWidth = left.Width; leftEyeHeight = left.Height; rightEyeWidth = right.Width; rightEyeHeight = right.Height; // Create our render target eyeTexture[0] = hmd.CreateSwapTexture(RenderContext11.Device, riftFormat, left, false); eyeTexture[1] = hmd.CreateSwapTexture(RenderContext11.Device, riftFormat, right, false); swapTextures[0] = new SwapTextureSetD3D(eyeTexture[0].TextureSet); swapTextures[1] = new SwapTextureSetD3D(eyeTexture[1].TextureSet); // Create our layer layerEyeFov = new LayerEyeFov { Header = new LayerHeader(LayerType.EyeFov, LayerFlags.HighQuality), ColorTextureLeft = eyeTexture[0].TextureSet, ColorTextureRight = eyeTexture[1].TextureSet, ViewportLeft = new Rect(0, 0, eyeTexture[0].Size.Width, eyeTexture[0].Size.Height), ViewportRight = new Rect(0, 0, eyeTexture[1].Size.Width, eyeTexture[1].Size.Height), FovLeft = hmd.DefaultEyeFov[0], FovRight = hmd.DefaultEyeFov[1], }; // Keep eye view offsets eyeRenderDesc[0] = hmd.GetRenderDesc(EyeType.Left, hmd.DefaultEyeFov[0]); eyeRenderDesc[1] = hmd.GetRenderDesc(EyeType.Right, hmd.DefaultEyeFov[1]); hmdToEyeViewOffset[0] = eyeRenderDesc[0].HmdToEyeViewOffset; hmdToEyeViewOffset[1] = eyeRenderDesc[1].HmdToEyeViewOffset; // Create a mirror texture mirrorTexture = hmd.CreateMirrorTexture(RenderContext11.Device, RenderContext11.BackBuffer.Description); mirror = new Texture11(mirrorTexture); // Configure tracking hmd.ConfigureTracking(TrackingCapabilities.Orientation | TrackingCapabilities.Position | TrackingCapabilities.MagYawCorrection, TrackingCapabilities.None); // Set enabled capabilities hmd.EnabledCaps = HMDCapabilities.LowPersistence | HMDCapabilities.DynamicPrediction; riftInit = true; }
public static void DrawForScreen(RenderContext11 renderContext, PositionColoredTextured[] points, int count, Texture11 texture, SharpDX.Direct3D.PrimitiveTopology primitiveType) { if (VertexBuffer == null) { VertexBuffer = new Buffer(renderContext.Device, System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.SizeOf(points[0]) * 2500, ResourceUsage.Dynamic, BindFlags.VertexBuffer, CpuAccessFlags.Write, ResourceOptionFlags.None, System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.SizeOf(points[0])); VertexBufferBinding = new VertexBufferBinding(VertexBuffer, System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.SizeOf((points[0])), 0); } renderContext.devContext.InputAssembler.PrimitiveTopology = primitiveType; renderContext.BlendMode = BlendMode.Alpha; renderContext.setRasterizerState(TriangleCullMode.Off); SharpDX.Matrix mat = SharpDX.Matrix.Translation(-renderContext.ViewPort.Width / 2, -renderContext.ViewPort.Height / 2, 0) * SharpDX.Matrix.Scaling(1f, -1f, 1f) * SharpDX.Matrix.OrthoLH(renderContext.ViewPort.Width, renderContext.ViewPort.Height, 1, -1); mat.Transpose(); WarpOutputShader.MatWVP = mat; WarpOutputShader.Use(renderContext.devContext, texture != null); renderContext.SetVertexBuffer(VertexBufferBinding); DataBox box = renderContext.devContext.MapSubresource(VertexBuffer, 0, MapMode.WriteDiscard, MapFlags.None); Utilities.Write(box.DataPointer, points, 0, count); renderContext.devContext.UnmapSubresource(VertexBuffer, 0); if (texture != null) { renderContext.devContext.PixelShader.SetShaderResource(0, texture.ResourceView); } else { renderContext.devContext.PixelShader.SetShaderResource(0, null); } renderContext.devContext.Draw(count, 0); }
public void MakeSphere(SharpDX.Direct3D11.Device d3dDevice) { // Layout from VertexShader input signature texture = Texture11.FromFile(d3dDevice, "earthMap.jpg"); uint[] indexes = new uint[subDivisionsX * subDivisionsY * 6]; float[] verts = new float[((subDivisionsX + 1) * (subDivisionsY + 1)) * 6]; double lat, lng; uint index = 0; double latMin = 90; double latMax = -90; double lngMin = -180; double lngMax = 180; uint x1, y1; double latDegrees = latMax - latMin; double lngDegrees = lngMax - lngMin; double textureStepX = 1.0f / subDivisionsX; double textureStepY = 1.0f / subDivisionsY; for (y1 = 0; y1 <= subDivisionsY; y1++) { if (y1 != subDivisionsY) { lat = latMax - (textureStepY * latDegrees * (double)y1); } else { lat = latMin; } for (x1 = 0; x1 <= subDivisionsX; x1++) { if (x1 != subDivisionsX) { lng = lngMin + (textureStepX * lngDegrees * (double)x1); } else { lng = lngMax; } index = (y1 * (subDivisionsX + 1) + x1) * 6; GeoTo3d(verts, (int)index, lat, lng); } } triangleCount = (subDivisionsX) * (subDivisionsY) * 2; for (y1 = 0; y1 < subDivisionsY; y1++) { for (x1 = 0; x1 < subDivisionsX; x1++) { index = (y1 * subDivisionsX * 6) + 6 * x1; // First triangle in quad indexes[index] = (y1 * (subDivisionsX + 1) + x1); indexes[index + 1] = ((y1 + 1) * (subDivisionsX + 1) + x1); indexes[index + 2] = (y1 * (subDivisionsX + 1) + (x1 + 1)); // Second triangle in quad indexes[index + 3] = (y1 * (subDivisionsX + 1) + (x1 + 1)); indexes[index + 4] = ((y1 + 1) * (subDivisionsX + 1) + x1); indexes[index + 5] = ((y1 + 1) * (subDivisionsX + 1) + (x1 + 1)); } } vertices = SharpDX.Direct3D11.Buffer.Create(d3dDevice, SharpDX.Direct3D11.BindFlags.VertexBuffer, verts); vertexBufferBinding = new SharpDX.Direct3D11.VertexBufferBinding(vertices, sizeof(float) * 6, 0); indexBuffer = SharpDX.Direct3D11.Buffer.Create(d3dDevice, SharpDX.Direct3D11.BindFlags.IndexBuffer, indexes); }
