public static int EPNumberSorter(ProcessedEpisode e1, ProcessedEpisode e2) { int ep1 = e1.EpNum; int ep2 = e2.EpNum; return ep1 - ep2; }
public ActionDownload(ShowItem si, ProcessedEpisode pe, FileInfo dest, string bannerPath) { this.Episode = pe; this.SI = si; this.Destination = dest; this.BannerPath = bannerPath; }
public static int DVDOrderSorter(ProcessedEpisode e1, ProcessedEpisode e2) { int ep1 = e1.EpNum; int ep2 = e2.EpNum; string key = "DVD_episodenumber"; if (e1.Items.ContainsKey(key) && e2.Items.ContainsKey(key)) { string n1 = e1.Items[key]; string n2 = e2.Items[key]; if ((!string.IsNullOrEmpty(n1)) && (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(n2))) { try { int t1 = (int) (1000.0 * double.Parse(n1)); int t2 = (int) (1000.0 * double.Parse(n2)); ep1 = t1; ep2 = t2; } catch (FormatException) { } } } return ep1 - ep2; }
public ActionCopyMoveRename(Op operation, FileInfo from, FileInfo to, ProcessedEpisode ep) { this.PercentDone = 0; this.Episode = ep; this.Operation = operation; this.From = from; this.To = to; }
public ActionDownload(ShowItem si, ProcessedEpisode pe, FileInfo dest, string bannerPath, bool mede8erShrink) { this.Episode = pe; this.SI = si; this.Destination = dest; this.BannerPath = bannerPath; ShrinkLargeMede8erImage = mede8erShrink; }
public ProcessedEpisode(ProcessedEpisode O) : base(O) { this.NextToAir = O.NextToAir; this.EpNum2 = O.EpNum2; this.Ignore = O.Ignore; this.SI = O.SI; this.OverallNumber = O.OverallNumber; }
public ItemList ProcessEpisode(ProcessedEpisode dbep, FileInfo filo) { ItemList TheActionList = new ItemList(); foreach (DownloadIdentifier di in Identifiers) { TheActionList.Add(di.ProcessEpisode(dbep,filo)); } return TheActionList; }
public CustomNameTagsFloatingWindow(ProcessedEpisode pe) { this.InitializeComponent(); foreach (string s in CustomName.Tags) { string txt = s; if (pe != null) txt += " - " + CustomName.NameForNoExt(pe, s); this.label1.Text += txt + "\r\n"; } }
public AddEditSearchEngine(Searchers s, ProcessedEpisode pe) { this.SampleEpisode = pe; this.InitializeComponent(); this.Cntfw = null; this.SetupGrid(); this.mSearchers = s; for (int i = 0; i < this.mSearchers.Count(); i++) { this.AddNewRow(); this.Grid1[i + 1, 0].Value = this.mSearchers.Name(i); this.Grid1[i + 1, 1].Value = this.mSearchers.URL(i); } }
public override ItemList ProcessEpisode(ProcessedEpisode dbep, FileInfo filo, bool forceRefresh) { if (TVSettings.Instance.Mede8erXML) { ItemList TheActionList = new ItemList(); string fn = filo.Name; fn = fn.Substring(0, fn.Length - filo.Extension.Length); fn += ".xml"; FileInfo nfo = FileHelper.FileInFolder(filo.Directory, fn); if (forceRefresh || !nfo.Exists || (dbep.Srv_LastUpdated > TimeZone.Epoch(nfo.LastWriteTime))) TheActionList.Add(new ActionMede8erXML(nfo, dbep)); return TheActionList; } return base.ProcessEpisode(dbep, filo, forceRefresh); }
public string NameForExt(ProcessedEpisode pe, string extension, int folderNameLength) { // set folderNameLength to have the filename truncated if the total path length is too long string r = NameForNoExt(pe, this.StyleString); int maxLenOK = 200 - (folderNameLength + ((extension != null) ? extension.Length : 0)); if (r.Length > maxLenOK) r = r.Substring(0, maxLenOK); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(extension)) { if (!extension.StartsWith(".")) r += "."; r += extension; } return r; }
public override ItemList ProcessEpisode(ProcessedEpisode dbep, FileInfo filo, bool forceRefresh) { if (TVSettings.Instance.pyTivoMeta) { ItemList TheActionList = new ItemList(); string fn = filo.Name; fn += ".txt"; string folder = filo.DirectoryName; if (TVSettings.Instance.pyTivoMetaSubFolder) folder += "\\.meta"; FileInfo meta = FileHelper.FileInFolder(folder, fn); if (!meta.Exists || (dbep.Srv_LastUpdated > TimeZone.Epoch(meta.LastWriteTime))) TheActionList.Add(new ActionPyTivoMeta(meta, dbep)); return TheActionList; } return base.ProcessEpisode(dbep, filo, forceRefresh); }
public override ItemList ProcessEpisode(ProcessedEpisode dbep, FileInfo filo, bool forceRefresh) { if (TVSettings.Instance.EpJPGs) { ItemList TheActionList = new ItemList(); string ban = dbep.GetItem("filename"); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ban)) { string basefn = filo.Name; basefn = basefn.Substring(0, basefn.Length - filo.Extension.Length); //remove extension FileInfo imgjpg = FileHelper.FileInFolder(filo.Directory, basefn + ".jpg"); if (forceRefresh || !imgjpg.Exists) TheActionList.Add(new ActionDownload(dbep.SI, dbep, imgjpg, ban, TVSettings.Instance.ShrinkLargeMede8erImages)); } return TheActionList; } return base.ProcessEpisode(dbep, filo, forceRefresh); }
public override ItemList ProcessEpisode(ProcessedEpisode dbep, FileInfo filo,bool forceRefresh) { if (TVSettings.Instance.NFOs) { ItemList TheActionList = new ItemList(); string fn = filo.Name; fn = fn.Substring(0, fn.Length - filo.Extension.Length); fn += ".nfo"; FileInfo nfo = FileHelper.FileInFolder(filo.Directory, fn); if (!nfo.Exists || (dbep.Srv_LastUpdated > TimeZone.Epoch(nfo.LastWriteTime)) || forceRefresh) { //If we do not already have plans to put the file into place if (!(DownloadXBMCMetaData.doneNFO.Contains(nfo.FullName))) { TheActionList.Add(new ActionNFO(nfo, dbep)); doneNFO.Add(nfo.FullName); } } return TheActionList; } return base.ProcessEpisode(dbep, filo, forceRefresh); }
