예제 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// This method is invoked when the DrawingPanel needs to be re-drawn
        /// </summary>
        protected override void OnPaint(PaintEventArgs e)
            //Gets the world based on the world of the controller
            world = controller.GetWorld();

            //Gets the playerNum based on the controller's player number
            playerNum = controller.GetPlayerNum();

            //Only attempts to draw if the world contains the tanks
            if (world.GetTanks().Count > 0)
                //Locks the thread with the world as the key to draw everything in one thread to avoid changes while drawing
                lock (world)
                    //Locks the player's view in the center based on ther user's controlled tank, if the tank is not dead
                    if (world.GetTanks().TryGetValue(playerNum, out Tank tank) && !tank.GetDead())
                        //Sets the player's X and Y coordinate
                        playerX = tank.GetLocation().GetX();
                        playerY = tank.GetLocation().GetY();

                        //Centers the player's view
                        double ratio          = (double)viewSize / (double)world.Size;
                        int    halfSizeScaled = (int)(world.Size / 2.0 * ratio);

                        double inverseTranslateX = -WorldSpaceToImageSpace(world.Size, playerX) + halfSizeScaled;
                        double inverseTranslateY = -WorldSpaceToImageSpace(world.Size, playerY) + halfSizeScaled;

                        e.Graphics.TranslateTransform((float)inverseTranslateX, (float)inverseTranslateY);
                        //If the tank is not dead, then it sets the location as the last place of death of the tank and center's the player's view
                        double ratio          = (double)viewSize / (double)world.Size;
                        int    halfSizeScaled = (int)(world.Size / 2.0 * ratio);

                        double inverseTranslateX = -WorldSpaceToImageSpace(world.Size, playerX) + halfSizeScaled;
                        double inverseTranslateY = -WorldSpaceToImageSpace(world.Size, playerY) + halfSizeScaled;

                        e.Graphics.TranslateTransform((float)inverseTranslateX, (float)inverseTranslateY);

                    //Doesn't draw anything if the world size is less than equal to 0
                    if (world.Size <= 0)
                    //Draws the background
                    DrawObjectWithTransform(e, null, world.Size, 0, 0, 0, BackgroundDrawer);

                    //Draws all the walls in the world
                    foreach (Wall w in world.GetWalls().Values.ToList())
                        for (double i = w.GetStartingPoint().GetX(); i <= w.GetEndingPoint().GetX(); i = i + 50)
                            for (double j = w.GetStartingPoint().GetY(); j <= w.GetEndingPoint().GetY(); j = j + 50)
                                //Draws all the walls in the condition that the starting point is smaller than ending points of the walls
                                DrawObjectWithTransform(e, w, world.Size, i, j, 0, WallDrawer);

                        for (double i = w.GetEndingPoint().GetX(); i <= w.GetStartingPoint().GetX(); i = i + 50)
                            for (double j = w.GetEndingPoint().GetY(); j <= w.GetStartingPoint().GetY(); j = j + 50)
                                //Draws all the walls in the condition that the starting point is greater than ending points of the walls
                                DrawObjectWithTransform(e, w, world.Size, i, j, 0, WallDrawer);

                    //Draws all the powerups
                    foreach (Powerups p in world.GetPowerups().Values)
                        //Draws the outside and inside circle for the powerups
                        DrawObjectWithTransform(e, p, world.Size, p.GetLocation().GetX(), p.GetLocation().GetY(), 0, PowerupDrawer);
                        DrawObjectWithTransform(e, p, world.Size, p.GetLocation().GetX(), p.GetLocation().GetY(), 0, PowerupDrawerInsideCircle);

                    //Draws all the tanks in the world
                    foreach (Tank t in world.GetTanks().Values)
                        //Draws the tank
                        DrawObjectWithTransform(e, t, world.Size, t.GetLocation().GetX(), t.GetLocation().GetY(), t.GetOrientation().ToAngle(), TankDrawer);

