예제 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Create SQL statement for creating temporary table (if merge command is used, an index is created)
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>sql create temporary table command</returns>
        public static string GetCreateTempTable(IsagCustomProperties properties, string tempTableName)
            string returnValue  = "";
            string indexColumns = "";

            foreach (ColumnConfig config in properties.BulkCopyColumnConfigLIst)
                if (returnValue != "")
                    returnValue += ", ";

                returnValue += Brackets(config.BulkColumnName) + " ";
                returnValue += config.BulkDataType + Environment.NewLine;

                if (properties.UseMerge && config.Key)
                    if (indexColumns != "")
                        indexColumns += ", ";
                    indexColumns += Brackets(config.BulkColumnName) + " ASC";

            returnValue = "CREATE TABLE " + tempTableName + Environment.NewLine +
                          "( " + returnValue + " )";

            if (properties.UseMerge)
                returnValue += ";" + Environment.NewLine + Constants.CREATE_INDEX.Replace("<table>", tempTableName).Replace("<columns>", indexColumns);

예제 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Create SQL statement for creating destination table
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="properties">componets custom properties</param>
        /// <returns>sql statement for creating destination table</returns>
        public static string GetCreateDestinationTable(IsagCustomProperties properties)
            StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder("CREATE TABLE [TableLoader Destination] (" + Environment.NewLine);

            bool appendComma = false;

            foreach (ColumnConfig config in properties.ColumnConfigList)
                if (config.HasInput)
                    if (appendComma)
                        result.Append("," + Environment.NewLine);
                    appendComma = true;
                    result.Append("  ");
                    result.Append(" ");


예제 #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Apply standard configuration to custom properties
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="isagCustomProperties">component custom porperties</param>
        public void SetStandardConfiguration(ref IsagCustomProperties isagCustomProperties)
            if (!isagCustomProperties.AutoUpdateStandardConfiguration)

            if (!HasConnection)
                throw new Exception("The Connection Manager for the Standard Configuration is missing.");
                DataTable dt = GetStandardConfigurationAsDataTable();
                if (dt.Rows.Count == 0)
                    throw new Exception("The Configuration Table is empty or the Database connection is not valid.");

                Dictionary <string, DataRow> cfgList = GetStandardConfigurationAsDictionary();

                if (!cfgList.ContainsKey(isagCustomProperties.StandarConfiguration))
                    throw new Exception("The Standard Configuration \"" + isagCustomProperties.StandarConfiguration + "\" could not be found in the configuration table.");

                SetStandardConfiguration(ref isagCustomProperties, cfgList[isagCustomProperties.StandarConfiguration]);
예제 #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Create SQL statement for altering destination table
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="properties">componets custom properties</param>
        /// <param name="tempTableName">temporary table name</param>
        /// <returns>sql statement for altering destination table</returns>
        public static string GetAlterDestinationTable(IsagCustomProperties properties, SqlColumnList sqlColumns)
            string result = "";

            if (properties.HasDestinationTable)
                foreach (ColumnConfig config in properties.ColumnConfigList)
                    string outputColumnName = sqlColumns.GetMatchingColumnname(config.InputColumnName, properties.PrefixInput, properties.PrefixOutput);
                    if (config.HasInput && outputColumnName == "")
                        if (result == "")
                            result += "  ADD ";
                            result += "," + Environment.NewLine + "      ";
                        result += Brackets(config.InputColumnName) + " " + config.DataTypeInput;

            return("ALTER TABLE " + Brackets(properties.DestinationTable) + Environment.NewLine + result);
예제 #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Apply standard configuration to custom properties
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="isagCustomProperties">component custom porperties</param>
        /// <param name="row">data row</param>
        public void SetStandardConfiguration(ref IsagCustomProperties isagCustomProperties, DataRow row)
                isagCustomProperties.ChunckSizeBulk     = (long)row["ChunkSizeBulk"];
                isagCustomProperties.ChunkSizeDbCommand = (long)row["ChunkSizeDbCommand"];
                isagCustomProperties.TimeOutDb          = (int)row["DbTimeout"];
                isagCustomProperties.MaxThreadCount     = (long)row["MaxThreadCount"];
                isagCustomProperties.PrefixInput        = row["PreFixInput"].ToString();
                isagCustomProperties.PrefixOutput       = row["PreFixOutput"].ToString();