public static void ApplyRules(List<ProcessedEpisode> eis, List<ShowRule> rules, ShowItem si) { foreach (ShowRule sr in rules) { int nn1 = sr.First; int nn2 = sr.Second; int n1 = -1; int n2 = -1; // turn nn1 and nn2 from ep number into position in array for (int i = 0; i < eis.Count; i++) { if (eis[i].EpNum == nn1) { n1 = i; break; } } for (int i = 0; i < eis.Count; i++) { if (eis[i].EpNum == nn2) { n2 = i; break; } } if (sr.DoWhatNow == RuleAction.kInsert) { // this only applies for inserting an episode, at the end of the list if (nn1 == eis[eis.Count-1].EpNum+1) // after the last episode n1 = eis.Count; } string txt = sr.UserSuppliedText; int ec = eis.Count; switch (sr.DoWhatNow) { case RuleAction.kRename: { if ((n1 < ec) && (n1 >= 0)) eis[n1].Name = txt; break; } case RuleAction.kRemove: { if ((n1 < ec) && (n1 >= 0) && (n2 < ec) && (n2 >= 0)) eis.RemoveRange(n1, 1 + n2 - n1); else if ((n1 < ec) && (n1 >= 0) && (n2 == -1)) eis.RemoveAt(n1); break; } case RuleAction.kIgnoreEp: { if (n2 == -1) n2 = n1; for (int i = n1; i <= n2; i++) { if ((i < ec) && (i >= 0)) eis[i].Ignore = true; } break; } case RuleAction.kSplit: { // split one episode into a multi-parter if ((n1 < ec) && (n1 >= 0)) { ProcessedEpisode ei = eis[n1]; string nameBase = ei.Name; eis.RemoveAt(n1); // remove old one for (int i = 0; i < nn2; i++) // make n2 new parts { ProcessedEpisode pe2 = new ProcessedEpisode(ei, si) { Name = nameBase + " (Part " + (i + 1) + ")", EpNum = -2, EpNum2 = -2 }; eis.Insert(n1 + i, pe2); } } break; } case RuleAction.kMerge: case RuleAction.kCollapse: { if ((n1 != -1) && (n2 != -1) && (n1 < ec) && (n2 < ec) && (n1 < n2)) { ProcessedEpisode oldFirstEI = eis[n1]; string combinedName = eis[n1].Name + " + "; string combinedSummary = eis[n1].Overview + "<br/><br/>"; //int firstNum = eis[n1]->TVcomEpCount(); for (int i = n1 + 1; i <= n2; i++) { combinedName += eis[i].Name; combinedSummary += eis[i].Overview; if (i != n2) { combinedName += " + "; combinedSummary += "<br/><br/>"; } } eis.RemoveRange(n1, n2 - n1); eis.RemoveAt(n1); ProcessedEpisode pe2 = new ProcessedEpisode(oldFirstEI, si) { Name = ((string.IsNullOrEmpty(txt)) ? combinedName : txt), EpNum = -2 }; if (sr.DoWhatNow == RuleAction.kMerge) pe2.EpNum2 = -2 + n2 - n1; else pe2.EpNum2 = -2; pe2.Overview = combinedSummary; eis.Insert(n1, pe2); } break; } case RuleAction.kSwap: { if ((n1 != -1) && (n2 != -1) && (n1 < ec) && (n2 < ec)) { ProcessedEpisode t = eis[n1]; eis[n1] = eis[n2]; eis[n2] = t; } break; } case RuleAction.kInsert: { if ((n1 < ec) && (n1 >= 0)) { ProcessedEpisode t = eis[n1]; ProcessedEpisode n = new ProcessedEpisode(t.TheSeries, t.TheSeason, si) { Name = txt, EpNum = -2, EpNum2 = -2 }; eis.Insert(n1, n); } else if (n1 == eis.Count) { ProcessedEpisode t = eis[n1-1]; ProcessedEpisode n = new ProcessedEpisode(t.TheSeries, t.TheSeason, si) { Name = txt, EpNum = -2, EpNum2 = -2 }; eis.Add(n); } break; } } // switch DoWhatNow Renumber(eis); } // for each rule // now, go through and remove the ignored ones (but don't renumber!!) for (int i = eis.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (eis[i].Ignore) eis.RemoveAt(i); } }
public ActionDateTouch(FileInfo f, ProcessedEpisode pe, DateTime date) { Episode = pe; whereFile = f; updateTime = date; }
public ActionDateTouchEpisode(FileInfo f, ProcessedEpisode pe, DateTime date) : base(f, date) { Episode = pe; }
public ActionDownload(ShowItem si, ProcessedEpisode pe, FileInfo dest, string bannerPath) : this(si, pe, dest, bannerPath, false) { }
public ItemList ProcessEpisode(ProcessedEpisode dbep, FileInfo filo) => ProcessEpisode(dbep, filo, false);
public ShowItem SI; // if for an entire show, rather than specific episode public ActionNFO(FileInfo nfo, ProcessedEpisode pe) { this.SI = null; this.Episode = pe; this.Where = nfo; }
public static string NameForNoExt(ProcessedEpisode pe, string styleString) { return(NameForNoExt(pe, styleString, false)); }
private static bool EpisodesMatch([NotNull] ProcessedEpisode pep, ProcessedEpisode comparePep) { return(pep.FirstAired.HasValue && comparePep.FirstAired.HasValue && pep.FirstAired == comparePep.FirstAired && pep.EpisodeId < comparePep.EpisodeId); }
private static bool IsOneFound([NotNull] StringBuilder output, DirFilesCache dfc, [NotNull] ProcessedEpisode pep, [NotNull] ProcessedEpisode comparePep, ref bool largerFileSize) { output.AppendLine("####### POSSIBLE DUPLICATE DUE TO NAME##########"); //Do the missing Test (ie is one missing and not the other) bool pepFound = dfc.FindEpOnDisk(pep).Any(); bool comparePepFound = dfc.FindEpOnDisk(comparePep).Any(); bool oneFound = (pepFound ^ comparePepFound); if (oneFound) { output.AppendLine( "####### POSSIBLE DUPLICATE DUE TO ONE MISSING AND ONE FOUND ##########"); ProcessedEpisode possibleDupEpisode = pepFound ? pep : comparePep; //Test the file sizes in the season //More than 40% longer FileInfo possibleDupFile = dfc.FindEpOnDisk(possibleDupEpisode)[0]; int dupMovieLength = possibleDupFile.GetFilmLength(); List <int> otherMovieLengths = new List <int>(); foreach (FileInfo file in possibleDupFile.Directory.EnumerateFiles()) { if (file.IsMovieFile()) { otherMovieLengths.Add(file.GetFilmLength()); } } int averageMovieLength = (otherMovieLengths.Count == 1) ?otherMovieLengths.Sum() :(otherMovieLengths.Sum() - dupMovieLength) / (otherMovieLengths.Count - 1); largerFileSize = (dupMovieLength > averageMovieLength * 1.4); if (largerFileSize) { { output.AppendLine( "######################################################################"); output.AppendLine( "####### SURELY WE HAVE ONE NOW ##########"); output.AppendLine( $"####### {possibleDupEpisode.AiredEpNum}({possibleDupEpisode.Name}) has length {dupMovieLength} greater than the average in the directory of {averageMovieLength}"); output.AppendLine( "######################################################################"); } } } return(oneFound); }
public string NameFor([NotNull] ProcessedEpisode pe) => NameFor(pe, string.Empty, 0);