                        //Draws the turret
                        DrawObjectWithTransform(e, t, world.Size, t.GetLocation().GetX(), t.GetLocation().GetY(), t.GetAiming().ToAngle(), TurretDrawer);

                        //Draws the name
                        DrawObjectWithTransform(e, t, world.Size, t.GetLocation().GetX(), t.GetLocation().GetY() + 60, 0, NameDrawer);

                        //Draws the health
                        DrawObjectWithTransform(e, t, world.Size, t.GetLocation().GetX(), t.GetLocation().GetY() - 40, 0, HealthDrawer);

                    //Draws all the projectiles in the world
                    foreach (Projectile p in world.GetProjectile().Values.ToList())
                        //Draws the projectile
                        DrawObjectWithTransform(e, p, world.Size, p.GetLocation().GetX(), p.GetLocation().GetY(), p.GetOrientation().ToAngle(), ProjectileDrawer);

                    //Draws all the beams in the world
                    foreach (Beams b in world.GetBeams().Values.ToList())
                        //Draws the beams
                        DrawObjectWithTransform(e, b, world.Size, b.GetOrigin().GetX(), b.GetOrigin().GetY(), b.GetDirection().ToAngle(), BeamDrawer);
                        //Removes the beams after 20 iterations
                        if (beamFrameCount == 20)
                            beamFrameCount = 0;
            //Calls the base
예제 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Updates the world based off of commands and game logic.
        /// </summary>
        private void updateWorld()
            lock (world)
                //Powerup logic
                if (powerUpTimer == 0 && new List <Powerup>(world.GetPowerups()).Count < world.maxPowers)
                    Random   r       = new Random();
                    Vector2D RandLoc = new Vector2D(r.Next(-world.GetSize() / 2 + 16, world.GetSize() / 2 - 16), r.Next(-world.GetSize() / 2 + 16, world.GetSize() / 2 - 16));
                    while (CheckPowerupWallCollision(RandLoc))
                        RandLoc = new Vector2D(r.Next(-world.GetSize() / 2 + 16, world.GetSize() / 2 - 16), r.Next(-world.GetSize() / 2 + 16, world.GetSize() / 2 - 16));
                    world.UpdatePowerup(powerupCount++, RandLoc, false);
                else if (powerUpTimer != 0)

                //Tank logic
                foreach (Tank t in new List <Tank>(tanksFired.Keys))
                    int temp = tanksFired[t];
                    if (temp > 1)

                foreach (Tank t in new List <Tank>(tanksRespawning.Keys))
                    if (t.died)
                        world.UpdateTank(t.ID, t.location, t.orientation, t.aiming, t.name, t.hitPoints, t.score, false, t.disconnected);
                    int temp = tanksRespawning[t];
                    if (temp > 1)
                        Random   r       = new Random();
                        Vector2D RandLoc = new Vector2D(r.Next(-world.GetSize() / 2 + 16, world.GetSize() / 2 - 16), r.Next(-world.GetSize() / 2 + 16, world.GetSize() / 2 - 16));
                        while (CheckTankWallCollision(RandLoc))
                            RandLoc = new Vector2D(r.Next(-world.GetSize() / 2 + 16, world.GetSize() / 2 - 16), r.Next(-world.GetSize() / 2 + 16, world.GetSize() / 2 - 16));
                        t.beams = 0;
                        world.UpdateTank(t.ID, RandLoc, new Vector2D(0, 1), new Vector2D(0, 1), t.name, 3, t.score, t.died, t.disconnected);

                foreach (Tank t in new List <Tank>(world.GetTanks()))
                    if (t.disconnected == true)
                        world.UpdateTank(t.ID, new Vector2D(0, 0), new Vector2D(0, 1), new Vector2D(0, 1), t.name, t.hitPoints, 0, t.died, t.disconnected);

