public override bool Execute(List<string> args) { if (args.Count < 1 || args.Count > 2) return false; var blockName = args[0]; var ownerType = Owner.GetType(); var enumerator = new TagFieldEnumerator(Structure); var deferredNames = new List<string>(); var deferredArgs = new List<string>(); if (blockName.Contains(".")) { deferredNames.AddRange(blockName.Split('.')); blockName = deferredNames[0]; deferredNames = deferredNames.Skip(1).ToList(); deferredArgs.AddRange(args.Skip(1)); args = new List<string> { blockName }; } if (blockName.Contains("]")) { var openBracketIndex = blockName.IndexOf('['); var closeBracketIndex = blockName.IndexOf(']'); var name = blockName.Substring(0, openBracketIndex); var index = blockName.Substring(openBracketIndex + 1, (closeBracketIndex - openBracketIndex) - 1); blockName = name; args = new List<string> { name, index }; } var blockNameLow = blockName.ToLower(); var field = enumerator.Find(f => f.Name == blockName || f.Name.ToLower() == blockNameLow); if (field == null) { Console.WriteLine("{0} does not contain a block named \"{1}\"", ownerType.Name, blockName); return false; } var contextName = ""; object blockValue = null; var structureAttribute = field.FieldType.CustomAttributes.ToList().Find(a => a.AttributeType == typeof(TagStructureAttribute)); if (structureAttribute != null) { if (args.Count != 1) return false; blockValue = field.GetValue(Owner); contextName = $"{blockName}"; } else { if (args.Count != 2) return false; IList fieldValue = null; if (field.FieldType.GetInterface("IList") == null || (fieldValue = (IList)field.GetValue(Owner)) == null) { Console.WriteLine("{0} does not contain a block named \"{1}\"", ownerType.Name, blockName); return false; } int blockIndex = 0; if (args[1] == "*") blockIndex = fieldValue.Count - 1; else if (!int.TryParse(args[1], out blockIndex)) { Console.WriteLine("Invalid index requested from block {0}: {1}", blockName, blockIndex); return false; } if (blockIndex >= fieldValue.Count || blockIndex < 0) { Console.WriteLine("Invalid index requested from block {0}: {1}", blockName, blockIndex); return false; } blockValue = fieldValue[blockIndex]; contextName = $"{blockName}[{blockIndex}]"; } var blockStructure = new TagStructureInfo(blockValue.GetType()); var blockContext = new CommandContext(Stack.Context, contextName); blockContext.AddCommand(new ListFieldsCommand(Info, blockStructure, blockValue)); blockContext.AddCommand(new SetFieldCommand(Stack, Info, Tag, blockStructure, blockValue)); blockContext.AddCommand(new EditBlockCommand(Stack, Info, Tag, blockValue)); blockContext.AddCommand(new AddToCommand(Stack, Info, Tag, blockStructure, blockValue)); blockContext.AddCommand(new RemoveFromCommand(Stack, Info, Tag, blockStructure, blockValue)); blockContext.AddCommand(new CopyElementsCommand(Stack, Info, Tag, blockStructure, blockValue)); blockContext.AddCommand(new PasteElementsCommand(Stack, Info, Tag, blockStructure, blockValue)); blockContext.AddCommand(new ExitToCommand(Stack)); Stack.Push(blockContext); if (deferredNames.Count != 0) { var name = deferredNames[0]; deferredNames = deferredNames.Skip(1).ToList(); foreach (var deferredName in deferredNames) name += '.' + deferredName; args = new List<string> { name }; args.AddRange(deferredArgs); var command = new EditBlockCommand(Stack, Info, Tag, blockValue); return command.Execute(args); } return true; }
public override object Execute(List <string> args) { if (args.Count < 1) { return(false); } var fieldName = args[0]; var fieldNameLow = fieldName.ToLower(); var fieldNameSnake = fieldName.ToSnakeCase(); var previousContext = ContextStack.Context; var previousOwner = Owner; var previousStructure = Structure; var blockName = ""; if (fieldName.Contains(".")) { var lastIndex = fieldName.LastIndexOf('.'); blockName = fieldName.Substring(0, lastIndex); fieldName = fieldName.Substring(lastIndex + 1, (fieldName.Length - lastIndex) - 1); fieldNameLow = fieldName.ToLower(); fieldNameSnake = fieldName.ToSnakeCase(); var command = new EditBlockCommand(ContextStack, Cache, Tag, Owner); if (command.Execute(new List <string> { blockName }).Equals(false)) { while (ContextStack.Context != previousContext) { ContextStack.Pop(); } Owner = previousOwner; Structure = previousStructure; return(false); } command = (ContextStack.Context.GetCommand("EditBlock") as EditBlockCommand); Owner = command.Owner; Structure = command.Structure; if (Owner == null) { while (ContextStack.Context != previousContext) { ContextStack.Pop(); } Owner = previousOwner; Structure = previousStructure; return(false); } } var field = TagStructure.GetTagFieldEnumerable(Structure) .Find(f => f.Name == fieldName || f.Name.ToLower() == fieldNameLow || f.Name.ToSnakeCase() == fieldNameSnake); var ownerType = Owner.GetType(); if (field == null) { Console.WriteLine("{0} does not contain a block named \"{1}\"", ownerType.Name, fieldName); return(false); } IList fieldValue = null; if (field.FieldType.GetInterface("IList") == null || (fieldValue = (IList)field.GetValue(Owner)) == null) { Console.WriteLine("{0} does not contain a block named \"{1}\"", ownerType.Name, fieldName); return(false); } string fromName = null; int? from = null; string toName = null; int? to = null; while (args.Count > 1) { var found = false; switch (args[1].ToLower()) { case "from:": if (char.IsNumber(args[2][0])) { from = int.Parse(args[2]); } else { fromName = args[2]; from = FindLabelIndex(fieldValue, fromName); } args.RemoveRange(1, 2); found = true; break; case "to:": if (char.IsNumber(args[2][0])) { to = int.Parse(args[2]); } else { toName = args[2]; to = FindLabelIndex(fieldValue, toName); } args.RemoveRange(1, 2); found = true; break; } if (!found) { break; } } blockName = args[0]; args.RemoveRange(0, 1); var commandsToExecute = new List <List <string> >(); // if no command is given, keep reading commands from stdin until an empty line encountered if (args.Count < 1) { string line; while (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(line = Console.ReadLine())) { var commandsArgs = ArgumentParser.ParseCommand(line, out string redirectFile); commandsToExecute.Add(commandsArgs); } } else { commandsToExecute.Add(args); } for (var i = (from ?? 0); i < (to.HasValue ? to.Value + 1 : fieldValue.Count); i++) { while (ContextStack.Context != previousContext) { ContextStack.Pop(); } Owner = previousOwner; Structure = previousStructure; if (blockName != "" && new EditBlockCommand(ContextStack, Cache, Tag, Owner) .Execute(new List <string> { $"{blockName}[{i}]" }) .Equals(false)) { return(false); } var label = GetLabel(fieldValue, i); Console.Write(label == null ? $"[{i}] " : $"[{label} ({i})] "); foreach (var command in commandsToExecute) { ContextStack.Context.GetCommand(command[0]).Execute(command.Skip(1).ToList()); } } while (ContextStack.Context != previousContext) { ContextStack.Pop(); } Owner = previousOwner; Structure = previousStructure; return(true); }
public override object Execute(List <string> args) { if (args.Count < 1 || args.Count > 2) { return(false); } if (CopyBlockElementsCommand.Elements == null) { Console.WriteLine("ERROR: No elements are available in the clipboard."); return(false); } var fieldName = args[0]; var fieldNameLow = fieldName.ToLower(); var previousContext = ContextStack.Context; var previousOwner = Owner; var previousStructure = Structure; if (fieldName.Contains(".")) { var lastIndex = fieldName.LastIndexOf('.'); var blockName = fieldName.Substring(0, lastIndex); fieldName = fieldName.Substring(lastIndex + 1, (fieldName.Length - lastIndex) - 1); fieldNameLow = fieldName.ToLower(); var command = new EditBlockCommand(ContextStack, Cache, Tag, Owner); if (command.Execute(new List <string> { blockName }).Equals(false)) { while (ContextStack.Context != previousContext) { ContextStack.Pop(); } Owner = previousOwner; Structure = previousStructure; return(false); } command = (ContextStack.Context.GetCommand("EditBlock") as EditBlockCommand); Owner = command.Owner; Structure = command.Structure; if (Owner == null) { while (ContextStack.Context != previousContext) { ContextStack.Pop(); } Owner = previousOwner; Structure = previousStructure; return(false); } } var index = -1; if (args.Count > 1) { if (args[1] != "*" && (!int.TryParse(args[1], out index) || index < 0)) { Console.WriteLine($"Invalid index specified: {args[1]}"); return(false); } } var field = TagStructure.GetTagFieldEnumerable(Structure) .Find(f => f.Name == fieldName || f.Name.ToLower() == fieldNameLow); var fieldType = field.FieldType; if ((field == null) || (!fieldType.IsGenericType) || (fieldType.GetInterface("IList") == null)) { Console.WriteLine("ERROR: {0} does not contain a tag block named \"{1}\".", Structure.Types[0].Name, args[0]); while (ContextStack.Context != previousContext) { ContextStack.Pop(); } Owner = previousOwner; Structure = previousStructure; return(false); } var elementType = field.FieldType.GenericTypeArguments[0]; if (elementType != CopyBlockElementsCommand.ElementType) { Console.WriteLine("Invalid block element type!"); return(false); } var blockValue = field.GetValue(Owner) as IList; if (blockValue == null) { blockValue = Activator.CreateInstance(field.FieldType) as IList; field.SetValue(Owner, blockValue); } if (index > blockValue.Count) { Console.WriteLine($"Invalid index specified: {index}"); return(false); } for (var i = 0; i < CopyBlockElementsCommand.Elements.Count; i++) { var element = CopyBlockElementsCommand.Elements[i]; if (index == -1) { blockValue.Add(element); } else { blockValue.Insert(index + i, element); } } field.SetValue(Owner, blockValue); var typeString = fieldType.IsGenericType ? $"{fieldType.Name}<{fieldType.GenericTypeArguments[0].Name}>" : fieldType.Name; var itemString = CopyBlockElementsCommand.Elements.Count < 2 ? "element" : "elements"; var valueString = ((IList)blockValue).Count != 0 ? $"{{...}}[{((IList)blockValue).Count}]" : "null"; Console.WriteLine($"Successfully pasted {CopyBlockElementsCommand.Elements.Count} {itemString} to {field.Name}: {typeString}"); Console.WriteLine(valueString); while (ContextStack.Context != previousContext) { ContextStack.Pop(); } Owner = previousOwner; Structure = previousStructure; return(true); }
