public ProcessedEpisode(SeriesInfo ser, Season seas, ShowItem si) : base(ser, seas) { this.NextToAir = false; this.OverallNumber = -1; this.Ignore = false; this.EpNum2 = this.EpNum; this.SI = si; }
public Season GetOrAddSeason(int num, int seasonID) { if (this.Seasons.ContainsKey(num)) return this.Seasons[num]; Season s = new Season(this, num, seasonID); this.Seasons[num] = s; return s; }
public Episode(Episode O) { this.EpisodeID = O.EpisodeID; this.SeriesID = O.SeriesID; this.EpNum = O.EpNum; this.FirstAired = O.FirstAired; this.Srv_LastUpdated = O.Srv_LastUpdated; this.Overview = O.Overview; this.EpisodeRating = O.EpisodeRating; this.EpisodeGuestStars = O.EpisodeGuestStars; this.EpisodeDirector = O.EpisodeDirector; this.Writer = O.Writer; this.Name = O.Name; this.TheSeason = O.TheSeason; this.TheSeries = O.TheSeries; this.SeasonID = O.SeasonID; this.Dirty = O.Dirty; this.Items = new System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary<string, string>(); foreach (System.Collections.Generic.KeyValuePair<string, string> i in O.Items) this.Items.Add(i.Key, i.Value); }
public Banner(Banner O) { this.BannerId = O.BannerId; this.BannerPath = O.BannerPath; this.BannerType = O.BannerType; this.BannerType2 = O.BannerType2; this.Language = O.Language; this.Rating = O.Rating; this.RatingCount = O.RatingCount; this.SeasonID = O.SeasonID; this.SeriesID = O.SeriesID; this.Colors = O.Colors; this.ThumbnailPath = O.ThumbnailPath; this.VignettePath = O.VignettePath; this.SeriesName = O.SeriesName; this.Name = O.Name; this.TheSeason = O.TheSeason; this.TheSeries = O.TheSeries; }
private static string GetBestFolderLocationToOpen([NotNull] this ShowItem si, [NotNull] Season s) { Dictionary <int, List <string> > afl = si.AllExistngFolderLocations(); if (afl.ContainsKey(s.SeasonNumber)) { foreach (string folder in afl[s.SeasonNumber]) { if (Directory.Exists(folder)) { return(folder); } } } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(si.AutoAddFolderBase) && Directory.Exists(si.AutoAddFolderBase)) { return(si.AutoAddFolderBase); } return(string.Empty); }
public Episode(SeriesInfo ser, Season seas, XmlReader r, CommandLineArgs args) { // <Episode> // <id>...</id> // blah blah // </Episode> try { this.SetDefaults(ser, seas); r.Read(); if (r.Name != "Episode") return; r.Read(); while (!r.EOF) { if ((r.Name == "Episode") && (!r.IsStartElement())) break; if (r.Name == "id") this.EpisodeID = r.ReadElementContentAsInt(); else if (r.Name == "seriesid") this.SeriesID = r.ReadElementContentAsInt(); // thetvdb series id else if (r.Name == "seasonid") this.SeasonID = r.ReadElementContentAsInt(); else if (r.Name == "EpisodeNumber") this.EpNum = r.ReadElementContentAsInt(); else if (r.Name == "SeasonNumber") { String sn = r.ReadElementContentAsString(); int.TryParse(sn, out this.ReadSeasonNum); } else if (r.Name == "lastupdated") this.Srv_LastUpdated = r.ReadElementContentAsInt(); else if (r.Name == "Overview") this.Overview = Helpers.ReadStringFixQuotesAndSpaces(r); else if (r.Name == "Rating") this.EpisodeRating = Helpers.ReadStringFixQuotesAndSpaces(r); else if (r.Name == "GuestStars") this.EpisodeGuestStars = Helpers.ReadStringFixQuotesAndSpaces(r); else if (r.Name == "Director") this.EpisodeDirector = Helpers.ReadStringFixQuotesAndSpaces(r); else if (r.Name == "Writer") this.Writer = Helpers.ReadStringFixQuotesAndSpaces(r); else if (r.Name == "EpisodeName") this.Name = Helpers.ReadStringFixQuotesAndSpaces(r); else if (r.Name == "FirstAired") { try { this.FirstAired = DateTime.ParseExact(r.ReadElementContentAsString(), "yyyy-MM-dd", new System.Globalization.CultureInfo("")); } catch { this.FirstAired = null; } } else { if ((r.IsEmptyElement) || !r.IsStartElement()) r.ReadOuterXml(); else { XmlReader r2 = r.ReadSubtree(); r2.Read(); string name = r2.Name; this.Items[name] = r2.ReadElementContentAsString(); r.Read(); } } } } catch (XmlException e) { string message = "Error processing data from TheTVDB for an episode."; if (this.SeriesID != -1) message += "\r\nSeries ID: " + this.SeriesID; if (this.EpisodeID != -1) message += "\r\nEpisode ID: " + this.EpisodeID; if (this.EpNum != -1) message += "\r\nEpisode Number: " + this.EpNum; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.Name)) message += "\r\nName: " + this.Name; message += "\r\n" + e.Message; if (!args.Unattended) MessageBox.Show(message, "TVRename", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); throw new TVDBException(e.Message); } }
