public void CreateRandomBonusBasedOnClass(int ClassID, string ClassModID = "") { ClassModID = MainMod.mod.Name; ClassBase cb = MainMod.GetClass(ClassID, ClassModID); if (cb.SkillList.Count == 0) { return; } ClassSkillInfo csi = cb.SkillList[Main.rand.Next(cb.SkillList.Count)]; SkillID = csi.SkillID; SkillModID = csi.SkillMod; SkillLevelBonus = Main.rand.Next(1, MaxSkillLevelBonus + 1); }
public static void UpdateAndDraw() { if (!Main.playerInventory) { if (!ShowHud) { ShowHud = true; } if (Active) { Close(); } return; } if (!ShowHud) { return; } Vector2 SkillInterfacePos = new Vector2(Main.screenWidth * 0.5f - Width * 0.5f, Main.screenHeight - Height); if (Active) { if (Main.mouseX >= SkillInterfacePos.X && Main.mouseX < SkillInterfacePos.X + Width && Main.mouseY >= SkillInterfacePos.Y && Main.mouseY < SkillInterfacePos.Y + Height) { Main.player[Main.myPlayer].mouseInterface = true; } Main.spriteBatch.Draw(Main.blackTileTexture, new Rectangle((int)SkillInterfacePos.X - 2, (int)SkillInterfacePos.Y - 2, Width + 4, Height + 2), Color.Black); Main.spriteBatch.Draw(Main.blackTileTexture, new Rectangle((int)SkillInterfacePos.X, (int)SkillInterfacePos.Y, Width, Height), Color.OrangeRed); //Wiki page if (Active && SelectedClass > -1 && SelectedClass < Main.player[Main.myPlayer].GetModPlayer <PlayerMod>().Classes.Count) { Vector2 WikiPageButtonPosition = new Vector2(Main.screenWidth * 0.5f + Width * 0.5f - 2, Main.screenHeight - Height); Color color = Color.White; if (Main.mouseX >= WikiPageButtonPosition.X - 40 && Main.mouseX < WikiPageButtonPosition.X && Main.mouseY >= WikiPageButtonPosition.Y + 2 && Main.mouseY < WikiPageButtonPosition.Y + 20) { color = Color.Yellow; if (Main.mouseLeft && Main.mouseLeftRelease) { string WikiLink = ""; if (CheckedSkillID > -1) { SkillBase sb = MainMod.GetSkill(CheckedSkillID, CheckedSkillModID); if (sb.WikiPage != null) { WikiLink = sb.WikiPage; } else { WikiLink = sb.Name; } } else if (CheckedClassID > -1) { ClassBase sb = MainMod.GetClass(CheckedClassID, CheckedClassModID); if (sb.WikiPage != null) { WikiLink = sb.WikiPage; } else { WikiLink = sb.Name; } } else if (SelectedClass > -1) { ClassBase c = Main.player[Main.myPlayer].GetModPlayer <PlayerMod>().Classes[SelectedClass].GetClass; if (SelectedSkill > -1) { SkillBase b = MainMod.GetSkill(c.SkillList[SelectedSkill].SkillID, c.SkillList[SelectedSkill].SkillMod); if (c.WikiPage != null) { WikiLink = b.WikiPage; } else { WikiLink = b.Name; } } else { if (c.WikiPage != null) { WikiLink = c.WikiPage; } else { WikiLink = c.Name; } } } if (WikiLink != "") { WikiLink = "" + WikiLink; System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(WikiLink); } } } Utils.DrawBorderString(Main.spriteBatch, "Wiki", WikiPageButtonPosition, color, 0.75f, 1); } if (CheckedClassID > -1) { SkillInterfacePos.X += 4; SkillInterfacePos.Y += 4; ClassBase cb = MainMod.GetClass(CheckedClassID, CheckedClassModID); Utils.DrawBorderString(Main.spriteBatch, cb.Name, SkillInterfacePos, Color.White, 