예제 #1
        public void ChangeProduct()
            using (var connection = new DbNorthwind())
                var orders = from o in connection.Orders
                             where o.ShippedDate == null
                             select o;
                var order  = orders.FirstOrDefault();
                var result = orders.ToList();

                var notShippedOrders = from od in connection.OrderDetails
                                       where od.OrderID == result.Select(x => x.OrderID).FirstOrDefault()
                                       select od;
                var notShippedOrder        = notShippedOrders.FirstOrDefault();
                var resultNotShippedOrders = notShippedOrders.ToList();
                var forReplacement         = notShippedOrders.ToList();

                foreach (var item in forReplacement)
                    item.ProductID = 22;

                .Where(p => p.OrderID == notShippedOrders.Select(x => x.OrderID).FirstOrDefault())

                foreach (var unit in forReplacement)
                    connection.OrderDetails.Value(p => p.OrderID, unit.OrderID)
                    .Value(p => p.ProductID, unit.ProductID)
                    .Value(p => p.Quantity, unit.Quantity).Insert();
예제 #2
 public void MoveProductToAnotherCategory()
     using (var connection = new DbNorthwind())
         .Where(p => p.ProductID == 10)
         .Set(p => p.CategoryID, 2)
예제 #3
 public void AddEmployeeWithTerritory()
     using (var connection = new DbNorthwind())
         .Value(p => p.FirstName, "First Name")
         .Value(p => p.LastName, "Last Name")
         .Value(p => p.Title, "Representative")
         .Value(p => p.Region, "WA").InsertWithInt32Identity();
예제 #4
        public void GetRegionsAndEmployees()
            using (var connection = new DbNorthwind())
                var query = from e in connection.Employees
                            group e by e.City into g
                            select new { City = g.Key, Count = g.Count() };

                foreach (var employee in query)
                    Console.WriteLine($"City: {employee.City}, Number of Employees: {employee.Count}");
예제 #5
 public void GetEmployeesWithRegion()
     using (var connection = new DbNorthwind())
         var query = from e in connection.Employees
                     where e.Region == "WA"
                     select e;
         foreach (var employee in query)
             Console.WriteLine($"EmployeeId: {employee.EmployeeID}, Employee First Name: {employee.FirstName}, Employee Last Name: {employee.LastName} " +
                               $"Employee Title: {employee.Title}, Employee Region: {employee.Region}");
예제 #6
 public void GetProductsWithCategoryAndSupplier()
     using (var connection = new DbNorthwind())
         var query = from p in connection.Products
                     from c in connection.Categories
                     from s in connection.Suppliers
                     where p.CategoryID == c.CategoryID && p.SupplierID == s.SupplierID
                     select new { Product = p.ProductName, Category = c.CategoryName, Supplier = s.CompanyName };
         foreach (var product in query)
             Console.WriteLine($"Product: {product.Product}, Category: {product.Category}, Supplier: {product.Supplier}");
예제 #7
        public void GetEmployeesAndShippers()
            using (var connection = new DbNorthwind())
                var query = from e in connection.Employees
                            from o in connection.Orders
                            from s in connection.Shippers
                            where o.EmployeeID == e.EmployeeID && o.ShipVia == s.ShipperID
                            select new { Employee = e.FirstName, Order = o.OrderID, Shipper = s.CompanyName };

                foreach (var employee in query)
                    Console.WriteLine($"Employee: {employee.Employee} with order No: {employee.Order} worked with Shipper: {employee.Shipper}");
예제 #8
        public void AddListOfProductsWithSupplierAndCategory()
            var list = new List <Product>()
                new Product()
                    ProductName = "Product Name1", CategoryID = 3, SupplierID = 15
                new Product()
                    ProductName = "Product Name2", CategoryID = 35, SupplierID = 18
                new Product()
                    ProductName = "Product Name3", CategoryID = 11, SupplierID = 33

            using (var connection = new DbNorthwind())