public override object Execute(List <string> args) { if (args.Count < 2) { return(false); } var fieldName = args[0]; var fieldNameLow = fieldName.ToLower(); var fieldNameSnake = fieldName.ToSnakeCase(); var previousContext = ContextStack.Context; var previousOwner = Owner; var previousStructure = Structure; if (fieldName.Contains(".")) { var lastIndex = fieldName.LastIndexOf('.'); var blockName = fieldName.Substring(0, lastIndex); fieldName = fieldName.Substring(lastIndex + 1, (fieldName.Length - lastIndex) - 1); fieldNameLow = fieldName.ToLower(); fieldNameSnake = fieldName.ToSnakeCase(); var command = new EditBlockCommand(ContextStack, CacheContext, Tag, Owner); if (command.Execute(new List <string> { blockName }).Equals(false)) { while (ContextStack.Context != previousContext) { ContextStack.Pop(); } Owner = previousOwner; Structure = previousStructure; return(false); } command = (ContextStack.Context.GetCommand("EditBlock") as EditBlockCommand); Owner = command.Owner; Structure = command.Structure; if (Owner == null) { while (ContextStack.Context != previousContext) { ContextStack.Pop(); } Owner = previousOwner; Structure = previousStructure; return(false); } } var field = TagStructure.GetTagFieldEnumerable(Structure) .Find(f => f.Name == fieldName || f.Name.ToLower() == fieldNameLow || f.Name.ToSnakeCase() == fieldNameSnake); if (field == null) { Console.WriteLine("ERROR: {0} does not contain a field named \"{1}\".", Structure.Types[0].Name, fieldName); while (ContextStack.Context != previousContext) { ContextStack.Pop(); } Owner = previousOwner; Structure = previousStructure; return(false); } var fieldType = field.FieldType; var fieldAttrs = field.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(TagFieldAttribute), false); var fieldAttr = fieldAttrs?.Length < 1 ? new TagFieldAttribute() : (TagFieldAttribute)fieldAttrs[0]; var fieldInfo = new TagFieldInfo(field, fieldAttr, uint.MaxValue, uint.MaxValue); var fieldValue = ParseArgs(field.FieldType, fieldInfo, args.Skip(1).ToList()); if (fieldValue != null && fieldValue.Equals(false)) { while (ContextStack.Context != previousContext) { ContextStack.Pop(); } Owner = previousOwner; Structure = previousStructure; return(false); } if (field.FieldType == typeof(PageableResource)) { var ownerValue = field.GetValue(Owner); if (fieldValue == null) { field.SetValue(Owner, null); } else if (ownerValue is PageableResource pageable) { var newLocation = ResourceLocation.None; FileInfo resourceFile = null; switch (fieldValue) { case FileInfo file: if (!pageable.GetLocation(out newLocation)) { newLocation = ResourceLocation.ResourcesB; } resourceFile = file; break; case ValueTuple <ResourceLocation, FileInfo> tuple: newLocation = tuple.Item1; resourceFile = tuple.Item2; break; default: throw new FormatException(fieldValue.ToString()); } ResourceCache oldCache = null; if (pageable.GetLocation(out var oldLocation)) { oldCache = CacheContext.GetResourceCache(oldLocation); } var newCache = CacheContext.GetResourceCache(newLocation); var data = File.ReadAllBytes(resourceFile.FullName); pageable.Page.UncompressedBlockSize = (uint)data.Length; if (oldLocation == newLocation && pageable.Page.Index != -1) { using (var stream = CacheContext.OpenResourceCacheReadWrite(oldLocation)) { pageable.Page.CompressedBlockSize = oldCache.Compress(stream, pageable.Page.Index, data); } } else { using (var destStream = CacheContext.OpenResourceCacheReadWrite(newLocation)) { pageable.Page.Index = newCache.Add(destStream, data, out pageable.Page.CompressedBlockSize); } pageable.ChangeLocation(newLocation); } pageable.DisableChecksum(); field.SetValue(Owner, fieldValue = pageable); } } else { field.SetValue(Owner, fieldValue); } var typeString = fieldType.IsGenericType ? $"{fieldType.Name}<{fieldType.GenericTypeArguments[0].Name}>" : fieldType.Name; string valueString; #if !DEBUG try { #endif if (fieldValue == null) { valueString = "null"; } else if (fieldType == typeof(StringId)) { valueString = CacheContext.GetString((StringId)fieldValue); } else if (fieldType == typeof(CachedTagInstance)) { var instance = (CachedTagInstance)fieldValue; var tagName = instance?.Name ?? $"0x{instance.Index:X4}"; valueString = $"[0x{instance.Index:X4}] {tagName}.{CacheContext.GetString(instance.Group.Name)}"; } else if (fieldType == typeof(TagFunction)) { var function = (TagFunction)fieldValue; valueString = ""; foreach (var datum in function.Data) { valueString += datum.ToString("X2"); } } else if (fieldType == typeof(PageableResource)) { var pageable = (PageableResource)fieldValue; pageable.GetLocation(out var location); valueString = pageable == null ? "null" : $"{{ Location: {location}, Index: 0x{pageable.Page.Index:X4}, CompressedSize: 0x{pageable.Page.CompressedBlockSize:X8} }}"; } else if (fieldInfo.FieldType.IsArray && fieldInfo.Attribute.Length != 0) { valueString = fieldValue == null ? "null" : $"[{fieldInfo.Attribute.Length}] {{ "; var valueArray = (Array)fieldValue; if (fieldValue != null) { for (var i = 0; i < fieldInfo.Attribute.Length; i++) { valueString += $"{valueArray.GetValue(i)}{((i + 1) < fieldInfo.Attribute.Length ? "," : "")} "; } valueString += "}"; } } else if (fieldType.GetInterface(typeof(IList).Name) != null) { valueString = ((IList)fieldValue).Count != 0 ? $"{{...}}[{((IList)fieldValue).Count}]" : "null"; } else { valueString = fieldValue.ToString(); } #if !DEBUG } catch (Exception e) { valueString = $"<ERROR MESSAGE=\"{e.Message}\" />"; } #endif var fieldFullName = $"{field.DeclaringType.FullName}.{field.Name}".Replace("+", "."); var documentationNode = EditTagContextFactory.Documentation.SelectSingleNode($"//member[starts-with(@name, 'F:{fieldFullName}')]"); Console.WriteLine("{0}: {1} = {2} {3}", field.Name, typeString, valueString, documentationNode != null ? $":: {documentationNode.FirstChild.InnerText.Replace("\r\n", "").TrimStart().TrimEnd()}" : ""); while (ContextStack.Context != previousContext) { ContextStack.Pop(); } Owner = previousOwner; Structure = previousStructure; return(true); }
