private void btnOk_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { string fname = tbFname.Text; Types returnType = FunctionConfig.TypeFromStr((string)comboType.SelectedItem); TaintTypes returnTaintType = FunctionConfig.TaintFromStr((string)comboTaint.SelectedItem); Taint returnTaint = new Taint(returnTaintType); if (returnTaintType == TaintTypes.G) { string[] returnDepNames = tbReturnDeps.Text.Split(new char[] { ' ' }); foreach (string retDep in returnDepNames) { returnTaint.getDependencies().Add(retDep); } } IList <FunctionConfig.Param> parameters = new List <FunctionConfig.Param>(); foreach (DataGridViewRow row in dgParams.Rows) { if (row.IsNewRow) { continue; } string pName = (string)row.Cells["Name"].Value; Types pType = FunctionConfig.TypeFromStr((string)row.Cells["Type"].Value); TaintTypes pTaintType = FunctionConfig.TaintFromStr((string)row.Cells["Taint"].Value); Taint pTaint = new Taint(pTaintType); if (pTaintType == TaintTypes.G) { string[] paramDepNames = ((string)row.Cells["Deps"].Value).Split(new char[] { ' ' }); foreach (string paramDep in paramDepNames) { pTaint.getDependencies().Add(paramDep); } } FunctionConfig.Param param = new FunctionConfig.Param(); = pName; param.paramType = pType; param.paramTaint = pTaint; parameters.Add(param); } function = new FunctionConfig(fname, returnType, returnTaint, parameters); } catch (InvalidOperationException) { MessageBox.Show("Function cannot be added! Invalid dependencies"); this.DialogResult = DialogResult.Cancel; } }
private void btnOk_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { string fname = tbFname.Text; Types returnType = FunctionConfig.TypeFromStr((string)comboType.SelectedItem); TaintTypes returnTaintType = FunctionConfig.TaintFromStr((string)comboTaint.SelectedItem); Taint returnTaint = new Taint(returnTaintType); if (returnTaintType == TaintTypes.G) { string[] returnDepNames = tbReturnDeps.Text.Split(new char[] { ' ' }); foreach (string retDep in returnDepNames) { returnTaint.getDependencies().Add(retDep); } } IList<FunctionConfig.Param> parameters = new List<FunctionConfig.Param>(); foreach (DataGridViewRow row in dgParams.Rows) { if (row.IsNewRow) continue; string pName = (string)row.Cells["Name"].Value; Types pType = FunctionConfig.TypeFromStr((string)row.Cells["Type"].Value); TaintTypes pTaintType = FunctionConfig.TaintFromStr((string)row.Cells["Taint"].Value); Taint pTaint = new Taint(pTaintType); if (pTaintType == TaintTypes.G) { string[] paramDepNames = ((string)row.Cells["Deps"].Value).Split(new char[] { ' ' }); foreach (string paramDep in paramDepNames) { pTaint.getDependencies().Add(paramDep); } } FunctionConfig.Param param = new FunctionConfig.Param(); = pName; param.paramType = pType; param.paramTaint = pTaint; parameters.Add(param); } function = new FunctionConfig(fname, returnType, returnTaint, parameters); } catch (InvalidOperationException) { MessageBox.Show("Function cannot be added! Invalid dependencies"); this.DialogResult = DialogResult.Cancel; } }