public ArtViewModel(Game game, GameArt art) { Art = art; Visitors = game.VisitorByLocation(TypeLocationMap.TypeToLocation[art.Type]); VisitorTypeNames = Visitors.Select(v => v.Type.ToString()).ToArray(); SetTicketStrings(art); }
public ActionResult Create(Game newGame) { if (ModelState.IsValid) { using (var galleristContext = new GalleristComponentsDbContext()) { newGame.CreatedTime = DateTime.Now; galleristContext.Games.Add(newGame); using (var identityContext = new ApplicationDbContext()) { //add me to the game newGame.Players.Add(new Player { UserId = identityContext.Users.First(m => m.UserName == User.Identity.Name).Id, UserName = User.Identity.Name, IsHost = true }); } galleristContext.SaveChanges(); return Redirect("/Game/List"); //redirect to actual game might be better for demo purposes } } else { return View(newGame); } }
public List<ArtType> TypeOrder = new List<ArtType> {,, ArtType.sculpture, ArtType.painting }; //reputation tile rows #endregion Fields #region Constructors public InternationalMarketViewModel(string userName, Game game) { IsActivePlayer = FormHelper.IsActivePlayer(userName, game); IsValidActionState = game.CurrentTurn.CurrentAction.State == GameActionState.InternationalMarket; Game = game; SetTiles(game); SetAuctionLocations(userName, game); }
public AuctionLocationViewModel(string userName, Game game, string column, string row) { IsActivePlayer = FormHelper.IsActivePlayer(userName, game); IsValidActionState = game.CurrentTurn.CurrentAction.State == GameActionState.InternationalMarket; Game = game; Column = column; Row = row; SetActionLocation(row, column); SetAuctionClass(ActionLocation); }
public ArtistColonyViewModel(string userName, Game game) { FormAction = game.CurrentTurn.CurrentAction.State == GameActionState.ArtistColony ? GameActionState.ArtBuy : GameActionState.Promote; IsActivePlayer = FormHelper.IsActivePlayer(userName, game); IsValidActionState = game.CurrentTurn.CurrentAction.State == GameActionState.ArtistColony || game.CurrentTurn.CurrentAction.State == GameActionState.MediaCenter; Game = game; SetArtistLists(game); SetViewStrings(game); SetArtList(game); }
public static void GetActionForm(this HtmlHelper Html, string partialViewPath, Game game, GameActionState state, string location, object model = null) { string partialView; if (model != null) partialView = Html.Partial(partialViewPath,model).ToString(); else partialView = Html.Partial(partialViewPath).ToString(); using (Html.BeginForm("TakeGameAction", "Game", new { id = game.Id, gameAction = state, actionLocation = location }, FormMethod.Post, new { role = "form" })) { string inner = Html.AntiForgeryToken().ToString() + InsertSubmitElement(partialView); Html.ViewContext.Writer.Write(inner); } }
private void SetArtistLists(Game game) { foreach (ArtistCategory category in new List<ArtistCategory> {, }) { var result = new List<GameArtist>(); foreach (ArtType type in ArtTypeList) { var artist = game.Artists.Where(a => a.ArtType == type && a.Category == category).First(); result.Add(artist); } if (category == BlueArtists = result; else RedArtists = result; } }
private void SetAuctionLocations(string userName, Game game) { var rowHeader = new List<string> { "money-1", "money-2", "money-3" }; //the css class for the row header (displays the appropriate amount of money) var result = new List<List<AuctionLocationViewModel>>(); foreach (string row in AuctionRows) { var rowList = new List<AuctionLocationViewModel>(); foreach (GameReputationTileLocation column in Columns) { rowList.Add(new AuctionLocationViewModel(userName, game, column.ToString(), row)); } result.Add(rowList); } AuctionLocations = rowHeader.Zip(result, (k, v) => new { k, v }).ToDictionary(x => x.k, x => x.v); }