public void DrawPlaceMarks() { // todo11 port this Maybe instancing later? Matrix projection = Earth3d.MainWindow.RenderContext11.Projection.Matrix11; Matrix view = Earth3d.MainWindow.RenderContext11.View.Matrix11; Matrix world = Earth3d.MainWindow.RenderContext11.World.Matrix11; Matrix3d worldD = Earth3d.MainWindow.RenderContext11.World; Matrix wvp = (world * view * projection); try { Vector3 center = new Vector3(0f, 0f, 0); foreach (KmlPlacemark placemark in Placemarks) { if (placemark.ShouldDisplay()) { SharpDX.Direct3D11.Viewport vp = Earth3d.MainWindow.RenderContext11.ViewPort; double alt = placemark.Point.altitude + EGM96Geoid.Height(placemark.Point.latitude, placemark.Point.longitude); Vector3d point3d = Coordinates.GeoTo3dDouble(placemark.Point.latitude, placemark.Point.longitude, 1 + (alt / Earth3d.MainWindow.RenderContext11.NominalRadius)); Vector3 point = Vector3.Project(point3d.Vector311, vp.TopLeftX, vp.TopLeftY, vp.Width, vp.Height, 0, 1, wvp); // point.Z = 1; KmlStyle style = placemark.Style.GetStyle(placemark.Selected); Texture11 texture = style.IconStyle.Icon.Texture; if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(style.IconStyle.Icon.Href)) { texture = Star; } double sizeFactor = 1; if (placemark.Selected) { double ticks = HiResTimer.TickCount; double elapsedSeconds = ((double)(ticks - TicksAtLastSelect)) / HiResTimer.Frequency; sizeFactor = 1 + .3 * (Math.Sin(elapsedSeconds * 15) * Math.Max(0, (1 - elapsedSeconds))); } point3d.TransformCoordinate(worldD); Vector3d dist = Earth3d.MainWindow.RenderContext11.CameraPosition - point3d; double distance = dist.Length() * Earth3d.MainWindow.RenderContext11.NominalRadius; dist.Normalize(); double dot = Vector3d.Dot(point3d, dist); // if (dot > -.2) { double baseSize = Math.Min(40, 25 * ((2 * Math.Atan(.5 * (5884764 / distance))) / .7853)) * sizeFactor; float size = (float)baseSize * style.IconStyle.Scale; //todo fix this with real centers and offset by KML data placemark.hitTestRect = new Rectangle((int)(point.X - (size / 2)), (int)(point.Y - (size / 2)), (int)(size + .5), (int)(size + .5)); if (texture != null) { center = new Vector3((float)texture.Width / 2f, (float)texture.Height / 2f, 0); Sprite2d.Draw2D(Earth3d.MainWindow.RenderContext11, texture, new SizeF(size, size), new PointF(center.X, center.Y), (float)(style.IconStyle.Heading * Math.PI / 180f), new PointF(point.X, point.Y), Color.White); } if (style.LabelStyle.Color.A > 0 && style.LabelStyle.Scale > 0) { Rectangle recttext = new Rectangle((int)(point.X + (size / 2) + 10), (int)(point.Y - (size / 2)), 1000, 100); //todo11 Earth3d.MainWindow.labelFont.DrawText(null, placemark.Name, recttext, DrawTextFormat.NoClip, style.LabelStyle.Color); } } } } } finally { } }
// Set up a shader for the specified material properties and the // current lighting environment. public void SetMaterial(Material material, Texture11 diffuseTex, Texture11 specularTex, Texture11 normalMap, float opacity) { PlanetSurfaceStyle surfaceStyle = PlanetSurfaceStyle.Diffuse; if (material.Specular != System.Drawing.Color.Black) { surfaceStyle = PlanetSurfaceStyle.Specular; } // Force the emissive style when lighting is disabled if (!lightingEnabled) { surfaceStyle = PlanetSurfaceStyle.Emissive; } PlanetShaderKey key = new PlanetShaderKey(surfaceStyle, false, 0); if (reflectedLightColor != System.Drawing.Color.Black) { key.lightCount = 2; } key.textures = 0; if (diffuseTex != null) { key.textures |= PlanetShaderKey.SurfaceProperty.Diffuse; } if (specularTex != null) { key.textures |= PlanetShaderKey.SurfaceProperty.Specular; } if (normalMap != null) { key.textures |= PlanetShaderKey.SurfaceProperty.Normal; } key.TwoSidedLighting = twoSidedLighting; SetupPlanetSurfaceEffect(key, material.Opacity * opacity); shader.DiffuseColor = new Vector4(material.Diffuse.R / 255.0f, material.Diffuse.G / 255.0f, material.Diffuse.B / 255.0f, material.Opacity*opacity); if (surfaceStyle == PlanetSurfaceStyle.Specular || surfaceStyle == PlanetSurfaceStyle.SpecularPass) { shader.SpecularColor = new Vector4(material.Specular.R / 255.0f, material.Specular.G / 255.0f, material.Specular.B / 255.0f, 0.0f); shader.SpecularPower = material.SpecularSharpness; } if (diffuseTex != null) { shader.MainTexture = diffuseTex.ResourceView; } if (specularTex != null) { shader.SpecularTexture = specularTex.ResourceView; } if (normalMap != null) { shader.NormalTexture = normalMap.ResourceView; } }