                IsagCustomProperties.TableLoaderType tableLoaderType =
                    (IsagCustomProperties.TableLoaderType)Enum.Parse(typeof(IsagCustomProperties.TableLoaderType), row["TableLoaderType"].ToString());
                IsagCustomProperties.DbCommandType dbCommand =
                    (IsagCustomProperties.DbCommandType)Enum.Parse(typeof(IsagCustomProperties.DbCommandType), row["DbCommand"].ToString());
                IsagCustomProperties.TransactionType transaction =
                    (IsagCustomProperties.TransactionType)Enum.Parse(typeof(IsagCustomProperties.TransactionType), row["TransactionType"].ToString());

                isagCustomProperties.TlType      = tableLoaderType;
                isagCustomProperties.DbCommand   = dbCommand;
                isagCustomProperties.Transaction = transaction;
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw new Exception(ex.Message);
 /// <summary>
 /// constructor
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="isagCustomProperties">custom properties for the component</param>
 /// <param name="events">Isag events</param>
 /// <param name="componentMetaData">SSIS metadata for the component</param>
 /// <param name="variableDispenser">SSIS variable dispenser</param>
 public TlDbCommand(IsagCustomProperties isagCustomProperties, IsagEvents events,
                    IDTSComponentMetaData100 componentMetaData, IDTSVariableDispenser100 variableDispenser)
     _IsagCustomProperties = isagCustomProperties;
     _events            = events;
     _componentMetaData = componentMetaData;
     _variableDispenser = variableDispenser;
예제 #7
        /// <summary>
        /// Constructor (altering a table)
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="properties">SSIS components properites</param>
        /// <param name="sqlColumns">Sql column list</param>
        /// <param name="con">Sql connection</param>
        public frmCreateTable(IsagCustomProperties properties, SqlColumnList sqlColumns, SqlConnection con)

            this.Text  = "Alter Table";
            tbSql.Text = SqlCreator.GetAlterDestinationTable(properties, sqlColumns);
            _con       = con;
예제 #8
        /// <summary>
        /// Constructor (creating a table)
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="properties">SSIS components properites</param>
        /// <param name="con">Sql connection</param>
        public frmCreateTable(IsagCustomProperties properties, SqlConnection con)

            this.Text  = "Create Table";
            tbSql.Text = SqlCreator.GetCreateDestinationTable(properties);
            _con       = con;
        /// <summary>
        /// load this properties from an xml string
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="xml">xml string</param>
        /// <returns>instance of IsagCustomProperties</returns>
        public static IsagCustomProperties LoadFromXml(string xml)
            XmlSerializer serializer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(IsagCustomProperties));

            StringReader         reader = new StringReader(xml);
            IsagCustomProperties result = (IsagCustomProperties)serializer.Deserialize(reader);

예제 #10
 /// <summary>
 /// constructor
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="events">Isag events</param>
 /// <param name="conn">Main sql connection</param>
 /// <param name="isagCustomProperties">components custom properties</param>
 /// <param name="dbCommand">Database command type</param>
 /// <param name="bulkConn">Bulk csql connection</param>
 /// <param name="componentMetaData">SSIS component metadata</param>
 public TxAll(IsagEvents events, SqlConnection conn,
              IsagCustomProperties isagCustomProperties, TlDbCommand dbCommand, SqlConnection bulkConn,
              IDTSComponentMetaData100 componentMetaData)
     _events = events;
     _conn   = conn;
     _IsagCustomProperties = isagCustomProperties;
     _dbCommand            = dbCommand;
     _bulkConn             = bulkConn;
     _componentMetaData    = componentMetaData;
예제 #11
        /// <summary>
        /// Constructor (creating an SCD table)
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="properties">SSIS components properites</param>
        /// <param name="columnConfigList">Column config list</param>
        /// <param name="con">Sql connection</param>
        public frmCreateTable(IsagCustomProperties properties, BindingList <ColumnConfig> columnConfigList, SqlConnection con)
            btnOk.Enabled = false;