public void SetDefaults(SeriesInfo ser, Season seas) { this.TheSeason = seas; this.TheSeries = ser; this.BannerId = -1; this.BannerPath = ""; this.BannerType = ""; this.BannerType2 = ""; this.Language = ""; this.Rating = -1; this.RatingCount = 0; this.SeasonID = -1; this.SeriesID = -1; this.Colors = ""; this.ThumbnailPath = ""; this.VignettePath = ""; this.SeriesName = ""; }
public void TVDBFor(Season seas) { if (seas == null) return; Helpers.SysOpen(TheTVDB.Instance.WebsiteURL(seas.TheSeries.TVDBCode, -1, false)); }
internal static string SeasonName(Season s) { return(SeasonName(s.TheSeries.Show, s.SeasonNumber)); }
public AddEditShow([NotNull] ShowItem si) { selectedShow = si; sampleSeason = si.GetFirstAvailableSeason(); sampleEpisode = si.GetFirstAvailableEpisode(); InitializeComponent(); lblSeasonWordPreview.Text = TVSettings.Instance.SeasonFolderFormat + "-(" + CustomSeasonName.NameFor(si.GetFirstAvailableSeason(), TVSettings.Instance.SeasonFolderFormat) + ")"; lblSeasonWordPreview.ForeColor = Color.DarkGray; SetupDropDowns(si); codeFinderForm = new TheTvdbCodeFinder(si.TvdbCode != -1 ? si.TvdbCode.ToString() : "") { Dock = DockStyle.Fill }; pnlCF.SuspendLayout(); pnlCF.Controls.Add(codeFinderForm); pnlCF.ResumeLayout(); cntfw = null; chkCustomShowName.Checked = si.UseCustomShowName; if (chkCustomShowName.Checked) { txtCustomShowName.Text = si.CustomShowName; } chkCustomShowName_CheckedChanged(null, null); chkCustomLanguage.Checked = si.UseCustomLanguage; if (chkCustomLanguage.Checked) { Language languageFromCode = TheTVDB.Instance.LanguageList.GetLanguageFromCode(si.CustomLanguageCode); if (languageFromCode != null) { cbLanguage.Text = languageFromCode.Name; } } chkCustomLanguage_CheckedChanged(null, null); cbSequentialMatching.Checked = si.UseSequentialMatch; chkShowNextAirdate.Checked = si.ShowNextAirdate; chkSpecialsCount.Checked = si.CountSpecials; txtBaseFolder.Text = si.AutoAddFolderBase; cbDoRenaming.Checked = si.DoRename; cbDoMissingCheck.Checked = si.DoMissingCheck; cbDoMissingCheck_CheckedChanged(null, null); SetAutoAdd(si); txtSeasonFormat.Text = si.AutoAddCustomFolderFormat; chkDVDOrder.Checked = si.DvdOrder; cbIncludeFuture.Checked = si.ForceCheckFuture; cbIncludeNoAirdate.Checked = si.ForceCheckNoAirdate; chkReplaceAutoFolders.Checked = si.ManualFoldersReplaceAutomatic; SetIgnoreSeasons(si); SetManualFolders(si); txtSeasonNumber_TextChanged(null, null); txtFolder_TextChanged(); ActiveControl = codeFinderForm; // set initial focus to the code entry/show finder control foreach (string aliasName in selectedShow.AliasNames) { lbShowAlias.Items.Add(aliasName); } SetTagListText(); cbUseCustomSearch.Checked = si.UseCustomSearchUrl && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(si.CustomSearchUrl); txtSearchURL.Text = si.CustomSearchUrl ?? ""; EnableDisableCustomSearch(); }
public ShowSummarySeasonData(int seasonNumber, int episodeCount, int episodeAiredCount, int episodeGotCount, Season season, bool ignored) { SeasonNumber = seasonNumber; this.episodeCount = episodeCount; this.episodeAiredCount = episodeAiredCount; this.episodeGotCount = episodeGotCount; Season = season; Ignored = ignored; }
public Banner(SeriesInfo ser, Season seas, int? codeHint, XmlReader r, CommandLineArgs args) { // <Banner> // <id>708811</id> // <BannerPath>seasonswide/79488-5.jpg</BannerPath> // <BannerType>season</BannerType> // <BannerType2>seasonwide</BannerType2> // <Language>en</Language> // <Rating/> // <RatingCount>0</RatingCount> // <Season>5</Season> // blah blah // </Banner> try { this.SetDefaults(ser, seas); this.SeriesID = (int) codeHint; r.Read(); if (r.Name != "Banner") return; r.Read(); while (!r.EOF) { if ((r.Name == "Banner") && (!r.IsStartElement())) break; if (r.Name == "id") this.BannerId = r.ReadElementContentAsInt(); else if (r.Name == "seriesid") this.SeriesID = r.ReadElementContentAsInt(); // thetvdb series id else if (r.Name == "seasonid") this.SeasonID = r.ReadElementContentAsInt(); else if (r.Name == "BannerPath") this.BannerPath = XMLHelper.ReadStringFixQuotesAndSpaces(r); else if (r.Name == "BannerType") this.BannerType = r.ReadElementContentAsString(); else if (r.Name == "BannerType2") this.BannerType2 = r.ReadElementContentAsString(); else if (r.Name == "Language") this.Language = r.ReadElementContentAsString(); else if (r.Name == "Rating") { String sn = r.ReadElementContentAsString(); double.TryParse(sn, out this.Rating); } else if (r.Name == "RatingCount") this.RatingCount = r.ReadElementContentAsInt(); else if (r.Name == "Season") this.SeasonID = r.ReadElementContentAsInt(); else if (r.Name == "Colors") this.Colors = r.ReadElementContentAsString(); else if (r.Name == "ThumbnailPath") this.ThumbnailPath = r.ReadElementContentAsString(); else if (r.Name == "VignettePath") this.VignettePath = r.ReadElementContentAsString(); else if (r.Name == "SeriesName") this.SeriesName = r.ReadElementContentAsString(); else { if ((r.IsEmptyElement) || !r.IsStartElement()) r.ReadOuterXml(); else r.Read(); } } } catch (XmlException e) { string message = "Error processing data from TheTVDB for a banner."; if (this.SeriesID != -1) message += "\r\nSeries ID: " + this.SeriesID; if (this.BannerId != -1) message += "\r\nBanner ID: " + this.BannerId; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.BannerPath)) message += "\r\nBanner Path: " + this.BannerPath; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.Name)) message += "\r\nName: " + this.Name; message += "\r\n" + e.Message; if (!args.Unattended) MessageBox.Show(message, "TVRename", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); throw new TVDBException(e.Message); } }
public void SelectSeason(Season seas) { foreach (TreeNode n in this.MyShowTree.Nodes) { foreach (TreeNode n2 in n.Nodes) { if (TreeNodeToSeason(n2) == seas) { n2.EnsureVisible(); this.MyShowTree.SelectedNode = n2; return; } } } this.FillEpGuideHTML(null); }
private static List <ProcessedEpisode> GetBestEpisodes(ShowItem si, Season s) { return(si.SeasonEpisodes.ContainsKey(s.SeasonNumber) ? si.SeasonEpisodes[s.SeasonNumber] : ShowItem.ProcessedListFromEpisodes(s.Episodes.Values, si)); }
public Banner(SeriesInfo ser, Season seas, int?codeHint, XmlReader r, CommandLineArgs args) { // <Banner> // <id>708811</id> // <BannerPath>seasonswide/79488-5.jpg</BannerPath> // <BannerType>season</BannerType> // <BannerType2>seasonwide</BannerType2> // <Language>en</Language> // <Rating/> // <RatingCount>0</RatingCount> // <Season>5</Season> // blah blah // </Banner> try { this.SetDefaults(ser, seas); this.SeriesID = (int)codeHint; r.Read(); if (r.Name != "Banner") { return; } r.Read(); while (!r.EOF) { if ((r.Name == "Banner") && (!r.IsStartElement())) { break; } if (r.Name == "id") { this.BannerId = r.ReadElementContentAsInt(); } else if (r.Name == "seriesid") { this.SeriesID = r.ReadElementContentAsInt(); // thetvdb series id } else if (r.Name == "seasonid") { this.SeasonID = r.ReadElementContentAsInt(); } else if (r.Name == "BannerPath") { this.BannerPath = XMLHelper.ReadStringFixQuotesAndSpaces(r); } else if (r.Name == "BannerType") { this.BannerType = r.ReadElementContentAsString(); } else if (r.Name == "LanguageId") { this.LanguageId = r.ReadElementContentAsInt(); } else if (r.Name == "Resolution") { this.Resolution = r.ReadElementContentAsString(); } else if (r.Name == "Rating") { String sn = r.ReadElementContentAsString(); double.TryParse(sn, out this.Rating); } else if (r.Name == "RatingCount") { this.RatingCount = r.ReadElementContentAsInt(); } else if (r.Name == "Season") { this.SeasonID = r.ReadElementContentAsInt(); } else if (r.Name == "ThumbnailPath") { this.ThumbnailPath = r.ReadElementContentAsString(); } else { if ((r.IsEmptyElement) || !r.IsStartElement()) { r.ReadOuterXml(); } else { r.Read(); } } } } catch (XmlException e) { string message = "Error processing data from TheTVDB for a banner."; if (this.SeriesID != -1) { message += "\r\nSeries ID: " + this.SeriesID; } if (this.BannerId != -1) { message += "\r\nBanner ID: " + this.BannerId; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.BannerPath)) { message += "\r\nBanner Path: " + this.BannerPath; } logger.Error(e, message); throw new TVDBException(e.Message); } }
public Banner(SeriesInfo ser, Season seas) { this.SetDefaults(ser, seas); }
public static string NameFor(Season s, string styleString) => NameFor(s, styleString, false);
public string NameFor(Season s) => NameFor(s, styleString);
public void RightClickOnMyShows(Season seas, Point pt) { this.mLastShowsClicked = new List<ShowItem>() { this.mDoc.GetShowItem(seas.TheSeries.TVDBCode) }; this.mLastEpClicked = null; this.mLastSeasonClicked = seas; this.mLastActionsClicked = null; this.BuildRightClickMenu(pt); }
private static IEnumerable <ProcessedEpisode> GetBestEpisodes([NotNull] ShowItem si, [NotNull] Season s) { return(si.SeasonEpisodes.ContainsKey(s.SeasonNumber) ? si.SeasonEpisodes[s.SeasonNumber] : ShowItem.ProcessedListFromEpisodes(s.Episodes.Values, si)); }