public static void DrawForScreen(RenderContext11 renderContext, PositionColoredTextured[] points, int count, Texture11 texture, PrimitiveTopology primitiveType) { if (VertexBuffer == null) { VertexBuffer = new Buffer(renderContext.Device, Marshal.SizeOf(points[0]) * 2500, ResourceUsage.Dynamic, BindFlags.VertexBuffer, CpuAccessFlags.Write, ResourceOptionFlags.None, Marshal.SizeOf(points[0])); VertexBufferBinding = new VertexBufferBinding(VertexBuffer, Marshal.SizeOf((points[0])), 0); } renderContext.devContext.InputAssembler.PrimitiveTopology = primitiveType; renderContext.BlendMode = BlendMode.Alpha; renderContext.setRasterizerState(TriangleCullMode.Off); var mat = Matrix.Translation(-renderContext.ViewPort.Width / 2, -renderContext.ViewPort.Height / 2, 0) * Matrix.Scaling(1f, -1f, 1f) * Matrix.OrthoLH(renderContext.ViewPort.Width, renderContext.ViewPort.Height, 1, -1); mat.Transpose(); WarpOutputShader.MatWVP = mat; WarpOutputShader.Use(renderContext.devContext, texture != null); renderContext.SetVertexBuffer(VertexBufferBinding); var box = renderContext.devContext.MapSubresource(VertexBuffer, 0, MapMode.WriteDiscard, MapFlags.None); Utilities.Write(box.DataPointer, points, 0, count); renderContext.devContext.UnmapSubresource(VertexBuffer, 0); if (texture != null) { renderContext.devContext.PixelShader.SetShaderResource(0, texture.ResourceView); } else { renderContext.devContext.PixelShader.SetShaderResource(0, null); } renderContext.devContext.Draw(count, 0); }
private Bitmap GetChartImageBitmap(Earth3d window) { Bitmap bmp = null; if (chartType == ChartTypes.Histogram) { if (!Stats.Computed) { Stats = layer.GetSingleColumnHistogram(TargetColumn); } bmp = GetBarChartBitmap(Stats); texture = Texture11.FromBitmap( bmp, 0); } else if (chartType == ChartTypes.BarChart) { if (!Stats.Computed) { Stats = layer.GetDomainValueBarChart(domainColumn, targetColumn, denominatorColumn, statType); } bmp = GetBarChartBitmap(Stats); texture = Texture11.FromBitmap(bmp, 0); } else if (chartType == ChartTypes.TimeChart) { if (!Stats.Computed) { Stats = layer.GetDateHistogram(TargetColumn, DateFilter); } bmp = GetBarChartBitmap(Stats); texture = Texture11.FromBitmap(bmp, 0); } Width = bmp.Width; Height = bmp.Height; Top = (int)window.RenderContext11.ViewPort.Height - (Height + 120); Left = (int)window.RenderContext11.ViewPort.Width / 2 - (Width / 2); return bmp; }
public virtual bool CreateGeometry(RenderContext11 renderContext, bool uiThread) { if (uiThread && !ReadyToRender) { return false; } if (texture == null) { if (PreCreateGeometry(renderContext)) { ReadyToRender = true; TextureReady = true; blendMode = false; if (DemEnabled && DemReady && DemData == null) { if (!LoadDemData()) { if (Earth3d.Logging) { Earth3d.WriteLogMessage("Tile:CreateGeometry:Loading Dem Failed"); } return false; } } return true; } blendMode = (dataset.DataSetType == ImageSetType.Sky || dataset.DataSetType == ImageSetType.Panorama) && !Settings.DomeView; //blendMode = false; if (this.texture == null) { if (TextureReady) { iTileBuildCount++; string localFilename = FileName; if (GrayscaleStyle) { localFilename = UiTools.MakeGrayScaleImage(localFilename); } if (FileExists) { if (Earth3d.Logging) { Earth3d.WriteLogMessage("Tile:CreateGeometry:Loading Texture"); } texture = BufferPool11.GetTexture(localFilename); if (texture == null) { try { // bad texture TextureReady = false; File.Delete(localFilename); } catch { if (Earth3d.Logging) { Earth3d.WriteLogMessage("Tile:CreateGeometry:Loading Texture: Exception"); } errored = true; } return false; } } else { return false; } TexturesLoaded++; } else { return false; } } if (DemEnabled && DemReady && DemData == null) { if (!LoadDemData()) { if (Earth3d.Logging) { Earth3d.WriteLogMessage("Tile:CreateGeometry:Loading Dem Failed"); } return false; } } if (DemEnabled && DemData == null) { return false; } } if (vertexBuffer == null) { vertexBuffer = BufferPool11.GetPNTX2VertexBuffer(VertexCount); vertexBuffer.ComputeSphereOnUnlock = true; indexBuffer = new IndexBuffer11[4]; if (vertexBuffer != null) { this.OnCreateVertexBuffer(vertexBuffer); sphereRadius = vertexBuffer.SphereRadius; sphereCenter = vertexBuffer.SphereCenter; sphereCenter.Add(localCenter); } } ReadyToRender = true; return true; }