public static string NameForNoExt([NotNull] ProcessedEpisode pe, [NotNull] string styleString, bool urlEncode) { string name = styleString; string showname = pe.Show.ShowName; string epname = pe.Name; if (urlEncode) { showname = Uri.EscapeDataString(showname); epname = Uri.EscapeDataString(epname); } name = name.ReplaceInsensitive("{ShowName}", showname); name = name.ReplaceInsensitive("{Season}", pe.AppropriateSeasonNumber.ToString()); name = name.ReplaceInsensitive("{Season:2}", pe.AppropriateSeasonNumber.ToString("00")); name = name.ReplaceInsensitive("{SeasonNumber}", pe.AppropriateSeasonIndex.ToString()); name = name.ReplaceInsensitive("{SeasonNumber:2}", pe.AppropriateSeasonIndex.ToString("00")); if (pe.AppropriateSeason.Episodes.Count >= 100) { name = name.ReplaceInsensitive("{Episode}", pe.AppropriateEpNum.ToString("000")); name = name.ReplaceInsensitive("{Episode2}", pe.EpNum2.ToString("000")); } else { name = name.ReplaceInsensitive("{Episode}", pe.AppropriateEpNum.ToString("00")); name = name.ReplaceInsensitive("{Episode2}", pe.EpNum2.ToString("00")); } name = name.ReplaceInsensitive("{EpisodeName}", epname); name = name.ReplaceInsensitive("{Number}", pe.OverallNumber.ToString()); name = name.ReplaceInsensitive("{Number:2}", pe.OverallNumber.ToString("00")); name = name.ReplaceInsensitive("{Number:3}", pe.OverallNumber.ToString("000")); name = name.ReplaceInsensitive("{Year}", pe.TheSeries.MinYear.ToString()); name = name.ReplaceInsensitive("{SeasonYear}", pe.AppropriateSeason.MinYear().ToString()); name = name.ReplaceInsensitive("{Imdb}", pe.ImdbCode); name = name.ReplaceInsensitive("{ShowImdb}", pe.Show?.TheSeries()?.Imdb ?? string.Empty); name = ReplaceDates(urlEncode, name, pe.GetAirDateDt(false)); string allEps = ""; for (int i = pe.AppropriateEpNum; i <= pe.EpNum2; i++) { allEps += "E" + i.ToString("00"); } name = Regex.Replace(name, "{AllEpisodes}", allEps, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase); if (pe.EpNum2 == pe.AppropriateEpNum) { name = Regex.Replace(name, "([^\\\\])\\[.*?[^\\\\]\\]", "$1"); // remove optional parts } else { name = Regex.Replace(name, "([^\\\\])\\[(.*?[^\\\\])\\]", "$1$2"); // remove just the brackets } name = name.Replace("\\[", "["); name = name.Replace("\\]", "]"); return(name.Trim()); }
public static string NameForNoExt([NotNull] ProcessedEpisode pe, [NotNull] string styleString) => NameForNoExt(pe, styleString, false);
public bool MatchesSequentialNumber(string filename, ref int seas, ref int ep, ProcessedEpisode pe) { if (pe.OverallNumber == -1) return false; string num = pe.OverallNumber.ToString(); bool found = Regex.Match("X" + filename + "X", "[^0-9]0*" + num + "[^0-9]").Success; // need to pad to let it match non-numbers at start and end if (found) { seas = pe.SeasonNumber; ep = pe.EpNum; } return found; }
public static string NameForNoExt(ProcessedEpisode pe, String styleString, bool urlEncode) { String name = styleString; string showname = pe.SI.ShowName; string epname = pe.Name; if (urlEncode) { showname = System.Web.HttpUtility.UrlEncode(showname); epname = System.Web.HttpUtility.UrlEncode(epname); } name = name.Replace("{ShowName}", showname); name = name.Replace("{Season}", pe.SeasonNumber.ToString()); name = name.Replace("{Season:2}", pe.SeasonNumber.ToString("00")); name = name.Replace("{Episode}", pe.EpNum.ToString("00")); name = name.Replace("{Episode2}", pe.EpNum2.ToString("00")); name = name.Replace("{EpisodeName}", epname); name = name.Replace("{Number}", pe.OverallNumber.ToString()); name = name.Replace("{Number:2}", pe.OverallNumber.ToString("00")); name = name.Replace("{Number:3}", pe.OverallNumber.ToString("000")); DateTime?airdt = pe.GetAirDateDT(false); if (airdt != null) { DateTime dt = (DateTime)airdt; name = name.Replace("{ShortDate}", dt.ToString("d")); name = name.Replace("{LongDate}", dt.ToString("D")); string ymd = dt.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd"); if (urlEncode) { ymd = System.Web.HttpUtility.UrlEncode(ymd); } name = name.Replace("{YMDDate}", ymd); } else { name = name.Replace("{ShortDate}", "---"); name = name.Replace("{LongDate}", "------"); string ymd = "----/--/--"; if (urlEncode) { ymd = System.Web.HttpUtility.UrlEncode(ymd); } name = name.Replace("{YMDDate}", ymd); } String allEps = ""; for (int i = pe.EpNum; i <= pe.EpNum2; i++) { allEps += "E" + i.ToString("00"); } name = Regex.Replace(name, "{AllEpisodes}", allEps); if (pe.EpNum2 == pe.EpNum) { name = Regex.Replace(name, "([^\\\\])\\[.*?[^\\\\]\\]", "$1"); // remove optional parts } else { name = Regex.Replace(name, "([^\\\\])\\[(.*?[^\\\\])\\]", "$1$2"); // remove just the brackets } name = name.Replace("\\[", "["); name = name.Replace("\\]", "]"); return(name); }
public static List<ProcessedEpisode> GenerateEpisodes(ShowItem si, SeriesInfo ser, int snum, bool applyRules) { List<ProcessedEpisode> eis = new List<ProcessedEpisode>(); if ((ser == null) || !ser.Seasons.ContainsKey(snum)) return null; // todo.. something? Season seas = ser.Seasons[snum]; if (seas == null) return null; // TODO: warn user foreach (Episode e in seas.Episodes) eis.Add(new ProcessedEpisode(e, si)); // add a copy if (si.DVDOrder) { eis.Sort(new System.Comparison<ProcessedEpisode>(ProcessedEpisode.DVDOrderSorter)); Renumber(eis); } else eis.Sort(new System.Comparison<ProcessedEpisode>(ProcessedEpisode.EPNumberSorter)); if (si.CountSpecials && ser.Seasons.ContainsKey(0)) { // merge specials in foreach (Episode ep in ser.Seasons[0].Episodes) { if (ep.Items.ContainsKey("airsbefore_season") && ep.Items.ContainsKey("airsbefore_episode")) { string seasstr = ep.Items["airsbefore_season"]; string epstr = ep.Items["airsbefore_episode"]; if ((string.IsNullOrEmpty(seasstr)) || (string.IsNullOrEmpty(epstr))) continue; int sease = int.Parse(seasstr); if (sease != snum) continue; int epnum = int.Parse(epstr); for (int i = 0; i < eis.Count; i++) { if ((eis[i].SeasonNumber == sease) && (eis[i].EpNum == epnum)) { ProcessedEpisode pe = new ProcessedEpisode(ep, si) { TheSeason = eis[i].TheSeason, SeasonID = eis[i].SeasonID }; eis.Insert(i, pe); break; } } } } // renumber to allow for specials int epnumr = 1; for (int j = 0; j < eis.Count; j++) { eis[j].EpNum2 = epnumr + (eis[j].EpNum2 - eis[j].EpNum); eis[j].EpNum = epnumr; epnumr++; } } if (applyRules) { List<ShowRule> rules = si.RulesForSeason(snum); if (rules != null) ApplyRules(eis, rules, si); } return eis; }
