예제 #1
        public bool IsInEncounter()
            var rect = new User32.Rect();

            User32.GetClientRect(temtemProcess.MainWindowHandle, ref rect);
            var point = new Point();

            ClientToScreen(temtemProcess.MainWindowHandle, ref point);
            rect.top    = point.Y;
            rect.left   = point.X;
            rect.right  = point.X + rect.right;
            rect.bottom = point.Y + rect.bottom;

            int width  = rect.right - rect.left;
            int height = rect.bottom - rect.top;

            AspectRatio ratio = Aspect.GetRatio(width, height);

            int minimap1y = rect.top + (int)(height * Aspect.Map1TopPercentage(ratio));
            int minimap1x = rect.left + (int)(width * Aspect.Map1LeftPercentage(ratio));
            int minimap2y = rect.top + (int)(height * Aspect.Map2TopPercentage(ratio));
            int minimap2x = rect.left + (int)(width * Aspect.Map2LeftPercentage(ratio));

            var bmp1 = new Bitmap(1, 1, PixelFormat.Format32bppArgb);
            var bmp2 = new Bitmap(1, 1, PixelFormat.Format32bppArgb);

            using (Graphics graphics = Graphics.FromImage(bmp1))
                graphics.CopyFromScreen(minimap1x, minimap1y, 0, 0, new Size(1, 1), CopyPixelOperation.SourceCopy);
                //graphics.CopyFromScreen(rect.left, rect.top, 0, 0, new Size(width, height), CopyPixelOperation.SourceCopy);
            using (Graphics graphics = Graphics.FromImage(bmp2))
                graphics.CopyFromScreen(minimap2x, minimap2y, 0, 0, new Size(1, 1), CopyPixelOperation.SourceCopy);
                //graphics.CopyFromScreen(rect.left, rect.top, 0, 0, new Size(width, height), CopyPixelOperation.SourceCopy);

            var pixel1    = bmp1.GetPixel(0, 0);
            var pixel2    = bmp2.GetPixel(0, 0);
            var mapColour = Color.FromArgb(60, 232, 234);

            return(!(ColorDifference(pixel1, mapColour) < 10 && ColorDifference(pixel2, mapColour) < 10));
예제 #2
        public async Task <byte[]> GetTemtem(bool first = true, int textMargin = 100, bool doHeavyCutting = true)
            var rect = new User32.Rect();

            User32.GetClientRect(temtemProcess.MainWindowHandle, ref rect);
            var point = new Point();

            ClientToScreen(temtemProcess.MainWindowHandle, ref point);
            rect.top    = point.Y;
            rect.left   = point.X;
            rect.right  = point.X + rect.right;
            rect.bottom = point.Y + rect.bottom;

            int width  = rect.right - rect.left;
            int height = rect.bottom - rect.top;

            AspectRatio ratio = Aspect.GetRatio(width, height);

            //Only consider the text area of the screen
            int heightText = (int)(height * Aspect.NameHeightPercentage(ratio));
            int widthText  = (int)(width * Aspect.NameWidthPercentage(ratio));
            int topText    = rect.top + (int)(height * (first ? Aspect.Temtem1PercentageTop(ratio) : Aspect.Temtem2PercentageTop(ratio)));
            int leftText   = rect.left + (int)(width * (first ? Aspect.Temtem1PercentageLeft(ratio) : Aspect.Temtem2PercentageLeft(ratio)));

            var bmp = new Bitmap(widthText, heightText, PixelFormat.Format32bppArgb);

            //var bmp = new Bitmap(width, height, PixelFormat.Format32bppArgb);
            using (Graphics graphics = Graphics.FromImage(bmp))
                graphics.CopyFromScreen(leftText, topText, 0, 0, new Size(widthText, heightText), CopyPixelOperation.SourceCopy);
                //graphics.CopyFromScreen(rect.left, rect.top, 0, 0, new Size(width, height), CopyPixelOperation.SourceCopy);

            int trueHeight = heightText < 40 ? 40 : heightText;
            int trueWidth  = (int)(widthText * (trueHeight / heightText));

            bmp = new Bitmap(bmp, trueWidth, trueHeight);

            int widthWithoutHit = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < trueWidth; i++)
                bool wasHit        = false;
                bool reachedGender = false;
                //Only accept whites in the direct vicinity of blackish colours, or already found text
                for (int j = 0; j < trueHeight; j++)
                    if (widthWithoutHit >= 20)
                        bmp.SetPixel(i, j, Color.Black);

                    var          pixel   = bmp.GetPixel(i, j);
                    List <Color> toCheck = new List <Color>();
                    toCheck.Add(bmp.GetPixel(i > 0 ? i - 1 : i, j));
                    toCheck.Add(bmp.GetPixel(i, j > 0 ? j - 1 : j));
                    toCheck.Add(bmp.GetPixel(i > 0 ? i - 1 : i, j < heightText - 1 ? j + 1 : j));
                    toCheck.Add(bmp.GetPixel(i > 0 ? i - 1 : i, j > 0 ? j - 1 : j));
                    var  temtemBlack = Color.FromArgb(30, 30, 30);
                    bool isText      = false;
                    foreach (var col in toCheck)
                        if (ColorDifference(col, temtemBlack) < 100 || ColorDifference(col, Color.White) < 1)
                            isText = true;
                    if (ColorDifference(pixel, Color.White) < textMargin && (doHeavyCutting ? isText : true))
                        bmp.SetPixel(i, j, Color.White);
                        wasHit          = true;
                        widthWithoutHit = 0;
                    else if (ColorDifference(pixel, Color.FromArgb(247, 180, 99)) < 20)
                        reachedGender = true;
                if (!wasHit)
                if (reachedGender)

            for (int i = 0; i < trueWidth; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < trueHeight; j++)
                    var pixel = bmp.GetPixel(i, j);

                    if (ColorDifference(pixel, Color.White) < 1)
                        bmp.SetPixel(i, j, Color.Black);
                        bmp.SetPixel(i, j, Color.White);

            //Remove suspicious wide black clusters
            for (int j = 0; j < trueHeight; j++)
                var blackWidth = 0;
                var iStart     = 0;
                for (int i = 0; i < trueWidth; i++)
                    var pixel = bmp.GetPixel(i, j);

                    if (ColorDifference(pixel, Color.Black) < 1)
                        if (blackWidth == 0)
                            iStart = i;
                        if (blackWidth > trueWidth * 0.15)
                            for (int eraser = iStart; eraser <= i; eraser++)
                                bmp.SetPixel(eraser, j, Color.White);
                        blackWidth = 0;

                if (blackWidth > trueWidth * 0.15)
                    for (int eraser = iStart; eraser < trueWidth; eraser++)
                        bmp.SetPixel(eraser, j, Color.White);
            //bmp.Save($"Temtem{(count++) % 10}.png", System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Png);

            return(ToByteArray(bmp, System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Tiff));