            this.Text = "Create SCD Table";
            SCDList scdList = new SCDList(columnConfigList, properties.DestinationTable);

            tbSql.Text = scdList.GetCreateScdTables();
            _con       = con;
예제 #12
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates SQL Update command
        /// <param name="properties">componets custom properties</param>
        /// <param name="tempTableName">temporary table name</param>
        /// <returns>sql update command</returns>
        public static string GetSqlUpdate(IsagCustomProperties properties, string tempTableName)
            string destTable = Brackets(properties.DestinationTable);
            string tempTable = Brackets(tempTableName);

            string result = "update " + destTable;

            if (!properties.DisableTablock)
                result += " WITH (tablockx)";
            result += Environment.NewLine + "set ";
            string sqlSet   = "";
            string sqlfrom  = "from " + tempTable;
            string sqlWhere = "";

            foreach (ColumnConfig config in properties.ColumnConfigList)
                if (config.Update)
                    if (sqlSet != "")
                        sqlSet += "," + Environment.NewLine + "      ";

                    sqlSet += destTable + "." + Brackets(config.OutputColumnName) + "=";
                    if (config.HasFunction)
                        sqlSet += config.Function + " ";
                        sqlSet += tempTable + "." + Brackets(config.BulkColumnName);
                //create where clause
                if (config.Key)
                    if (sqlWhere != "")
                        sqlWhere += " and ";
                    sqlWhere += tempTable + "." + Brackets(config.BulkColumnName) + "=" + destTable + "." + Brackets(config.OutputColumnName);

            result += sqlSet + Environment.NewLine + sqlfrom + Environment.NewLine + "where " + sqlWhere;

            return(ReplacePlaceHolderInputColumn(result, tempTable + "."));
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes custom properties
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="needsStandardConfiguration">Is standard configuration needed?</param>
        private void InitProperties(bool needsStandardConfiguration)
                _IsagCustomProperties = IsagCustomProperties.Load(ComponentMetaData, needsStandardConfiguration);
            catch (Exception ex)
                _events.FireError(new string[] { "InitProperties", "Load", ex.Message });

            _events        = new IsagEvents(ComponentMetaData, VariableDispenser, _IsagCustomProperties.DestinationTable, _IsagCustomProperties.CustumLoggingTemplate, _IsagCustomProperties.LogLevel);
            Logging.Events = _events;
예제 #14
        /// <summary>
        /// constructor
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="input">SSIS input</param>
        /// <param name="isagCustomProperties">Components custom properties</param>
        /// <param name="cstr">Conectionststring</param>
        /// <param name="conn">Sql connection</param>
        /// <param name="events">Isag events</param>
        /// <param name="dbCommandEventType">Database command event type</param>
        /// <param name="dbCommandTemplate">Database command template</param>
        /// <param name="status"></param>
        public ThreadHandler(IDTSInput100 input, IsagCustomProperties isagCustomProperties,
                             string cstr, SqlConnection conn, IsagEvents events,
                             IsagEvents.IsagEventType dbCommandEventType, string[] dbCommandTemplate, Status status)
            _conn = conn;

            if (dbCommandTemplate != null)
                _dbCmdThread = new ThreadDbCommand(conn, dbCommandEventType, isagCustomProperties.TimeOutDb, isagCustomProperties.Reattempts, dbCommandTemplate);

            _maxAllowdThreads     = isagCustomProperties.MaxThreadCount;
            _input                = input;
            _isagCustomProperties = isagCustomProperties;
            _timeoutDb            = isagCustomProperties.TimeOutDb;
            _reattempts           = isagCustomProperties.Reattempts;
            _cstr   = cstr;
            _events = events;
            _status = status;
        /// <summary>
        /// Provides the component properties
        /// </summary>
        public override void ProvideComponentProperties()

            _IsagCustomProperties = new IsagCustomProperties();
            ComponentMetaDataTools.UpdateVersion(this, ComponentMetaData);

            //Set metadata version to DLL-Version
            DtsPipelineComponentAttribute componentAttr =
                (DtsPipelineComponentAttribute)Attribute.GetCustomAttribute(this.GetType(), typeof(DtsPipelineComponentAttribute), false);
            int binaryVersion = componentAttr.CurrentVersion;

