예제 #1
        public void WriteShell()
            string name = this.name + ".stl";

            STLWriter.WriteSTLOfMesh(mFilter.mesh, name);
예제 #2
        // Write a set of STLs for a juncture, and an OpenSCAD file that
        // compiles them all into one fused part.
        public string WriteSTLOfJuncture(Vector3 minOffset, string objName)
            List <string> unionSTLs = new List <string>();
            List <string> diffSTLs  = new List <string>();
            string        bulbSTL   = "";

            // If there is a parent segment, write that
            if (parentSegment)
                TelescopeShell last = parentSegment.LastShell;

                // Export them in world coordinates so that the full
                // object can just be assembled without moving pieces around
                STLWriter.VectorTransform f =
                    (v => last.transform.rotation * v + last.transform.position - minOffset);

                if (parentSegment.NumShells > 1 && parentSegment.Reversed)
                    Mesh inner = last.GenerateInnerVolume(parentSegment.shells[parentSegment.NumShells - 2].getParameters(),
                                                          -Constants.WALL_THICKNESS, extraRings: Constants.CUTS_PER_CYLINDER / 2);

                    string parentVolumeSTL = objName + "-parentInner.stl";
                    STLWriter.WriteSTLOfMesh(inner, "scad/" + parentVolumeSTL, f);


            // Write each child segment as well
            int childNum = 0;

            foreach (TelescopeSegment childSegment in childSegments)
                TelescopeShell first = childSegment.FirstShell;

                STLWriter.VectorTransform f =
                    (v => first.transform.rotation * v + first.transform.position - minOffset);

                // Write a mesh for the inner volume contained in the shell,
                // so that it can be subtracted out from the juncture
                if (childSegment.NumShells > 1 && !childSegment.Reversed)
                    Mesh inner = first.GenerateInnerVolume(childSegment.shells[1].getParameters(),
                                                           -Constants.WALL_THICKNESS, extraRings: Constants.CUTS_PER_CYLINDER / 2);

                    string childVolumeSTL = objName + "-childInner" + childNum + ".stl";
                    STLWriter.WriteSTLOfMesh(inner, "scad/" + childVolumeSTL, f);


            // Write this piece
            if (junctureType != JunctureType.None)
                STLWriter.VectorTransform f =
                    (v => transform.rotation * v + transform.position - minOffset);

                bulbSTL = objName + ".stl";
                STLWriter.WriteSTLOfMesh(mFilter.mesh, "scad/" + bulbSTL, f);

            string scadFile = objName + ".scad";

            STLWriter.WriteSCADOfJunctureSTLs(bulbSTL, unionSTLs, diffSTLs, "scad/" + scadFile);