public override object Execute(List <string> args) { if (args.Count < 1 || args.Count > 2) { return(false); } var blockName = args[0]; var ownerType = Owner.GetType(); var deferredNames = new List <string>(); var deferredArgs = new List <string>(); if (blockName.Contains(".")) { deferredNames.AddRange(blockName.Split('.')); blockName = deferredNames[0]; deferredNames = deferredNames.Skip(1).ToList(); deferredArgs.AddRange(args.Skip(1)); args = new List <string> { blockName }; } if (blockName.Contains("]")) { var openBracketIndex = blockName.IndexOf('['); var closeBracketIndex = blockName.IndexOf(']'); var name = blockName.Substring(0, openBracketIndex); var index = blockName.Substring(openBracketIndex + 1, (closeBracketIndex - openBracketIndex) - 1); blockName = name; args = new List <string> { name, index }; } var blockNameLow = blockName.ToLower(); var blockNameSnake = blockName.ToSnakeCase(); var field = TagStructure.GetTagFieldEnumerable(Structure) .Find(f => f.Name == blockName || f.Name.ToLower() == blockNameLow || f.Name.ToSnakeCase() == blockNameSnake); if (field == null) { Console.WriteLine("{0} does not contain a block named \"{1}\"", ownerType.Name, blockName); return(false); } var contextName = ""; object blockValue = null; var structureAttribute = field.FieldType.CustomAttributes.ToList().Find(a => a.AttributeType == typeof(TagStructureAttribute)); if (structureAttribute != null) { if (args.Count != 1) { return(false); } blockValue = field.GetValue(Owner); contextName = $"{blockName}"; } else { if (args.Count != 2) { return(false); } IList fieldValue = null; if (field.FieldType.GetInterface("IList") == null || (fieldValue = (IList)field.GetValue(Owner)) == null) { Console.WriteLine("{0} does not contain a block named \"{1}\"", ownerType.Name, blockName); return(false); } int blockIndex = 0; if (args[1] == "*") { blockIndex = fieldValue.Count - 1; } else if (!int.TryParse(args[1], out blockIndex)) { Console.WriteLine("Invalid index requested from block {0}: {1}", blockName, blockIndex); return(false); } if (blockIndex >= fieldValue.Count || blockIndex < 0) { Console.WriteLine("Invalid index requested from block {0}: {1}", blockName, blockIndex); return(false); } blockValue = fieldValue[blockIndex]; contextName = $"{blockName}[{blockIndex}]"; } var blockStructure = TagStructure.GetTagStructureInfo(blockValue.GetType(), Cache.Version); var blockContext = new CommandContext(ContextStack.Context, contextName); blockContext.AddCommand(new ListFieldsCommand(Cache, blockStructure, blockValue)); blockContext.AddCommand(new SetFieldCommand(ContextStack, Cache, Tag, blockStructure, blockValue)); //blockContext.AddCommand(new ExtractResourceCommand(ContextStack, CacheContext, Tag, blockStructure, blockValue)); blockContext.AddCommand(new EditBlockCommand(ContextStack, Cache, Tag, blockValue)); blockContext.AddCommand(new AddBlockElementsCommand(ContextStack, Cache, Tag, blockStructure, blockValue)); blockContext.AddCommand(new RemoveBlockElementsCommand(ContextStack, Cache, Tag, blockStructure, blockValue)); blockContext.AddCommand(new CopyBlockElementsCommand(ContextStack, Cache, Tag, blockStructure, blockValue)); blockContext.AddCommand(new PasteBlockElementsCommand(ContextStack, Cache, Tag, blockStructure, blockValue)); blockContext.AddCommand(new ForEachCommand(ContextStack, Cache, Tag, blockStructure, blockValue)); blockContext.AddCommand(new ExitToCommand(ContextStack)); ContextStack.Push(blockContext); if (deferredNames.Count != 0) { var name = deferredNames[0]; deferredNames = deferredNames.Skip(1).ToList(); foreach (var deferredName in deferredNames) { name += '.' + deferredName; } args = new List <string> { name }; args.AddRange(deferredArgs); var command = new EditBlockCommand(ContextStack, Cache, Tag, blockValue); return(command.Execute(args)); } return(true); }
public override object Execute(List <string> args) { if (args.Count > 4) { return(false); } if (args.Count < 1 || args.Count > 3) { return(false); } var fieldName = args[0]; var fieldNameLow = fieldName.ToLower(); var previousContext = ContextStack.Context; var previousOwner = Owner; var previousStructure = Structure; if (fieldName.Contains(".")) { var lastIndex = fieldName.LastIndexOf('.'); var blockName = fieldName.Substring(0, lastIndex); fieldName = fieldName.Substring(lastIndex + 1, (fieldName.Length - lastIndex) - 1); fieldNameLow = fieldName.ToLower(); var command = new EditBlockCommand(ContextStack, CacheContext, Tag, Owner); if (command.Execute(new List <string> { blockName }).Equals(false)) { while (ContextStack.Context != previousContext) { ContextStack.Pop(); } Owner = previousOwner; Structure = previousStructure; return(false); } command = (ContextStack.Context.GetCommand("EditBlock") as EditBlockCommand); Owner = command.Owner; Structure = command.Structure; if (Owner == null) { while (ContextStack.Context != previousContext) { ContextStack.Pop(); } Owner = previousOwner; Structure = previousStructure; return(false); } } var index = 0; if (args.Count > 1 && args[1] != "*") { if (!int.TryParse(args[1], out index) || index < 0) { Console.WriteLine($"Invalid