private DynamicTalentLinkUI CreateLinkBetweenNodes(DynamicTalentUI parent, DynamicTalentUI destination, TalentLink link) { var parentPos = parent.transform.position; var destinationPos = destination.transform.position; var linkClone = Instantiate(dynamicLinkUIPrefab,, Quaternion.identity); var linkTransf = (RectTransform)linkClone.transform; linkTransf.SetParent(linksContainer); linkTransf.localPosition =; createdLinkUIs.Add(linkClone); var linkPartsParent = linkTransf.GetChild(0); linkPartsParent.localPosition =; var parts = CreateLinkParts(parent, destination, linkPartsParent); linkClone.Init(destination, link, parts); return(linkClone); }
public void Init(DynamicTalentUI destination, TalentLink talentLink, List <DynamicTalentLinkPartUI> parts) { this.destination = destination; = parts; weightRequiredInBase = talentLink.WeightRequiredInBase; InitLinkUIParts(); }
private void Awake() { var talentUiNull = ReferenceEquals(talentUi, null); if (talentUiNull) { talentUi = GetComponent <DynamicTalentUI>(); } }
public void SelectTalent(DynamicTalentUI talentUi) { selectedTalentUi = talentUi; Debug.Log($"Selected talent {selectedTalentUi}"); selectedTalentUi.onTalentLeveledUp += UpdateDisplay; UpdateDisplay(); }
private List <DynamicTalentLinkUI> CreateSubtree(int index, Talent parentTalent, Talent nodeToCreate, DynamicTalentUI parentUi, TalentLink linkToParent, int depth = 1) { var linkList = new List <DynamicTalentLinkUI>(); if (nodeToCreate == null) { return(linkList); } var thisNodesLinks = new List <DynamicTalentLinkUI>(); var parentPos = parentUi.transform.position; var signedInd = parentTalent.Links.Count / 2 - index; var thisNodeUi = CreateNodeUI(nodeToCreate, new Vector3( parentPos.x + signedInd * xDistanceFromNode , treeRootPosition.y - yDistanceFromNode * depth, 0f)); createdTalentUIs.Add(thisNodeUi); var linkToParentUi = CreateLinkBetweenNodes(parentUi, thisNodeUi, linkToParent); linkList.Add(linkToParentUi); for (var i = 0; i < nodeToCreate.Links.Count; i++) { var link = nodeToCreate.Links[i]; thisNodesLinks.AddRange(CreateSubtree(i, nodeToCreate, link.Destination, thisNodeUi, link, depth + 1)); } thisNodeUi.Init(nodeToCreate, thisNodesLinks); return(linkList); }
private List <DynamicTalentLinkPartUI> CreateLinkParts(DynamicTalentUI node1, DynamicTalentUI node2, Transform partsParent) { List <DynamicTalentLinkPartUI> parts = new List <DynamicTalentLinkPartUI>(); var node1RectTransf = (RectTransform)node1.transform; var node2RectTransf = (RectTransform)node2.transform; var node1Pos = node1RectTransf.position; var node2Pos = node2RectTransf.position; var xIsDiff = !Mathf.Approximately(node1Pos.x, node2Pos.x); var yIsDiff = !Mathf.Approximately(node1Pos.y, node2Pos.y); Vector3 pt1NewPos = node1Pos; if (xIsDiff) { var pt1 = Instantiate(dynamicLinkPartUIPrefab, partsParent); var pt1Transf = (RectTransform)pt1.transform; var pt1FillImg = (RectTransform)pt1.BarFillImage.transform; float pt1Width = 0f; var halfWidth = node1RectTransf.rect.width / 2; if (node2Pos.x > node1Pos.x) { // node2 is on right pt1Width = node2Pos.x - node1Pos.x + partWidth / 2 - halfWidth; pt1NewPos = node1Pos + new Vector3(halfWidth + pt1Width / 2, 0f); pt1FillImg.anchorMin = pt1FillImg.anchorMax = pt1FillImg.pivot = new Vector2(0f, 0.5f); } else { // node2 is on left pt1Width = Math.Abs(node2Pos.x - node1Pos.x - partWidth / 2 + halfWidth); pt1NewPos = node1Pos - (Vector3) new Vector3(halfWidth + pt1Width / 2, 0f, 0f); pt1FillImg.anchorMin = pt1FillImg.anchorMax = pt1FillImg.pivot = new Vector2(1f, 0.5f); } pt1Transf.SetSizeWithCurrentAnchors(RectTransform.Axis.Horizontal, pt1Width); pt1Transf.SetSizeWithCurrentAnchors(RectTransform.Axis.Vertical, partWidth); pt1Transf.position = pt1NewPos; pt1FillImg.SetSizeWithCurrentAnchors(RectTransform.Axis.Horizontal, pt1Width); pt1FillImg.SetSizeWithCurrentAnchors(RectTransform.Axis.Vertical, partWidth); pt1FillImg.localScale = new Vector3(0.5f, 1f, 1f); pt1FillImg.anchoredPosition =; parts.Add(pt1); } if (yIsDiff) { var pt2 = Instantiate(dynamicLinkPartUIPrefab, partsParent); pt2.IsY = true; var pt2Transf = (RectTransform)pt2.transform; var pt2FillImg = (RectTransform)pt2.BarFillImage.transform; float pt2Height = default; Vector3 pt2Pos = default; var halfHeight = node2RectTransf.rect.height / 2; pt2Height = Math.Abs(node2Pos.y - node1Pos.y) - halfHeight - partWidth / 2; if (node2Pos.x > node1Pos.x) { pt2Pos = new Vector3(node2Pos.x, pt1NewPos.y - partWidth / 2 - pt2Height / 2); } else { pt2Pos = new Vector3(node2Pos.x, pt1NewPos.y - partWidth / 2 - pt2Height / 2); } // positioning seems correct but height is wrong // will need to anchor the fill as well pt2Transf.SetSizeWithCurrentAnchors(RectTransform.Axis.Vertical, pt2Height); pt2Transf.SetSizeWithCurrentAnchors(RectTransform.Axis.Horizontal, partWidth); pt2Transf.position = pt2Pos; pt2FillImg.anchorMin = pt2FillImg.anchorMax = pt2FillImg.pivot = new Vector2(0.5f, 1f); pt2FillImg.SetSizeWithCurrentAnchors(RectTransform.Axis.Vertical, pt2Height); pt2FillImg.SetSizeWithCurrentAnchors(RectTransform.Axis.Horizontal, partWidth); pt2FillImg.localScale = new Vector3(1f, 0.5f, 1f); pt2FillImg.anchoredPosition =; parts.Add(pt2); } return(parts); }