private void FadeFrame() { SettingParameter sp = Settings.Active.GetSetting(StockSkyOverlayTypes.FadeToBlack); if ((sp.Opacity > 0) && !(Settings.MasterController && Properties.Settings.Default.FadeRemoteOnly)) { Color color = Color.FromArgb(255 - (int)UiTools.Gamma(255 - (int)(sp.Opacity * 255), 1 / 2.2f), Color.Black); if (!(sp.Opacity > 0)) { color = Color.FromArgb(255 - (int)UiTools.Gamma(255 - (int)(sp.Opacity * 255), 1 / 2.2f), Color.Black); } if (crossFadeFrame) { color = Color.FromArgb((int)UiTools.Gamma((int)((sp.Opacity) * 255), 1 / 2.2f), Color.White); } else { if (crossFadeTexture != null) { crossFadeTexture.Dispose(); crossFadeTexture = null; } } fadePoints[0].X = 0; fadePoints[0].Y = renderWindow.Height; fadePoints[0].Z = 0; fadePoints[0].Tu = 0; fadePoints[0].Tv = 1; fadePoints[0].W = 1; fadePoints[0].Color = color; fadePoints[1].X = 0; fadePoints[1].Y = 0; fadePoints[1].Z = 0; fadePoints[1].Tu = 0; fadePoints[1].Tv = 0; fadePoints[1].W = 1; fadePoints[1].Color = color; fadePoints[2].X = renderWindow.Width; fadePoints[2].Y = renderWindow.Height; fadePoints[2].Z = 0; fadePoints[2].Tu = 1; fadePoints[2].Tv = 1; fadePoints[2].W = 1; fadePoints[2].Color = color; fadePoints[3].X = renderWindow.Width; fadePoints[3].Y = 0; fadePoints[3].Z = 0; fadePoints[3].Tu = 1; fadePoints[3].Tv = 0; fadePoints[3].W = 1; fadePoints[3].Color = color; Sprite2d.DrawForScreen(RenderContext11, fadePoints, 4, crossFadeTexture, SharpDX.Direct3D.PrimitiveTopology.TriangleStrip); } }
private void DrawTouchControls() { if (Properties.Settings.Default.ShowTouchControls && !TourEditor.Capturing && !CaptureVideo) { MakeTouchPoints(); if (trackerButton == null) { trackerButton = Planets.LoadPlanetTexture(Properties.Resources.TrackerButton); } if (touchControl == null) { string appdir = Path.GetDirectoryName(Application.ExecutablePath); string customImageFile = appdir + "\\TouchControls.png"; string customImageFileNoHold = appdir + "\\TouchControlsNoHold.png"; if (File.Exists(customImageFile)) { Bitmap bmp = new Bitmap(customImageFile); touchControl = Planets.LoadPlanetTexture(bmp); bmp.Dispose(); } else { touchControl = Planets.LoadPlanetTexture(Properties.Resources.TouchControls); } if (File.Exists(customImageFileNoHold)) { Bitmap bmp = new Bitmap(customImageFileNoHold); touchControlNoHold = Planets.LoadPlanetTexture(bmp); bmp.Dispose(); } else { touchControlNoHold = Planets.LoadPlanetTexture(Properties.Resources.TouchControlsNoHold); } } float x = RenderContext11.ViewPort.Width - 207; float y = RenderContext11.ViewPort.Height - (234 + 120); float w = 197; float h = 224; TouchControlPoints[0].X = x; TouchControlPoints[0].Y = y; TouchControlPoints[0].Z = .9f; TouchControlPoints[0].W = 1; TouchControlPoints[0].Tu = 0; TouchControlPoints[0].Tv = 0; TouchControlPoints[0].Color = Color.FromArgb(64, 255, 255, 255); TouchControlPoints[1].X = (float)(x + w); TouchControlPoints[1].Y = (float)(y); TouchControlPoints[1].Tu = 1; TouchControlPoints[1].Tv = 0; TouchControlPoints[1].Color = Color.FromArgb(64, 255, 255, 255); TouchControlPoints[1].Z = .9f; TouchControlPoints[1].W = 1; TouchControlPoints[2].X = (float)(x); TouchControlPoints[2].Y = (float)(y + h); TouchControlPoints[2].Tu = 0; TouchControlPoints[2].Tv = 1; TouchControlPoints[2].Color = Color.FromArgb(64, 255, 255, 255); TouchControlPoints[2].Z = .9f; TouchControlPoints[2].W = 1; TouchControlPoints[3].X = (float)(x + w); TouchControlPoints[3].Y = (float)(y + h); TouchControlPoints[3].Tu = 1; TouchControlPoints[3].Tv = 1; TouchControlPoints[3].Color = Color.FromArgb(64, 255, 255, 255); TouchControlPoints[3].Z = .9f; TouchControlPoints[3].W = 1; if (Friction) { Sprite2d.DrawForScreen(RenderContext11, TouchControlPoints, 4, touchControlNoHold, SharpDX.Direct3D.PrimitiveTopology.TriangleStrip); } else { Sprite2d.DrawForScreen(RenderContext11, TouchControlPoints, 4, touchControl, SharpDX.Direct3D.PrimitiveTopology.TriangleStrip); } if (!kioskControl) { if (Friction && activeTouch == TouchControls.None) { float frictionFactor = (float)(1 - (lastFrameTime / 2)); moveVector.X *= frictionFactor; moveVector.Y *= frictionFactor; OrbitVector *= frictionFactor; ZoomVector *= frictionFactor; } // Calculate Arc for Zoom Vector2d zoomArc = new Vector2d(zoomTracker.X - ZoomVector, (zoomTracker.Y - Math.Cos(ZoomVector / 54 * Math.PI / 2) * 20) + 39); touchPoints[(int)TouchControls.ZoomTrack] = zoomArc; // Calculate Arc for Orbit Vector2d orbitArc = new Vector2d(99 - (Math.Sin(OrbitVector / 70 * Math.PI / 2) * 68), 113 + (Math.Cos(OrbitVector / 70 * Math.PI / 2) * 75)); touchPoints[(int)TouchControls.OrbitTrack] = orbitArc; // Calculate Current Pan Position Vector2d panPos = new Vector2d(panTracker.X - moveVector.X, panTracker.Y - moveVector.Y); touchPoints[(int)TouchControls.PanTrack] = panPos; Sprite2d.Draw2D(RenderContext11, trackerButton, new SizeF(32, 32), new PointF(15, 15), 0, new PointF((float)touchPoints[(int)TouchControls.PanTrack].X + x, (float)touchPoints[(int)TouchControls.PanTrack].Y + y), Color.FromArgb(128, 255, 255, 255)); Sprite2d.Draw2D(RenderContext11, trackerButton, new SizeF(32, 32), new PointF(15, 15), 0, new PointF((float)touchPoints[(int)TouchControls.OrbitTrack].X + x, (float)touchPoints[(int)TouchControls.OrbitTrack].Y + y), Color.FromArgb(128, 255, 255, 255)); Sprite2d.Draw2D(RenderContext11, trackerButton, new SizeF(32, 32), new PointF(15, 15), 0, new PointF((float)touchPoints[(int)TouchControls.ZoomTrack].X + x, (float)touchPoints[(int)TouchControls.ZoomTrack].Y + y), Color.FromArgb(128, 255, 255, 255)); } } }
