예제 #1
		private void BuildPiramidMatchingUsingOldKVector()
			#region The old way of doing it
			// The distance base "Pyramid" matching only uses limited number of stars
			m_CelestialPyramidStars = m_CelestialAllStars.FindAll((star) => star.Mag >= m_PyramidMinMag && star.Mag <= m_PyramidMaxMag);

            if (TangraConfig.Settings.TraceLevels.PlateSolving.TraceVerbose())
			    Trace.WriteLine(string.Format("Building Pyramid Alignment Dataset of {0}/{1} stars in range {2}m - {3}m", m_CelestialPyramidStars.Count, m_CelestialAllStars.Count, m_PyramidMinMag.ToString("0.0"), m_PyramidMaxMag.ToString("0.0")));


			// Build a list of distances 
			double maxFovInDeg = m_PlateConfig.GetMaxFOVInArcSec() / 3600.0;
			for (int i = 0; i < m_CelestialPyramidStars.Count; i++)
				IStar star1 = m_CelestialPyramidStars[i];

				for (int j = i + 1; j < m_CelestialPyramidStars.Count; j++)
					IStar star2 = m_CelestialPyramidStars[j];

					double dist = AngleUtility.Elongation(star1.RADeg, star1.DEDeg, star2.RADeg, star2.DEDeg);
					if (dist > maxFovInDeg) continue;

					dist *= 3600.0;

					DistanceEntry entry = new DistanceEntry(star1, star2, dist);

					#region PerStar distance cache
                    ulonglong id1 = new ulonglong(star1.StarNo, star2.StarNo);
                    ulonglong id2 = new ulonglong(star2.StarNo, star1.StarNo);

					Dictionary<ulonglong, DistanceEntry> map;
					if (!m_StarsDistanceCache.TryGetValue(star1.StarNo, out map))
                        map = new Dictionary<ulonglong, DistanceEntry>();
						m_StarsDistanceCache.Add(star1.StarNo, map);
					map.Add(id1, entry);

					if (!m_StarsDistanceCache.TryGetValue(star2.StarNo, out map))
                        map = new Dictionary<ulonglong, DistanceEntry>();
						m_StarsDistanceCache.Add(star2.StarNo, map);
					map.Add(id2, entry);

			// Build a K-Vector

			double[] distArr = m_Distances.ToArray();
			DistanceEntry[] entryArr = m_Entries.ToArray();
			Array.Sort(distArr, entryArr);

			m_Distances = new List<double>(distArr);
			m_Entries = new List<DistanceEntry>(entryArr);

			//Console.WriteLine(m_Distances.Count.ToString() + " match distances.");
			double errorInArcSec = m_PlateConfig.GetDistanceInArcSec(m_Settings.PyramidDistanceToleranceInPixels);

			errorInArcSec = 0; /* the error will be factored in later on */

			int maxIdx = (int)Math.Round(m_PlateConfig.GetMaxFOVInArcSec() + 2 * errorInArcSec) + 1;
			for (int i = 0; i < maxIdx; i++)
				m_IndexLower.Add(i, -1);
				m_IndexUpper.Add(i, -1);

			int lower = -1;
			int upper = -1;
			for (int i = 0; i < m_Distances.Count; i++)
				int dstL = Math.Max((int)(m_Distances[i] - errorInArcSec), (int)errorInArcSec);

				if (dstL > lower)
					lower = dstL;
					for (int j = lower; j >= 0 && m_IndexLower[j] == -1; j--)
						m_IndexLower[j] = Math.Max(i - 1, 0);

				int dstU = Math.Max((int)Math.Round(m_Distances[i] + errorInArcSec), (int)errorInArcSec);
				if (dstU > upper)
					upper = dstU;
					for (int j = upper; j >= 0 && m_IndexUpper[j] == -1; j--)
						m_IndexUpper[j] = Math.Min(i, m_Distances.Count - 1);

			for (int j = m_IndexLower.Count - 1; j >= 0 && m_IndexLower[j] == -1; j--)
				m_IndexLower[j] = m_Distances.Count - 1;

			for (int j = m_IndexUpper.Count - 1; j >= 0 && m_IndexUpper[j] == -1; j--)
				m_IndexUpper[j] = m_Distances.Count - 1;

