protected override void generateTerrain(Region chunk, int x, int z, int blockX, int blockZ, int worldDepthInBlocks)
            int groundHeight = (int)GetBlockNoise(blockX, blockZ);

            if (groundHeight < 1)
                groundHeight = 1;
            else if (groundHeight > 128)
                groundHeight = 96;

            // Default to sunlit.. for caves
            bool      sunlit    = true;
            BlockType BlockType = BlockType.None;

            chunk.Blocks[x, groundHeight, z] = BlockType.Grass;
            chunk.Blocks[x, 0, z]            = BlockType.Dirt;
            for (int y = worldDepthInBlocks - 1; y > 0; y--)
                if (y > groundHeight)
                    BlockType = BlockType.None;

                // Or we at or below ground height?
                else if (y < groundHeight)
                    // Since we are at or below ground height, let's see if we need
                    // to make
                    // a cave
                    int   noiseX  = (blockX + WorldSettings.SEED);
                    float octave1 = PerlinSimplexNoise.noise(noiseX * 0.009f, blockZ * 0.009f, y * 0.009f) * 0.25f;

                    float initialNoise = octave1 + PerlinSimplexNoise.noise(noiseX * 0.04f, blockZ * 0.04f, y * 0.04f) * 0.15f;
                    initialNoise += PerlinSimplexNoise.noise(noiseX * 0.08f, blockZ * 0.08f, y * 0.08f) * 0.05f;

                    if (initialNoise > 0.2f)
                        BlockType = BlockType.None;
                        // We've placed a block of dirt instead...nothing below us
                        // will be sunlit
                        if (sunlit)
                            sunlit    = false;
                            BlockType = BlockType.Grass;
                            BlockType = BlockType.Dirt;
                            if (octave1 < 0.2f)
                                BlockType = BlockType.Rock;

                chunk.AddBlock(x, y, z, BlockType);