            ComponentMetaData.Version = binaryVersion;

            //Clear out base implmentation

            IDTSInput100 input = this.ComponentMetaData.InputCollection.New();

            input.Name           = Constants.INPUT_NAME;
            input.Description    = Constants.INPUT_NAME;
            input.HasSideEffects = true;

            //New connection managers
            IDTSRuntimeConnection100 conn = this.ComponentMetaData.RuntimeConnectionCollection.New();

            conn.Name        = Constants.CONNECTION_MANAGER_NAME_MAIN;
            conn.Description = "Main Connection to SQL Server";

            //Custom Properties hinzufügen
            IDTSCustomProperty100 prop = ComponentMetaData.CustomPropertyCollection.New();

            prop.Name = Constants.PROP_CONFIG;

        /// <summary>
        /// load this properties from an xml string (taken from component metadatas custom properties
        /// and loads standard configuration if needed
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="componentMetaData">the components metddata</param>
        /// <param name="needsStandardConfiguration">Is standard configuration needed?</param>
        /// <returns>instance of IsagCustomProperties</returns>
        public static IsagCustomProperties Load(IDTSComponentMetaData100 componentMetaData, bool needsStandardConfiguration)
            IsagCustomProperties properties;

                properties = LoadFromXml(componentMetaData.CustomPropertyCollection[Constants.PROP_CONFIG].Value.ToString());
            catch (Exception ex)
                if (!needsStandardConfiguration)
                    properties = new IsagCustomProperties();
                    throw new Exception("Cannot load the Configuration: " + ex.Message);

                StandardConfiguration stdConfiguration = new StandardConfiguration(componentMetaData.RuntimeConnectionCollection, properties.AutoUpdateStandardConfiguration);
                stdConfiguration.SetStandardConfiguration(ref properties);
            catch (Exception ex)
                if (needsStandardConfiguration)
                    throw new Exception("Cannot load Standard Configuration: " + ex.Message);

예제 #17
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates SQL insert command
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="properties">componets custom properties</param>
 /// <param name="tempTableName">temporary table name</param>
 /// <returns>sql insert command</returns>
 public static string GetSqlInsert(IsagCustomProperties properties, string tempTableName)
     return(GetSqlInsert(properties, tempTableName, false));
예제 #18
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates SQL merge command (only SQL Server 2008 and above)
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="properties">componets custom properties</param>
        /// <param name="tempTableName">temporary table name</param>
        /// <param name="overrideCustomMergeCommand">If true, only custom merge template is returned (used for preview) </param>
        /// <returns>sql merge command</returns>
        public static string GetSqlMerge(IsagCustomProperties properties, string tempTableName, bool overrideCustomMergeCommand)
            if (properties.UseCustomMergeCommand && !overrideCustomMergeCommand)
                string destTable = properties.DestinationTable;
                string tempTable = tempTableName;

                string result  = "merge ";
                string sqlInto = "into " + Brackets(destTable); // +" with (tablockx) as dest ";
                if (!properties.DisableTablock)
                    sqlInto += " with (tablockx)";
                sqlInto += " as dest ";
                string sqlUsing  = "using " + Brackets(tempTable) + " as src ";
                string sqlOn     = "";
                string sqlUpdate = "";
                string sqlInsert = "";
                string sqlValues = "";

                foreach (ColumnConfig config in properties.ColumnConfigList)
                    if (config.Update)
                        if (sqlUpdate != "")
                            sqlUpdate += ", ";
                        sqlUpdate += "dest." + Brackets(config.OutputColumnName) + " = ";
                        if (config.HasFunction)
                            sqlUpdate += config.Function + " ";
                            sqlUpdate += "src." + Brackets(config.BulkColumnName) + " ";

                    if (config.Insert)
                        if (sqlInsert != "")
                            sqlInsert += ", ";
                        if (sqlValues != "")
                            sqlValues += ", ";

                        sqlInsert += Brackets(config.OutputColumnName);