1.2f); SkillInterfacePos.Y += 25; Utils.DrawBorderString(Main.spriteBatch, "Type: " + cb.ClassType.ToString(), SkillInterfacePos, Color.White, 1.2f); SkillInterfacePos.Y += 25; Utils.DrawBorderString(Main.spriteBatch, "Max Level: " + cb.MaxLevel, SkillInterfacePos, Color.White); SkillInterfacePos.Y += 22; if (CheckedSkillID > -1) { SkillBase sb = MainMod.GetSkill(CheckedSkillID, CheckedSkillModID); Utils.DrawBorderString(Main.spriteBatch, sb.Name, SkillInterfacePos, Color.White, 1.2f); SkillInterfacePos.Y += 25; Utils.DrawBorderString(Main.spriteBatch, "Type: " + sb.skillType.ToString(), SkillInterfacePos, Color.White, 1); SkillInterfacePos.Y += 22; string[] Desc = sb.Description.Split('\n'); foreach (string desc in Desc) { Utils.DrawBorderString(Main.spriteBatch, desc, SkillInterfacePos, Color.White, 0.8f); SkillInterfacePos.Y += 18; } Vector2 ButtonPosition = new Vector2(Main.screenWidth * 0.5f - Width * 0.5f + 4 + Width - 68f, Main.screenHeight - 22); Color color = Color.White; if (Main.mouseX >= ButtonPosition.X && Main.mouseX < ButtonPosition.X + 68 && Main.mouseY >= ButtonPosition.Y && Main.mouseY < ButtonPosition.Y + 22) { color = Color.Yellow; if (Main.mouseLeft && Main.mouseLeftRelease) { CheckedSkillID = -1; CheckedSkillModID = ""; AskIfShouldResetThis = false; } } Utils.DrawBorderString(Main.spriteBatch, "Return", ButtonPosition, color); } else { bool CanChangeClass = true; if (cb.ClassType == ClassBase.ClassTypes.Aspect && Main.player[Main.myPlayer].GetModPlayer <PlayerMod>().Classes.Any(x => x.GetClass.ClassType == ClassBase.ClassTypes.Aspect)) { CanChangeClass = false; Utils.DrawBorderString(Main.spriteBatch, "You can only have one Aspect class on your character.", SkillInterfacePos, Color.White, 0.85f); SkillInterfacePos.Y += 22f; } string[] DescriptionConcat = cb.Description.Split('\n'); foreach (string s in DescriptionConcat) { Utils.DrawBorderString(Main.spriteBatch, s, SkillInterfacePos, Color.White, 0.8f); SkillInterfacePos.Y += 18; } const int SkillColumns = 2; int SkillRows = (int)((Main.screenHeight - SkillInterfacePos.Y) / 20); for (int row = 0; row < SkillRows; row++) { for (int column = 0; column < SkillColumns; column++) { int SkillIndex = column + SkillColumns * (row + ScrollY); string SkillName = "Skill#" + SkillIndex; SkillBase sb = null; ClassSkillInfo csi; if (SkillIndex < cb.SkillList.Count) { csi = cb.SkillList[SkillIndex]; sb = MainMod.GetSkill(csi.SkillID, csi.SkillMod); SkillName = sb.Name; } else { continue; } Vector2 SkillPosition = new Vector2(128f * column, row * 25) + SkillInterfacePos; Color c = Color.White; if (Main.mouseX >= SkillPosition.X && Main.mouseX < SkillPosition.X + 128 && Main.mouseY >= SkillPosition.Y && Main.mouseY < SkillPosition.Y + 25) { c = Color.Cyan; if (Main.mouseLeft && Main.mouseLeftRelease) { CheckedSkillID = csi.SkillID; CheckedSkillModID = csi.SkillMod; AskIfShouldResetThis = false; } } Utils.DrawBorderString(Main.spriteBatch, SkillName, SkillPosition, c); } } // Vector2 