public UI(TVDoc doc) { this.mDoc = doc; this.Busy = 0; this.mLastEpClicked = null; this.mLastFolderClicked = null; this.mLastSeasonClicked = null; this.mLastShowsClicked = null; this.mLastActionsClicked = null; this.mInternalChange = 0; this.mFoldersToOpen = new List<String>(); this.InternalCheckChange = false; this.InitializeComponent(); this.SetupIPC(); try { this.LoadLayoutXML(); } catch { // silently fail, doesn't matter too much } this.SetProgress += this.SetProgressActual; this.lvWhenToWatch.ListViewItemSorter = new DateSorterWTW(); if (this.mDoc.Args.Hide) { this.WindowState = FormWindowState.Minimized; this.Visible = false; this.Hide(); } this.Text = this.Text + " " + Version.DisplayVersionString(); this.FillMyShows(); this.UpdateSearchButton(); this.SetGuideHTMLbody(""); this.mDoc.DoWhenToWatch(true); this.FillWhenToWatchList(); this.mDoc.WriteUpcomingRSSandXML(); this.ShowHideNotificationIcon(); int t = this.mDoc.Settings.StartupTab; if (t < this.tabControl1.TabCount) this.tabControl1.SelectedIndex = this.mDoc.Settings.StartupTab; this.tabControl1_SelectedIndexChanged(null, null); this.mAutoFolderMonitor = new TVRename.AutoFolderMonitor(mDoc,this); if (this.mDoc.Settings.MonitorFolders) this.mAutoFolderMonitor.StartMonitor(); }
public static string GetSeasonHtmlOverviewOffline([NotNull] this ShowItem si, [NotNull] Season s) { SeriesInfo ser = s.TheSeries; int snum = s.SeasonNumber; string body = ""; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ser.GetSeriesWideBannerPath()) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(TheTVDB.GetImageURL(ser.GetSeriesWideBannerPath()))) { body += "<img width=758 height=140 src=\"" + TheTVDB.GetImageURL(ser.GetSeriesWideBannerPath()) + "\"><br/>"; } List <ProcessedEpisode> eis = si.SeasonEpisodes.ContainsKey(snum) ? si.SeasonEpisodes[snum] : ShowItem.ProcessedListFromEpisodes(s.Episodes.Values, si); string seasText = SeasonName(si, snum); if (eis.Count > 0 && eis[0].SeasonId > 0) { seasText = " - <A HREF=\"" + TheTVDB.Instance.WebsiteUrl(ser.TvdbCode, eis[0].SeasonId, false) + "\">" + seasText + "</a>"; } else { seasText = " - " + seasText; } body += "<h1><A HREF=\"" + TheTVDB.Instance.WebsiteUrl(si.TvdbCode, -1, true) + "\">" + si.ShowName + "</A>" + seasText + "</h1>"; DirFilesCache dfc = new DirFilesCache(); foreach (ProcessedEpisode ei in eis) { string epl = ei.NumsAsString(); string episodeUrl = TheTVDB.WebsiteUrl(ei.SeriesId, ei.SeasonId, ei.EpisodeId); body += "<A href=\"" + episodeUrl + "\" name=\"ep" + epl + "\">"; // anchor if (si.DvdOrder && snum == 0) { body += "<b>" + ei.Name + "</b>"; } else { body += "<b>" + HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(CustomEpisodeName.NameForNoExt(ei, CustomEpisodeName.OldNStyle(6))) + "</b>"; } body += "</A>"; // anchor if (si.UseSequentialMatch && ei.OverallNumber != -1) { body += " (#" + ei.OverallNumber + ")"; } List <FileInfo> fl = dfc.FindEpOnDisk(ei); if (fl.Count > 0) { foreach (FileInfo fi in fl) { string urlFilename = HttpUtility.UrlEncode(fi.FullName); body += $" <A HREF=\"watch://{urlFilename}\" class=\"search\">Watch</A>"; body += $" <A HREF=\"explore://{urlFilename}\" class=\"search\">Show in Explorer</A>"; } } else { body += " <A HREF=\"" + TVSettings.Instance.BTSearchURL(ei) + "\" class=\"search\">Search</A>"; } DateTime?dt = ei.GetAirDateDt(true); if (dt != null && dt.Value.CompareTo(DateTime.MaxValue) != 0) { body += "<p>" + dt.Value.ToShortDateString() + " (" + ei.HowLong() + ")"; } body += "<p><p>"; if (TVSettings.Instance.ShowEpisodePictures || TVSettings.Instance.HideMyShowsSpoilers && ei.HowLong() != "Aired") { body += "<table><tr>"; body += "<td width=100% valign=top>" + GetOverview(ei) + "</td><td width=300 height=225>"; // 300x168 / 300x225 if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ei.Filename)) { body += "<img src=" + TheTVDB.GetImageURL(ei.Filename) + ">"; } body += "</td></tr></table>"; } else { body += GetOverview(ei); } body += "<p><hr><p>"; } // for each episode in this season return(body); }
public void PopulateGrid() { Cell colTitleModel = new Cell { ElementText = new ActorsGrid.RotatedText(-90.0f), BackColor = Color.SteelBlue, ForeColor = Color.White, TextAlignment = ContentAlignment.BottomCenter }; Cell topleftTitleModel = new Cell { BackColor = Color.SteelBlue, ForeColor = Color.White, TextAlignment = ContentAlignment.BottomLeft }; grid1.Columns.Clear(); grid1.Rows.Clear(); int maxSeason = GetMaxSeason(showList); int cols = maxSeason + 2; int rows = showList.Count + 1; // Draw Header grid1.ColumnsCount = cols; grid1.RowsCount = rows; grid1.FixedColumns = 1; grid1.FixedRows = 1; grid1.Selection.EnableMultiSelection = false; grid1.Rows[0].AutoSizeMode = SourceGrid.AutoSizeMode.MinimumSize; grid1.Rows[0].Height = 65; ColumnHeader h = new ColumnHeader("Show") { AutomaticSortEnabled = false, ResizeEnabled = false }; grid1[0, 0] = h; grid1[0, 0].View = topleftTitleModel; // Draw season for (int c = chkHideSpecials.Checked?1:0; c < maxSeason + 1; c++) { h = new ColumnHeader(Season.UIFullSeasonWord(c)) { AutomaticSortEnabled = false, ResizeEnabled = false }; grid1[0, c + 1] = h; grid1[0, c + 1].View = colTitleModel; grid1.Columns[c + 1].AutoSizeMode = SourceGrid.AutoSizeMode.EnableAutoSize; } grid1.Columns[0].Width = 150; // Draw Shows int r = 0; foreach (ShowSummaryData show in showList) { //Ignore shows with no missing episodes if (chkHideComplete.Checked && !show.HasMssingEpisodes(chkHideSpecials.Checked, chkHideIgnored.Checked)) { continue; } //Ignore shows with no missing aired episodes if (chkHideUnaired.Checked && !show.HasAiredMssingEpisodes(chkHideSpecials.Checked, chkHideIgnored.Checked)) { continue; } //Ignore shows which do not have the missing check if (chkHideNotScanned.Checked && !show.ShowItem.DoMissingCheck) { continue; } RowHeader rh = new RowHeader(show.ShowName) { ResizeEnabled = false, View = new Cell { ForeColor = show.ShowItem.DoMissingCheck ? Color.Black : Color.Gray } }; //Gray if the show is not checked for missing episodes in the scan grid1[r + 1, 0] = rh; grid1[r + 1, 0].AddController(new ShowClickEvent(this, show.ShowItem)); foreach (ShowSummaryData.ShowSummarySeasonData seasonData in show.SeasonDataList) { ShowSummaryData.SummaryOutput output = seasonData.GetOuput(); //Ignore Season if checkbox is checked if (chkHideSpecials.Checked && output.Special) { continue; } //Ignore Season if checkbox is checked if (chkHideIgnored.Checked && output.Ignored) { continue; } grid1[r + 1, seasonData.SeasonNumber + 1] = new SourceGrid.Cells.Cell(output.Details, typeof(string)) { View = new Cell { BackColor = output.Color, ForeColor = Color.White, TextAlignment = ContentAlignment.BottomRight }, Editor = { EditableMode = EditableMode.None } }; grid1[r + 1, seasonData.SeasonNumber + 1].AddController(new ShowClickEvent(this, show.ShowItem, seasonData.Season)); } r++; } grid1.AutoSizeCells(); }
public override void OnMouseDown(SourceGrid.CellContext sender, MouseEventArgs e) { if (e.Button != MouseButtons.Right) { return; } this.gridSummary.showRightClickMenu.Items.Clear(); Season seas = this.season; this.gridSummary.mLastFL = new List <Alphaleonis.Win32.Filesystem.FileInfo>(); this.gridSummary.mFoldersToOpen = new List <String>(); this.gridSummary.mLastShowClicked =; this.gridSummary.mLastSeasonClicked = this.season; List <String> added = new List <String>(); if ( != null && seas == null) { this.GenerateMenu(this.gridSummary.showRightClickMenu, "Force Refresh", RightClickCommands.kForceRefreshSeries); this.GenerateSeparator(this.gridSummary.showRightClickMenu); this.GenerateMenu(this.gridSummary.showRightClickMenu, "Visit", RightClickCommands.kVisitTVDBSeries); } if ( != null && seas != null) { this.GenerateMenu(this.gridSummary.showRightClickMenu, "Visit", RightClickCommands.kVisitTVDBSeason); } if ((seas != null) && ( != null) && ( { int n = this.gridSummary.mFoldersToOpen.Count; bool first = true; foreach (string folder in[seas.SeasonNumber]) { if ((!string.IsNullOrEmpty(folder)) && Directory.Exists(folder) && !added.Contains(folder)) { added.Add(folder); // don't show the same folder more than once if (first) { this.GenerateSeparator(this.gridSummary.showRightClickMenu); first = false; } this.GenerateMenu(this.gridSummary.showRightClickMenu, "Open: " + folder, (int)RightClickCommands.kOpenFolderBase + n); this.gridSummary.mFoldersToOpen.Add(folder); n++; } } } else if ( != null) { int n = this.gridSummary.mFoldersToOpen.Count; bool first = true; foreach (KeyValuePair <int, List <String> > kvp in { foreach (string folder in kvp.Value) { if ((!string.IsNullOrEmpty(folder)) && Directory.Exists(folder) && !added.Contains(folder)) { added.Add(folder); // don't show the same folder more than once if (first) { this.GenerateSeparator(this.gridSummary.showRightClickMenu); first = false; } this.GenerateMenu(this.gridSummary.showRightClickMenu, "Open: " + folder, (int)RightClickCommands.kOpenFolderBase + n); this.gridSummary.mFoldersToOpen.Add(folder); n++; } } } } if (seas != null && != null) { // for each episode in season, find it on disk bool first = true; foreach (ProcessedEpisode epds in[seas.SeasonNumber]) { List <Alphaleonis.Win32.Filesystem.FileInfo> fl = TVDoc.FindEpOnDisk(new DirFilesCache(), epds, false); if ((fl != null) && (fl.Count > 0)) { if (first) { this.GenerateSeparator(this.gridSummary.showRightClickMenu); first = false; } int n = this.gridSummary.mLastFL.Count; foreach (Alphaleonis.Win32.Filesystem.FileInfo fi in fl) { this.GenerateMenu(this.gridSummary.showRightClickMenu, "Watch: " + fi.FullName, (int)RightClickCommands.kWatchBase + n); this.gridSummary.mLastFL.Add(fi); n++; } } } } Point pt = new Point(e.X, e.Y); this.gridSummary.showRightClickMenu.Show(sender.Grid.PointToScreen(pt)); }