                        //Default Values for Insert: isnull(<columnname>, <defaultValue>)
                        sqlValues += config.GetColumnExpression();

                    if (config.Key)
                        if (sqlOn != "")
                            sqlOn += " and ";
                        sqlOn += config.GetColumnExpression() + " = " + "dest." + Brackets(config.OutputColumnName) + " "; //"src." + Brackets(config.BulkColumnName)

                sqlOn = "ON " + sqlOn;
                if (sqlUpdate != "")
                    sqlUpdate = "WHEN MATCHED THEN UPDATE SET " + sqlUpdate;
                if (sqlInsert != "")
                    sqlInsert = "WHEN NOT MATCHED BY TARGET THEN INSERT (" + sqlInsert + ") ";
                    sqlValues = "VALUES (" + sqlValues + ")";

                sqlValues += ";";

                result += sqlInto + Environment.NewLine + sqlUsing + Environment.NewLine + sqlOn + Environment.NewLine +
                          sqlUpdate + Environment.NewLine + sqlInsert + Environment.NewLine + sqlValues;

                result = ReplacePlaceHolderInputColumn(result, "src.");

                if (properties.HasScd)
                    SCDList scd = new SCDList(properties.ColumnConfigList, properties.DestinationTable);
                    result = scd.InsertIntoMergeStatement(result, properties, tempTableName.Replace("#", "SCD_"), properties.EnableIndexOnSCD);

예제 #19
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates SQL insert command
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="properties">componets custom properties</param>
        /// <param name="tempTableName">temporary table name</param>
        /// <param name="overrideCustomMergeCommand">If true, only custom sql template is returned (used for preview) </param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static string GetSqlInsert(IsagCustomProperties properties, string tempTableName, bool overrideCustomMergeCommand)
            if (properties.UseCustomMergeCommand && !overrideCustomMergeCommand)
                string insert       = "";
                string insertValues = "";
                string insertDefault;
                string insertValue;
                string placeholder;

                foreach (ColumnConfig config in properties.ColumnConfigList)
                    if (config.Insert)
                        if (insert != "")
                            insert += ", ";
                        if (insertValues != "")
                            insertValues += ", ";
                        insert += Brackets(config.OutputColumnName);

                        insertValue = Brackets(config.BulkColumnName);
                        if (config.HasDefault)
                            insertDefault = "isnull(cast(" + insertValue + " as " + config.DataTypeOutput + ") , "
                                            + config.Default + ")";
                            if (config.HasFunction)
                                placeholder   = "@(" + config.BulkColumnName + ")";
                                insertValues += config.Function.Replace(placeholder, insertDefault);
                                insertValues += insertDefault;
                        else if (config.HasFunction)
                            placeholder   = "@(" + config.BulkColumnName + ")";
                            insertValues += config.Function.Replace(placeholder, config.BulkColumnName);
                            insertValues += insertValue;

                string insertTmp = "INSERT INTO " + Brackets(properties.DestinationTable);
                if (!properties.DisableTablock)
                    insertTmp += " WITH (tablockx)";
                insertTmp += Environment.NewLine +
                             "  (" + insert + ")" + Environment.NewLine +
                             "SELECT " + insertValues + Environment.NewLine +
                             "FROM " + Brackets(tempTableName);
                insert = insertTmp;

                return(ReplacePlaceHolderInputColumn(insert, ""));
예제 #20
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates pseudo SQL merge command
        /// (merge statement is not available for SQL Server < 2008)
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="properties">componets custom properties</param>
        /// <param name="tempTableName">temporary table name</param>
        /// <param name="overrideCustomMergeCommand">If true, only the updated_id tablename is replaced (used for preview) </param>
        /// <returns>pseudo sql merge command</returns>
        public static string GetSqlMerge2005(IsagCustomProperties properties, string tempTableName, bool overrideCustomMergeCommand)
            if (properties.UseCustomMergeCommand && !overrideCustomMergeCommand)
                       .Replace(Constants.TEMP_UPD_TABLE_PLACEHOLDER, "[#updated_ids_" + Guid.NewGuid().ToString() + "]"));
                string varUpdated_ids;
                if (properties.UseCustomMergeCommand)
                    varUpdated_ids = Constants.TEMP_UPD_TABLE_PLACEHOLDER;
                    varUpdated_ids = "[#updated_ids_" + Guid.NewGuid().ToString() + "]";

                string destTable = properties.DestinationTable;
                string declare   = "";

                string sqlUpdate       = "";
                string sqlUpdateOutput = "";
                string sqlUpdateWhere  = "";

                string sqlInsert                 = "";
                string sqlInsertValues           = "";
                string sqlInsertLeftJoinOn       = "";
                string sqlInsertLeftJoinWhere    = "";
                string sqlInsertValuesDefinition = "";

                foreach (ColumnConfig config in properties.ColumnConfigList)
                    if (config.Key)
                        if (declare != "")
                            declare += ", ";
                        declare += config.OutputColumnName + " " + config.DataTypeOutput;