public override bool CreateGeometry(RenderContext11 renderContext, bool uiThread) { if (texture == null || (Volitile && !ReadyToRender)) { GetParameters(); if (ImageData != null) { try { MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(ImageData); Texture11 old = this.texture; texture = Texture11.FromStream(RenderContext11.PrepDevice, ms); ReadyToRender = true; if (old != null) { old.Dispose(); GC.SuppressFinalize(old); } if (Width == 0 && Height == 0) { Width = texture.Width; Height = texture.Height; if (dataset.WcsImage != null) { if (dataset.WcsImage.SizeX != 0) { Width = dataset.WcsImage.SizeX; } if (dataset.WcsImage.SizeY != 0) { Height = dataset.WcsImage.SizeY; } } } ms.Dispose(); ImageData = null; } catch { return(false); } } if (TextureReady) { if (dataset.WcsImage != null) { if (dataset.WcsImage is FitsImage) { SetTexture(dataset.WcsImage.GetBitmap()); ReadyToRender = true; } } } if (this.texture == null) { if (dataset.WcsImage != null) { if (dataset.WcsImage is FitsImage) { SetTexture(dataset.WcsImage.GetBitmap()); ReadyToRender = true; } } if (TextureReady) { paintColor = Color.White; if (dataset.WcsImage != null) { paintColor = dataset.WcsImage.Color; blend = !dataset.WcsImage.ColorCombine; } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(FileName)) { texture = Texture11.FromBitmap(RenderContext11.PrepDevice, Image); ReadyToRender = true; } else { try { texture = Texture11.FromFile(RenderContext11.PrepDevice, FileName); ReadyToRender = true; ReadyToRender = true; if (Width == 0 && Height == 0) { Width = texture.Width; Height = texture.Height; if (dataset.WcsImage != null) { if (dataset.WcsImage.SizeX != 0) { Width = dataset.WcsImage.SizeX; } if (dataset.WcsImage.SizeY != 0) { Height = dataset.WcsImage.SizeY; } } } } catch { try { //texture = Texture.FromBitmap(prepDevice, bmp, Usage.AutoGenerateMipMap, Tile.PoolToUse); texture = Texture11.FromFile(RenderContext11.PrepDevice, FileName); ReadyToRender = true; Width = texture.Width; Height = texture.Height; if (dataset.WcsImage.SizeX != 0) { Width = dataset.WcsImage.SizeX; } if (dataset.WcsImage.SizeY != 0) { Height = dataset.WcsImage.SizeY; } } catch { errored = true; } } } } } } if (vertexBuffer == null) { GetParameters(); vertexBuffer = new VertexBuffer11(typeof(PositionNormalTexturedX2), 4, RenderContext11.PrepDevice); indexBuffer = new IndexBuffer11(typeof(short), 6, RenderContext11.PrepDevice); this.OnCreateVertexBuffer(vertexBuffer); } return(true); }
protected override void setupShader(RenderContext11 renderContext, Texture11 texture, float opacity) { var mvp = (renderContext.World * renderContext.View * renderContext.Projection).Matrix11; mvp.Transpose(); var aspectRatio = renderContext.ViewPort.Width / renderContext.ViewPort.Height; var color = new Color4(TintColor.Red, TintColor.Green, TintColor.Blue, TintColor.Alpha * opacity); // Set up the shader if (renderStrategy == RenderStrategy.GeometryShader) { PointSpriteShader11.WVPMatrix = mvp; PointSpriteShader11.Color = color; PointSpriteShader11.ViewportScale = new Vector2(1.0f, aspectRatio) * 0.001f; PointSpriteShader11.MinPointSize = MinPointSize; PointSpriteShader11.PointScaleFactors = PointScaleFactors; PointSpriteShader11.Use(renderContext.Device.ImmediateContext); } else { CompatibilityPointSpriteShader.WVPMatrix = mvp; CompatibilityPointSpriteShader.Color = color; CompatibilityPointSpriteShader.ViewportScale = new Vector2(1.0f, aspectRatio) * 0.001f; CompatibilityPointSpriteShader.PointScaleFactors = PointScaleFactors; CompatibilityPointSpriteShader.MinPointSize = MinPointSize; var useInstancing = renderStrategy == RenderStrategy.Instanced; CompatibilityPointSpriteShader.Use(renderContext.Device.ImmediateContext, useInstancing); } // Set shader resources renderContext.Device.ImmediateContext.PixelShader.SetShaderResource(0, texture == null ? null : texture.ResourceView); }
