public static Chat ToChat(TgChat chat, long ownerId) { ImmutableList <InAttachment> photos = ImmutableList <InAttachment> .Empty; if (chat.Photo != null) { photos = ImmutableList.Create( new InAttachment(chat.Photo.SmallFileId, TgConstants.Name, AttachmentType.Photo, null, null), new InAttachment(chat.Photo.BigFileId, TgConstants.Name, AttachmentType.Photo, null, null) ); } var type = chat.Type switch { TgChatType.Private => ChatType.Private, TgChatType.Channel => ChatType.Community, _ => ChatType.Group }; return(new Chat( chat.Id, TgConstants.Name, chat.Title ?? chat.Username, ownerId, type) { PinnedMessage = ToMessage(chat.PinnedMessage), Photos = photos }); }
public static User ToUser(TgChat chat) { return(new User( chat.Id, TgConstants.Name, true) { FirstName = chat.FirstName, LastName = chat.LastName, Username = chat.Username }); }
private async Task <string> GetChatLink(Chat chat) { if (chat.Username.IsNotBlank()) { return($"{chat.Username}".ToHtmlLink(chat.Title)); } var savedChat = await _chatRepository.GetByName(chat.Title); return(savedChat != null ? savedChat.JoinLink.ToHtmlLink(savedChat.ExactName) : $"«{chat.Title}»"); }
private static void OnBotWokeUp(Update update) { Telegram.Bot.Types.Chat chat = null; Telegram.Bot.Types.User user = null; try { if (update?.Message != null) { chat = update.Message.Chat; user = update.Message.From; } else if (update?.CallbackQuery != null) { chat = update.CallbackQuery.Message.Chat; user = update.CallbackQuery.From; } else { return; } if (Chats.TryGetValue(chat.Id, out _)) { return; } var chatRoom = CreateChatRoom(chat); if (chatRoom == null) { return; } chatRoom.ChatIo.SendMessageAsync(new EnglishTexts().DidYouWriteSomething).Wait(); chatRoom.ChatIo.OnUpdate( new Update { Message = new Message { Text = "/start", From = user } }); RunChatRoom(chat, chatRoom); } catch (Exception e) { Botlog.WriteError(chat?.Id, "WokeUpfailed" + e, true); } }
public static void DeleteStatusByUserAndChat(Telegram.Bot.Types.User user, Telegram.Bot.Types.Chat chat) { using (var db = new ApplicationContext()) { try { var status = db.UserStatuses .Where(s => s.Chat.ChatId == chat.Id) .FirstOrDefault(s => s.User.UserId == user.Id); db.UserStatuses.Remove(status); db.SaveChanges(); } catch { Console.WriteLine("Error with deleting statys"); } } }
private static MainFlow GetOrCreate(Telegram.Bot.Types.Chat chat) { if (Chats.TryGetValue(chat.Id, out var existedChatRoom)) { return(existedChatRoom); } var newChatRoom = CreateChatRoom(chat); if (newChatRoom == null) { Console.WriteLine($"Chat {chat.Id} rejected"); return(null); } Console.WriteLine($"Chat {chat.Id} joined"); RunChatRoom(chat, newChatRoom); return(newChatRoom); }
public static void CheckAndAddChatToDb(Telegram.Bot.Types.Chat chat) { try { using (ApplicationContext db = new ApplicationContext()) { if (db.Chats.FirstOrDefault(c => c.ChatId == chat.Id) == null) { db.Chats.Add(new Database.Chat() { ChatId = chat.Id }); db.SaveChanges(); } } } catch { Console.WriteLine("Error with db access"); } }
private async Task AddThisChat(string inviteLink, Chat chat, int replyToMessageId) { if (chat.IsPrivate()) { await SendMessage(chat.Id, "Зачем ты пытаешься добавить наш личный чат в список чатов? >_>", replyToMessageId); return; } if (!chat.IsGroup()) { return; } if (inviteLink.IsBlank() && chat.InviteLink.IsBlank()) { try { chat.InviteLink = await BotClient.ExportChatInviteLinkAsync(chat.Id); } catch (ApiRequestException e) { Logger.LogWarning("Can't get invite link for chat {chatId}! [ExMessage: {exMessage}, StackTrace: {stackTrace}]", chat.Id, e.Message, e.StackTrace); } if (chat.InviteLink.IsBlank()) { await SendMessage(chat.Id, "Или дайте мне ссылку-приглашение вместе с коммандой, или сделайте админом, чтобы я сам мог создать её.", replyToMessageId); return; } } await _chatRepository.AddOrUpdate(new SavedChat(chat.Id, chat.Title, chat.InviteLink)); await SendMessage(chat.Id, "Чат добавлен! Спасибо за помощь боту!", replyToMessageId); }
static async void Bot_OnMessage(object sender, MessageEventArgs messageEventArgs) { chatid = messageEventArgs.Message.Chat; var message = messageEventArgs.Message; if (message == null || message.Type != MessageType.Text) { return; } switch (message.Text.Split(' ').First()) { // tự động nhắc việc case "/auto": await auto(message); break; // thêm việc case "/add": await add(message); break; // hiển thị danh sách việc case "/list": await list(message); break; // hiển thị danh sách công việc đã hoàn thành case "/listdone": await listdone(message); break; // xóa việc case "/delete": await delete(message); break; // sửa việc case "/edit": await edit(message); break; // hoàn thành case "/done": await done(message); break; default: await list(message); break; } }
public static void AddMemberByUserAndChat(Telegram.Bot.Types.User[] messageNewChatMembers, Telegram.Bot.Types.Chat messageChat) { try { foreach (var VARIABLE in messageNewChatMembers) { CheckAndAddUserStatusToDb(VARIABLE.Id, messageChat.Id); } } catch { Console.WriteLine("Error with database"); } }