예제 #1
        private Color getColor(Tank tank, SelectBy by)
            switch (by)
            case SelectBy.Class: return(tank.Class.Pick(ClassLight, ClassMedium, ClassHeavy, ClassDestroyer, ClassArtillery, ClassNone));

            case SelectBy.Country: return(tank.Country.Pick(CountryUSSR, CountryGermany, CountryUSA, CountryFrance, CountryChina, CountryUK, CountryJapan, CountryCzech, CountrySweden, CountryPoland, CountryItaly, CountryNone));

            case SelectBy.Category: return(tank.Category.Pick(CategNormal, CategPremium, CategSpecial, CategCollector));

            case SelectBy.Tier:
                if (tank.Tier == 0)
                return(tank.Tier <= 5 ? Ut.BlendColors(Tier1, Tier5, (tank.Tier - 1) / 4.0) : Ut.BlendColors(Tier5, Tier10, (tank.Tier - 5) / 5.0));

            case SelectBy.Single: return(Single);

            default: throw new Exception();
예제 #2
        /// <summary>A convenience method to save a GDI image directly to a .tga file.</summary>
        public static unsafe void Save(BitmapBase image, string filename)
            using (image.UseRead())
                using (var file = File.Open(filename, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write, FileShare.Read))
                    var header = new byte[18];
                    header[2]  = 2;
                    header[12] = (byte)(image.Width);
                    header[13] = (byte)(image.Width >> 8);
                    header[14] = (byte)(image.Height);
                    header[15] = (byte)(image.Height >> 8);
                    header[16] = 32;
                    header[17] = 32;

                    byte[] dummy = new byte[image.Width * 4];
                    for (int y = 0; y < image.Height; y++)
                        Ut.MemCpy(dummy, image.Data + y * image.Stride, image.Width * 4);
예제 #3
 /// <summary>Applies a "colorize" effect to this image.</summary>
 /// <param name="hue">The hue of the color to apply, 0..359</param>
 /// <param name="saturation">The saturation of the color to apply, 0..1</param>
 /// <param name="lightness">A lightness adjustment, -1..1</param>
 /// <param name="alpha">Overall strength of the effect, 0..1. A value of 0 keeps only the original image.</param>
 public void Colorize(int hue, double saturation, double lightness, double alpha)
     using (UseWrite())
         // http://stackoverflow.com/a/9177602/33080
         var color = Ut.BlendColors(Color.FromRgb(128, 128, 128), ColorHSV.FromHSV(hue, 100, 100).ToColorWpf(), saturation);
         for (int y = 0; y < Height; y++)
             byte *ptr = Data + y * Stride;
             byte *end = ptr + Width * 4;
             while (ptr < end)
                 double pixel    = Math.Max(*ptr, Math.Max(*(ptr + 1), *(ptr + 2))) / 255.0;
                 double position = lightness >= 0 ? (2 * (1 - lightness) * (pixel - 1) + 1) : 2 * (1 + lightness) * (pixel) - 1;
                 *      ptr      = (byte)(*ptr * (1 - alpha) + (position < 0 ? color.B * (position + 1) : (color.B * (1 - position) + 255 * position)) * alpha);
                 *ptr = (byte)(*ptr * (1 - alpha) + (position < 0 ? color.G * (position + 1) : (color.G * (1 - position) + 255 * position)) * alpha);
                 *ptr = (byte)(*ptr * (1 - alpha) + (position < 0 ? color.R * (position + 1) : (color.R * (1 - position) + 255 * position)) * alpha);
                 ptr += 2;
예제 #4
        static int Main(string[] args)
            // Configure Classify. This goes before the post-build check because it depends on it
            Classify.DefaultOptions = new ClassifyOptions()
                                      .AddTypeOptions(typeof(W.Color), new colorTypeOptions())
                                      .AddTypeOptions(typeof(D.Color), new colorTypeOptions())
                                      .AddTypeOptions(typeof(Filename), new filenameTypeOptions())
                                      .AddTypeOptions(typeof(ObservableCollection <LayerBase>), new listLayerBaseOptions())
                                      .AddTypeOptions(typeof(ObservableCollection <EffectBase>), new listEffectBaseOptions());

            if (args.Length == 2 && args[0] == "--post-build-check")
                return(RT.Util.Ut.RunPostBuildChecks(args[1], Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly()));



            Thread.CurrentThread.Name = "Main";
#if !DEBUG
            AppDomain.CurrentDomain.UnhandledException += (_, ea) =>
                bool copy = DlgMessage.ShowError(App.Translation.Error.ExceptionGlobal,
                                                 App.Translation.Error.ErrorToClipboard_Copy, App.Translation.Error.ErrorToClipboard_OK) == 0;
                if (copy)
                    if (Ut.ClipboardSet(Ut.ExceptionToDebugString(ea.ExceptionObject)))
            var dummy  = App.Translation.Error.ExceptionGlobal; // to keep Lingo happy that the string is used
            var dummy2 = new StringBuilder();                   // to keep the "using" clause used