ButtonPosition = new Vector2(Main.screenWidth * 0.5f - Width * 0.5f + 4, Main.screenHeight - 22); Color color = Color.White; if (Main.mouseX >= ButtonPosition.X && Main.mouseX < ButtonPosition.X + 86 && Main.mouseY >= ButtonPosition.Y && Main.mouseY < ButtonPosition.Y + 22) { color = Color.Yellow; if (CanChangeClass && Main.mouseLeft && Main.mouseLeftRelease) { Main.player[Main.myPlayer].GetModPlayer <PlayerMod>().AddClass(CheckedClassID, CheckedClassModID); Main.NewText("You changed into " + cb.Name + " class!"); CheckedClassID = -1; CheckedClassModID = ""; Close(); AskIfShouldResetThis = false; } } Utils.DrawBorderString(Main.spriteBatch, "Change Class", ButtonPosition, color); // ButtonPosition.X += Width - 68f; color = Color.Red; if (Main.mouseX >= ButtonPosition.X && Main.mouseX < ButtonPosition.X + 68 && Main.mouseY >= ButtonPosition.Y && Main.mouseY < ButtonPosition.Y + 22) { color = Color.Yellow; if (Main.mouseLeft && Main.mouseLeftRelease) { CheckedClassID = -1; CheckedClassModID = ""; Close(); } } Utils.DrawBorderString(Main.spriteBatch, "Close", ButtonPosition, color); } return; } if (SelectedSkill > -1) { if (SelectedClass == -1) { SelectedSkill = -1; return; } SkillInterfacePos.X += 4; SkillInterfacePos.Y += 4; ClassData cd = Main.player[Main.myPlayer].GetModPlayer <PlayerMod>().Classes[SelectedClass]; SkillData sd = cd.Skills[SelectedSkill]; SkillBase sb = sd.GetBase; Utils.DrawBorderString(Main.spriteBatch, sb.Name, SkillInterfacePos, Color.White, 1.2f); SkillInterfacePos.Y += 25; string t = ""; if (sd.Level == 0) { t = "Spend Skill Point to Unlock."; } else if (sd.Level > sb.MaxLevel) { t = "Overlevel " + (sd.Level - sb.MaxLevel); } else if (sd.Level == sb.MaxLevel) { t = "Mastered"; } else { t = "Level [" + sd.Level + "/" + sb.MaxLevel + "]"; } Color textColor = Color.White; if (sd.Level < sb.MaxLevel && Main.mouseX >= SkillInterfacePos.X && Main.mouseX < SkillInterfacePos.X + 128 && Main.mouseY >= SkillInterfacePos.Y && Main.mouseY < SkillInterfacePos.Y + 20) { textColor = Color.Yellow; if (Main.mouseLeft && Main.mouseLeftRelease && cd.SkillPoint > 0) { cd.SpendPointOnSkill(SelectedSkill); } } Utils.DrawBorderString(Main.spriteBatch, t, SkillInterfacePos, textColor, 0.9f); SkillInterfacePos.Y += 20; Utils.DrawBorderString(Main.spriteBatch, sb.skillType.ToString(), SkillInterfacePos, Color.White, 0.9f); SkillInterfacePos.Y += 26; string[] DescriptionConcat = sb.Description.Split('\n'); foreach (string s in DescriptionConcat) { Utils.DrawBorderString(Main.spriteBatch, s, SkillInterfacePos, Color.White, 0.9f); SkillInterfacePos.Y += 20; } SkillInterfacePos.Y += 26; if (sd.Level == 0) { foreach (ClassSkillInfo csi in cd.GetClass.SkillList) { if (csi.SkillID == sd.ID && csi.SkillMod == sd.ModID) { for (int sqreq = 0; sqreq < 3; sqreq++) { if (csi.SkillReqPosition[sqreq] == -1) { continue; } SkillData sdtwo = cd.Skills[csi.SkillReqPosition[sqreq]]; if (sdtwo.Level < csi.SkillLevel[sqreq]) { string