예제 #1
 public void TaoLopBaseData()
     // Lay danh sach bang
     string[,] arrTables = oThongTinCSDL.GetTableNameId();
     for (int i = 0; i < arrTables.GetLength(1); i++)
         // Lay danh sach cot cua bang
         DataTable dtbColumns    = oThongTinCSDL.GetColunms(arrTables[1, i]);
         DataTable dtbKeyColumns = oThongTinCSDL.TimKhoa(arrTables[1, i]);
         TaoLopBase(arrTables[0, i], dtbColumns, dtbKeyColumns);
예제 #2
 public string TaoThuTucGet()
     string SQL = "";
     string[,] arrTables = oThongTinCSDL.GetTableNameId();
     for (int i = 0; i < arrTables.GetLength(1); i++)
         SQL += "\nIF  EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.objects WHERE object_id = OBJECT_ID(N'[dbo].[sp_" + arrTables[0, i] + "_Get]') AND type in (N'P', N'PC'))";
         SQL += "\nDROP PROCEDURE [dbo].[sp_" + arrTables[0, i] + "_Get]\nGO";
         SQL += "\nCREATE PROCEDURE dbo.sp_";
         SQL += arrTables[0, i] + "_Get";
         // Lay Khoa chinh cua bang
         DataTable dtbKeyProperties = oThongTinCSDL.TimKhoa(arrTables[1, i]);
         if (dtbKeyProperties.Rows.Count == 0)
             SQL += "";
             SQL += "\n(";
         for (int j = 0; j < dtbKeyProperties.Rows.Count; j++)
             if (j >= 1)
                 SQL += ",\n\t@" + dtbKeyProperties.Rows[j]["name"].ToString() + " " + oThongTinCSDL.GetDataType(dtbKeyProperties.Rows[j]["xtype"].ToString()) + "(" + dtbKeyProperties.Rows[j]["Length"].ToString() + ")";
                 SQL += "\n\t@" + dtbKeyProperties.Rows[j]["name"].ToString() + " " + oThongTinCSDL.GetDataType(dtbKeyProperties.Rows[j]["xtype"].ToString()) + "(" + dtbKeyProperties.Rows[j]["Length"].ToString() + ")";
         if (dtbKeyProperties.Rows.Count == 0)
             SQL += "\nAS";
             SQL += "\n)\nAS";
         if (dtbKeyProperties.Rows.Count > 0)
             SQL += "\nBEGIN";
             SQL += "\n\tIf ";
             for (int j = 0; j < dtbKeyProperties.Rows.Count; j++)
                 if (j >= 1)
                     SQL += " AND @" + dtbKeyProperties.Rows[j]["name"].ToString() + " <= 0";
                     SQL += " @" + dtbKeyProperties.Rows[j]["name"].ToString() + " <= 0";
             SQL += "\n\t\tSELECT * FROM " + arrTables[0, i];
             SQL += "\n\tElse";
             SQL += "\n\t\tSELECT * FROM " + arrTables[0, i] + " WHERE ";
             for (int j = 0; j < dtbKeyProperties.Rows.Count; j++)
                 if (j >= 1)
                     SQL += " AND " + dtbKeyProperties.Rows[j]["name"].ToString() + " = @" + dtbKeyProperties.Rows[j]["name"].ToString();
                     SQL += dtbKeyProperties.Rows[j]["name"].ToString() + " = @" + dtbKeyProperties.Rows[j]["name"].ToString();
             SQL += "\nEND";
         SQL += "\nGO";
     SQL = SQL.Replace("int(4)", "int");
     SQL = SQL.Replace("datetime(8)", "datetime");
     SQL = SQL.Replace("money(8)", "money");
     SQL = SQL.Replace("float(8)", "float");
     SQL = SQL.Replace("bigint(8)", "bigint");
     SQL = SQL.Replace("bit(1)", "bit");
     SQL = SQL.Replace("image(16)", "image");
     SQL = SQL.Replace("ntext(16)", "ntext");
     SQL = SQL.Replace("real(4)", "real");
     return SQL;