public static void LoadSnapshot(TeamUtility.IO.InputManager inputManager) { if (!CanLoadSnapshot()) { return; } InputLoaderXML inputLoader = new InputLoaderXML(_snapshotFile); inputManager.Load(inputLoader.Load()); }
public static void Load(IInputLoader inputLoader) { if (inputLoader != null) { _instance.Load(inputLoader.Load()); _instance.Initialize(); _instance.RaiseLoadedEvent(); } else { Debug.LogError("InputLoader is null. Cannot load input configurations."); } }
private void ImportInputConfigurations() { string file = EditorUtility.OpenFilePanel("Import input profile", "", "xml"); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(file)) { return; } bool replace = EditorUtility.DisplayDialog("Replace or Append", "Do you want to replace the current input configrations?", "Replace", "Append"); if (replace) { InputLoaderXML inputLoader = new InputLoaderXML(file); _inputManager.Load(inputLoader.Load()); _selectionPath.Clear(); } else { InputLoaderXML inputLoader = new InputLoaderXML(file); var parameters = inputLoader.Load(); if (parameters.inputConfigurations != null && parameters.inputConfigurations.Count > 0) { foreach (var config in parameters.inputConfigurations) { _inputManager.inputConfigurations.Add(config); } } } if (_searchString.Length > 0) { UpdateSearchResults(); } Repaint(); }