index specified: {args[1]}"); return(false); } } var count = -1; if (args.Count > 2) { if (args[2] != "*" && (!int.TryParse(args[2], out count) || count < 1)) { Console.WriteLine($"Invalid count specified: {args[2]}"); return(false); } } var field = TagStructure.GetTagFieldEnumerable(Structure) .Find(f => f.Name == fieldName || f.Name.ToLower() == fieldNameLow); var fieldType = field.FieldType; if ((field == null) || (!fieldType.IsGenericType) || (fieldType.GetInterface("IList") == null)) { Console.WriteLine("ERROR: {0} does not contain a tag block named \"{1}\".", Structure.Types[0].Name, args[0]); while (ContextStack.Context != previousContext) { ContextStack.Pop(); } Owner = previousOwner; Structure = previousStructure; return(false); } var blockValue = field.GetValue(Owner) as IList; if (blockValue == null) { Console.WriteLine($"Invalid index specified: {args[0]}"); return(false); } if (count < 0) { count = blockValue.Count; } if ((index + count) < 0 || (index + count) > blockValue.Count) { Console.WriteLine($"Invalid index: {index}, and count: {count}"); return(false); } ElementType = field.FieldType.GenericTypeArguments[0]; Elements = new List <object>(); for (var i = index; i < (index + count); i++) { Elements.Add(blockValue[i]); } var itemString = index < 2 ? "element" : "elements"; Console.WriteLine($"Successfully copied {count} {itemString}."); while (ContextStack.Context != previousContext) { ContextStack.Pop(); } Owner = previousOwner; Structure = previousStructure; return(true); }
public override object Execute(List <string> args) { if (args.Count < 1 || args.Count > 3) { return(false); } var fieldName = args[0]; var fieldNameLow = fieldName.ToLower(); var previousContext = ContextStack.Context; var previousOwner = Owner; var previousStructure = Structure; if (fieldName.Contains(".")) { var lastIndex = fieldName.LastIndexOf('.'); var blockName = fieldName.Substring(0, lastIndex); fieldName = fieldName.Substring(lastIndex + 1, (fieldName.Length - lastIndex) - 1); fieldNameLow = fieldName.ToLower(); var command = new EditBlockCommand(ContextStack, CacheContext, Tag, Owner); if (command.Execute(new List <string> { blockName }).Equals(false)) { while (ContextStack.Context != previousContext) { ContextStack.Pop(); } Owner = previousOwner; Structure = previousStructure; return(false); } command = (ContextStack.Context.GetCommand("EditBlock") as EditBlockCommand); Owner = command.Owner; Structure = command.Structure; if (Owner == null) { while (ContextStack.Context != previousContext) { ContextStack.Pop(); } Owner = previousOwner; Structure = previousStructure; return(false); } } var field = TagStructure.GetTagFieldEnumerable(Structure) .Find(f => f.Name == fieldName || f.Name.ToLower() == fieldNameLow); var fieldType = field.FieldType; if ((field == null) || (!fieldType.IsGenericType) || (fieldType.GetInterface("IList") == null)) { Console.WriteLine("ERROR: {0} does not contain a tag block named \"{1}\".", Structure.Types[0].Name, args[0]); while (ContextStack.Context != previousContext) { ContextStack.Pop(); } Owner = previousOwner; Structure = previousStructure; return(false); } var blockValue = field.GetValue(Owner) as IList; if (blockValue == null) { blockValue = Activator.CreateInstance(field.FieldType) as IList; field.SetValue(Owner, blockValue); } var elementType = field.FieldType.GenericTypeArguments[0]; var index = blockValue.Count - 1; var count = 1; var genericIndex = false; var genericCount = false; if (args.Count == 1) { count = 1; } else { if (args.Count >= 2) { if (args[1] == "*") { genericIndex = true; index = blockValue.Count; } else if (!int.TryParse(args[1], out index) || index < 0 || index >= blockValue.Count) { Console.WriteLine($"Invalid index specified: {args[1]}"); return(false); } } if (args.Count == 3) { if (args[2] == "*") { genericCount = true; count = blockValue.Count - index; } else if (!int.TryParse(args[2], out count) || count < 1) { Console.WriteLine($"Invalid number specified: {args[2]}"); return(false); } } } if (genericIndex && genericCount) { index = 0; count = blockValue.Count; } else if (genericIndex) { index -= count; if (index < 0) { index = 0; } } if (index + count > blockValue.Count) { Console.WriteLine($"ERROR: Too many block elements specified to be removed: {count}. Maximum at index {index} can be {blockValue.Count - index}"); return(false); } for (var i = 0; i < count; i++) { blockValue.RemoveAt(index); } field.SetValue(Owner, blockValue); var typeString = fieldType.IsGenericType ? $"{fieldType.Name}<{fieldType.GenericTypeArguments[0].Name}>" : fieldType.Name; var itemString = count < 2 ? "element" : "elements"; var valueString = ((IList)blockValue).Count != 0 ? $"{{...}}[{((IList)blockValue).Count}]" : "null"; Console.WriteLine($"Successfully removed {count} {itemString} from {field.Name} at index {index}: {typeString}"); Console.WriteLine(valueString); while (ContextStack.Context != previousContext) { ContextStack.Pop(); } Owner = previousOwner; Structure = previousStructure; return(true); }