public ActionDateTouch(FileInfo f, ProcessedEpisode pe, DateTime date) { this.Episode = pe; this.WhereFile = f; this.updateTime = date; }
public ActionNfo(FileInfo nfo, ProcessedEpisode pe) : base(nfo, null) { Episode = pe; }
protected override void DoCheck(SetProgressDelegate prog, ICollection <ShowItem> showList, TVDoc.ScanSettings settings) { if (TVSettings.Instance.SearchRSSManualScanOnly && settings.Unattended) { LOGGER.Info("Searching RSS Feeds is cancelled as this is an unattended scan"); return; } int c = ActionList.MissingItems().Count() + 2; int n = 1; UpdateStatus(n, c, "Searching on RSS Feed..."); // ReSharper disable once InconsistentNaming RssItemList RSSList = new RssItemList(); foreach (string s in TVSettings.Instance.RSSURLs) { RSSList.DownloadRSS(s, TVSettings.Instance.FNPRegexs, TVSettings.Instance.RSSUseCloudflare); } ItemList newItems = new ItemList(); ItemList toRemove = new ItemList(); foreach (ItemMissing action in ActionList.MissingItems().ToList()) { if (settings.Token.IsCancellationRequested) { return; } UpdateStatus(n++, c, action.Filename); ProcessedEpisode pe = action.Episode; string simpleShowName = Helpers.SimplifyName(pe.Show.ShowName); string simpleSeriesName = Helpers.SimplifyName(pe.TheSeries.Name); ItemList newItemsForThisMissingEpisode = new ItemList(); foreach (RSSItem rss in RSSList) { if ( !FileHelper.SimplifyAndCheckFilename(rss.ShowName, simpleShowName, true, false) && !( string.IsNullOrEmpty(rss.ShowName) && FileHelper.SimplifyAndCheckFilename(rss.Title, simpleSeriesName, true, false) ) ) { continue; } if (rss.Season != pe.AppropriateSeasonNumber) { continue; } if (rss.Episode != pe.AppropriateEpNum) { continue; } LOGGER.Info($"Adding {rss.URL} from RSS feed as it appears to be match for {action.Episode.Show.ShowName} S{action.Episode.AppropriateSeasonNumber}E{action.Episode.AppropriateEpNum}"); newItemsForThisMissingEpisode.Add(new ActionTDownload(rss, action.TheFileNoExt, pe, action)); toRemove.Add(action); } foreach (ActionTDownload x in FindDuplicates(newItemsForThisMissingEpisode)) { newItemsForThisMissingEpisode.Remove(x); } newItems.AddNullableRange(newItemsForThisMissingEpisode); } ActionList.Replace(toRemove, newItems); }
public virtual ItemList ProcessEpisode(ProcessedEpisode dbep, FileInfo filo, bool forceRefresh) => null;
public ActionTDownload(string name, long sizeBytes, string url, string toWhereNoExt, ProcessedEpisode pe, ItemMissing me) { Episode = pe; SourceName = name; this.url = url; theFileNoExt = toWhereNoExt; UndoItemMissing = me; this.sizeBytes = sizeBytes; }
public ActionTRemove(IDownloadProvider source, TorrentEntry lastFoundEntry, ProcessedEpisode episode) { Episode = episode; client = source; name = lastFoundEntry; }
private ProcessedEpisode?GetNextMostRecentProcessedEpisode(int nDaysFuture, ICollection <ProcessedEpisode> found, DateTime notBefore) { ProcessedEpisode nextAfterThat = null; TimeSpan howClose = TimeSpan.MaxValue; foreach (ShowConfiguration si in GetSortedShowItems()) { lock (si.Provider == TVDoc.ProviderType.TVmaze ? TVmaze.LocalCache.Instance.SERIES_LOCK : TheTVDB.LocalCache.Instance.SERIES_LOCK) { if (!si.ShowNextAirdate) { continue; } foreach (KeyValuePair <int, List <ProcessedEpisode> > v in si.ActiveSeasons.ToList()) { if (si.IgnoreSeasons.Contains(v.Key)) { continue; // ignore this season } if (v.Key == 0 && TVSettings.Instance.IgnoreAllSpecials) { continue; } if (v.Value is null) { continue; } foreach (ProcessedEpisode ei in v.Value) { if (found.Contains(ei)) { continue; } DateTime?airdt = ei.GetAirDateDt(true); if (airdt is null || airdt == DateTime.MaxValue) { continue; } DateTime dt = airdt.Value; TimeSpan timeUntil = dt.Subtract(DateTime.Now); if (timeUntil.TotalDays > nDaysFuture) { continue; //episode is too far in the future } TimeSpan ts = dt.Subtract(notBefore); if (ts.TotalSeconds < 0) { continue; //episode is too far in the past } //if we have a closer match if (TimeSpan.Compare(ts, howClose) < 0) { howClose = ts; nextAfterThat = ei; } } } } } return(nextAfterThat); }
public ActionPyTivoMeta(FileInfo nfo, ProcessedEpisode pe) { this.Episode = pe; this.Where = nfo; }
protected override string GenerateRecord(ProcessedEpisode ep, [NotNull] FileInfo file, string name, int length) { return($"#EXTINF:{length},{file.Name}\r\n{file.UrlPathFullName()}"); }
private FileInfo CheckFile([NotNull] string folder, FileInfo fi, [NotNull] FileInfo actualFile, string newName, ProcessedEpisode ep, IEnumerable <FileInfo> files) { if (TVSettings.Instance.RetainLanguageSpecificSubtitles) { (bool isSubtitleFile, string subtitleExtension) = fi.IsLanguageSpecificSubtitle(); if (isSubtitleFile && actualFile.Name != newName) { newName = TVSettings.Instance.FilenameFriendly( TVSettings.Instance.NamingStyle.NameFor(ep, subtitleExtension, folder.Length)); } } FileInfo newFile = FileHelper.FileInFolder(folder, newName); // rename updates the filename if (newFile.FullName != actualFile.FullName) { //Check that the file does not already exist //if (FileHelper.FileExistsCaseSensitive(newFile.FullName)) if (FileHelper.FileExistsCaseSensitive(files, newFile)) { LOGGER.Warn( $"Identified that {actualFile.FullName} should be renamed to {newName}, but it already exists."); } else { LOGGER.Info($"Identified that {actualFile.FullName} should be renamed to {newName}."); Doc.TheActionList.Add(new ActionCopyMoveRename(ActionCopyMoveRename.Op.rename, fi, newFile, ep, false, null, Doc)); //The following section informs the DownloadIdentifers that we already plan to //copy a file in the appropriate place and they do not need to worry about downloading //one for that purpose downloadIdentifiers.NotifyComplete(newFile); if (newFile.IsMovieFile()) { return(newFile); } } } else { if (actualFile.IsMovieFile()) { //File is correct name LOGGER.Debug($"Identified that {actualFile.FullName} is in the right place. Marking it as 'seen'."); //Record this episode as seen TVSettings.Instance.PreviouslySeenEpisodes.EnsureAdded(ep); if (TVSettings.Instance.IgnorePreviouslySeen) { Doc.SetDirty(); } } } return(null); }