T = "Requires " + MainMod.GetSkill(sdtwo.ID, sdtwo.ModID).Name + " Level " + csi.SkillLevel[sqreq]; Utils.DrawBorderString(Main.spriteBatch, T, SkillInterfacePos, Color.Gray, 0.9f); SkillInterfacePos.Y += 21f; } } } } } Vector2 SkillPointsPosition = new Vector2(Main.screenWidth * 0.5f - Width * 0.5f, Main.screenHeight - 22); Utils.DrawBorderString(Main.spriteBatch, "Skill Points: " + cd.SkillPoint, SkillPointsPosition, Color.White); SkillPointsPosition.X += Width - 56; textColor = Color.White; if (Main.mouseX >= SkillPointsPosition.X && Main.mouseX < SkillPointsPosition.X + 56 && Main.mouseY >= SkillPointsPosition.Y && Main.mouseY < SkillPointsPosition.Y + 25) { textColor = Color.Red; if (Main.mouseLeft && Main.mouseLeftRelease) { SelectedSkill = -1; } } Utils.DrawBorderString(Main.spriteBatch, "Close", SkillPointsPosition, textColor); // if (sd.Level > 0) { SkillPointsPosition.X = Main.screenWidth * 0.5f; if (AskIfShouldResetThis) { SkillPointsPosition.X -= 10; textColor = Color.White; if (Main.mouseX >= SkillPointsPosition.X - 40 && Main.mouseX < SkillPointsPosition.X && Main.mouseY >= SkillPointsPosition.Y && Main.mouseY < SkillPointsPosition.Y + 22) { textColor = Color.Yellow; if (Main.mouseLeft && Main.mouseLeftRelease) { if (!Main.player[Main.myPlayer].GetModPlayer <PlayerMod>().ResetSkill(SelectedClass, SelectedSkill)) { Main.NewText("Something went wrong."); } AskIfShouldResetThis = false; } } Utils.DrawBorderString(Main.spriteBatch, "Yes", SkillPointsPosition, textColor, 1f, 1f); SkillPointsPosition.X = Main.screenWidth * 0.5f + 10; textColor = Color.White; if (Main.mouseX >= SkillPointsPosition.X && Main.mouseX < SkillPointsPosition.X + 40 && Main.mouseY >= SkillPointsPosition.Y && Main.mouseY < SkillPointsPosition.Y + 22) { textColor = Color.Yellow; if (Main.mouseLeft && Main.mouseLeftRelease) { AskIfShouldResetThis = false; } } Utils.DrawBorderString(Main.spriteBatch, "No", SkillPointsPosition, textColor, 1f, 0); SkillPointsPosition.X -= 10; SkillPointsPosition.Y -= 25; Utils.DrawBorderString(Main.spriteBatch, "Are you sure that want to reset this skill?", SkillPointsPosition, Color.White, 1f, 0.5f); } else { textColor = Color.White; if (Main.mouseX >= SkillPointsPosition.X - 30 && Main.mouseX < SkillPointsPosition.X + 30 && Main.mouseY >= SkillPointsPosition.Y && Main.mouseY < SkillPointsPosition.Y + 22) { textColor = Color.Yellow; if (Main.mouseLeft && Main.mouseLeftRelease) { AskIfShouldResetThis = true; } } Utils.DrawBorderString(Main.spriteBatch, "Reset Skill", SkillPointsPosition, textColor, 1f, 0.5f); } } return; } Main.spriteBatch.Draw(Main.blackTileTexture, new Rectangle((int)SkillInterfacePos.X + 4, (int)SkillInterfacePos.Y + 4, 128, Height - 8), Color.Goldenrod); bool LastClassIsMaxed = false; List <string> ClassList = new List <string>(); bool First = true; foreach (ClassData c in Main.player[Main.myPlayer].GetModPlayer <PlayerMod>().Classes) { LastClassIsMaxed = c.Level >= c.MaxLevel; if (First) { First = false; continue; } ClassList.Add((LastClassIsMaxed ? "*" : "") + c.Name); } if (LastClassIsMaxed && Main.player[Main.myPlayer].GetModPlayer <PlayerMod>().ClassChangeUnlocked&& ClassList.Count < MainMod.MaxClasses + 1) { ClassList.Add("New Class"); } int MaxClasses = Height / 25; if (ClassList.Count < MaxClasses) { MaxClasses = ClassList.Count; } for (int i = 0; i < MaxClasses; i++) { int Index = i + 1; Vector2 ClassNamePosition = SkillInterfacePos + new Vector2(4, 4 + i * 25f); bool MouseOver = Main.mouseX >= ClassNamePosition.X && Main.mouseX < ClassNamePosition.X + 96 && Main.mouseY >= ClassNamePosition.Y && Main.mouseY < ClassNamePosition.Y + 25; Color color = Color.White; bool IsSelected = SelectedClass == Index; if (IsSelected) { color = Color.Yellow; } if (MouseOver) { color = Color.Cyan; if (Main.mouseLeft && Main.mouseLeftRelease) { SelectedSkill = -1; if (IsSelected) { SelectedClass = -1; } else { SelectedClass = Index; } } } Utils.DrawBorderString(Main.spriteBatch, ClassList[i], ClassNamePosition, color); } SkillInterfacePos.X += 128 + 12f; if (SelectedClass > -1) { List <ClassData> classes = Main.player[Main.myPlayer].GetModPlayer <PlayerMod>().Classes; if (SelectedClass >= classes.Count) { Utils.DrawBorderString(Main.spriteBatch, "Class Advancement Disponible.", SkillInterfacePos, Color.White); SkillInterfacePos.Y += 25f; int Rows = 2, Columns = (Height - 25) / 25; for (int c = 0; c < Columns; c++) { for (int r = 0; r < Rows; r++) { int Index = r + c * Rows; if (Index >= MainMod.UnlockedClasses.Count) { continue; } Vector2 Position = SkillInterfacePos + new Vector2(r * 128, 25 * c); Color color = Color.White; int ClassID = MainMod.UnlockedClasses[Index].Key; string ClassModID = MainMod.UnlockedClasses[Index].Value; string ClassName = MainMod.GetClass(ClassID, ClassModID).Name;//"Class#" + Index; bool RepeatedClass = classes.Any(x => x.ClassID == ClassID && x.ClassModID == ClassModID); if (RepeatedClass) { color = Color.Gray; } else { if (Main.mouseX >= Position.X && Main.mouseX < Position.X + 128 && Main.mouseY >= Position.Y && Main.mouseY < Position.Y + 25) { color = Color.Yellow; if (Main.mouseLeft && Main.mouseLeftRelease) { CheckedClassID = ClassID; CheckedClassModID = ClassModID; } } } Utils.DrawBorderString(Main.spriteBatch, ClassName, Position, color); } } } else { ClassData c = classes[SelectedClass]; Utils.DrawBorderString(Main.spriteBatch, c.Name, SkillInterfacePos, Color.White); SkillInterfacePos.Y += 25f; Utils.DrawBorderString(Main.spriteBatch, (c.Level < c.MaxLevel ? "Level: " + c.Level + " Exp [" + c.Exp + "/" + c.MaxExp + "]" : "Mastered"), SkillInterfacePos, Color.White, 0.85f); SkillInterfacePos.Y += 22f; const int SkillColumns = 2; int SkillRows = (int)((Main.screenHeight - SkillInterfacePos.Y) / 25 - (AskIfShouldResetThis ? 