예제 #2
		internal IAstrometricFit IsSuccessfulMatch(
			IStarMap starMap,
			int i, int j, int k,
			DistanceEntry ijEntry, DistanceEntry ikEntry, DistanceEntry jkEntry,
            ulong iStarNo, ulong starNo2, ulong starNo3, double fittedFocalLength, bool isRatioFittedFocalLength, double toleranceInArcSec)
			ImagePixel feature_i = GetCenterOfFeature(starMap.GetFeatureById(i), starMap);
			ImagePixel feature_j = GetCenterOfFeature(starMap.GetFeatureById(j), starMap);
			ImagePixel feature_k = GetCenterOfFeature(starMap.GetFeatureById(k), starMap);

			#region find the numbers of the three stars: i, j, k
			Trace.Assert(ijEntry.Star1.StarNo == iStarNo || ijEntry.Star2.StarNo == iStarNo);

            ulong jStarNo, kStarNo;
			if (ijEntry.Star1.StarNo == iStarNo)
				jStarNo = ijEntry.Star2.StarNo;
				if (ijEntry.Star2.StarNo == starNo2) kStarNo = starNo3; else kStarNo = starNo2;
				jStarNo = ijEntry.Star1.StarNo;
				if (ijEntry.Star1.StarNo == starNo2) kStarNo = starNo3; else kStarNo = starNo2;

			Trace.Assert(ikEntry.Star1.StarNo == kStarNo || ikEntry.Star2.StarNo == kStarNo);
			Trace.Assert(jkEntry.Star1.StarNo == kStarNo || jkEntry.Star2.StarNo == kStarNo);


			//if (DebugResolvedStars != null)
			//    uint ii = 0, jj = 0, kk = 0;
			//    if (DebugResolvedStars.TryGetValue(i + 1, out ii) &&
			//        DebugResolvedStars.TryGetValue(j + 1, out jj) &&
			//        DebugResolvedStars.TryGetValue(k + 1, out kk))
			//    {
			//        if (ii == iStarNo && jj == starNo2 && kk == starNo3)
			//        {
			//            Debugger.Break();
			//        }
			//        else
			//            Trace.WriteLine(string.Format("PYRAMID: {0} = {1}, {2} = {3}, {4} = {5}",
			//                                        i, i == ii ? "YES" : "NO"
			//                                      , j, j == jj ? "YES" : "NO"
			//                                      , k, k == kk ? "YES" : "NO"));
			//    }
			//    else
			//        Trace.WriteLine(string.Format("PYRAMID: {0} = {1}, {2} = {3}, {4} = {5}",
			//                                        i, i == ii ? "YES" : "MISSING"
			//                                      , j, j == jj ? "YES" : "MISSING"
			//                                      , k, k == kk ? "YES" : "MISSING"));

            PyramidEntry pyramidLog = new PyramidEntry(i, j, k, feature_i, feature_j, feature_k, iStarNo, jStarNo, kStarNo);
            //// Note this is actually cheap way to confirm whether the 3 stars are good or not.
            //List<IStar> threeStars = m_CelestialAllStars.FindAll(s => s.StarNo == iStarNo || s.StarNo == jStarNo || s.StarNo == kStarNo);
            //if (threeStars.Count == 3)
            //    Dictionary<AstroPixel, IStar> threeStarDict = new Dictionary<AstroPixel, IStar>();

            //    IStar stari = threeStars.Find(s => s.StarNo == iStarNo);
            //    threeStarDict.Add(feature_i, stari);

            //    IStar starj = threeStars.Find(s => s.StarNo == jStarNo);
            //    threeStarDict.Add(feature_j, starj);