private static void AppendEpisode([NotNull] this StringBuilder sb, [NotNull] ProcessedEpisode ep, [CanBeNull] IReadOnlyCollection <FileInfo> fl, Color backgroundColour) { string stars = StarRating(ep.EpisodeRating); string episodeUrl = TheTVDB.WebsiteUrl(ep.SeriesId, ep.SeasonId, ep.EpisodeId); bool ratingIsNumber = float.TryParse(ep.EpisodeRating, NumberStyles.AllowDecimalPoint | NumberStyles.AllowLeadingWhite | NumberStyles.AllowTrailingWhite, CultureInfo.CreateSpecificCulture("en-US"), out float rating); string siteRating = ratingIsNumber && rating > 0 ? rating + "/10" + AddRatingCount(ep.SiteRatingCount ?? 0) : ""; string imdbLink = string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(ep.ImdbCode) ? string.Empty : "" + ep.ImdbCode; string productionCode = string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(ep.ProductionCode) ? string.Empty : "Production Code <br/>" + ep.ProductionCode; string episodeDescriptor = CustomEpisodeName.NameForNoExt(ep, CustomEpisodeName.OldNStyle(6)); // may need to include (si.DVDOrder && snum == 0)? ep.Name: string writersHtml = string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(ep.Writer) ? string.Empty : "<b>Writers:</b> " + string.Join(", ", ep.Writers); string directorsHtml = string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(ep.EpisodeDirector) ? string.Empty : "<b>Directors:</b> " + string.Join(", ", ep.Directors); string guestHtml = string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(ep.EpisodeGuestStars) ? string.Empty : "<b>Guest Stars:</b> " + string.Join(", ", ep.GuestStars); string possibleBreak1 = string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(writersHtml) || string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(directorsHtml) ? string.Empty : "<br />"; string possibleBreak2 = string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(writersHtml) && string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(directorsHtml) || string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(guestHtml) ? string.Empty : "<br />"; string searchButton = (fl is null || fl.Count == 0) && ep.HasAired() ? CreateButton(TVSettings.Instance.BTSearchURL(ep), "<i class=\"fas fa-search\"></i>", "Search for Torrent...") : string.Empty; string viewButton = string.Empty; string explorerButton = string.Empty; if (fl != null) { foreach (string urlFilename in fl.Select(fi => Uri.EscapeDataString(fi.FullName))) { viewButton += CreateButton($"{UI.WATCH_PROXY}{urlFilename}", "<i class=\"far fa-eye\"></i>", "Watch Now"); explorerButton += CreateButton($"{UI.EXPLORE_PROXY}{urlFilename}", "<i class=\"far fa-folder-open\"></i>", "Open Containing Folder"); } } string tvdbButton = CreateButton(episodeUrl, "", "View on TVDB"); string imdbButton = CreateButton(imdbLink, "", "View on IMDB"); string tvButton = CreateButton(ep.ShowUrl, "", "View on"); sb.AppendLine($@" <div class=""card card-body"" style=""background-color:{backgroundColour.HexColour()}""> <div class=""row""> <div class=""col-md-5"">{ep.ScreenShotHtml()}</div> <div class=""col-md-7 d-flex flex-column""> <div class=""row""> <div class=""col-md-8""><h2>{episodeDescriptor}</h2></div> <div class=""col-md-4 text-right"">{ep.DateDetailsHtml()}</div> </div> <div> <blockquote> {writersHtml}{possibleBreak1} {directorsHtml}{possibleBreak2} {guestHtml} </blockquote> </div> <div><p class=""lead"">{ep.HiddenOverview()}</p></div> <div> {searchButton} {viewButton} {explorerButton} {tvdbButton} {imdbButton} {tvButton} </div> <div class=""row align-items-bottom flex-grow-1""> <div class=""col-md-6 align-self-end"">{stars}<br>{siteRating}</div> <div class=""col-md-6 align-self-end text-right"">{productionCode}</div> </div> </div> </div> </div>"); }
public ItemDownloading(IDownloadInformation dl, ProcessedEpisode pe, string desiredLocationNoExt, DownloadingFinder.DownloadApp tApp, ItemMissing me) : this(dl, desiredLocationNoExt, tApp, me) { Episode = pe; }
public void RightClickOnMyShows(ShowItem si, Point pt) { this.mLastShowsClicked = new List<ShowItem>() { si }; this.mLastEpClicked = null; this.mLastSeasonClicked = null; this.mLastActionsClicked = null; this.BuildRightClickMenu(pt); }
public void DoBTSearch(ProcessedEpisode ep) { if (ep == null) return; TVDoc.SysOpen(this.Settings.BTSearchURL(ep)); }
public void WTWRightClickOnShow(List<ProcessedEpisode> eps, Point pt) { if (eps.Count == 0) return; ProcessedEpisode ep = eps[0]; List<ShowItem> sis = new List<ShowItem>(); foreach (var e in eps) { sis.Add(e.SI); } this.mLastEpClicked = ep; this.mLastShowsClicked = sis; this.mLastSeasonClicked = ep != null ? ep.TheSeason : null; this.mLastActionsClicked = null; this.BuildRightClickMenu(pt); }
public List<System.IO.FileInfo> FindEpOnDisk(ProcessedEpisode pe) { return this.FindEpOnDisk(pe.SI, pe); }
public void UpdateWTW(ProcessedEpisode pe, ListViewItem lvi) { lvi.Tag = pe; // group 0 = just missed // 1 = this week // 2 = future / unknown DateTime? airdt = pe.GetAirDateDT(true); if (airdt == null) { // TODO: something! return; } DateTime dt = (DateTime)airdt; double ttn = (dt.Subtract(DateTime.Now)).TotalHours; if (ttn < 0) lvi.Group = this.lvWhenToWatch.Groups[0]; else if (ttn < (7 * 24)) lvi.Group = this.lvWhenToWatch.Groups[1]; else if (!pe.NextToAir) lvi.Group = this.lvWhenToWatch.Groups[3]; else lvi.Group = this.lvWhenToWatch.Groups[2]; int n = 1; lvi.Text = pe.SI.ShowName; lvi.SubItems[n++].Text = (pe.SeasonNumber != 0) ? pe.SeasonNumber.ToString() : "Special"; string estr = (pe.EpNum > 0) ? pe.EpNum.ToString() : ""; if ((pe.EpNum > 0) && (pe.EpNum2 != pe.EpNum) && (pe.EpNum2 > 0)) estr += "-" + pe.EpNum2; lvi.SubItems[n++].Text = estr; lvi.SubItems[n++].Text = dt.ToShortDateString(); lvi.SubItems[n++].Text = dt.ToString("t"); lvi.SubItems[n++].Text = dt.ToString("ddd"); lvi.SubItems[n++].Text = pe.HowLong(); lvi.SubItems[n++].Text = pe.Name; // icon.. if (airdt.Value.CompareTo(DateTime.Now) < 0) // has aired { System.Collections.Generic.List<System.IO.FileInfo> fl = this.mDoc.FindEpOnDisk(pe); if ((fl != null) && (fl.Count > 0)) lvi.ImageIndex = 0; else if (pe.SI.DoMissingCheck) lvi.ImageIndex = 1; } }
