static void Draw() { Sdl.SDL_FillRect(screen, ref screenArea, 0); //Clear for next draw cycle screenData = (Sdl.SDL_Surface)Marshal.PtrToStructure(screen, typeof(Sdl.SDL_Surface)); //Put the screen data in its place switch (Adventurer.gameState) { case GameState.OpeningMenu: Draw_Opening(); break; case GameState.NameSelect: Draw_Name(); break; case GameState.CreatureSelect: Draw_CreatureSel(); break; case GameState.HelpMenu: Draw_Help(); break; case GameState.MainGame: Draw_Main(); break; case GameState.InventoryMenu: Draw_Inventory(); break; case GameState.HealthMenu: Draw_Health(); break; case GameState.WaitForPosition: Draw_GetPos(); break; case GameState.EscapeMenu: Draw_Escape(); break; } Sdl.SDL_Flip(screen); //Update screen }
public override void EndScreenDeviceChange(string screenDeviceName, int clientWidth, int clientHeight) { this.screenDeviceName = screenDeviceName; OnScreenDeviceNameChanged(); int flags = Sdl.SDL_OPENGL; if (willBeFullScreen) flags |= Sdl.SDL_FULLSCREEN; int bitsPerPixel = 0; SurfaceFormat format; if (game.GraphicsDevice == null) { // TODO This cast should be tested against MS XNA GraphicsDeviceManager graphicsManager = (GraphicsDeviceManager)game.Services.GetService(typeof (IGraphicsDeviceManager)); format = graphicsManager.PreferredBackBufferFormat; } else format = game.GraphicsDevice.PresentationParameters.BackBufferFormat; if (format == SurfaceFormat.Color || format == SurfaceFormat.Bgr32 || format == SurfaceFormat.Rgba32) bitsPerPixel = 32; // TODO add support for other surface formats IntPtr sdlSurfacePtr = Sdl.SDL_SetVideoMode(clientWidth, clientHeight, bitsPerPixel, flags); if (sdlSurfacePtr != IntPtr.Zero) sdlSurface = (Sdl.SDL_Surface)Marshal.PtrToStructure(sdlSurfacePtr, typeof(Sdl.SDL_Surface)); #warning SDL 1.2 doesn't support getting the window position, only the dimensions clientBounds.Width = clientWidth; clientBounds.Height = clientHeight; OnClientSizeChanged(); inTransition = false; }
public void initSDL() { int VideoFlags; IntPtr ptrVideoInfo = IntPtr.Zero; Sdl.SDL_VideoInfo SDLVideoInfo; Sdl.SDL_Event SDLEvent = new Sdl.SDL_Event(); bool isActive = true; // SDL Code von // SDL initialisieren if(Sdl.SDL_Init(Sdl.SDL_INIT_VIDEO) < 0) { Console.WriteLine("SDL initialization failed:\n" + Sdl.SDL_GetError()); Sdl.SDL_Quit(); return; } // Video Info einlesen ptrVideoInfo = Sdl.SDL_GetVideoInfo(); if(ptrVideoInfo == IntPtr.Zero) { Console.WriteLine("Video Query failed:\n" + Sdl.SDL_GetError()); Sdl.SDL_Quit(); return; } else { SDLVideoInfo = (Sdl.SDL_VideoInfo)Marshal.PtrToStructure(ptrVideoInfo, typeof(Sdl.SDL_VideoInfo)); } // Video Flags festlegen //VideoFlags = Sdl.SDL_OPENGL; VideoFlags = Sdl.SDL_GL_DOUBLEBUFFER; VideoFlags |= Sdl.SDL_HWPALETTE; //VideoFlags |= Sdl.SDL_RESIZABLE; // überprüfen ob wir Hardware Surfaces haben if(SDLVideoInfo.hw_available == 1) VideoFlags |= Sdl.SDL_HWSURFACE; else VideoFlags |= Sdl.SDL_SWSURFACE; // Überprüfen ob wir Hardwareunterstützung für bliting haben if(SDLVideoInfo.blit_hw == 1) VideoFlags |= Sdl.SDL_HWACCEL; // OpenGL Double Buffering einschalten Sdl.SDL_GL_SetAttribute(Sdl.SDL_GL_DOUBLEBUFFER, 1); // Surface Pointer holen ptrSurface = Sdl.SDL_SetVideoMode(SCREEN_WIDTH, SCREEN_HEIGHT, COLOR_DEPTH, VideoFlags); Sdl.SDL_WM_SetCaption("Arena of Glory", ""); // Surface pointer überprüfen if(ptrSurface == IntPtr.Zero) { Console.WriteLine("Video Mode set failed:\n" + Sdl.SDL_GetError()); Sdl.SDL_Quit(); return; } else { SDLSurface = (Sdl.SDL_Surface)Marshal.PtrToStructure(ptrSurface, typeof(Sdl.SDL_Surface)); } Console.WriteLine("Video Driver: " + Sdl.SDL_VideoDriverName("", 128)); while(!done) { // Events aus dem Eventqueue auselesen while(Sdl.SDL_PollEvent(out SDLEvent) == 1) { switch(SDLEvent.type) { case Sdl.SDL_ACTIVEEVENT: // Überprüfen ob wir den Focus verloren haben if( == 0) isActive = false; else isActive = true; break; case Sdl.SDL_KEYDOWN: // Tastatureingaben behandeln if(this.KeyDown != null) this.KeyDown(SDLEvent.key.keysym); break; case Sdl.SDL_KEYUP: if(this.KeyUp != null) this.KeyUp(SDLEvent.key.keysym); break; case Sdl.SDL_QUIT: // Wenn das SDL Fenster geschlossen wird. done = true; break; } } // Scene Zeichnen wenn wir den Fokus haben //if(isActive) //{ DrawGlScene(); Sdl.SDL_GL_SwapBuffers(); // Buffer flip //} Sdl.SDL_Delay(25); } Sdl.SDL_Quit (); }
static void Main() { Sdl.SDL_Init(Sdl.SDL_INIT_VIDEO); g_pDisplaySurface = Sdl.SDL_SetVideoMode(SCREEN_WIDTH, SCREEN_HEIGHT, 32, Sdl.SDL_DOUBLEBUF); g_DisplaySurface = (Sdl.SDL_Surface)Marshal.PtrToStructure(g_pDisplaySurface, typeof(Sdl.SDL_Surface)); Init(); Sdl.SDL_ShowCursor(0); for (; ; ) { if (Sdl.SDL_PollEvent(out g_Event) == 0) { DoFrame(); Sdl.SDL_Flip(g_pDisplaySurface); int forward = 0; int strafe = 0; int numkeys; byte[] keys = Sdl.SDL_GetKeyState(out numkeys); if (keys[Sdl.SDLK_w] != 0) { forward = 10; } if (keys[Sdl.SDLK_a] != 0) { strafe = -10; } if (keys[Sdl.SDLK_s] != 0) { forward = -10; } if (keys[Sdl.SDLK_d] != 0) { strafe = 10; } int x, y; byte state = Sdl.SDL_GetMouseState(out x, out y); Voxlap.dpoint3d vec = new Voxlap.dpoint3d() { x = forward * or.ifo.x + strafe *, y = forward * or.ifo.y + strafe *, z = 0 }; or.ipo = Voxlap.ClipMove(or.ipo, vec, 8.0); //or.ipo.x += forward * or.ifo.x; //or.ipo.y += forward * or.ifo.y; //or.ipo.x += strafe *; //or.ipo.y += strafe *; } else { if (g_Event.type == Sdl.SDL_MOUSEMOTION) { or.ifo = TodPoint3d(Voxlap.Rotate( ToPoint3d(or.ifo), new Voxlap.point3d() { z = 1 }, (float)g_Event.motion.xrel / 100f)); or.ihe = TodPoint3d(Voxlap.Rotate( ToPoint3d(or.ihe), new Voxlap.point3d() { z = 1 }, (float)g_Event.motion.xrel / 100f)); = TodPoint3d(Voxlap.Rotate( ToPoint3d(, new Voxlap.point3d() { z = 1 }, (float)g_Event.motion.xrel / 100f)); float newangle = vertAngle + (float)-g_Event.motion.yrel / 100f; if (newangle < Math.PI / 2 && newangle > -Math.PI / 2) { or.ifo = TodPoint3d(Voxlap.Rotate( ToPoint3d(or.ifo), ToPoint3d(, (float)-g_Event.motion.yrel / 100f)); or.ihe = TodPoint3d(Voxlap.Rotate( ToPoint3d(or.ihe), ToPoint3d(, (float)-g_Event.motion.yrel / 100f)); = TodPoint3d(Voxlap.Rotate( ToPoint3d(, ToPoint3d(, (float)-g_Event.motion.yrel / 100f)); vertAngle = newangle; } Sdl.SDL_EventState(Sdl.SDL_MOUSEMOTION, Sdl.SDL_IGNORE); Sdl.SDL_WarpMouse(SCREEN_WIDTH >> 1, SCREEN_HEIGHT >> 1); Sdl.SDL_EventState(Sdl.SDL_MOUSEMOTION, Sdl.SDL_ENABLE); } if (g_Event.type == Sdl.SDL_MOUSEBUTTONDOWN) { if (g_Event.button.button == Sdl.SDL_BUTTON_WHEELUP) { or.ipo.z -= 10; } if (g_Event.button.button == Sdl.SDL_BUTTON_WHEELDOWN) { or.ipo.z += 10; } } if (g_Event.type == Sdl.SDL_KEYDOWN) { if (g_Event.key.keysym.sym == Sdl.SDLK_ESCAPE) { break; } } if (g_Event.type == Sdl.SDL_QUIT) break; } } Sdl.SDL_Quit(); }