public SalesOfficeViewModel(string userName, Game game) { IsActivePlayer = FormHelper.IsActivePlayer(userName, game); var actionManager = new ActionContextInvoker(game); DrawIsValidActionState = actionManager.IsValidTransition(GameActionState.ContractDraw); DraftIsValidActionState = actionManager.IsValidTransition(GameActionState.ContractDraft); Game = game; DrawState = GameActionState.ContractDraw; AllContracts = game.GetContractDecks(); DrawCount = AllContracts[GameContractLocation.DrawDeck].Count; SetDraftContractModels(AllContracts); }
}; //used to get html friendly names to use in id fields, format: { (key) location, (value) { location name, first action, second action } #endregion Fields #region Constructors public ActionSpaceViewModel(string userName, Game game, PlayerLocation location) { Game = game; IsActivePlayer = FormHelper.IsActivePlayer(userName, game); IsValidSpace = ValidateSpace(game, location); Location = location; State = (GameActionState)Enum.Parse(typeof(GameActionState), location.ToString()); LocationName = HtmlNames[location][0]; FirstActionName = HtmlNames[location][1]; SecondActionName = HtmlNames[location][2]; Color = game.Players.First(p => p.UserName == userName).Color; SetGalleristColorClass(game, location); SetPushAndPullByLocation(location); }
public PlayViewModel(string userName, Game game) { Game = game; SalesOfficeModel = new SalesOfficeViewModel(userName, game); InternationalMarketModel = new InternationalMarketViewModel(userName, game); ArtistColonyModel = new ArtistColonyViewModel(userName, game); InfluenceTrackModel = new InfluenceTrackViewModel(game); SetLocationViewModels(userName, game); SetGalleryModels(game); SetPlazaCounts(game); SetBoardModels(userName, game); }
private void SetTiles(Game game) { var result = new List<List<ReputationTileViewModel>>(); foreach ( ArtType row in TypeOrder) { var rowList = new List<ReputationTileViewModel>(); foreach(GameReputationTileLocation column in Columns) { var tile = game.ReputationTiles.FirstOrDefault(r => r.Row == row && r.Column == column); if (tile != null) rowList.Add(new ReputationTileViewModel(tile)); else rowList.Add(null); } result.Add(rowList); } Tiles = TypeOrder.Zip(result, (k, v) => new { k, v }).ToDictionary(x => x.k, x => x.v); }
public PlayerGalleryViewModel(Game game, PlayerColor color) { Game = game; Color = color; HasPlayer = game.Players.Any(p => p.Color == color); EmptyGalleryCssClass = HasPlayer ? "" : "unused-gallery-region"; IsGalleryFirst = color == PlayerColor.yellow || color == PlayerColor.purple; GalleryVisitors = game.VisitorByPlayerAndLocation(color, GameVisitorLocation.Gallery); GalleryInvestorCount = GalleryVisitors.Where(v => v.Type == VisitorTicketType.investor).Count(); GalleryCollectorCount = GalleryVisitors.Where(v => v.Type == VisitorTicketType.collector).Count(); GalleryVipCount = GalleryVisitors.Where(v => v.Type ==; GalleryVisitorCounts = new List<int> { GalleryInvestorCount, GalleryCollectorCount, GalleryVipCount }; LobbyVisitors = game.VisitorByPlayerAndLocation(color, GameVisitorLocation.Lobby); LobbyInvestorCount = LobbyVisitors.Where(v => v.Type == VisitorTicketType.investor).Count(); LobbyCollectorCount = LobbyVisitors.Where(v => v.Type == VisitorTicketType.collector).Count(); LobbyVipCount = LobbyVisitors.Where(v => v.Type ==; LobbyVisitorCounts = new List<int> { LobbyInvestorCount, LobbyCollectorCount, LobbyVipCount }; }
private static GameResponse CheckGameState(Game game, GalleristComponentsDbContext galleristContext) { var gameResponse = new GameResponse { Game = game, Success = false, Message = "", Title = "" }; if (game == null || galleristContext == null) { gameResponse.Title = "Not Found"; gameResponse.Message = "Sorry but this does not appear to be a valid game."; gameResponse.Success = false; } //nothing bad happened else { gameResponse.Success = true; } return gameResponse; }