private void ThumbnailAndNFOCheck(ProcessedEpisode dbep, FileInfo filo, ItemList addTo) { if (this.Settings.EpImgs) { string ban = dbep.GetItem("filename"); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ban)) { string fn = filo.Name; fn = fn.Substring(0, fn.Length - filo.Extension.Length); fn += ".tbn"; FileInfo img = Helpers.FileInFolder(filo.Directory, fn); if (!img.Exists) addTo.Add(new ActionDownload(dbep.SI, dbep, img, ban)); } } if (this.Settings.NFOs) { string fn = filo.Name; fn = fn.Substring(0, fn.Length - filo.Extension.Length); fn += ".nfo"; FileInfo nfo = Helpers.FileInFolder(filo.Directory, fn); if (!nfo.Exists || (dbep.Srv_LastUpdated > TimeZone.Epoch(nfo.LastWriteTime))) addTo.Add(new ActionNFO(nfo, dbep)); } if (this.Settings.pyTivoMeta) { string fn = filo.Name; fn += ".txt"; string folder = filo.DirectoryName; if (this.Settings.pyTivoMetaSubFolder) folder += "\\.meta"; FileInfo meta = Helpers.FileInFolder(folder, fn); if (!meta.Exists || (dbep.Srv_LastUpdated > TimeZone.Epoch(meta.LastWriteTime))) addTo.Add(new ActionPyTivoMeta(meta, dbep)); } }
public UI(TVDoc doc) { this.mDoc = doc; this.Busy = 0; this.mLastEpClicked = null; this.mLastFolderClicked = null; this.mLastSeasonClicked = null; this.mLastShowsClicked = null; this.mLastActionsClicked = null; this.mInternalChange = 0; this.mFoldersToOpen = new List<String>(); this.InternalCheckChange = false; this.InitializeComponent(); this.SetupIPC(); try { this.LoadLayoutXML(); } catch { // silently fail, doesn't matter too much } this.SetProgress += this.SetProgressActual; this.lvWhenToWatch.ListViewItemSorter = new DateSorterWTW(); if (this.mDoc.Args.Hide) { this.WindowState = FormWindowState.Minimized; this.Visible = false; this.Hide(); } this.Text = this.Text + " " + Version.DisplayVersionString(); this.FillMyShows(); this.UpdateSearchButton(); this.SetGuideHTMLbody(""); this.mDoc.DoWhenToWatch(true); this.FillWhenToWatchList(); this.mDoc.WriteUpcomingRSSandXML(); this.ShowHideNotificationIcon(); int t = this.mDoc.Settings.StartupTab; if (t < this.tabControl1.TabCount) this.tabControl1.SelectedIndex = this.mDoc.Settings.StartupTab; this.tabControl1_SelectedIndexChanged(null, null); this.mAutoFolderMonitor = new TVRename.AutoFolderMonitor(mDoc,this); if (this.mDoc.Settings.MonitorFolders) this.mAutoFolderMonitor.StartMonitor(); }
protected override void Check(ShowItem si, DirFilesCache dfc, TVDoc.ScanSettings settings) { if (settings.Token.IsCancellationRequested) { throw new TVRenameOperationInterruptedException(); } if (!TVSettings.Instance.AutoMergeLibraryEpisodes) { return; } Dictionary <int, List <string> > allFolders = si.AllExistngFolderLocations(); if (allFolders.Count == 0) // no folders defined for this show { return; // so, nothing to do. } // process each folder for each season... foreach (int snum in si.GetSeasonKeys()) { if (settings.Token.IsCancellationRequested) { throw new TVRenameOperationInterruptedException(); } if (si.IgnoreSeasons.Contains(snum) || !allFolders.ContainsKey(snum)) { continue; // ignore/skip this season } if (snum == 0 && si.CountSpecials) { continue; // don't process the specials season, as they're merged into the seasons themselves } if (snum == 0 && TVSettings.Instance.IgnoreAllSpecials) { continue; } // all the folders for this particular season List <string> folders = allFolders[snum]; List <ProcessedEpisode> eps = si.SeasonEpisodes[snum]; List <ShowRule> rulesToAdd = new List <ShowRule>(); foreach (string folder in folders) { if (settings.Token.IsCancellationRequested) { throw new TVRenameOperationInterruptedException(); } FileInfo[] files = dfc.GetFiles(folder); if (files is null) { continue; } foreach (FileInfo fi in files) { if (settings.Token.IsCancellationRequested) { throw new TVRenameOperationInterruptedException(); } if (!fi.IsMovieFile()) { continue; //not a video file, so ignore } if (!FinderHelper.FindSeasEp(fi, out int seasNum, out int epNum, out int maxEp, si, out TVSettings.FilenameProcessorRE _)) { continue; // can't find season & episode, so this file is of no interest to us } if (seasNum == -1) { seasNum = snum; } int epIdx = eps.FindIndex(x => x.AppropriateEpNum == epNum && x.AppropriateSeasonNumber == seasNum); if (epIdx == -1) { continue; // season+episode number don't correspond to any episode we know of from thetvdb } ProcessedEpisode ep = eps[epIdx]; if (ep.Type != ProcessedEpisode.ProcessedEpisodeType.merged && maxEp != -1) { LOGGER.Info( $"Looking at {ep.Show.ShowName} and have identified that episode {epNum} and {maxEp} of season {seasNum} should be merged into one file {fi.FullName}"); ShowRule sr = new ShowRule { DoWhatNow = RuleAction.kMerge, First = epNum, Second = maxEp }; rulesToAdd.Add(sr); } } // foreach file in folder } // for each folder for this season of this show foreach (ShowRule sr in rulesToAdd) { si.AddSeasonRule(snum, sr); LOGGER.Info($"Added new rule automatically for {sr}"); //Regenerate the episodes with the new rule added ShowLibrary.GenerateEpisodeDict(si); } } // for each season of this show }