            // Find all the layer and effect types in the assembly (required before settings are loaded)
            App.LayerTypes  = findTypes <LayerBase>("layer");
            App.EffectTypes = findTypes <EffectBase>("effect");

            // Load all settings
            SettingsUtil.LoadSettings(out App.Settings);

            // Guess the language if the OS language has changed (or this is the first run)
            var osLingo = Ut.GetOsLanguage();
            if (App.Settings.OsLingo != osLingo)
                App.Settings.OsLingo = App.Settings.Lingo = osLingo;
            // Load translation
            App.Translation = Lingo.LoadTranslationOrDefault <Translation>("TankIconMaker", ref App.Settings.Lingo);

            // Run the UI
            var app = new App();

            // Save settings upon exit, even though they should be saved on every change anyway

 private void ctValue_TextChanged(object sender, TextChangedEventArgs e)
     ctExpandsTo.Text = Ut.ExpandIconPath(ctValue.Text, _context, _style, _exampleTank, saveType: this._saveType);
예제 #6
 public static BitmapGdi ToBitmapGdi(this D.Image src)
     return(Ut.NewBitmapGdi(src.Width, src.Height, dc => { dc.DrawImageUnscaled(src, 0, 0); }));
예제 #7
        /// <summary>Expands a Tank Icon Maker-style path, which may have expandable tokens like "VersionName".</summary>
        public static string ExpandIconPath(string path, WotContext context, Style style, string country, string class_,
                                            string tankId, string tankFullName, string tankShortName, int tankTier, bool fragment = false, SaveType saveType = SaveType.Icons)
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(path))
                switch (saveType)
                case SaveType.Icons:
                    path = "{IconsPath}\\{TankId}{Ext}";

                case SaveType.BattleAtlas:
                    path = "{AtlasPath}\\" + AtlasBuilder.battleAtlas + ".png";

                case SaveType.VehicleMarkerAtlas:
                    path = "{AtlasPath}\\" + AtlasBuilder.vehicleMarkerAtlas + ".png";

                case SaveType.CustomAtlas:
                    path = "{AtlasPath}\\" + AtlasBuilder.customAtlas + ".png";

            path = path.Replace("{IconsPath}", Ut.ExpandPath(context, context.VersionConfig.PathDestination) + @"\");
            path = path.Replace("{AtlasPath}", Ut.ExpandPath(context, context.VersionConfig.PathDestinationAtlas) + @"\");
            path = path.Replace("{TimPath}", PathUtil.AppPath + @"\");
            path = path.Replace("{GamePath}", context.Installation.Path + @"\");
            path = path.Replace("{GameVersion}", context.Installation.GameVersionName);
            if (class_ != null)
                path = path.Replace("{TankClass}", class_);

            if (country != null)
                path = path.Replace("{TankCountry}", country);

            if (tankId != null)
                path = path.Replace("{TankId}", tankId);

            if (tankFullName != null)
                path = path.Replace("{TankFullName}", tankFullName);

            if (tankShortName != null)
                path = path.Replace("{TankShortName}", tankShortName);
            path = path.Replace("{TankTier}", tankTier.ToString());

            path = path.Replace("{StyleName}", style.Name);
            path = path.Replace("{StyleAuthor}", style.Author);
            path = path.Replace("{Ext}", context.VersionConfig.TankIconExtension);
            path = Environment.ExpandEnvironmentVariables(path);
            path = path.Replace(@"\\", @"\").Replace(@"\\", @"\").Replace(@"\\", @"\");
            if (path.EndsWith(@"\") && !path.EndsWith(@":\"))
                path = path.Substring(0, path.Length - 1);

            return(fragment ? path : Path.GetFullPath(Path.Combine(context.Installation.Path, path)));
예제 #8
 /// <summary>
 /// Works correctly even if context is null; will simply skip trying to make the path relative to game directories.
 /// </summary>
 public static string MakeRelativePath(WotContext context, string path)
         if (PathUtil.IsSubpathOfOrSame(path, PathUtil.AppPath))
             return(PathUtil.ToggleRelative(PathUtil.AppPath, path));
     catch { }
         if (PathUtil.IsSubpathOfOrSame(path, Path.Combine(context.Installation.Path, Ut.ExpandPath(context, context.VersionConfig.PathMods))))
             return(PathUtil.ToggleRelative(Path.Combine(context.Installation.Path, Ut.ExpandPath(context, context.VersionConfig.PathMods)), path));
     catch { }
         if (PathUtil.IsSubpathOfOrSame(path, context.Installation.Path))
             return(PathUtil.ToggleRelative(context.Installation.Path, path));
     catch { }