public void Draw(RenderContext11 renderContext, int count, Texture11 texture, float opacity, IndexBuffer11 indexBufferIn) { setupShader(renderContext, texture, opacity); count = Math.Min(this.count, count); switch (renderStrategy) { case RenderStrategy.GeometryShader: renderContext.devContext.InputAssembler.PrimitiveTopology = PrimitiveTopology.PointList; renderContext.SetVertexBuffer(0, vertexBuffer); renderContext.SetIndexBuffer(indexBufferIn); renderContext.devContext.DrawIndexed(count, 0, 0); renderContext.Device.ImmediateContext.GeometryShader.Set(null); break; } }
private void CalcOrMake(bool makeTexture) { gridSize = 1; while ((gridSize * gridSize) < GlyphItems.Count) { gridSize *= 2; } int cellSize = 2; while (cellSize < cellHeight) { cellSize *= 2; } cellHeight = cellSize; int textureSize = cellHeight * gridSize; TextObject.Text = ""; TextObject.FontSize = (float)cellHeight * .50f; System.Drawing.Font font = TextObject.Font; StringFormat sf = new StringFormat(); sf.Alignment = StringAlignment.Near; Bitmap bmp; if (makeTexture) { bmp = new Bitmap(textureSize, textureSize); } else { bmp = new Bitmap(20, 20); } Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(bmp); int count = 0; g.SmoothingMode = System.Drawing.Drawing2D.SmoothingMode.HighQuality; g.TextRenderingHint = System.Drawing.Text.TextRenderingHint.AntiAlias; CharacterRange[] ranges = new CharacterRange[1]; ranges[0] = new CharacterRange(0, 1); sf.SetMeasurableCharacterRanges(ranges); foreach (GlyphItem item in GlyphItems.Values) { int x = (int)(count % gridSize) * cellHeight; int y = (int)(count / gridSize) * cellHeight; string text = new string(item.Glyph, 1); item.Size = g.MeasureString(text, font); Region[] reg = g.MeasureCharacterRanges(text, font, new RectangleF(new PointF(0, 0), item.Size), sf); RectangleF rectf = reg[0].GetBounds(g); item.Extents = new SizeF(rectf.Width, rectf.Height); if (item.Extents.Width == 0) { item.Extents = item.Size; } float div = textureSize; item.UVRect = new RectangleF(x / div, y / div, item.Size.Width / div, item.Size.Height / div); item.UVRect = new RectangleF((x + rectf.X) / div, (y + rectf.Y) / div, rectf.Width / div, rectf.Height / div); if (makeTexture) { g.DrawString(text, font, Brushes.White, x, y, sf); } count++; } g.Dispose(); GC.SuppressFinalize(g); if (makeTexture) { if (texture != null) { texture.Dispose(); GC.SuppressFinalize(texture); texture = null; } texture = Texture11.FromBitmap(RenderContext11.PrepDevice, bmp); textureDirty = false; } else { textureDirty = true; } bmp.Dispose(); GC.SuppressFinalize(bmp); dirty = false; }
public override bool Draw3D(RenderContext11 renderContext, float opacity, Tile parent) { InViewFrustum = true; RenderedGeneration = CurrentRenderGeneration; if (!ReadyToRender) { TileCache.AddTileToQueue(this); return false; } InViewFrustum = true; if (starVertexBuffer == null) { starProfile = Texture11.FromBitmap( Resources.StarProfile); var count = stars.Count; var index = 0; starCount = count; starVertexBuffer = new PositionColorSizeVertexBuffer11(count, RenderContext11.PrepDevice); var points = (PositionColorSize[])starVertexBuffer.Lock(0, 0); // Lock the buffer (which will return our structs) foreach (var star in stars) { var pos = Coordinates.RADecTo3d(star.RA + 12, star.Dec, 1f); points[index].Position = pos.Vector3; points[index].Color = star.Col; var radDec = (.5) / Math.Pow(1.6, star.Magnitude); points[index].size = (float)radDec; index++; } starVertexBuffer.Unlock(); } renderContext.SetVertexBuffer(starVertexBuffer); renderContext.BlendMode = BlendMode.Additive; renderContext.DepthStencilMode = DepthStencilMode.Off; renderContext.setRasterizerState(TriangleCullMode.Off); var mvp = (renderContext.World * renderContext.View * renderContext.Projection).Matrix11; mvp.Transpose(); PointSpriteShader11.WVPMatrix = mvp; PointSpriteShader11.Color = Color.White; var adjustedScale = (float)(1 / (Earth3d.MainWindow.ZoomFactor / 360)); PointSpriteShader11.ViewportScale = new Vector2((2.0f / renderContext.ViewPort.Width) * adjustedScale, (2.0f / renderContext.ViewPort.Height) * adjustedScale); PointSpriteShader11.PointScaleFactors = new Vector3(0.0f, 0.0f, 10000.0f); PointSpriteShader11.Use(renderContext.Device.ImmediateContext); renderContext.Device.ImmediateContext.PixelShader.SetShaderResource(0, starProfile.ResourceView); renderContext.devContext.InputAssembler.PrimitiveTopology = PrimitiveTopology.PointList; renderContext.devContext.Draw(starCount, 0); renderContext.Device.ImmediateContext.GeometryShader.Set(null); // Reset blend mode so we don't mess up subsequent sky layer rendering renderContext.BlendMode = BlendMode.Alpha; return true; }