private void CheckSeasonFolder(ShowItem si, DirFilesCache dfc, TVDoc.ScanSettings settings, int snum, bool timeForBannerUpdate, string folder) { if (settings.Token.IsCancellationRequested) { return; } if (TVSettings.Instance.NeedToDownloadBannerFile() && timeForBannerUpdate) { //Image series checks here Doc.TheActionList.Add( downloadIdentifiers.ForceUpdateSeason(DownloadIdentifier.DownloadType.downloadImage, si, folder, snum)); } //Image series checks here Doc.TheActionList.Add(downloadIdentifiers.ProcessSeason(si, folder, snum)); FileInfo[] files = dfc.GetFiles(folder); if (files is null) { return; } bool renCheck = TVSettings.Instance.RenameCheck && si.DoRename && Directory.Exists(folder); // renaming check needs the folder to exist bool missCheck = TVSettings.Instance.MissingCheck && si.DoMissingCheck; if (!renCheck && !missCheck) { return; } Dictionary <int, FileInfo> localEps = new Dictionary <int, FileInfo>(); int maxEpNumFound = 0; if (!si.SeasonEpisodes.ContainsKey(snum)) { return; } List <ProcessedEpisode> eps = si.SeasonEpisodes[snum]; foreach (FileInfo fi in files) { if (settings.Token.IsCancellationRequested) { return; } if (!FinderHelper.FindSeasEp(fi, out int seasNum, out int epNum, out int _, si, out TVSettings.FilenameProcessorRE _)) { continue; // can't find season & episode, so this file is of no interest to us } if (seasNum == -1) { seasNum = snum; } ProcessedEpisode ep = eps.Find(x => x.AppropriateEpNum == epNum && x.AppropriateSeasonNumber == seasNum); if (ep is null) { continue; // season+episode number don't correspond to any episode we know of from thetvdb } FileInfo actualFile = fi; // == RENAMING CHECK == if (renCheck && TVSettings.Instance.FileHasUsefulExtension(fi, true)) { // Note that the extension of the file may not be fi.extension as users can put ".mkv.t" for example as an extension string otherExtension = TVSettings.Instance.FileHasUsefulExtensionDetails(fi, true); string newName = TVSettings.Instance.FilenameFriendly( TVSettings.Instance.NamingStyle.NameFor(ep, otherExtension, folder.Length)); FileInfo fileWorthAdding = CheckFile(folder, fi, actualFile, newName, ep, files); if (fileWorthAdding != null) { localEps[epNum] = fileWorthAdding; } } // == MISSING CHECK part 1/2 == if (missCheck && fi.IsMovieFile()) { // first pass of missing check is to tally up the episodes we do have if (!localEps.ContainsKey(epNum)) { localEps[epNum] = actualFile; } if (epNum > maxEpNumFound) { maxEpNumFound = epNum; } } } // foreach file in folder // == MISSING CHECK part 2/2 (includes NFO and Thumbnails) == // look at the official list of episodes, and look to see if we have any gaps DateTime today = DateTime.Now; foreach (ProcessedEpisode dbep in eps) { if (!localEps.ContainsKey(dbep.AppropriateEpNum)) // not here locally { // second part of missing check is to see what is missing! if (missCheck) { DateTime?dt = dbep.GetAirDateDt(true); bool dtOk = dt != null; bool notFuture = dtOk && dt.Value.CompareTo(today) < 0; // isn't an episode yet to be aired // only add to the missing list if, either: // - force check is on // - there are no aired dates at all, for up to and including this season // - there is an aired date, and it isn't in the future bool noAirdatesUntilNow = si.NoAirdatesUntilNow(snum); bool siForceCheckFuture = (si.ForceCheckFuture || notFuture) && dtOk; bool siForceCheckNoAirdate = si.ForceCheckNoAirdate && !dtOk; if (noAirdatesUntilNow || siForceCheckFuture || siForceCheckNoAirdate) { // then add it as officially missing Doc.TheActionList.Add(new ItemMissing(dbep, folder)); } }// if doing missing check } else { if (settings.Type == TVSettings.ScanType.Full) { Doc.CurrentStats.NsNumberOfEpisodes++; } // do NFO and thumbnail checks if required FileInfo filo = localEps[dbep.AppropriateEpNum]; // filename (or future filename) of the file Doc.TheActionList.Add(downloadIdentifiers.ProcessEpisode(dbep, filo)); } } // up to date check, for each episode in thetvdb }
public ActionRSS(RSSItem rss, string toWhereNoExt, ProcessedEpisode pe) { this.Episode = pe; this.RSS = rss; this.TheFileNoExt = toWhereNoExt; }
public void RightClickOnMyShows(Season seas, Point pt) { this.mLastShowsClicked = new List<ShowItem>() { this.mDoc.GetShowItem(seas.TheSeries.TVDBCode) }; this.mLastEpClicked = null; this.mLastSeasonClicked = seas; this.mLastActionsClicked = null; this.BuildRightClickMenu(pt); }
public ActionWdtvMeta(FileInfo where, ProcessedEpisode pe) : base(where, pe.Show) { Episode = pe; }
public void showRightClickMenu_ItemClicked(object sender, System.Windows.Forms.ToolStripItemClickedEventArgs e) { this.showRightClickMenu.Close(); RightClickCommands n = (RightClickCommands) e.ClickedItem.Tag; ShowItem si = (this.mLastShowsClicked != null) && (this.mLastShowsClicked.Count > 0) ? this.mLastShowsClicked[0] : null; switch (n) { case RightClickCommands.kEpisodeGuideForShow: // epguide if (this.mLastEpClicked != null) this.GotoEpguideFor(this.mLastEpClicked, true); else { if (si != null) this.GotoEpguideFor(si, true); } break; case RightClickCommands.kVisitTVDBEpisode: // { this.TVDBFor(this.mLastEpClicked); break; } case RightClickCommands.kVisitTVDBSeason: { this.TVDBFor(this.mLastSeasonClicked); break; } case RightClickCommands.kVisitTVDBSeries: { if (si != null) this.TVDBFor(si); break; } case RightClickCommands.kScanSpecificSeries: { if (mLastShowsClicked != null) { this.Scan(mLastShowsClicked); this.tabControl1.SelectTab(this.tbAllInOne); } break; } case RightClickCommands.kWhenToWatchSeries: // when to watch { int code = -1; if (this.mLastEpClicked != null) code = this.mLastEpClicked.TheSeries.TVDBCode; if (si != null) code = si.TVDBCode; if (code != -1) { this.tabControl1.SelectTab(this.tbWTW); for (int i = 0; i < this.lvWhenToWatch.Items.Count; i++) this.lvWhenToWatch.Items[i].Selected = false; for (int i = 0; i < this.lvWhenToWatch.Items.Count; i++) { ListViewItem lvi = this.lvWhenToWatch.Items[i]; ProcessedEpisode ei = (ProcessedEpisode) (lvi.Tag); if ((ei != null) && (ei.TheSeries.TVDBCode == code)) lvi.Selected = true; } this.lvWhenToWatch.Focus(); } break; } case RightClickCommands.kForceRefreshSeries: if (si != null) this.ForceRefresh(mLastShowsClicked); break; case