            //    IStar stark = threeStars.Find(s => s.StarNo == kStarNo);
            //    threeStarDict.Add(feature_k, stark);

            //    DirectTransRotAstrometry solution = DirectTransRotAstrometry.SolveByThreeStars(m_PlateConfig, threeStarDict);
            //    if (solution != null)
            //    {
            //        pyramidLog.RegisterPreliminaryThreeStarFit(solution);
            //    }

		    int locatedStars = 3;

            List<ulong> usedPyramidAngles = new List<ulong>();

			foreach (StarMapFeature feature in starMap.Features)
				if (feature.FeatureId == i) continue;
				if (feature.FeatureId == j) continue;
				if (feature.FeatureId == k) continue;

				long idx_ix = ((long)i << 32) + (long)feature.FeatureId;

				double dist_ix;
				ImagePixel feature_x = GetCenterOfFeature(feature, starMap);

				if (m_MatchedPairs.ContainsKey(feature_x)) continue;

				if (isRatioFittedFocalLength || !m_FeaturesDistanceCache.TryGetValue(idx_ix, out dist_ix))
					dist_ix = m_PlateConfig.GetDistanceInArcSec(feature_i.X, feature_i.Y, feature_x.X, feature_x.Y, fittedFocalLength);
					long idx_xi = ((long)feature.FeatureId << 32) + (long)i;

					if (!isRatioFittedFocalLength)
						m_FeaturesDistanceCache.Add(idx_ix, dist_ix);
						m_FeaturesDistanceCache.Add(idx_xi, dist_ix);

                Dictionary<ulonglong, DistanceEntry> iStarDists = m_StarsDistanceCache[iStarNo];
                foreach (ulonglong key in iStarDists.Keys)
					// We have found a distance that matches the current feature
				    ulong xStarNo = key.Lo;
					if (usedPyramidAngles.IndexOf(xStarNo) != -1) continue;

					DistanceEntry entry_ix = iStarDists[key];
					if (entry_ix.DistanceArcSec + toleranceInArcSec < dist_ix) continue;
					if (entry_ix.DistanceArcSec - toleranceInArcSec > dist_ix) continue;

                    Dictionary<ulonglong, DistanceEntry> xStarDists = m_StarsDistanceCache[xStarNo];

					#region Test the J-X pair
                    ulonglong jxKey = new ulonglong(xStarNo , jStarNo);

					DistanceEntry entry_jx;
					if (!xStarDists.TryGetValue(jxKey, out entry_jx)) continue;

					long idx_jx = ((long)j << 32) + (long)feature.FeatureId;
					double dist_jx;
					if (isRatioFittedFocalLength || !m_FeaturesDistanceCache.TryGetValue(idx_jx, out dist_jx))
						dist_jx = m_PlateConfig.GetDistanceInArcSec(feature_j.X, feature_j.Y, feature_x.X, feature_x.Y, fittedFocalLength);
						long idx_xj = ((long)feature.FeatureId << 32) + (long)j;

						if (!isRatioFittedFocalLength)
							m_FeaturesDistanceCache.Add(idx_jx, dist_jx);
							m_FeaturesDistanceCache.Add(idx_xj, dist_jx);

					if (entry_jx.DistanceArcSec + toleranceInArcSec < dist_jx) continue;
					if (entry_jx.DistanceArcSec - toleranceInArcSec > dist_jx) continue;

					#region Test the K-X pair
                    ulonglong kxKey = new ulonglong(xStarNo, kStarNo);
					DistanceEntry entry_kx;
					if (!xStarDists.TryGetValue(kxKey, out entry_kx)) continue;

					long idx_kx = ((long)k << 32) + (long)feature.FeatureId;
					double dist_kx;
					if (isRatioFittedFocalLength || !m_FeaturesDistanceCache.TryGetValue(idx_kx, out dist_kx))
						dist_kx = m_PlateConfig.GetDistanceInArcSec(feature_k.X, feature_k.Y, feature_x.X, feature_x.Y, fittedFocalLength);
						long idx_xk = ((long)feature.FeatureId << 32) + (long)k;

						if (!isRatioFittedFocalLength)
							m_FeaturesDistanceCache.Add(idx_kx, dist_kx);
							m_FeaturesDistanceCache.Add(idx_xk, dist_kx);

					if (entry_kx.DistanceArcSec + toleranceInArcSec < dist_kx) continue;
					if (entry_kx.DistanceArcSec - toleranceInArcSec > dist_kx) continue;

