private void InitTask() { int taskId = -1; int.TryParse(NavigationContext.QueryString["TaskId"], out taskId); Debug.Assert(taskId != -1, "TaskId should not be null"); task = SterlingService.Current.Database.Query<Task, int>() .Where(delegate(TableKey<Task, int> key) { return key.Key == taskId; }) .First<TableKey<Task, int>>() .LazyValue.Value; LocationPicker.Visibility = (task.Latitude != 0 && task.Longitude!= 0) ? Visibility.Visible : Visibility.Collapsed; Debug.Assert(task != null, "Task should not be null"); }
private void InitTask() { if (task != null) return; if (!NavigationContext.QueryString.ContainsKey("TaskId")) { task = new Task(); int categoryId = 0; int.TryParse(NavigationContext.QueryString["CategoryId"], out categoryId); task.CategoryId = categoryId; if (NavigationContext.QueryString.ContainsKey("ProjectId")) { int projectId; int.TryParse(NavigationContext.QueryString["ProjectId"], out projectId); task.ProjectId = projectId; } } else { int taskId; int.TryParse(NavigationContext.QueryString["TaskId"], out taskId); task = SterlingService.Current.Database.Query<Task, int>() .Where(delegate(TableKey<Task, int> key) { return key.Key == taskId; }) .First<TableKey<Task, int>>() .LazyValue.Value; Debug.Assert(task != null, "Task should not be null"); } }
private void ShowTaskDetails(Task task) { AppModel.TaskDoneNextPage = new Uri("/Views/AllTasks.xaml", UriKind.Relative); NavigationService.Navigate(new Uri("/Views/ViewTask.xaml?TaskId=" + task.Id, UriKind.Relative)); }
private void CancelButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { task = null; this.NavigateToNextPage(); }
private void ShowTaskDetails(Task task) { NavigationService.Navigate(new Uri("/Views/ViewTask.xaml?TaskId=" + task.Id, UriKind.Relative)); }