RightClickCommands.kEditShow: if (si != null) this.EditShow(si); break; case RightClickCommands.kDeleteShow: if (si != null) this.DeleteShow(si); break; case RightClickCommands.kEditSeason: if (si != null) this.EditSeason(si, this.mLastSeasonClicked.SeasonNumber); break; case RightClickCommands.kBTSearchFor: { foreach (ListViewItem lvi in this.lvAction.SelectedItems) { ItemMissing m = (ItemMissing) (lvi.Tag); if (m != null) this.mDoc.DoBTSearch(m.Episode); } } break; case RightClickCommands.kActionAction: this.ActionAction(false); break; case RightClickCommands.kActionBrowseForFile: { if ((this.mLastActionsClicked != null) && (this.mLastActionsClicked.Count > 0)) { ItemMissing mi = (ItemMissing) this.mLastActionsClicked[0]; if (mi != null) { // browse for mLastActionClicked this.openFile.Filter = "Video Files|" + this.mDoc.Settings.GetVideoExtensionsString().Replace(".", "*.") + "|All Files (*.*)|*.*"; if (this.openFile.ShowDialog() == System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK) { // make new Item for copying/moving to specified location FileInfo from = new FileInfo(this.openFile.FileName); this.mDoc.TheActionList.Add( new ActionCopyMoveRename( this.mDoc.Settings.LeaveOriginals ? ActionCopyMoveRename.Op.Copy : ActionCopyMoveRename.Op.Move, from, new FileInfo(mi.TheFileNoExt + from.Extension), mi.Episode)); // and remove old Missing item this.mDoc.TheActionList.Remove(mi); } } this.mLastActionsClicked = null; this.FillActionList(); } break; } case RightClickCommands.kActionIgnore: this.IgnoreSelected(); break; case RightClickCommands.kActionIgnoreSeason: { // add season to ignore list for each show selected if ((this.mLastActionsClicked != null) && (this.mLastActionsClicked.Count > 0)) { foreach (Item ai in this.mLastActionsClicked) { ScanListItem er = ai as ScanListItem; if ((er == null) || (er.Episode == null)) continue; int snum = er.Episode.SeasonNumber; if (!er.Episode.SI.IgnoreSeasons.Contains(snum)) er.Episode.SI.IgnoreSeasons.Add(snum); // remove all other episodes of this season from the Action list ItemList remove = new ItemList(); foreach (Item action in this.mDoc.TheActionList) { ScanListItem er2 = action as ScanListItem; if ((er2 != null) && (er2.Episode != null) && (er2.Episode.SeasonNumber == snum)) remove.Add(action); } foreach (Item action in remove) this.mDoc.TheActionList.Remove(action); if (remove.Count > 0) this.mDoc.SetDirty(); } this.FillMyShows(); } this.mLastActionsClicked = null; this.FillActionList(); break; } case RightClickCommands.kActionDelete: this.ActionDeleteSelected(); break; default: { if ((n >= RightClickCommands.kWatchBase) && (n < RightClickCommands.kOpenFolderBase)) { int wn = n - RightClickCommands.kWatchBase; if ((this.mLastFL != null) && (wn >= 0) && (wn < this.mLastFL.Count)) TVDoc.SysOpen(this.mLastFL[wn].FullName); } else if (n >= RightClickCommands.kOpenFolderBase) { int fnum = n - RightClickCommands.kOpenFolderBase; if (fnum < this.mFoldersToOpen.Count) { string folder = this.mFoldersToOpen[fnum]; if (Directory.Exists(folder)) TVDoc.SysOpen(folder); } return; } else System.Diagnostics.Debug.Fail("Unknown right-click action " + n); break; } } this.mLastEpClicked = null; }
public static List <FileInfo> FindEpOnDisk(this DirFilesCache?dfc, ProcessedEpisode pe, bool checkDirectoryExist = true) { return(FindEpOnDisk(dfc, pe.Show, pe, checkDirectoryExist)); }
private void lvAction_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { UpdateSearchButton(); LVResults lvr = new LVResults(this.lvAction, false); if (lvr.Count == 0) { // disable everything this.bnActionBTSearch.Enabled = false; return; } this.bnActionBTSearch.Enabled = lvr.Download.Count <= 0; this.mLastShowsClicked = null; this.mLastEpClicked = null; this.mLastSeasonClicked = null; this.mLastActionsClicked = null; this.showRightClickMenu.Items.Clear(); this.mFoldersToOpen = new List<String>(); this.mLastFL = new System.Collections.Generic.List<System.IO.FileInfo>(); this.mLastActionsClicked = new ItemList(); foreach (Item ai in lvr.FlatList) this.mLastActionsClicked.Add(ai); if ((lvr.Count == 1) && (this.lvAction.FocusedItem != null) && (this.lvAction.FocusedItem.Tag != null)) { ScanListItem action = this.lvAction.FocusedItem.Tag as ScanListItem; if (action != null) { this.mLastEpClicked = action.Episode; if (action.Episode != null) { this.mLastSeasonClicked = action.Episode.TheSeason; this.mLastShowsClicked = new List<ShowItem>() { action.Episode.SI }; } else { this.mLastSeasonClicked = null; this.mLastShowsClicked = null; } if ((this.mLastEpClicked != null) && (this.mDoc.Settings.AutoSelectShowInMyShows)) this.GotoEpguideFor(this.mLastEpClicked, false); } } }
private static List <FileInfo> FindEpOnDisk(DirFilesCache?dfc, ShowConfiguration si, ProcessedEpisode epi, bool checkDirectoryExist = true) { DirFilesCache cache = dfc ?? new DirFilesCache(); List <FileInfo> ret = new List <FileInfo>(); int seasWanted = epi.AppropriateSeasonNumber; int epWanted = epi.AppropriateEpNum; int snum = seasWanted; Dictionary <int, SafeList <string> > dirs = si.AllFolderLocationsEpCheck(checkDirectoryExist); if (!dirs.ContainsKey(snum)) { return(ret); } foreach (string folder in dirs[snum]) { FileInfo[] files = cache.GetFiles(folder); foreach (FileInfo fiTemp in files.Where(fiTemp => fiTemp.IsMovieFile())) { if (!FindSeasEp(fiTemp, out int seasFound, out int epFound, out int _, si)) { continue; } if (seasFound == -1) { seasFound = seasWanted; } if (seasFound == seasWanted && epFound == epWanted) { ret.Add(fiTemp); } } } return(ret); }
public void TVDBFor(ProcessedEpisode e) { if (e == null) return; TVDoc.SysOpen(this.mDoc.GetTVDB(false, "").WebsiteURL(e.SI.TVDBCode, e.SeasonID, false)); }
public ItemSABnzbd(SAB.queueSlotsSlot qss, ProcessedEpisode pe, string desiredLocationNoExt) { this.Episode = pe; this.DesiredLocationNoExt = desiredLocationNoExt; this.Entry = qss; }