예제 #1
        public void RenameAndMissingCheck(SetProgressDelegate prog, List<ShowItem> showList)
            this.TheActionList = new ItemList();

            //int totalEps = 0;


            if (showList == null)
                showList = ShowItems;

            //foreach (ShowItem si in showlist)
            //  if (si.DoRename)
            //    totalEps += si.SeasonEpisodes.Count;

            if (TVSettings.Instance.RenameCheck)

            if (TVSettings.Instance.MissingCheck)


            if (showList == null) // only do episode count if we're doing all shows and seasons
                this.mStats.NS_NumberOfEpisodes = 0;

            DirFilesCache dfc = new DirFilesCache();
            int c = 0;
            foreach (ShowItem si in showList)
                if (this.ActionCancel)

                System.Diagnostics.Debug.Print(DateTime.Now.ToLongTimeString()+ " Rename and missing check: " + si.ShowName);

                prog.Invoke(100 * c / showList.Count);

                if (si.AllFolderLocations().Count == 0) // no folders defined for this show
                    continue; // so, nothing to do.

                //This is the code that will iterate over the DownloadIdentifiers and ask each to ensure that
                //it has all the required files for that show
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(si.AutoAdd_FolderBase) && (si.AllFolderLocations().Count > 0))

                //MS_TODO Put the bannerrefresh period into the settings file, we'l default to 3 months
                DateTime cutOff = System.DateTime.Now.AddMonths(-3);
                DateTime lastUpdate = si.BannersLastUpdatedOnDisk ?? System.DateTime.Now.AddMonths(-4);
                bool timeForBannerUpdate = (cutOff.CompareTo(lastUpdate) == 1);

                if (TVSettings.Instance.NeedToDownloadBannerFile() && timeForBannerUpdate)
                    this.TheActionList.Add(DownloadIdentifiers.ForceUpdateShow(DownloadIdentifier.DownloadType.downloadImage, si));
                    si.BannersLastUpdatedOnDisk = DateTime.Now;

                // process each folder for each season...

                int[] numbers = new int[si.SeasonEpisodes.Keys.Count];
                si.SeasonEpisodes.Keys.CopyTo(numbers, 0);
                Dictionary<int, List<string>> allFolders = si.AllFolderLocations();

                int lastSeason = 0;
                foreach (int n in numbers)
                    if (n > lastSeason)
                        lastSeason = n;

                foreach (int snum in numbers)
                    if (this.ActionCancel)

                    if ((si.IgnoreSeasons.Contains(snum)) || (!allFolders.ContainsKey(snum)))
                        continue; // ignore/skip this season

                    if ((snum == 0) && (si.CountSpecials))
                        continue; // don't process the specials season, as they're merged into the seasons themselves

                    // all the folders for this particular season
                    List<string> folders = allFolders[snum];

                    bool folderNotDefined = (folders.Count == 0);
                    if (folderNotDefined && (TVSettings.Instance.MissingCheck && !si.AutoAddNewSeasons))
                        continue; // folder for the season is not defined, and we're not auto-adding it

                    List<ProcessedEpisode> eps = si.SeasonEpisodes[snum];
                    int maxEpisodeNumber = 0;
                    foreach (ProcessedEpisode episode in eps)
                        if (episode.EpNum > maxEpisodeNumber)
                            maxEpisodeNumber = episode.EpNum;

                    // base folder:
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(si.AutoAdd_FolderBase) && (si.AllFolderLocations(false).Count > 0))
                        // main image for the folder itself

                    foreach (string folder in folders)
                        if (this.ActionCancel)
                        FileInfo[] files = dfc.Get(folder);
                        if (files == null)

                        if (TVSettings.Instance.NeedToDownloadBannerFile() && timeForBannerUpdate)
                            //Image series checks here
                            this.TheActionList.Add(DownloadIdentifiers.ForceUpdateSeason(DownloadIdentifier.DownloadType.downloadImage, si, folder, snum));

                        bool renCheck = TVSettings.Instance.RenameCheck && si.DoRename && Directory.Exists(folder); // renaming check needs the folder to exist
                        bool missCheck = TVSettings.Instance.MissingCheck && si.DoMissingCheck;

                        //Image series checks here

                        FileInfo[] localEps = new FileInfo[maxEpisodeNumber + 1];

                        int maxEpNumFound = 0;
                        if (!renCheck && !missCheck)