public override bool Execute(List <string> args) { if (args.Count < 2) { return(false); } var fieldName = args[0]; var fieldNameLow = fieldName.ToLower(); var previousContext = Stack.Context; var previousOwner = Owner; var previousStructure = Structure; if (fieldName.Contains(".")) { var lastIndex = fieldName.LastIndexOf('.'); var blockName = fieldName.Substring(0, lastIndex); fieldName = fieldName.Substring(lastIndex + 1, (fieldName.Length - lastIndex) - 1); fieldNameLow = fieldName.ToLower(); var command = new EditBlockCommand(Stack, Info, Tag, Owner); if (!command.Execute(new List <string> { blockName })) { while (Stack.Context != previousContext) { Stack.Pop(); } Owner = previousOwner; Structure = previousStructure; return(false); } command = (Stack.Context.GetCommand("Edit") as EditBlockCommand); Owner = command.Owner; Structure = command.Structure; if (Owner == null) { while (Stack.Context != previousContext) { Stack.Pop(); } Owner = previousOwner; Structure = previousStructure; return(false); } } var enumerator = new TagFieldEnumerator(Structure); var field = enumerator.Find(f => f.Name == fieldName || f.Name.ToLower() == fieldNameLow); if (field == null) { Console.WriteLine("ERROR: {0} does not contain a field named \"{1}\".", Structure.Types[0].Name, fieldName); while (Stack.Context != previousContext) { Stack.Pop(); } Owner = previousOwner; Structure = previousStructure; return(false); } var fieldType = field.FieldType; var fieldValue = ParseArgs(field.FieldType, args.Skip(1).ToList()); if (fieldValue != null && fieldValue.Equals(false)) { while (Stack.Context != previousContext) { Stack.Pop(); } Owner = previousOwner; Structure = previousStructure; return(false); } field.SetValue(Owner, fieldValue); var typeString = fieldType.IsGenericType ? $"{fieldType.Name}<{fieldType.GenericTypeArguments[0].Name}>" : fieldType.Name; var valueString = fieldType == typeof(StringID) ? Info.StringIDs.GetString((StringID)fieldValue) : fieldType.GetInterface(typeof(IList).Name) != null ? (((IList)fieldValue).Count != 0 ? $"{{...}}[{((IList)fieldValue).Count}]" : "null") : fieldValue == null ? "null" : fieldValue.ToString(); Console.WriteLine("{0}: {1} = {2}", field.Name, typeString, valueString); while (Stack.Context != previousContext) { Stack.Pop(); } Owner = previousOwner; Structure = previousStructure; return(true); }
public override object Execute(List <string> args) { if (args.Count < 1) { return(false); } var fieldName = args[0]; var fieldNameLow = fieldName.ToLower(); var fieldNameSnake = fieldName.ToSnakeCase(); var previousContext = ContextStack.Context; var previousOwner = Owner; var previousStructure = Structure; var blockName = ""; if (fieldName.Contains(".")) { var lastIndex = fieldName.LastIndexOf('.'); blockName = fieldName.Substring(0, lastIndex); fieldName = fieldName.Substring(lastIndex + 1, (fieldName.Length - lastIndex) - 1); fieldNameLow = fieldName.ToLower(); fieldNameSnake = fieldName.ToSnakeCase(); var command = new EditBlockCommand(ContextStack, CacheContext, Tag, Owner); if (command.Execute(new List <string> { blockName }).Equals(false)) { while (ContextStack.Context != previousContext) { ContextStack.Pop(); } Owner = previousOwner; Structure = previousStructure; return(false); } command = (ContextStack.Context.GetCommand("EditBlock") as EditBlockCommand); Owner = command.Owner; Structure = command.Structure; if (Owner == null) { while (ContextStack.Context != previousContext) { ContextStack.Pop(); } Owner = previousOwner; Structure = previousStructure; return(false); } } var field = TagStructure.GetTagFieldEnumerable(Structure) .Find(f => f.Name == fieldName || f.Name.ToLower() == fieldNameLow || f.Name.ToSnakeCase() == fieldNameSnake); var ownerType = Owner.GetType(); if (field == null) { Console.WriteLine("{0} does not contain a block named \"{1}\"", ownerType.Name, fieldName); return(false); } IList fieldValue = null; if (field.FieldType.GetInterface("IList") == null || (fieldValue = (IList)field.GetValue(Owner)) == null) { Console.WriteLine("{0} does not contain a block named \"{1}\"", ownerType.Name, fieldName); return(false); } blockName = args[0]; args = args.Skip(1).ToList(); for (var i = 0; i < fieldValue.Count; i++) { while (ContextStack.Context != previousContext) { ContextStack.Pop(); } Owner = previousOwner; Structure = previousStructure; if (blockName != "" && new EditBlockCommand(ContextStack, CacheContext, Tag, Owner) .Execute(new List <string> { $"{blockName}[{i}]" }) .Equals(false)) { return(false); } Console.Write($"[{i}] "); ContextStack.Context.GetCommand(args[0]).Execute(args.Skip(1).ToList()); } while (ContextStack.Context != previousContext) { ContextStack.Pop(); } Owner = previousOwner; Structure = previousStructure; return(true); }
public override bool Execute(List<string> args) { if (args.Count < 2) return false; var fieldName = args[0]; var fieldNameLow = fieldName.ToLower(); var previousContext = Stack.Context; var previousOwner = Owner; var previousStructure = Structure; if (fieldName.Contains(".")) { var lastIndex = fieldName.LastIndexOf('.'); var blockName = fieldName.Substring(0, lastIndex); fieldName = fieldName.Substring(lastIndex + 1, (fieldName.Length - lastIndex) - 1); fieldNameLow = fieldName.ToLower(); var command = new EditBlockCommand(Stack, Info, Tag, Owner); if (!command.Execute(new List<string> { blockName })) { while (Stack.Context != previousContext) Stack.Pop(); Owner = previousOwner; Structure = previousStructure; return false; } command = (Stack.Context.GetCommand("Edit") as EditBlockCommand); Owner = command.Owner; Structure = command.Structure; if (Owner == null) { while (Stack.Context != previousContext) Stack.Pop(); Owner = previousOwner; Structure = previousStructure; return false; } } var enumerator = new TagFieldEnumerator(Structure); var field = enumerator.Find(f => f.Name == fieldName || f.Name.ToLower() == fieldNameLow); if (field == null) { Console.WriteLine("ERROR: {0} does not contain a field named \"{1}\".", Structure.Types[0].Name, fieldName); while (Stack.Context != previousContext) Stack.Pop(); Owner = previousOwner; Structure = previousStructure; return false; } var fieldType = field.FieldType; var fieldValue = ParseArgs(field.FieldType, args.Skip(1).ToList()); if (fieldValue != null && fieldValue.Equals(false)) { while (Stack.Context != previousContext) Stack.Pop(); Owner = previousOwner; Structure = previousStructure; return false; } field.SetValue(Owner, fieldValue); var typeString = fieldType.IsGenericType ? $"{fieldType.Name}<{fieldType.GenericTypeArguments[0].Name}>" : fieldType.Name; var valueString = fieldType == typeof(StringID) ? Info.StringIDs.GetString((StringID)fieldValue) : fieldType.GetInterface(typeof(IList).Name) != null ? (((IList)fieldValue).Count != 0 ? $"{{...}}[{((IList)fieldValue).Count}]" : "null") : fieldValue == null ? "null" : fieldValue.ToString(); Console.WriteLine("{0}: {1} = {2}", field.Name, typeString, valueString); while (Stack.Context != previousContext) Stack.Pop(); Owner = previousOwner; Structure = previousStructure; return true; }
public override bool Execute(List<string> args) { if (args.Count < 1 || args.Count > 3) return false; var fieldName = args[0]; var fieldNameLow = fieldName.ToLower(); var previousContext = Stack.Context; var previousOwner = Owner; var previousStructure = Structure; if (fieldName.Contains(".")) { var lastIndex = fieldName.LastIndexOf('.'); var blockName = fieldName.Substring(0, lastIndex); fieldName = fieldName.Substring(lastIndex + 1, (fieldName.Length - lastIndex) - 1); fieldNameLow = fieldName.ToLower(); var command = new EditBlockCommand(Stack, Info, Tag, Owner); if (!command.Execute(new List<string> { blockName })) { while (Stack.Context != previousContext) Stack.Pop(); Owner = previousOwner; Structure = previousStructure; return false; } command = (Stack.Context.GetCommand("Edit") as EditBlockCommand); Owner = command.Owner; Structure = command.Structure; if (Owner == null) { while (Stack.Context != previousContext) Stack.Pop(); Owner = previousOwner; Structure = previousStructure; return false; } } var enumerator = new TagFieldEnumerator(Structure); var field = enumerator.Find(f => f.Name == fieldName || f.Name.ToLower() == fieldNameLow); var fieldType = field.FieldType; if ((field == null) || (!fieldType.IsGenericType) || (fieldType.GetInterface("IList") == null)) { Console.WriteLine("ERROR: {0} does not contain a tag block named \"{1}\".", Structure.Types[0].Name, args[0]); while (Stack.Context != previousContext) Stack.Pop(); Owner = previousOwner; Structure = previousStructure; return false; } var blockValue = field.GetValue(Owner) as IList; if (blockValue == null) { blockValue = Activator.CreateInstance(field.FieldType) as IList; field.SetValue(Owner, blockValue); } var elementType = field.FieldType.GenericTypeArguments[0]; var index = blockValue.Count - 1; var count = 1; var genericIndex = false; var genericCount = false; if (args.Count == 1) { count = 1; } else { if (args.Count >= 2) { if (args[1] == "*") { genericIndex = true; index = blockValue.Count; } else if (!int.TryParse(args[1], out index) || index < 0 || index >= blockValue.Count) { Console.WriteLine($"Invalid index specified: {args[1]}"); return false; } } if (args.Count == 3) { if (args[2] == "*") { genericCount = true; count = blockValue.Count - index; } else if (!int.TryParse(args[2], out count) || count < 1) { Console.WriteLine($"Invalid number specified: {args[2]}"); return false; } } } if (genericIndex && genericCount) { index = 0; count = blockValue.Count; } else if (genericIndex) { index -= count; if (index < 0) index = 0; } if (index + count > blockValue.Count) { Console.WriteLine($"ERROR: Too many block elements specified to be removed: {count}. Maximum at index {index} can be {blockValue.Count - index}"); return false; } for (var i = 0; i < count; i++) blockValue.RemoveAt(index); field.SetValue(Owner, blockValue); var typeString = fieldType.IsGenericType ? $"{fieldType.Name}<{fieldType.GenericTypeArguments[0].Name}>" : fieldType.Name; var itemString = count < 2 ? "element" : "elements"; var valueString = ((IList)blockValue).Count != 0 ? $"{{...}}[{((IList)blockValue).Count}]" : "null"; Console.WriteLine($"Successfully removed {count} {itemString} from {field.Name} at index {index}: {typeString}"); Console.WriteLine(valueString); while (Stack.Context != previousContext) Stack.Pop(); Owner = previousOwner; Structure = previousStructure; return true; }