public AddEditShow(ShowItem si) { selectedShow = si; sampleSeason = si.GetFirstAvailableSeason(); InitializeComponent(); lblSeasonWordPreview.Text = TVSettings.Instance.SeasonFolderFormat + "-(" + CustomSeasonName.NameFor(si.GetFirstAvailableSeason(), TVSettings.Instance.SeasonFolderFormat) + ")"; lblSeasonWordPreview.ForeColor = Color.DarkGray; SetupDropDowns(si); codeFinderForm = new TheTvdbCodeFinder(si.TvdbCode != -1 ? si.TvdbCode.ToString() : "") { Dock = DockStyle.Fill }; pnlCF.SuspendLayout(); pnlCF.Controls.Add(codeFinderForm); pnlCF.ResumeLayout(); cntfw = null; chkCustomShowName.Checked = si.UseCustomShowName; if (chkCustomShowName.Checked) { txtCustomShowName.Text = si.CustomShowName; } chkCustomShowName_CheckedChanged(null, null); chkCustomLanguage.Checked = si.UseCustomLanguage; if (chkCustomLanguage.Checked) { cbLanguage.Text = TheTVDB.Instance.LanguageList.GetLanguageFromCode(si.CustomLanguageCode).Name; } chkCustomLanguage_CheckedChanged(null, null); cbSequentialMatching.Checked = si.UseSequentialMatch; chkShowNextAirdate.Checked = si.ShowNextAirdate; chkSpecialsCount.Checked = si.CountSpecials; txtBaseFolder.Text = si.AutoAddFolderBase; cbDoRenaming.Checked = si.DoRename; cbDoMissingCheck.Checked = si.DoMissingCheck; cbDoMissingCheck_CheckedChanged(null, null); switch (si.AutoAddType) { case ShowItem.AutomaticFolderType.none: chkAutoFolders.Checked = false; break; case ShowItem.AutomaticFolderType.baseOnly: chkAutoFolders.Checked = true; rdoFolderBaseOnly.Checked = true; break; case ShowItem.AutomaticFolderType.custom: chkAutoFolders.Checked = true; rdoFolderCustom.Checked = true; break; case ShowItem.AutomaticFolderType.libraryDefault: default: chkAutoFolders.Checked = true; rdoFolderLibraryDefault.Checked = true; break; } txtSeasonFormat.Text = si.AutoAddCustomFolderFormat; chkDVDOrder.Checked = si.DvdOrder; cbIncludeFuture.Checked = si.ForceCheckFuture; cbIncludeNoAirdate.Checked = si.ForceCheckNoAirdate; bool first = true; si.IgnoreSeasons.Sort(); foreach (int i in si.IgnoreSeasons) { if (!first) { txtIgnoreSeasons.Text += " "; } txtIgnoreSeasons.Text += i.ToString(); first = false; } foreach (KeyValuePair <int, List <string> > kvp in si.ManualFolderLocations) { foreach (string s in kvp.Value) { ListViewItem lvi = new ListViewItem { Text = kvp.Key.ToString() }; lvi.SubItems.Add(s); lvSeasonFolders.Items.Add(lvi); } } lvSeasonFolders.Sort(); txtSeasonNumber_TextChanged(null, null); txtFolder_TextChanged(); ActiveControl = codeFinderForm; // set initial focus to the code entry/show finder control foreach (string aliasName in selectedShow.AliasNames) { lbShowAlias.Items.Add(aliasName); } StringBuilder tl = new StringBuilder(); foreach (string s in CustomEpisodeName.TAGS) { tl.AppendLine(s); } txtTagList.Text = tl.ToString(); cbUseCustomSearch.Checked = si.UseCustomSearchUrl && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(si.CustomSearchUrl); txtSearchURL.Text = si.CustomSearchUrl ?? ""; EnableDisableCustomSearch(); }
public ShowSummarySeasonData(int seasonNumber, int episodeCount, int episodeAiredCount, int episodeGotCount, Season season) { this.seasonNumber = seasonNumber; this.episodeCount = episodeCount; this.episodeAiredCount = episodeAiredCount; this.episodeGotCount = episodeGotCount; this.season = season; }
public void SetDefaults(SeriesInfo ser, Season seas) { this.Items = new System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary<string, string>(); this.TheSeason = seas; this.TheSeries = ser; this.Overview = ""; this.EpisodeRating = ""; this.EpisodeGuestStars = ""; this.EpisodeDirector = ""; this.Writer = ""; this.Name = ""; this.EpisodeID = -1; this.SeriesID = -1; this.EpNum = -1; this.FirstAired = null; this.Srv_LastUpdated = -1; this.Dirty = false; }
public ActionDateTouch(DirectoryInfo dir, Season sn, DateTime date) { season = sn; whereDirectory = dir; updateTime = date; }
public Episode(SeriesInfo ser, Season seas) { this.SetDefaults(ser, seas); }
public void AddSeason(Season generateSeason) { seasons.Add(generateSeason); }
public void SetSeriesSeason(SeriesInfo ser, Season seas) { this.TheSeason = seas; this.TheSeries = ser; }