                        foreach (FileInfo fi in files)
                            if (this.ActionCancel)

                            int seasNum;
                            int epNum;

                            if (!FindSeasEp(fi, out seasNum, out epNum, si))
                                continue; // can't find season & episode, so this file is of no interest to us

                            if (seasNum == -1)
                                seasNum = snum;

                            int epIdx = eps.FindIndex(x => ((x.EpNum == epNum) && (x.SeasonNumber == seasNum)));
                            if (epIdx == -1)
                                continue; // season+episode number don't correspond to any episode we know of from thetvdb
                            ProcessedEpisode ep = eps[epIdx];
    // equivalent of the 4 lines above, if compiling on MonoDevelop on Windows which, for 
    // some reason, doesn't seem to support lambda functions (the => thing)
							ProcessedEpisode ep = null;
							foreach (ProcessedEpisode x in eps)
								if (((x.EpNum == epNum) && (x.SeasonNumber == seasNum)))
									ep = x;
							if (ep == null)
                            // season+episode number don't correspond to any episode we know of from thetvdb

                            FileInfo actualFile = fi;

                            if (renCheck && TVSettings.Instance.UsefulExtension(fi.Extension, true)) // == RENAMING CHECK ==
                                string newname = TVSettings.Instance.FilenameFriendly(TVSettings.Instance.NamingStyle.NameForExt(ep, fi.Extension, folder.Length));

                                if (newname != actualFile.Name)
                                    actualFile = FileHelper.FileInFolder(folder, newname); // rename updates the filename
                                    this.TheActionList.Add(new ActionCopyMoveRename(ActionCopyMoveRename.Op.Rename, fi, actualFile, ep, null));
                                    //The following section informs the DownloadIdentifers that we already plan to
                                    //copy a file inthe appropriate place and they do not need to worry about downloading 
                                    //one for that purpse


                            if (missCheck && TVSettings.Instance.UsefulExtension(fi.Extension, false)) // == MISSING CHECK part 1/2 ==
                                // first pass of missing check is to tally up the episodes we do have
                                localEps[epNum] = actualFile;
                                if (epNum > maxEpNumFound)
                                    maxEpNumFound = epNum;
                        } // foreach file in folder

                        if (missCheck) // == MISSING CHECK part 2/2 (includes NFO and Thumbnails) ==
                            // second part of missing check is to see what is missing!

                            // look at the offical list of episodes, and look to see if we have any gaps

                            DateTime today = DateTime.Now;
                            foreach (ProcessedEpisode dbep in eps)
                                if ((dbep.EpNum > maxEpNumFound) || (localEps[dbep.EpNum] == null)) // not here locally
                                    DateTime? dt = dbep.GetAirDateDT(true);
                                    bool dtOK = dt != null;

                                    bool notFuture = (dtOK && (dt.Value.CompareTo(today) < 0)); // isn't an episode yet to be aired

                                    bool noAirdatesUntilNow = true;
                                    // for specials "season", see if any season has any airdates
                                    // otherwise, check only up to the season we are considering
                                    for (int i = 1; i <= ((snum == 0) ? lastSeason : snum); i++)
                                        if (this.HasAnyAirdates(si, i))
                                            noAirdatesUntilNow = false;

                                    // only add to the missing list if, either:
                                    // - force check is on
                                    // - there are no airdates at all, for up to and including this season
                                    // - there is an airdate, and it isn't in the future
                                    if (noAirdatesUntilNow ||
                                        ((si.ForceCheckFuture || notFuture) && dtOK) ||
                                        (si.ForceCheckNoAirdate && !dtOK))
                                        // then add it as officially missing
                                        this.TheActionList.Add(new ItemMissing(dbep, folder + System.IO.Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + TVSettings.Instance.FilenameFriendly(TVSettings.Instance.NamingStyle.NameForExt(dbep, null, folder.Length))));
                                    // the file is here
                                    if (showList == null)

                                    // do NFO and thumbnail checks if required
                                    FileInfo filo = localEps[dbep.EpNum]; // filename (or future filename) of the file

                                    this.TheActionList.Add(DownloadIdentifiers.ProcessEpisode(dbep, filo));
                            } // up to date check, for each episode in thetvdb
                        } // if doing missing check
                    } // for each folder for this season of this show
                } // for each season of this show
            } // for each show
