상속: IAppendOnlyAsync
        public static async Task Run()
            var appender = new MemoryAppendStoreAsync();
            IEventStoreAsync es = new EventStoreAsync(appender);

            IDtoConverter<SayingDto, Saying> converter = new MyDtoConverters();
            Stream mem = System.IO.File.Open("test.json", FileMode.OpenOrCreate, FileAccess.ReadWrite);

            IDtoSerializer<SayingDto> dtoSerializer = new FastJsonSerializer<SayingDto>(mem);
            ITableReaderWriter<Saying> said = new TableWriterForSerializer<Saying, SayingDto>(new MemoryHashTableWriter<Saying>(), converter, dtoSerializer);

            IAsyncProjection projection = new ConsoleProjection(new AsyncProjectFromImplementation(new SayingHistoryProjection(said)));

            IEventStoreAsync es2 = new EventStoreAsyncPublisher(es, projection);

            //IAsyncCommandDispatcher dispatcher = new ConsoleLoggerDispatcher(new CompositeAsyncCommandDispatcher(new SaySomething(es2)));
            ICommandHandler handler = new SaySomething(es2);

            await handler.GetExecutor(new SayCommand()
                PersonId = new PersonId(1),
                Say = "Say hello",
                Timestamp = DateTime.UtcNow

            foreach (var saying in said.GetAll().Result)
                Console.Write("Entry in projection:\t\t");
                Console.WriteLine("{0} said: {1}", saying.PersonId, saying.Said);
예제 #2
        public async Task ExecuteCommand()
            string container = "testing";
            string connection = "";
            //var appender = new AzureAsyncAppender(connection, container, new PrefixedDirectory("demo"));
            //await appender.Initialize();
            var appender = new MemoryAppendStoreAsync();
            var es = new EventStoreAsync(appender);

            var dispatcher = new SaySomething(es);

            await dispatcher.GetExecutor(
            new SayCommand
                PersonId = new PersonId(1),
                Say = "I am Winter ",
                Timestamp = DateTime.UtcNow

            await dispatcher.GetExecutor(
            new SayCommand
                PersonId = new PersonId(1),
                Say = "How are you?",
                Timestamp = DateTime.UtcNow

            await dispatcher.GetExecutor(
             new SayCommand
                 PersonId = new PersonId(1),
                 Say = "Dunno...",
                 Timestamp = DateTime.UtcNow

            await dispatcher.GetExecutor(
            new SayCommand
                PersonId = new PersonId(1),
                Say = "ok say something more",
                Timestamp = DateTime.UtcNow

            await dispatcher.GetExecutor(
            new SayCommand
                PersonId = new PersonId(1),
                Say = "NO!",
                Timestamp = DateTime.UtcNow

            var events = (await es.ReplayAll()).Events;

            Assert.Equal(5, events.Count);
예제 #3
        public async Task AppendToEmptyStream()
            var appender = new MemoryAppendStoreAsync();
            var es = new EventStoreAsync(appender);
            var dispatcher = new TastyDomainDriven.Sample.CommandServices.SaySomething(es);

                dispatcher.GetExecutor(new SayCommand()
                    PersonId = new PersonId(1),
                    Say = "I have something to say",
                    Timestamp = DateTime.UtcNow

            Assert.Equal(1, (await es.ReplayAll()).Events.Count);
예제 #4
        public async Task AppendToToPublisher()
            var appender = new MemoryAppendStoreAsync();
            var es = new EventStoreAsync(appender);
            ITableReaderWriter<Saying> table = new MemoryHashTableWriter<Saying>();

            var publisher = new EventStoreAsyncPublisher(es, new AsyncProjectFromImplementation(new SayingHistoryProjection(table)));
            var dispatcher = new Sample.CommandServices.SaySomething(publisher);

                dispatcher.GetExecutor(new SayCommand()
                    PersonId = new PersonId(1),
                    Say = "I have something to say",
                    Timestamp = DateTime.UtcNow

            Assert.Equal(1, (await es.ReplayAll()).Events.Count);
            Assert.Equal(1, (await table.GetAll()).Count);