public static void Output(this object value, int lineNumber = -1) { if (Program.CommandLineMode) { Info(string.Format(lineNumber != -1 ? "Script output line #{0}: {1}" : "Script output: {1}", lineNumber, value)); return; } if (ScriptOutputForm.DontShow) { return; } var caption = string.Format("Script output{0}", lineNumber > 0 ? " at line " + lineNumber : ""); var isHourglass = Hourglass.Enabled; if (isHourglass) { Hourglass.Enabled = false; } ScriptOutputForm.ShowObject(value, caption); if (isHourglass) { Hourglass.Enabled = true; } }
public static void OutputErrors(IEnumerable <TabularNamedObject> items) { if (ScriptOutputForm.DontShow) { return; } var caption = string.Format("Objects with errors ({0})", items.Count()); ScriptOutputForm.ShowObject(items, caption, true); }
public static void Output(this object value, int lineNumber = -1) { // TODO: Make this output to the console, when running in command-line mode if (ScriptOutputForm.DontShow) { return; } var caption = string.Format("Script output{0}", lineNumber > 0 ? " at line " + lineNumber : ""); var isHourglass = Hourglass.Enabled; if (isHourglass) { Hourglass.Enabled = false; } ScriptOutputForm.ShowObject(value, caption); if (isHourglass) { Hourglass.Enabled = true; } }