                        if (sqlUpdateOutput != "")
                            sqlUpdateOutput += ", ";
                        sqlUpdateOutput += "inserted." + Brackets(config.OutputColumnName);

                        //where (Update)
                        if (sqlUpdateWhere != "")
                            sqlUpdateWhere += " AND ";
                        sqlUpdateWhere += "src." + Brackets(config.BulkColumnName) + " = " + "dest." + Brackets(config.OutputColumnName);

                        //where (insert: Left Join On)
                        if (sqlInsertLeftJoinOn != "")
                            sqlInsertLeftJoinOn += " AND ";
                        sqlInsertLeftJoinOn += "upd." + Brackets(config.OutputColumnName) + " = " + "src." + Brackets(config.BulkColumnName);

                        //where (insert: Left Join WHere)
                        if (sqlInsertLeftJoinWhere != "")
                            sqlInsertLeftJoinWhere += " AND ";
                        sqlInsertLeftJoinWhere += "upd." + Brackets(config.OutputColumnName) + " IS NULL";

                    if (config.Update)
                        if (sqlUpdate != "")
                            sqlUpdate += ", ";

                        sqlUpdate += Brackets(config.OutputColumnName) + " = ";

                        if (config.HasFunction)
                            sqlUpdate += config.Function + " ";
                            sqlUpdate += "src." + Brackets(config.BulkColumnName) + " ";

                    if (config.Insert)
                        if (sqlInsertValuesDefinition != "")
                            sqlInsertValuesDefinition += ", ";
                        if (sqlInsertValues != "")
                            sqlInsertValues += ", ";

                        sqlInsertValuesDefinition += Brackets(config.OutputColumnName);

                        if (config.HasDefault) //Default Values for Insert: isnull(<columnname>, <defaultValue>)
                            sqlInsertValues += " isnull(cast(src." + Brackets(config.BulkColumnName) + " as " + config.DataTypeOutput + ") ," + config.Default + ")";
                        else if (config.HasFunction)
                            sqlInsertValues += config.Function + " ";
                        { //no Default Value or function
                            sqlInsertValues += "src." + Brackets(config.BulkColumnName) + " ";

                if (sqlUpdate != "")
                    declare = "CREATE TABLE " + varUpdated_ids + "  (" + declare + ");" + Environment.NewLine;
                    declare = "";

                if (sqlUpdate != "")
                    string sqlUpdateTmp = "UPDATE " + destTable + Environment.NewLine;
                    if (!properties.DisableTablock)
                        sqlUpdateTmp += "WITH (Tablockx)" + Environment.NewLine;
                    sqlUpdateTmp += "SET " + sqlUpdate + Environment.NewLine +
                                    "OUTPUT " + sqlUpdateOutput + " INTO " + varUpdated_ids + Environment.NewLine +
                                    "FROM " + destTable + " dest, " + tempTableName + " src" + Environment.NewLine +
                                    "WHERE " + sqlUpdateWhere + ";" + Environment.NewLine;
                    sqlUpdate = sqlUpdateTmp;
                sqlInsert = "INSERT INTO " + destTable;
                if (!properties.DisableTablock)
                    sqlInsert += " WITH (Tablockx)";
                sqlInsert += Environment.NewLine +
                             "(" + sqlInsertValuesDefinition + ")" + Environment.NewLine +
                             "SELECT " + sqlInsertValues + " FROM " + tempTableName + " src" + Environment.NewLine;
                if (sqlUpdate != "")
                    sqlInsert +=
                        "LEFT JOIN " + varUpdated_ids + " upd" + Environment.NewLine +
                        "ON " + sqlInsertLeftJoinOn + Environment.NewLine +
                        "WHERE " + sqlInsertLeftJoinWhere + Environment.NewLine;