private void DrawSelectionHandles(RenderContext11 renderContext, Overlay overlay, Texture11 handleTexture) { var handles = MakeHandles(overlay); var angle = overlay.RotationAngle; var i = 0; var j = 0; foreach (var handle in handles) { points[i + 0].Position = overlay.MakePosition(centerX, centerY, handle.Left - centerX, handle.Top - centerY, angle).Vector4; points[i + 0].Tu = j * (1f / 9f); points[i + 0].Tv = 0; points[i + 0].Color = Color.White; points[i + 1].Position = overlay.MakePosition(centerX, centerY, handle.Right - centerX, handle.Top - centerY, angle).Vector4; points[i + 1].Tu = (j + 1) * (1f / 9f); points[i + 1].Tv = 0; points[i + 1].Color = Color.White; points[i + 2].Position = overlay.MakePosition(centerX, centerY, handle.Left - centerX, handle.Bottom - centerY, angle).Vector4; points[i + 2].Tu = j * (1f / 9f); points[i + 2].Tv = 1; points[i + 2].Color = Color.White; points[i + 3].Position = overlay.MakePosition(centerX, centerY, handle.Right - centerX, handle.Top - centerY, angle).Vector4; points[i + 3].Tu = (j + 1) * (1f / 9f); points[i + 3].Tv = 0; points[i + 3].Color = Color.White; points[i + 4].Position = overlay.MakePosition(centerX, centerY, handle.Right - centerX, handle.Bottom - centerY, angle).Vector4; points[i + 4].Tu = (j + 1) * (1f / 9f); points[i + 4].Tv = 1; points[i + 4].Color = Color.White; points[i + 5].Position = overlay.MakePosition(centerX, centerY, handle.Left - centerX, handle.Bottom - centerY, angle).Vector4; points[i + 5].Tu = j * (1f / 9f); points[i + 5].Tv = 1; points[i + 5].Color = Color.White; i += 6; j++; } if (MultiSelect) { Sprite2d.Draw(renderContext, points, points.Length - 6, handleTexture, PrimitiveTopology.TriangleList); } else { Sprite2d.Draw(renderContext, points, points.Length, handleTexture, PrimitiveTopology.TriangleList); } }
public SkyLabel(RenderContext11 renderContext, Vector3d point, string text, LabelSytle style) { Text = text; Style = style; if (texture == null) { texture = Texture11.FromBitmap(, 0); } pos = point; center = new Vector3(9, 9, 0); textBatch = new Text3dBatch(80); if (style == LabelSytle.Telrad) { // Telrad-style labels are always screen-aligned var t3 = new Text3d(new Vector3d(0, 0, 0.1), new Vector3d(0, 1, 0), text, 20, .01); t3.alignment = Text3d.Alignment.Left; textBatch.Add(t3); } else { // This will produce sky or orbit aligned text textBatch.Add(new Text3d(pos, new Vector3d(0,1,0), text, 20, .01)); } }
protected override void setupShader(RenderContext11 renderContext, Texture11 texture, float opacity) { // Let the caller handle the setup for now }
public void DrawScreenOverlays(RenderContext11 renderContext) { foreach (KmlScreenOverlay overlay in ScreenOverlays) { Texture11 texture = overlay.Icon.Texture; if (texture != null) { PointF center = new PointF(); PointF screen = new PointF(); SizeF size = new SizeF(); if (overlay.RotationSpot.UnitsX == KmlPixelUnits.Fraction) { center.X = overlay.RotationSpot.X * texture.Width; } if (overlay.RotationSpot.UnitsY == KmlPixelUnits.Fraction) { center.Y = overlay.RotationSpot.Y * texture.Height; } Rectangle clientRect = Earth3d.MainWindow.ClearClientArea; Size clientSize = clientRect.Size; if (overlay.ScreenSpot.UnitsX == KmlPixelUnits.Fraction) { screen.X = overlay.ScreenSpot.X * clientSize.Width; } else if (overlay.Size.UnitsX == KmlPixelUnits.Pixels) { screen.X = overlay.ScreenSpot.X; } if (overlay.ScreenSpot.UnitsY == KmlPixelUnits.Fraction) { screen.Y = overlay.ScreenSpot.Y * clientSize.Height; } else if (overlay.Size.UnitsY == KmlPixelUnits.Pixels) { screen.Y = overlay.ScreenSpot.Y; } if (overlay.Size.UnitsX == KmlPixelUnits.Fraction) { if (overlay.Size.X == -1) { size.Width = texture.Width; } else { size.Width = overlay.Size.X * clientSize.Width; } } else if (overlay.Size.UnitsX == KmlPixelUnits.Pixels) { if (overlay.Size.X == -1) { size.Width = texture.Width; } else { size.Width = overlay.Size.X; } } if (overlay.Size.UnitsY == KmlPixelUnits.Fraction) { size.Height = overlay.Size.Y * clientSize.Height; } else if (overlay.Size.UnitsY == KmlPixelUnits.Pixels) { if (overlay.Size.Y == -1) { size.Height = texture.Height; } else { size.Height = overlay.Size.Y; } } screen.Y = clientRect.Bottom - screen.Y - size.Height + center.Y; screen.X = clientRect.Left + screen.X + center.X; Sprite2d.Draw2D(renderContext, texture, size, center, (float)overlay.Rotation, screen, overlay.color); //sprite.Draw2D(texture, Rectangle.Empty, size, center, (float)overlay.Rotation, screen, Color.White); } } }
protected abstract void setupShader(RenderContext11 renderContext, Texture11 texture, float opacity);