					// If we are here, then we have found another star

					IStar xStar = entry_kx.Star1.StarNo == xStarNo ? entry_kx.Star1 : entry_kx.Star2;

					Trace.Assert(xStar.StarNo != iStarNo);
					Trace.Assert(xStar.StarNo != jStarNo);
					Trace.Assert(xStar.StarNo != kStarNo);

					if (RegisterRecognizedPair(feature_x, xStar, feature.FeatureId))

					//Console.WriteLine(string.Format("      {0} ({1}) {2}\" {3}\" {4}\"", xStarNo, feature.FeatureId, dist_ix.ToString("0.0"), dist_jx.ToString("0.0"), dist_kx.ToString("0.0")));

			if (locatedStars >= CorePyramidConfig.Default.MinPyramidAlignedStars)
				ThreeStarFit.StarPair pair_i = new ThreeStarFit.StarPair(feature_i.X, feature_i.Y);
				ThreeStarFit.StarPair pair_j = new ThreeStarFit.StarPair(feature_j.X, feature_j.Y);
				ThreeStarFit.StarPair pair_k = new ThreeStarFit.StarPair(feature_k.X, feature_k.Y);

				if (ijEntry.Star1.StarNo == iStarNo)
					pair_i.RADeg = ijEntry.Star1.RADeg;
					pair_i.DEDeg = ijEntry.Star1.DEDeg;
					pair_i.Star = ijEntry.Star1;

					pair_j.RADeg = ijEntry.Star2.RADeg;
					pair_j.DEDeg = ijEntry.Star2.DEDeg;
					pair_j.Star = ijEntry.Star2;

					Trace.Assert(ijEntry.Star1.StarNo == iStarNo);
					Trace.Assert(ijEntry.Star2.StarNo == jStarNo);

					RegisterRecognizedPair(feature_i, ijEntry.Star1, i);
					RegisterRecognizedPair(feature_j, ijEntry.Star2, j);
					pair_i.RADeg = ijEntry.Star2.RADeg;
					pair_i.DEDeg = ijEntry.Star2.DEDeg;
					pair_i.Star = ijEntry.Star2;

					pair_j.RADeg = ijEntry.Star1.RADeg;
					pair_j.DEDeg = ijEntry.Star1.DEDeg;
					pair_j.Star = ijEntry.Star1;

					Trace.Assert(ijEntry.Star2.StarNo == iStarNo);
					Trace.Assert(ijEntry.Star1.StarNo == jStarNo);

					RegisterRecognizedPair(feature_i, ijEntry.Star2, i);
					RegisterRecognizedPair(feature_j, ijEntry.Star1, j);

				if (ikEntry.Star1.StarNo == kStarNo)
					pair_k.RADeg = ikEntry.Star1.RADeg;
					pair_k.DEDeg = ikEntry.Star1.DEDeg;
					pair_k.Star = ikEntry.Star1;

					Trace.Assert(ikEntry.Star1.StarNo == kStarNo);
					RegisterRecognizedPair(feature_k, ikEntry.Star1, k);
					pair_k.RADeg = ikEntry.Star2.RADeg;
					pair_k.DEDeg = ikEntry.Star2.DEDeg;
					pair_k.Star = ikEntry.Star2;

					Trace.Assert(ikEntry.Star2.StarNo == kStarNo);

