private async void Download_MouseUp(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e) { MainWindow.AddPage(new PleaseWait()); var ser = Database.GetSeries((int)episode.seriesId); Torrent torrent = await Torrent.SearchSingle(ser, episode, Settings.DownloadQuality); if (torrent != null) { TorrentDownloader downloader = new TorrentDownloader(torrent); await downloader.Download(); NotificationSender se = new NotificationSender("Download started", Helper.GenerateName(Database.GetSeries((int)episode.seriesId), episode)); se.ClickedEvent += (s, ev) => { Dispatcher.Invoke(() => { MainWindow.RemoveAllPages(); MainWindow.SetPage(new DownloadsView()); }, DispatcherPriority.Send); }; se.Show(); } else { await MessageBox.Show("Sorry, torrent not found"); } MainWindow.RemovePage(); }
private async void Stream_MouseLeftButtonUp(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e) { MainWindow.AddPage(new PleaseWait()); Torrent tor = await Torrent.SearchSingle(Database.GetSeries((int)episode.seriesId), episode, Settings.StreamQuality); MainWindow.RemovePage(); TorrentDownloader td = new TorrentDownloader(tor); await td.Stream(); }
private async static Task DownloadLastWeek() { await Task.Run(async() => { var series = Database.GetSeries().Where(x => x.autoDownload); var episodes = new Dictionary <Series, List <Episode> >(); foreach (var se in series) { //adds episodes that dont have files and have been released in last week episodes.Add(se, Database.GetEpisodes( => x.files.Count == 0 && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(x.firstAired) && Helper.ParseAirDate(x.firstAired) > DateTime.Now.AddDays(-7) && Helper.ParseAirDate(x.firstAired).AddDays(1) < DateTime.Now).ToList()); } foreach (var combination in episodes) { foreach (var episode in combination.Value) { if (TorrentDatabase.Load().Where(x => == == 0) { TorrentDownloader downloader = new TorrentDownloader(await Torrent.SearchSingle(combination.Key, episode, Settings.DownloadQuality)); await downloader.Download(); } } } }); }