public override bool Draw3D(RenderContext11 renderContext, float opacity, Tile parent) { InViewFrustum = true; RenderedGeneration = CurrentRenderGeneration; if (!ReadyToRender) { TileCache.AddTileToQueue(this); return(false); } InViewFrustum = true; if (starVertexBuffer == null) { starProfile = Texture11.FromBitmap(Properties.Resources.StarProfile); int count = stars.Count; int index = 0; starCount = count; starVertexBuffer = new PositionColorSizeVertexBuffer11(count, RenderContext11.PrepDevice); PositionColorSize[] points = (PositionColorSize[])starVertexBuffer.Lock(0, 0); // Lock the buffer (which will return our structs) foreach (Star star in stars) { Vector3d pos = Coordinates.RADecTo3d(star.RA + 12, star.Dec, 1f); points[index].Position = pos.Vector3; points[index].Color = star.Col; double radDec = (.5) / Math.Pow(1.6, star.Magnitude); points[index].size = (float)radDec; index++; } starVertexBuffer.Unlock(); } renderContext.SetVertexBuffer(starVertexBuffer); renderContext.BlendMode = BlendMode.Additive; renderContext.DepthStencilMode = DepthStencilMode.Off; renderContext.setRasterizerState(TriangleCullMode.Off); SharpDX.Matrix mvp = (renderContext.World * renderContext.View * renderContext.Projection).Matrix11; mvp.Transpose(); PointSpriteShader11.WVPMatrix = mvp; PointSpriteShader11.Color = SharpDX.Color.White; float adjustedScale = (float)(1 / (Earth3d.MainWindow.ZoomFactor / 360)); PointSpriteShader11.ViewportScale = new SharpDX.Vector2((2.0f / renderContext.ViewPort.Width) * adjustedScale, (2.0f / renderContext.ViewPort.Height) * adjustedScale); PointSpriteShader11.PointScaleFactors = new SharpDX.Vector3(0.0f, 0.0f, 10000.0f); PointSpriteShader11.Use(renderContext.Device.ImmediateContext); renderContext.Device.ImmediateContext.PixelShader.SetShaderResource(0, starProfile.ResourceView); renderContext.devContext.InputAssembler.PrimitiveTopology = SharpDX.Direct3D.PrimitiveTopology.PointList; renderContext.devContext.Draw(starCount, 0); renderContext.Device.ImmediateContext.GeometryShader.Set(null); // Reset blend mode so we don't mess up subsequent sky layer rendering renderContext.BlendMode = BlendMode.Alpha; return(true); }
public void Draw3D(RenderContext11 renderContext, float transparancy) { ratio = 1116f / Earth3d.MainWindow.RenderWindow.ClientRectangle.Height; if (SingleSelectHandles == null) { SingleSelectHandles = Texture11.FromBitmap(RenderContext11.PrepDevice, Resources.Selhand); } if (MultiSelectHandles == null) { MultiSelectHandles = Texture11.FromBitmap(RenderContext11.PrepDevice, Resources.MultiSelhand); } if (FocusHandles == null) { FocusHandles = Texture11.FromBitmap(RenderContext11.PrepDevice, Resources.FocusHandles); } if (selectionSet.Count > 1) { foreach (var overlay in selectionSet) { if (overlay == focus) { DrawSelectionHandles(renderContext, overlay, FocusHandles); } else { DrawSelectionHandles(renderContext, overlay, MultiSelectHandles); } } } else { foreach (var overlay in selectionSet) { DrawSelectionHandles(renderContext, overlay, SingleSelectHandles); } } }
private void DrawSelectionHandles(RenderContext11 renderContext, Overlay overlay, Texture11 handleTexture) { RectangleF[] handles = MakeHandles(overlay); float angle = overlay.RotationAngle; int i = 0; int j = 0; foreach (RectangleF handle in handles) { points[i + 0].Position = overlay.MakePosition(centerX, centerY, handle.Left - centerX, handle.Top - centerY, angle).Vector4; points[i + 0].Tu = j * (1f / 9f); points[i + 0].Tv = 0; points[i + 0].Color = Color.White; points[i + 1].Position = overlay.MakePosition(centerX, centerY, handle.Right - centerX, handle.Top - centerY, angle).Vector4; points[i + 1].Tu = (j + 1) * (1f / 9f); points[i + 1].Tv = 0; points[i + 1].Color = Color.White; points[i + 2].Position = overlay.MakePosition(centerX, centerY, handle.Left - centerX, handle.Bottom - centerY, angle).Vector4; points[i + 2].Tu = j * (1f / 9f); points[i + 2].Tv = 1; points[i + 2].Color = Color.White; points[i + 3].Position = overlay.MakePosition(centerX, centerY, handle.Right - centerX, handle.Top - centerY, angle).Vector4; points[i + 3].Tu = (j + 1) * (1f / 9f); points[i + 3].Tv = 0; points[i + 3].Color = Color.White; points[i + 4].Position = overlay.MakePosition(centerX, centerY, handle.Right - centerX, handle.Bottom - centerY, angle).Vector4; points[i + 4].Tu = (j + 1) * (1f / 9f); points[i + 4].Tv = 1; points[i + 4].Color = Color.White; points[i + 5].Position = overlay.MakePosition(centerX, centerY, handle.Left - centerX, handle.Bottom - centerY, angle).Vector4; points[i + 5].Tu = j * (1f / 9f); points[i + 5].Tv = 1; points[i + 5].Color = Color.White; i += 6; j++; } if (MultiSelect) { Sprite2d.Draw(renderContext, points, points.Length - 6, handleTexture, SharpDX.Direct3D.PrimitiveTopology.TriangleList); } else { Sprite2d.Draw(renderContext, points, points.Length, handleTexture, SharpDX.Direct3D.PrimitiveTopology.TriangleList); } }
public virtual void CleanUp() { if (texture != null) { texture.Dispose(); GC.SuppressFinalize(texture); texture = null; } }
public static Texture11 GetTexture(Stream stream) { return(Texture11.FromStream(RenderContext11.PrepDevice, stream)); }