public VectorizedSceneUpdateNodesTests()
            Width = 20;
            Height = 20;
            Length = 1f;

            Grid = new PackedHexagonalGrid(Width, Height, Padding, Length);
            NodesX = Grid.VerticesX.ToArray();
            NodesY = Grid.VerticesY.ToArray();

            var random = new Random();
            Func<float> randomFloat = () => (float)random.NextDouble();

            VelocitiesX = Enumerable.Range(0, NodesX.Length).Select(_ => randomFloat()).ToArray();
            VelocitiesY = Enumerable.Range(0, NodesY.Length).Select(_ => randomFloat()).ToArray();

            const float dt = 0.01f;
            Dt = new Vector<float>(dt);

            UpdateNodesReferenceImplementation(dt, NodesX, NodesY, VelocitiesX, VelocitiesY);
            ReferenceNodesX = NodesX.ToArray();
            ReferenceNodesY = NodesY.ToArray();


        public static void ClassInitialize(TestContext context)
            uint discard = 0x00000000;
            uint preserve = 0xFFFFFFFF;
            LeftMask = Vector.AsVectorSingle(new Vector<uint>(new[] { discard, preserve, preserve, preserve }));
            RightMask = Vector.AsVectorSingle(new Vector<uint>(new[] { preserve, preserve, preserve, discard }));

            var grid = new PackedHexagonalGrid(Width, Height, Padding, Length);
            NodesX = grid.VerticesX;
            NodesY = grid.VerticesY;

            VelocitiesX = NodesX.ToArray();
            VelocitiesY = NodesY.ToArray();

            Clear(VelocitiesX, VelocitiesY, Width, Height, Padding, Stride);

            ReferenceVelocitiesX = VelocitiesX.ToArray();
            ReferenceVelocitiesY = VelocitiesY.ToArray();

            Clear(ReferenceVelocitiesX, ReferenceVelocitiesY, Width, Height, Padding, Stride);

            CalculateImpulsesReferenceImplementation(NodesX, NodesY, ReferenceVelocitiesX, ReferenceVelocitiesY,
                Lambda[0], RestLength[0], Width, Height, Padding, Stride);
예제 #3
        public VectorizedScene(int width, int height, float length, float lambda, float threshold, float timeStep,
            int stepSize)
            Action<string, object> throwNotPositive = (s, x) =>
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(s, x, "Positive number required");

            if (width <= 0)
                throwNotPositive(nameof(width), width);

            if (height <= 0)
                throwNotPositive(nameof(height), height);

            if (length <= 0)
                throwNotPositive(nameof(length), length);

            if (timeStep <= 0)
                throwNotPositive(nameof(timeStep), timeStep);

            if (width % VectorSize != 0)
                throw new ArgumentException($"Parameter {nameof(width)} must be a multiple of"
                + $"{nameof(VectorSize)} = {VectorSize}.");

            Lambda = lambda;
            Threshold = threshold;
            Length = length;

            TimeStep = timeStep;
            Time = 0;

            StepSize = stepSize;
            Steps = 0;

            Stopwatch = new Stopwatch();

            Width = width;
            Height = height;

            int padding = Padding;
            var grid = new PackedHexagonalGrid(width, height, padding, length);
            var center = new Vector2(grid.SpatialWidth, grid.SpatialHeight) / 2;
            var offset = -center;
            NodesX = grid.VerticesX;
            NodesY = grid.VerticesY;

            // Copy the nodes arrays to preserve the guard NaN's contained within. We'll zero the other elements later.
            VelocitiesX = NodesX.ToArray();
            VelocitiesY = NodesY.ToArray();

            // Center the grid around (0, 0).
            int stride = GetStride(width, padding);

            for (int row = 0; row < height; row++)
                for (int col = 0; col < width; col++)
                    int index = GetIndex(padding, stride, col, row);
                    NodesX[index] += offset.X;
                    NodesY[index] += offset.Y;