public Episode(SeriesInfo ser, Season seas, XmlReader r, CommandLineArgs args) { // <Episode> // <id>...</id> // blah blah // </Episode> try { this.SetDefaults(ser, seas); r.Read(); if (r.Name != "Episode") { return; } r.Read(); while (!r.EOF) { if ((r.Name == "Episode") && (!r.IsStartElement())) { break; } if (r.Name == "id") { this.EpisodeID = r.ReadElementContentAsInt(); } else if (r.Name == "seriesid") { this.SeriesID = r.ReadElementContentAsInt(); // thetvdb series id } else if (r.Name == "seasonid") { this.SeasonID = r.ReadElementContentAsInt(); } else if (r.Name == "EpisodeNumber") { this.EpNum = r.ReadElementContentAsInt(); } else if (r.Name == "SeasonNumber") { String sn = r.ReadElementContentAsString(); int.TryParse(sn, out this.ReadSeasonNum); } else if (r.Name == "lastupdated") { this.Srv_LastUpdated = r.ReadElementContentAsInt(); } else if (r.Name == "Overview") { this.Overview = Helpers.ReadStringFixQuotesAndSpaces(r); } else if (r.Name == "Rating") { this.EpisodeRating = Helpers.ReadStringFixQuotesAndSpaces(r); } else if (r.Name == "GuestStars") { this.EpisodeGuestStars = Helpers.ReadStringFixQuotesAndSpaces(r); } else if (r.Name == "Director") { this.EpisodeDirector = Helpers.ReadStringFixQuotesAndSpaces(r); } else if (r.Name == "Writer") { this.Writer = Helpers.ReadStringFixQuotesAndSpaces(r); } else if (r.Name == "EpisodeName") { this.Name = Helpers.ReadStringFixQuotesAndSpaces(r); } else if (r.Name == "FirstAired") { try { this.FirstAired = DateTime.ParseExact(r.ReadElementContentAsString(), "yyyy-MM-dd", new System.Globalization.CultureInfo("")); } catch { this.FirstAired = null; } } else { if ((r.IsEmptyElement) || !r.IsStartElement()) { r.ReadOuterXml(); } else { XmlReader r2 = r.ReadSubtree(); r2.Read(); string name = r2.Name; this.Items[name] = r2.ReadElementContentAsString(); r.Read(); } } } } catch (XmlException e) { string message = "Error processing data from TheTVDB for an episode."; if (this.SeriesID != -1) { message += "\r\nSeries ID: " + this.SeriesID; } if (this.EpisodeID != -1) { message += "\r\nEpisode ID: " + this.EpisodeID; } if (this.EpNum != -1) { message += "\r\nEpisode Number: " + this.EpNum; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.Name)) { message += "\r\nName: " + this.Name; } message += "\r\n" + e.Message; if (!args.Unattended) { MessageBox.Show(message, "TVRename", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } throw new TVDBException(e.Message); } }
public ActionDateTouch(DirectoryInfo dir, Season sn, DateTime date) { this.SN = sn; this.WhereDirectory = dir; this.updateTime = date; }
public void RightClickOnMyShows(ShowItem si, Point pt) { this.mLastShowsClicked = new List<ShowItem>() { si }; this.mLastEpClicked = null; this.mLastSeasonClicked = null; this.mLastActionsClicked = null; this.BuildRightClickMenu(pt); }
public Episode(SeriesInfo ser, Season seas, Season dvdseas, XmlReader r, CommandLineArgs args) { // <Episode> // <id>...</id> // blah blah // </Episode> try { SetDefaults(ser, seas, dvdseas); r.Read(); if (r.Name != "Episode") { return; } r.Read(); while (!r.EOF) { if ((r.Name == "Episode") && (!r.IsStartElement())) { break; } if (r.Name == "id") { this.EpisodeID = r.ReadElementContentAsInt(); } else if (r.Name == "seriesid") { this.SeriesID = r.ReadElementContentAsInt(); // thetvdb series id } else if (r.Name == "seasonid") { this.SeasonID = r.ReadElementContentAsInt(); } else if (r.Name == "EpisodeNumber") { this.AiredEpNum = r.ReadElementContentAsInt(); } else if (r.Name == "dvdEpisodeNumber") { string den = r.ReadElementContentAsString(); int.TryParse(den, out this.DVDEpNum); } else if (r.Name == "SeasonNumber") { string sn = r.ReadElementContentAsString(); int.TryParse(sn, out this.ReadAiredSeasonNum); } else if (r.Name == "dvdSeason") { string dsn = r.ReadElementContentAsString(); int.TryParse(dsn, out this.ReadDVDSeasonNum); } else if (r.Name == "lastupdated") { this.Srv_LastUpdated = r.ReadElementContentAsLong(); } else if (r.Name == "Overview") { this.Overview = XMLHelper.ReadStringFixQuotesAndSpaces(r); } else if (r.Name == "Rating") { this.EpisodeRating = XMLHelper.ReadStringFixQuotesAndSpaces(r); } else if (r.Name == "GuestStars") { this.EpisodeGuestStars = XMLHelper.ReadStringFixQuotesAndSpaces(r); } else if (r.Name == "EpisodeDirector") { this.EpisodeDirector = XMLHelper.ReadStringFixQuotesAndSpaces(r); } else if (r.Name == "Writer") { this.Writer = XMLHelper.ReadStringFixQuotesAndSpaces(r); } else if (r.Name == "EpisodeName") { this.Name = XMLHelper.ReadStringFixQuotesAndSpaces(r); } else if (r.Name == "FirstAired") { try { String contents = r.ReadElementContentAsString(); if (contents == "") { logger.Info("Please confirm, but we are assuming that " + this.Name + "(episode Id =" + this.EpisodeID + ") has no airdate"); this.FirstAired = null; } else { this.FirstAired = DateTime.ParseExact(contents, "yyyy-MM-dd", new System.Globalization.CultureInfo("")); } } catch { this.FirstAired = null; } } else { if ((r.IsEmptyElement) || !r.IsStartElement()) { r.ReadOuterXml(); } else { XmlReader r2 = r.ReadSubtree(); r2.Read(); string name = r2.Name; this.Items[name] = r2.ReadElementContentAsString(); r.Read(); } } } } catch (XmlException e) { string message = "Error processing data from TheTVDB for an episode."; if (this.SeriesID != -1) { message += "\r\nSeries ID: " + this.SeriesID; } if (this.EpisodeID != -1) { message += "\r\nEpisode ID: " + this.EpisodeID; } if (this.DVDEpNum != -1) { message += "\r\nEpisode (DVD) Number: " + this.DVDEpNum; } if (this.AiredEpNum != -1) { message += "\r\nEpisode Aired Number: " + this.AiredEpNum; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.Name)) { message += "\r\nName: " + this.Name; } logger.Error(e, message); throw new TheTVDB.TVDBException(e.Message); } }
public void WTWRightClickOnShow(List<ProcessedEpisode> eps, Point pt) { if (eps.Count == 0) return; ProcessedEpisode ep = eps[0]; List<ShowItem> sis = new List<ShowItem>(); foreach (var e in eps) { sis.Add(e.SI); } this.mLastEpClicked = ep; this.mLastShowsClicked = sis; this.mLastSeasonClicked = ep != null ? ep.TheSeason : null; this.mLastActionsClicked = null; this.BuildRightClickMenu(pt); }
public Episode(SeriesInfo ser, Season airSeason, Season dvdSeason) { SetDefaults(ser, airSeason, dvdSeason); }
private void lvAction_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { UpdateSearchButton(); LVResults lvr = new LVResults(this.lvAction, false); if (lvr.Count == 0) { // disable everything this.bnActionBTSearch.Enabled = false; return; } this.bnActionBTSearch.Enabled = lvr.Download.Count <= 0; this.mLastShowsClicked = null; this.mLastEpClicked = null; this.mLastSeasonClicked = null; this.mLastActionsClicked = null; this.showRightClickMenu.Items.Clear(); this.mFoldersToOpen = new List<String>(); this.mLastFL = new System.Collections.Generic.List<System.IO.FileInfo>(); this.mLastActionsClicked = new ItemList(); foreach (Item ai in lvr.FlatList) this.mLastActionsClicked.Add(ai); if ((lvr.Count == 1) && (this.lvAction.FocusedItem != null) && (this.lvAction.FocusedItem.Tag != null)) { ScanListItem action = this.lvAction.FocusedItem.Tag as ScanListItem; if (action != null) { this.mLastEpClicked = action.Episode; if (action.Episode != null) { this.mLastSeasonClicked = action.Episode.TheSeason; this.mLastShowsClicked = new List<ShowItem>() { action.Episode.SI }; } else { this.mLastSeasonClicked = null; this.mLastShowsClicked = null; } if ((this.mLastEpClicked != null) && (this.mDoc.Settings.AutoSelectShowInMyShows)) this.GotoEpguideFor(this.mLastEpClicked, false); } } }
public ShowClickEvent(ShowSummary gridSummary, ShowItem show, Season season) { = show; this.season = season; this.gridSummary = gridSummary; }
public void TVDBFor(Season seas) { if (seas == null) return; TVDoc.SysOpen(this.mDoc.GetTVDB(false, "").WebsiteURL(seas.TheSeries.TVDBCode, -1, false)); }
public static List <ProcessedEpisode> GenerateEpisodes(ShowItem si, SeriesInfo ser, int snum, bool applyRules) { List <ProcessedEpisode> eis = new List <ProcessedEpisode>(); if (ser == null) { return(null); } Dictionary <int, Season> seasonsToUse = si.DVDOrder ? ser.DVDSeasons : ser.AiredSeasons; if (!seasonsToUse.ContainsKey(snum)) { return(null); // todo.. something? } Season seas = seasonsToUse[snum]; if (seas == null) { return(null); // TODO: warn user } foreach (Episode e in seas.Episodes) { eis.Add(new ProcessedEpisode(e, si)); // add a copy } if (si.DVDOrder) { eis.Sort(new System.Comparison <ProcessedEpisode>(ProcessedEpisode.DVDOrderSorter)); Renumber(eis); } else { eis.Sort(new System.Comparison <ProcessedEpisode>(ProcessedEpisode.EPNumberSorter)); } if (si.CountSpecials && seasonsToUse.ContainsKey(0)) { // merge specials in foreach (Episode ep in seasonsToUse[0].Episodes) { string seasstr = ep.AirsBeforeSeason; string epstr = ep.AirsBeforeEpisode; if ((string.IsNullOrEmpty(seasstr)) || (string.IsNullOrEmpty(epstr))) { continue; } int sease = int.Parse(seasstr); if (sease != snum) { continue; } int epnum = int.Parse(epstr); for (int i = 0; i < eis.Count; i++) { if ((eis[i].AppropriateSeasonNumber == sease) && (eis[i].AppropriateEpNum == epnum)) { ProcessedEpisode pe = new ProcessedEpisode(ep, si) { TheAiredSeason = eis[i].TheAiredSeason, TheDVDSeason = eis[i].TheDVDSeason, SeasonID = eis[i].SeasonID }; eis.Insert(i, pe); break; } } } // renumber to allow for specials int epnumr = 1; foreach (ProcessedEpisode t in eis) { t.EpNum2 = epnumr + (t.EpNum2 - t.AppropriateEpNum); t.AppropriateEpNum = epnumr; epnumr++; } } if (applyRules) { List <ShowRule> rules = si.RulesForSeason(snum); if (rules != null) { ApplyRules(eis, rules, si); } } return(eis); }