                sqlInsert += ";";

                return(ReplacePlaceHolderInputColumn(declare + sqlUpdate + sqlInsert, "src."));
예제 #21
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates SQL insert (using stored procedure) command
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="properties">componets custom properties</param>
        /// <param name="tempTableName">temporary table name</param>
        /// <returns>sql insert (using stored procedure) command</returns>
        public static string GetSqlInsertSP(IsagCustomProperties properties, string tempTableName)
            string result = "";

            string spStart =
                "CREATE PROCEDURE " + "<SPName>" + Environment.NewLine +
                "as" + Environment.NewLine +
                "BEGIN" + Environment.NewLine +
                "  set nocount on" + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine;
            string spEnd =
                Environment.NewLine +
                "  Close myInsertCursor" + Environment.NewLine +
                "  Deallocate myInsertCursor" + Environment.NewLine +
                "  set nocount off" + Environment.NewLine +
                "END" + Environment.NewLine;

            string initVar            = "";
            string fetch              = "";
            string initCursor         = "";
            string initCursorLeftJoin = "";
            string initCursorWhere    = "";
            string insert             = "";
            string insertValues       = "";

            string insertDefault;
            string insertValue;

            foreach (ColumnConfig config in properties.ColumnConfigList)
                if (config.Insert)
                    if (insert != "")
                        insert += ", ";
                    if (insertValues != "")
                        insertValues += ", ";
                    insert += config.OutputColumnName;

                    insertValue = "@(" + config.BulkColumnName + ")";
                    if (config.HasDefault)
                        insertDefault = "isnull(cast(" + insertValue + " as " + config.DataTypeOutput + ") , "
                                        + config.Default + ")";
                        if (config.HasFunction)
                            insertValues += config.Function.Replace(insertValue, insertDefault);
                            insertValues += insertDefault;
                    else if (config.HasFunction)
                        insertValues += config.Function;
                        insertValues += insertValue;

                    if (initCursor != "")
                        initCursor += ", ";
                    initCursor += Brackets(tempTableName) + "." + Brackets(config.BulkColumnName);

                    initVar += "  Declare @" + config.BulkColumnName +
                               " as " + config.BulkDataType + Environment.NewLine;

                    if (fetch != "")
                        fetch += ", ";
                    fetch += "  @" + config.BulkColumnName;

                if (config.Key)
                    if (initCursorLeftJoin != "")
                        initCursorLeftJoin += " and ";
                    initCursorLeftJoin += Brackets(tempTableName) + "." + Brackets(config.BulkColumnName) +
                                          " = " +
                                          Brackets(properties.DestinationTable) + "." + Brackets(config.OutputColumnName);

                    if (initCursorWhere == "")
                        initCursorWhere = Brackets(properties.DestinationTable) + "." + Brackets(config.OutputColumnName) +
                                          " Is Null";

            insert = "    insert into " + Brackets(properties.DestinationTable) + Environment.NewLine +
                     "      (" + insert + ")" + Environment.NewLine +
                     "    Values (" + insertValues + ")";

            initCursor = Environment.NewLine +
                         "  Declare myInsertCursor cursor FORWARD_ONLY for" + Environment.NewLine +
                         "  Select " + initCursor + Environment.NewLine +
                         "  from " + Brackets(tempTableName) + Environment.NewLine +
                         "  Left Join " + Brackets(properties.DestinationTable) + Environment.NewLine +
                         "  On " + initCursorLeftJoin + Environment.NewLine +
                         "  Where " + initCursorWhere + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine;

            fetch = Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine +
                    "  FETCH NEXT from myInsertCursor into" + Environment.NewLine + fetch + Environment.NewLine;

            result = spStart + initVar + initCursor + "  Open myInsertCursor" + fetch + Environment.NewLine +
                     "  While @@fetch_status = 0 begin" + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine + insert +
                     fetch.Replace(Environment.NewLine, Environment.NewLine + "  ") + Environment.NewLine +
                     "  END --while Insert" + Environment.NewLine +

            return(ReplacePlaceHolderInputColumn(result, "@"));