					RegisterRecognizedPair(feature_k, ikEntry.Star2, k);

				if (m_AmbiguousMatches.Count > 0 &&
					locatedStars - m_AmbiguousMatches.Count >= CorePyramidConfig.Default.MinPyramidAlignedStars)
					// If we have sufficient number of stars and ambiguous stars (close doubles that satisfy more than one solution)
					// then remove all ambiguous stars before proceeding
					foreach (ImagePixel matchedPixel in m_AmbiguousMatches)
						IStar matchedStar = m_MatchedPairs[matchedPixel];

						int featureToRemove = -1;
						foreach (int featureId in m_MatchedFeatureIdToStarIdIndexes.Keys)
							if (m_MatchedFeatureIdToStarIdIndexes[featureId] == matchedStar.StarNo)
								featureToRemove = featureId;


                if (TangraConfig.Settings.TraceLevels.PlateSolving.TraceVerbose())
				    Debug.WriteLine(string.Format("Attempting DistanceBasedContext.LeastSquareFittedAstrometry ({0}={1}; {2}={3}; {4}={5})", i, iStarNo, j, jStarNo, k, kStarNo));
                return SolveStarPairs(
					starMap, m_MatchedPairs, m_MatchedFeatureIdToStarIdIndexes, pair_i, pair_j, pair_k,					

                foreach(ImagePixel pixel in m_MatchedPairs.Keys)
                    IStar star = m_MatchedPairs[pixel];
                    foreach(int featureId in m_MatchedFeatureIdToStarIdIndexes.Keys)
                        if (m_MatchedFeatureIdToStarIdIndexes[featureId] == star.StarNo)
                            if (TangraConfig.Settings.TraceLevels.PlateSolving.TraceVerbose())
                                .WriteLine(string.Format("({0}, {1}) - StarNo: {2}; FeatureId: {3}", pixel.X, pixel.Y, star.StarNo, featureId));



			return null;
예제 #3
        public static PyramidStarsDensityDistributor BuildPyramidMatchingByMagnitude(
            List<IStar> pyramidStars, 
			AstroPlate image, 
			IAstrometrySettings settings,
            Dictionary<int, ulong> debugResolvedStarsWithAppliedExclusions,
            List<ulong> alwaysIncludeStars,
            out List<DistanceEntry> distancesByMagnitude,
            out Dictionary<ulong, Dictionary<ulonglong, DistanceEntry>> starsDistanceCache)
			// 1) This should be the first N brightest (or all stars) 
			// 2) The memory structure should be a dictionary of Pairs with values all other pairs that include one of the pair
			// 3) The dictionary should be sorted by brightness i.e. brightest pairs should be on the top/ NOTE: Exclude the brightest
			//    stars until the mag difference between the next 2 bright stars becomes less than 1 mag
			// 4) Matching should be done by searching the distance match checking the brightest pairs first. 

            distancesByMagnitude = new List<DistanceEntry>();
            starsDistanceCache = new Dictionary<ulong, Dictionary<ulonglong, DistanceEntry>>();

            if (pyramidStars.Count == 0)
				return null;

            PyramidStarsDensityDistributor distributor;

            pyramidStars.Sort((s1, s2) => s1.Mag.CompareTo(s2.Mag));

            int n = pyramidStars.Count;
            double maxFovInDeg = image.GetMaxFOVInArcSec() / 3600.0;

			distributor = new PyramidStarsDensityDistributor(pyramidStars, image, settings);
            distributor.DebugResolvedStarsWithAppliedExclusions = debugResolvedStarsWithAppliedExclusions;


            List<ulong> resolvedDebugStarsNos = null;
            if (debugResolvedStarsWithAppliedExclusions != null)

				// This is disabled at the moment
                resolvedDebugStarsNos = debugResolvedStarsWithAppliedExclusions.Values.ToList();
                int pyramidStarsLocated = 0;
                for (int i = resolvedDebugStarsNos.Count - 1; i >= 0 ; i--)
                    ulong starNo = resolvedDebugStarsNos[i];