public static ActionContext GetContext(GameActionState state, Game game) { Type contextType = ActionToContextType[state]; return (ActionContext)Activator.CreateInstance(contextType, game); }
private bool ValidateSpace(Game game, PlayerLocation location) { var state = (GameActionState)Enum.Parse(typeof(GameActionState), location.ToString()); var action = new GameAction { State = state, Location = game.CurrentTurn.CurrentAction.Location }; var invoker = new ActionContextInvoker(game); return invoker.IsValidTransition(action); }
private void SetGalleristColorClass(Game game, PlayerLocation location) { var playerAtLocation = game.Players.FirstOrDefault(p => p.GalleristLocation == location); if (playerAtLocation != null) { GalleristColorClass = playerAtLocation.Color.ToString() + "-gallerist"; } else { GalleristColorClass = ""; } }
private void SetArtList(Game game) { var result = new List<GameArt>(); foreach(ArtType type in ArtTypeList) { var art = game.GetArtFromStack(type); result.Add(art); } Art = result; }
private void SetViewStrings(Game game) { var result = new Dictionary<GameArtist, string>(); foreach (GameArtist artist in BlueArtists.Concat(RedArtists)) { var viewString = "~/Views/Game/ArtistColony/ArtistUndiscovered.cshtml"; if (artist.IsDiscovered) { viewString = "~/Views/Game/ArtistColony/ArtistDiscovered.cshtml"; } result.Add(artist, viewString); } ArtistToPartialViewString = result; }
private void SetGalleryModels(Game game) { var result = new List<PlayerGalleryViewModel>(); foreach (PlayerColor color in TopGalleryOrder ) { result.Add(new PlayerGalleryViewModel(game, color)); } TopGalleryModels = result; result = new List<PlayerGalleryViewModel>(); foreach (PlayerColor color in BottomGalleryOrder) { result.Add(new PlayerGalleryViewModel(game, color)); } BottomGalleryModels = result; }
public InfluenceTrackViewModel(Game game) { Spaces = new List<InfluenceSpaceViewModel>(); for(int i = 0; i<36; i++) { if (game.Players.Any(p => p.Influence == i)) { var playerColors = game.Players.Where(p => p.Influence == i).Select(p => p.Color).ToList(); Spaces.Add(new InfluenceSpaceViewModel(i, playerColors)); } else Spaces.Add(new InfluenceSpaceViewModel(i)); } }
public ActionContextInvoker(Game game) { Game = game; _context = ActionContextFactory.GetContext(game.CurrentTurn.CurrentAction.State, game); }
public static bool IsValidAction(this GameAction action, Game game) { var invoker = new ActionContextInvoker(game); return invoker.IsValidGameState(action); }
private void SetLocationViewModels(string userName, Game game) { var result = new List<ActionSpaceViewModel>(); foreach ( PlayerLocation location in ActionList) { result.Add(new ActionSpaceViewModel(userName, game, location)); } LocationViewModels = result; }
private void SetPlazaCounts(Game game) { var plazaVisitors = game.VisitorByLocation(GameVisitorLocation.Plaza); var plazaInvestorCount = plazaVisitors.Where(v => v.Type == VisitorTicketType.investor).Count(); var plazaCollectorCount = plazaVisitors.Where(v => v.Type == VisitorTicketType.collector).Count(); var plazaVipCount = plazaVisitors.Where(v => v.Type ==; PlazaVisitorCounts = new List<int> { plazaInvestorCount, plazaCollectorCount, plazaVipCount }; }
public static bool IsActivePlayer(string userName, Game game) { return game.CurrentPlayer.UserName == userName; }
private void SetBoardModels(string userName, Game game) { var result = new List<PlayerBoardViewModel>(); foreach(Player player in game.Players) { result.Add(new PlayerBoardViewModel(userName, player)); } PlayerBoardModels = result; }