public static BTItem ReadInt(System.IO.FileStream sr) { long r = 0; int c; bool neg = false; while ((c = sr.ReadByte()) != 'e') { if (c == '-') { neg = true; } else if ((c >= '0') && (c <= '9')) { r = (r * 10) + c - '0'; } } if (neg) { r = -r; } BTInteger bti = new BTInteger { Value = r }; return(bti); }
public BTItem ReadInt(FileStream sr) { Int64 r = 0; int c; bool neg = false; while ((c = sr.ReadByte()) != 'e') { if (c == '-') neg = true; else if ((c >= '0') && (c <= '9')) r = (r * 10) + c - '0'; } if (neg) r = -r; BTInteger bti = new BTInteger(); bti.Value = r; return bti; }
public List <TorrentEntry> AllFilesBeingDownloaded() { List <TorrentEntry> r = new List <TorrentEntry>(); BEncodeLoader bel = new BEncodeLoader(); foreach (BTDictionaryItem dictitem in ResumeDat.GetDict().Items) { if ((dictitem.Type != BTChunk.kDictionaryItem)) { continue; } if ((dictitem.Key == ".fileguard") || (dictitem.Data.Type != BTChunk.kDictionary)) { continue; } if (dictitem.Data is BTError err) { logger.Error($"Error finding BT items: {err.Message}"); return(r); } BTDictionary d2 = (BTDictionary)(dictitem.Data); BTItem p = d2.GetItem("prio"); if ((p is null) || (p.Type != BTChunk.kString)) { continue; } BTString prioString = (BTString)(p); string directoryName = Path.GetDirectoryName(ResumeDatPath) + System.IO.Path.DirectorySeparatorChar; string torrentFile = dictitem.Key; if (!File.Exists(torrentFile)) // if the torrent file doesn't exist { torrentFile = directoryName + torrentFile; // ..try prepending the resume.dat folder's path to it. } if (!File.Exists(torrentFile)) { continue; // can't find it. give up! } BTFile tor = bel.Load(torrentFile); if (tor is null) { continue; } List <string> a = tor.AllFilesInTorrent(); if (a is null) { continue; } int c = 0; p = d2.GetItem("path"); if ((p is null) || (p.Type != BTChunk.kString)) { continue; } string defaultFolder = ((BTString)p).AsString(); BTItem targets = d2.GetItem("targets"); bool hasTargets = ((targets != null) && (targets.Type == BTChunk.kList)); BTList targetList = (BTList)(targets); //foreach (var i in d2.Items) //{ //logger.Info($" {i.Key} {i.Data.AsText()}"); //} foreach (string s in a) { if ((c < prioString.Data.Length) && (prioString.Data[c] != BTPrio.Skip)) { try { string saveTo = FileHelper .FileInFolder(defaultFolder, TVSettings.Instance.FilenameFriendly(s)).Name; if (hasTargets) { // see if there is a target for this (the c'th) file foreach (BTItem t in targetList.Items) { BTList l = (BTList)(t); BTInteger n = (BTInteger)(l.Items[0]); BTString dest = (BTString)(l.Items[1]); if (n.Value == c) { saveTo = dest.AsString(); break; } } } int percent = (a.Count == 1) ? PercentBitsOn((BTString)(d2.GetItem("have"))) : -1; bool completed = ((BTInteger)d2.GetItem("order")).Value == -1; TorrentEntry te = new TorrentEntry(torrentFile, saveTo, percent, completed, torrentFile); r.Add(te); } catch (System.IO.PathTooLongException ptle) { //this is not the file we are looking for logger.Debug(ptle); } } c++; } } return(r); }