                //Disconnect logic
                foreach (SocketState s in new List <SocketState>(users.Keys))
                    if (s.ErrorOccured)
                        if (world.GetTank(users[s], out Tank t))

                //Control command logic
                foreach (int i in new List <int>(controls.Keys))
                    if (world.GetTank(i, out Tank t))
                        if (t.hitPoints != 0 && !tanksRespawning.ContainsKey(t))
                            ControlCommand c           = controls[i];
                            Vector2D       orientation = new Vector2D(1, 0);
                            switch (c.moving)
                            case "none":
                                orientation = t.orientation;
                                t.velocity  = new Vector2D(0, 0);

                            case "up":
                                orientation = new Vector2D(0, -1);
                                t.velocity  = new Vector2D(0, -world.tankSpeed);

                            case "down":
                                orientation = new Vector2D(0, 1);
                                t.velocity  = new Vector2D(0, world.tankSpeed);

                            case "left":
                                orientation = new Vector2D(-1, 0);
                                t.velocity  = new Vector2D(-world.tankSpeed, 0);

                            case "right":
                                orientation = new Vector2D(1, 0);
                                t.velocity  = new Vector2D(world.tankSpeed, 0);
                            Vector2D loc = t.location + t.velocity;
                            if (CheckTankWallCollision(loc))
                                loc = t.location;
                            loc = TankWraparound(loc);

                            world.UpdateTank(t.ID, loc, orientation, c.direction, t.name, t.hitPoints, t.score, t.died, t.disconnected);

                            if (c.fire == "main" && !tanksFired.ContainsKey(t))
                                world.UpdateProjectile(projCount++, t.location, c.direction, t.ID, false);
                                tanksFired.Add(t, world.projectileDelay);
                            else if (c.fire == "alt" && t.beams > 0)
                                world.AddBeam(beamCount++, t.location, c.direction, t.ID);


                //beam logic

                beams = new List <Beam>(world.GetBeams());

                foreach (Beam b in new List <Beam>(world.GetBeams()))
                    List <Tank> temp = CheckBeamTankCollision(b);
                    foreach (Tank hitTank in temp)
                        if (hitTank.ID != b.owner && !tanksRespawning.ContainsKey(hitTank))
                            if (world.GetTank(b.owner, out Tank t))
                                world.UpdateTank(hitTank.ID, hitTank.location, hitTank.orientation, hitTank.aiming, hitTank.name, 0, hitTank.score, true, t.disconnected);
                                tanksRespawning.Add(hitTank, world.respawnTime);

                //projectile logic

                foreach (Projectile p in new List <Projectile>(world.GetProjectiles()))
                    Vector2D loc = p.location + p.orientation * world.projectileSpeed;

                    world.UpdateProjectile(p.ID, loc, p.orientation, p.owner, p.died);

                    if (!p.died)
                        if (CheckProjectileWallCollision(loc))
                        else if (CheckProjectileTankCollision(loc, out Tank hitTank))
                            if (hitTank.ID != p.owner && !tanksRespawning.ContainsKey(hitTank))
                                if (world.GetTank(p.owner, out Tank t) && hitTank.hitPoints == 0)
                                    world.UpdateTank(hitTank.ID, hitTank.location, hitTank.orientation, hitTank.aiming, hitTank.name, hitTank.hitPoints, hitTank.score, true, t.disconnected);
                                    tanksRespawning.Add(hitTank, world.respawnTime);

                //powerup logic

                foreach (Powerup p in new List <Powerup>(world.GetPowerups()))
                    world.UpdatePowerup(p.ID, p.location, p.died);

                    if (!p.died)
                        if (CheckProjectileTankCollision(p.location, out Tank hitTank))
                            if (!tanksRespawning.ContainsKey(hitTank))

                //create lists for send (beams is done before these)
                tanks    = new List <Tank>(world.GetTanks());
                projs    = new List <Projectile>(world.GetProjectiles());
                powerups = new List <Powerup>(world.GetPowerups());