/// <summary> /// Parses an XML plugin into a <see cref="TagLayout"/>. /// </summary> /// <param name="reader">The XmlReader to read the plugin XML from.</param> /// <param name="name">The name to give the resulting layout.</param> /// <param name="groupTag">The group tag to give to the resulting layout.</param> /// <returns>The results from loading the plugin.</returns> public static AssemblyPluginLoadResults LoadPlugin(XmlReader reader, string name, Tag groupTag) { if (!reader.ReadToNextSibling("plugin")) { throw new ArgumentException("The XML file is missing a <plugin> tag."); } int baseSize = 0; if (reader.MoveToAttribute("baseSize")) { baseSize = ParseInt(reader.Value); } var loader = new AssemblyPluginLoader(null); loader._results.Layout = new TagLayout(name, (uint)baseSize, groupTag); loader.ReadElements(reader, true); return(loader._results); }
private void ReadReflexive(XmlReader reader, string name, uint offset, bool visible, uint pluginLine) { if (!reader.MoveToAttribute("entrySize")) { throw new ArgumentException("Reflexives must have an entrySize attribute." + PositionInfo(reader)); } uint entrySize = ParseUInt(reader.Value); int align = 4; if (reader.MoveToAttribute("align")) { align = ParseInt(reader.Value); } reader.MoveToElement(); XmlReader subtree = reader.ReadSubtree(); subtree.ReadStartElement(); // Singularize the last word in the block name to get the layout name var words = name.Split(' '); words[words.Length - 1] = Pluralization.Singularize(words[words.Length - 1]); var layoutName = string.Join(" ", words); // Read the layout using a new loader (to keep track of conflicts) var loader = new AssemblyPluginLoader(name); loader._results.Layout = new TagLayout(layoutName, entrySize); loader.ReadElements(subtree, false); _results.Layout.Add(new TagBlockTagLayoutField(name, loader._results.Layout)); _results.Conflicts.AddRange(loader._results.Conflicts); // Merge in conflicts from the block RegisterField(offset, 0xC); }
/// <summary> /// Parses an XML plugin into a <see cref="TagLayout"/>. /// </summary> /// <param name="reader">The XmlReader to read the plugin XML from.</param> /// <param name="name">The name to give the resulting layout.</param> /// <param name="groupTag">The group tag to give to the resulting layout.</param> /// <returns>The results from loading the plugin.</returns> public static AssemblyPluginLoadResults LoadPlugin(XmlReader reader, string name, Tag groupTag) { if (!reader.ReadToNextSibling("plugin")) throw new ArgumentException("The XML file is missing a <plugin> tag."); int baseSize = 0; if (reader.MoveToAttribute("baseSize")) baseSize = ParseInt(reader.Value); var loader = new AssemblyPluginLoader(null); loader._results.Layout = new TagLayout(name, (uint)baseSize, groupTag); loader.ReadElements(reader, true); return loader._results; }
private void ReadReflexive(XmlReader reader, string name, uint offset, bool visible, uint pluginLine) { if (!reader.MoveToAttribute("entrySize")) throw new ArgumentException("Reflexives must have an entrySize attribute." + PositionInfo(reader)); uint entrySize = ParseUInt(reader.Value); int align = 4; if (reader.MoveToAttribute("align")) align = ParseInt(reader.Value); reader.MoveToElement(); XmlReader subtree = reader.ReadSubtree(); subtree.ReadStartElement(); // Singularize the last word in the block name to get the layout name var words = name.Split(' '); words[words.Length - 1] = Pluralization.Singularize(words[words.Length - 1]); var layoutName = string.Join(" ", words); // Read the layout using a new loader (to keep track of conflicts) var loader = new AssemblyPluginLoader(name); loader._results.Layout = new TagLayout(layoutName, entrySize); loader.ReadElements(subtree, false); _results.Layout.Add(new TagBlockTagLayoutField(name, loader._results.Layout)); _results.Conflicts.AddRange(loader._results.Conflicts); // Merge in conflicts from the block RegisterField(offset, 0xC); }