                    IStar star = pyramidStars.FirstOrDefault(s => s.StarNo == starNo);
                    if (star != null)
                    Trace.Assert(star != null, string.Format("Debug Star {0} not found in the pyramid stars!", starNo));

                if (TangraConfig.Settings.TraceLevels.PlateSolving.TraceVerbose())
					    string.Format("DEBUG ALIGN: {0} out of {1} Debug Stars found among the pyramid stars ({2})",
					    pyramidStarsLocated, resolvedDebugStarsNos.Count,
					    resolvedDebugStarsNos.Count > 1 
						    ? resolvedDebugStarsNos.Select(s => s.ToString()).Aggregate((a, b) => string.Concat(a, " ", b))
						    : ""));

			// Start building the pairs
			for (int j = 0; j < n; j++)
                IStar jStar = pyramidStars[j];
                if (!distributor.CheckStar(jStar))
                    if (resolvedDebugStarsNos != null)
                        if (resolvedDebugStarsNos.Contains(jStar.StarNo))
                            //Trace.Assert(false, "DebugResolved star pair not added to the pyramid areas because the distributor rejected it.");

				for (int i = j + 1; i < n; i++)
                    IStar iStar = pyramidStars[i];
					double distDeg = AngleUtility.Elongation(iStar.RADeg, iStar.DEDeg, jStar.RADeg, jStar.DEDeg);

					if (distDeg > maxFovInDeg)
                        if (resolvedDebugStarsNos != null)
                            if (resolvedDebugStarsNos.Contains(iStar.StarNo) &&
                                //Trace.Assert(false, "DebugResolved star pair not added to the pyramid areas because the distance is too large.");

				    if (!distributor.CheckStar(iStar))
                        if (resolvedDebugStarsNos != null)
                            if (resolvedDebugStarsNos.Contains(iStar.StarNo))
                                //Trace.Assert(false, string.Format("DebugResolved star {0} not added to the pyramid areas because the distributor rejected it.", iStar.StarNo));

					DistanceEntry entry = new DistanceEntry(iStar, jStar, distDeg * 3600);

					#region PerStar distance cache
                    ulonglong id1 = new ulonglong(iStar.StarNo, jStar.StarNo);
                    ulonglong id2 = new ulonglong(jStar.StarNo, iStar.StarNo);

					Dictionary<ulonglong, DistanceEntry> map;
                    if (!starsDistanceCache.TryGetValue(iStar.StarNo, out map))
                        map = new Dictionary<ulonglong, DistanceEntry>();
                        starsDistanceCache.Add(iStar.StarNo, map);
					map.Add(id1, entry);

                    if (!starsDistanceCache.TryGetValue(jStar.StarNo, out map))
                        map = new Dictionary<ulonglong, DistanceEntry>();
                        starsDistanceCache.Add(jStar.StarNo, map);
					map.Add(id2, entry);

			//if (resolvedDebugStarsNos != null)
			//    foreach(uint starNo in resolvedDebugStarsNos)
			//    {
			//        DensityArea area = distributor.m_Areas.FirstOrDefault(a => a.m_IncludedStarNos.Contains(starNo));
			//        if (area != null)
			//            Trace.WriteLine(string.Format("DEBUG ALIGN: Star {0} located to area [{1:0.00}, {2:0.0}]", starNo, area.XMiddle, area.YMiddle));
			//        Trace.Assert(area != null);
			//    }

            return distributor;
예제 #4
		internal IAstrometricFit IsSuccessfulMatch(
			IStarMap starMap,
			int i, int j, int k,
			DistanceEntry ijEntry, DistanceEntry ikEntry, DistanceEntry jkEntry,
            ulong iStarNo, ulong starNo2, ulong starNo3, double toleranceInArcSec)
			return IsSuccessfulMatch(
				starMap, i, j, k, 
				ijEntry, ikEntry, jkEntry, 
				iStarNo, starNo2, starNo3,
				m_PlateConfig.EffectiveFocalLength, false, toleranceInArcSec);