public override bool Execute(List<string> args) { if (args.Count < 1 || args.Count > 2) return false; if (CopyElementsCommand.Elements == null) { Console.WriteLine("ERROR: No elements are available in the clipboard."); return false; } var fieldName = args[0]; var fieldNameLow = fieldName.ToLower(); var previousContext = Stack.Context; var previousOwner = Owner; var previousStructure = Structure; if (fieldName.Contains(".")) { var lastIndex = fieldName.LastIndexOf('.'); var blockName = fieldName.Substring(0, lastIndex); fieldName = fieldName.Substring(lastIndex + 1, (fieldName.Length - lastIndex) - 1); fieldNameLow = fieldName.ToLower(); var command = new EditBlockCommand(Stack, Info, Tag, Owner); if (!command.Execute(new List<string> { blockName })) { while (Stack.Context != previousContext) Stack.Pop(); Owner = previousOwner; Structure = previousStructure; return false; } command = (Stack.Context.GetCommand("Edit") as EditBlockCommand); Owner = command.Owner; Structure = command.Structure; if (Owner == null) { while (Stack.Context != previousContext) Stack.Pop(); Owner = previousOwner; Structure = previousStructure; return false; } } var index = -1; if (args.Count > 1) { if (args[1] != "*" && (!int.TryParse(args[1], out index) || index < 0)) { Console.WriteLine($"Invalid index specified: {args[1]}"); return false; } } var enumerator = new TagFieldEnumerator(Structure); var field = enumerator.Find(f => f.Name == fieldName || f.Name.ToLower() == fieldNameLow); var fieldType = field.FieldType; if ((field == null) || (!fieldType.IsGenericType) || (fieldType.GetInterface("IList") == null)) { Console.WriteLine("ERROR: {0} does not contain a tag block named \"{1}\".", Structure.Types[0].Name, args[0]); while (Stack.Context != previousContext) Stack.Pop(); Owner = previousOwner; Structure = previousStructure; return false; } var elementType = field.FieldType.GenericTypeArguments[0]; if (elementType != CopyElementsCommand.ElementType) { Console.WriteLine("Invalid block element type!"); return false; } var blockValue = field.GetValue(Owner) as IList; if (blockValue == null) { blockValue = Activator.CreateInstance(field.FieldType) as IList; field.SetValue(Owner, blockValue); } if (index > blockValue.Count) { Console.WriteLine($"Invalid index specified: {args[2]}"); return false; } for (var i = 0; i < CopyElementsCommand.Elements.Count; i++) { var element = CopyElementsCommand.Elements[i]; if (index == -1) blockValue.Add(element); else blockValue.Insert(index + i, element); } field.SetValue(Owner, blockValue); var typeString = fieldType.IsGenericType ? $"{fieldType.Name}<{fieldType.GenericTypeArguments[0].Name}>" : fieldType.Name; var itemString = CopyElementsCommand.Elements.Count < 2 ? "element" : "elements"; var valueString = ((IList)blockValue).Count != 0 ? $"{{...}}[{((IList)blockValue).Count}]" : "null"; Console.WriteLine($"Successfully pasted {CopyElementsCommand.Elements.Count} {itemString} to {field.Name}: {typeString}"); Console.WriteLine(valueString); while (Stack.Context != previousContext) Stack.Pop(); Owner = previousOwner; Structure = previousStructure; return true; }
public override object Execute(List <string> args) { if (args.Count < 2) { return(false); } var fieldName = args[0]; var file = new FileInfo(args[1]); var fieldNameLow = fieldName.ToLower(); var fieldNameSnake = fieldName.ToSnakeCase(); var previousContext = ContextStack.Context; var previousOwner = Owner; var previousStructure = Structure; if (fieldName.Contains(".")) { var lastIndex = fieldName.LastIndexOf('.'); var blockName = fieldName.Substring(0, lastIndex); fieldName = fieldName.Substring(lastIndex + 1, (fieldName.Length - lastIndex) - 1); fieldNameLow = fieldName.ToLower(); fieldNameSnake = fieldName.ToSnakeCase(); var command = new EditBlockCommand(ContextStack, CacheContext, Tag, Owner); if (command.Execute(new List <string> { blockName }).Equals(false)) { while (ContextStack.Context != previousContext) { ContextStack.Pop(); } Owner = previousOwner; Structure = previousStructure; return(false); } command = (ContextStack.Context.GetCommand("EditBlock") as EditBlockCommand); Owner = command.Owner; Structure = command.Structure; if (Owner == null) { while (ContextStack.Context != previousContext) { ContextStack.Pop(); } Owner = previousOwner; Structure = previousStructure; return(false); } } var field = TagStructure.GetTagFieldEnumerable(Structure) .Find(f => f.Name == fieldName || f.Name.ToLower() == fieldNameLow || f.Name.ToSnakeCase() == fieldNameSnake); if (field == null) { Console.WriteLine($"ERROR: {Structure.Types[0].Name} does not contain a field named \"{fieldName}\"."); while (ContextStack.Context != previousContext) { ContextStack.Pop(); } Owner = previousOwner; Structure = previousStructure; return(false); } else if (field.FieldType != typeof(PageableResource)) { Console.WriteLine($"ERROR: {Structure.Types[0].Name}.{field.Name} is not of type {nameof(PageableResource)}."); while (ContextStack.Context != previousContext) { ContextStack.Pop(); } Owner = previousOwner; Structure = previousStructure; return(false); } var fieldType = field.FieldType; var fieldAttrs = field.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(TagFieldAttribute), false); var fieldAttr = fieldAttrs?.Length < 1 ? new TagFieldAttribute() : (TagFieldAttribute)fieldAttrs[0]; var fieldInfo = new TagFieldInfo(field, fieldAttr, uint.MaxValue, uint.MaxValue); var fieldValue = field.GetValue(Owner) as PageableResource; if (!file.Directory.Exists) { file.Directory.Create(); } File.WriteAllBytes(file.FullName, CacheContext.ExtractRawResource(fieldValue)); Console.WriteLine($"Wrote 0x{fieldValue.Page.CompressedBlockSize:X} bytes to \"{file.FullName}\"."); while (ContextStack.Context != previousContext) { ContextStack.Pop(); } Owner = previousOwner; Structure = previousStructure; return(true); }