2 : 1)); for (int row = 0; row < SkillRows; row++) { for (int column = 0; column < SkillColumns; column++) { int SkillIndex = column + SkillColumns * (row + ScrollY); string SkillName = "Skill#" + SkillIndex; if (SkillIndex < c.Skills.Count) { SkillName = c.Skills[SkillIndex].GetBase.Name; } else { continue; } Vector2 SkillPosition = new Vector2(128f * column, row * 25) + SkillInterfacePos; Color color = Color.White; if (Main.mouseX >= SkillPosition.X && Main.mouseX < SkillPosition.X + 128 && Main.mouseY >= SkillPosition.Y && Main.mouseY < SkillPosition.Y + 25) { color = Color.Cyan; if (Main.mouseLeft && Main.mouseLeftRelease) { SelectedSkill = SkillIndex; } } Utils.DrawBorderString(Main.spriteBatch, SkillName, SkillPosition, color); } } // Vector2 SkillResetPos = new Vector2(Main.screenWidth * 0.5f, Main.screenHeight - 22); Color textColor; if (AskIfShouldResetThis) { SkillResetPos.X -= 10; textColor = Color.White; if (Main.mouseX >= SkillResetPos.X - 40 && Main.mouseX < SkillResetPos.X && Main.mouseY >= SkillResetPos.Y && Main.mouseY < SkillResetPos.Y + 22) { textColor = Color.Red; if (Main.mouseLeft && Main.mouseLeftRelease) { if (!Main.player[Main.myPlayer].GetModPlayer <PlayerMod>().DeleteClass(SelectedClass)) { Main.NewText("Something went wrong."); } else { SelectedClass = SelectedSkill = -1; } AskIfShouldResetThis = false; } } Utils.DrawBorderString(Main.spriteBatch, "Yes", SkillResetPos, textColor, 1f, 1f); SkillResetPos.X = Main.screenWidth * 0.5f + 10; textColor = Color.White; if (Main.mouseX >= SkillResetPos.X && Main.mouseX < SkillResetPos.X + 40 && Main.mouseY >= SkillResetPos.Y && Main.mouseY < SkillResetPos.Y + 22) { textColor = Color.Yellow; if (Main.mouseLeft && Main.mouseLeftRelease) { AskIfShouldResetThis = false; } } Utils.DrawBorderString(Main.spriteBatch, "No", SkillResetPos, textColor, 1f, 0); SkillResetPos.X -= 10; SkillResetPos.Y -= 25; Utils.DrawBorderString(Main.spriteBatch, "Do you really want to delete this class?", SkillResetPos, Color.White, 1f, 0.5f); } else { textColor = Color.White; if (Main.mouseX >= SkillResetPos.X - 30 && Main.mouseX < SkillResetPos.X + 30 && Main.mouseY >= SkillResetPos.Y && Main.mouseY < SkillResetPos.Y + 22) { textColor = Color.Red; if (Main.mouseLeft && Main.mouseLeftRelease) { AskIfShouldResetThis = true; } } Utils.DrawBorderString(Main.spriteBatch, "Delete Class", SkillResetPos, textColor, 1f, 0.5f); } } } else { SkillInterfacePos.X += (156 * 0.5f); SkillInterfacePos.Y += (128 * 0.5f); Utils.DrawBorderString(Main.spriteBatch, "No class selected.", SkillInterfacePos, Color.White, 1, 0.5f, 0.5f); } } { Vector2 ButtonPosition = new Vector2(Main.screenWidth * 0.5f - Width * 0.5f - 2, Main.screenHeight); if (Active) { ButtonPosition.Y -= Height + 32; } else { ButtonPosition.Y -= 32; } if (Main.mouseX >= ButtonPosition.X && Main.mouseX < ButtonPosition.X + 96 && Main.mouseY >= ButtonPosition.Y && Main.mouseY < ButtonPosition.Y + 32) { Main.player[Main.myPlayer].mouseInterface = true; if (Main.mouseLeft && Main.mouseLeftRelease) { if (Active) { Close(); } else { Open(); } } } Main.spriteBatch.Draw(MainMod.ClassButtonTexture, ButtonPosition, Color.White); } }