public void ProcessMessage(VVVV.Utils.OSC.OSCMessage message) { string address = message.Address; ArrayList args = message.Values; string command = (string)args[0]; if (address == "/tuio/2Dobj") { if ((command == "set") && (currentFrame >= lastFrame)) { long s_id = (int)args[1]; int f_id = (int)args[2]; float x = (float)args[3]; float y = (float)args[4]; float a = (float)args[5]; float X = (float)args[6]; float Y = (float)args[7]; float A = (float)args[8]; float m = (float)args[9]; float r = (float)args[10]; if (!objectList.ContainsKey(s_id)) { TuioObject addObject = new TuioObject(s_id, f_id, x, y, a); objectList.Add(s_id, addObject); for (int i = 0; i < listenerList.Count; i++) { TuioListener listener = (TuioListener)listenerList[i]; if (listener != null) { listener.addTuioObject(addObject); } } } else { TuioObject updateObject = objectList[s_id]; if ((updateObject.getX() != x) || (updateObject.getY() != y) || (updateObject.getAngle() != a)) { updateObject.update(x, y, a, X, Y, A, m, r); for (int i = 0; i < listenerList.Count; i++) { TuioListener listener = (TuioListener)listenerList[i]; if (listener != null) { listener.updateTuioObject(updateObject); } } //objectList[s_id] = tobj; } } } else if ((command == "alive") && (currentFrame >= lastFrame)) { for (int i = 1; i < args.Count; i++) { // get the message content long s_id = (int)args[i]; newObjectList.Add(s_id); // reduce the object list to the lost objects if (aliveObjectList.Contains(s_id)) { aliveObjectList.Remove(s_id); } } // remove the remaining objects for (int i = 0; i < aliveObjectList.Count; i++) { long s_id = aliveObjectList[i]; TuioObject removeObject = objectList[s_id]; removeObject.remove(); objectList.Remove(s_id); for (int j = 0; j < listenerList.Count; j++) { TuioListener listener = (TuioListener)listenerList[j]; if (listener != null) { listener.removeTuioObject(removeObject); } } } List <long> buffer = aliveObjectList; aliveObjectList = newObjectList; // recycling of the List newObjectList = buffer; newObjectList.Clear(); } else if (command == "fseq") { lastFrame = currentFrame; currentFrame = (int)args[1]; if (currentFrame == -1) { currentFrame = lastFrame; } if (currentFrame >= lastFrame) { long currentTime = lastTime; if (currentFrame > lastFrame) { TimeSpan span = DateTime.Now - startTime; currentTime = span.Milliseconds; lastTime = currentTime; } IEnumerator <TuioObject> refreshList = objectList.Values.GetEnumerator(); while (refreshList.MoveNext()) { TuioObject refreshObject = refreshList.Current; if (refreshObject.getUpdateTime() == UNDEFINED) { refreshObject.setUpdateTime(currentTime); } } for (int i = 0; i < listenerList.Count; i++) { TuioListener listener = (TuioListener)listenerList[i]; if (listener != null) { listener.refresh(currentTime); } } } } } else if (address == "/tuio/2Dblb") { if ((command == "set") && (currentFrame >= lastFrame)) { long s_id = (int)args[1]; float x = (float)args[2]; float y = (float)args[3]; float a = (float)args[4]; float w = (float)args[5]; float h = (float)args[6]; float area = (float)args[7]; float X = (float)args[8]; float Y = (float)args[9]; float A = (float)args[10]; float m = (float)args[11]; float r = (float)args[12]; if (!blobList.ContainsKey(s_id)) { int b_id = blobList.Count; if (blobList.Count <= maxBlobID) { TuioBlob closestBlob = freeBlobList[0]; IEnumerator <TuioBlob> testList = freeBlobList.GetEnumerator(); while (testList.MoveNext()) { TuioBlob testBlob = testList.Current; if (testBlob.getDistance(x, y) < closestBlob.getDistance(x, y)) { closestBlob = testBlob; } } b_id = closestBlob.getBlobID(); freeBlobList.Remove(closestBlob); } else { maxBlobID = b_id; } TuioBlob addBlob = new TuioBlob(s_id, b_id, x, y, a, w, h, area); blobList.Add(s_id, addBlob); for (int i = 0; i < listenerList.Count; i++) { TuioListener listener = (TuioListener)listenerList[i]; if (listener != null) { listener.addTuioBlob(addBlob); } } } else { TuioBlob updateBlob = (TuioBlob)blobList[s_id]; if ((updateBlob.getX() != x) || (updateBlob.getY() != y || (updateBlob.getAngle() != a || updateBlob.getWidth() != w || updateBlob.getHeight() != h || updateBlob.getArea() != area))) { updateBlob.update(x, y, a, w, h, area, X, Y, A, m, r); for (int i = 0; i < listenerList.Count; i++) { TuioListener listener = (TuioListener)listenerList[i]; if (listener != null) { listener.updateTuioBlob(updateBlob); } } } } } else if ((command == "alive") && (currentFrame >= lastFrame)) { for (int i = 1; i < args.Count; i++) { // get the message content long s_id = (int)args[i]; newBlobList.Add(s_id); // reduce the blob list to the lost blobs if (aliveBlobList.Contains(s_id)) { aliveBlobList.Remove(s_id); } } // remove the remaining blobs for (int i = 0; i < aliveBlobList.Count; i++) { long s_id = aliveBlobList[i]; if (!blobList.ContainsKey(s_id)) { continue; } TuioBlob removeBlob = blobList[s_id]; int blb_id = removeBlob.getBlobID(); blobList.Remove(s_id); if (blb_id == maxBlobID) { maxBlobID = -1; if (blobList.Count > 0) { IEnumerator <KeyValuePair <long, TuioBlob> > blblist = blobList.GetEnumerator(); while (blblist.MoveNext()) { int b_id = blblist.Current.Value.getBlobID(); if (b_id > maxBlobID) { maxBlobID = b_id; } } List <TuioBlob> freeBlobBuffer = new List <TuioBlob>(); IEnumerator <TuioBlob> flist = freeBlobList.GetEnumerator(); while (flist.MoveNext()) { TuioBlob testBlob = flist.Current; if (testBlob.getBlobID() < maxBlobID) { freeBlobBuffer.Add(testBlob); } } freeBlobList = freeBlobBuffer; } } else { removeBlob.remove(); freeBlobList.Add(removeBlob); } for (int j = 0; j < listenerList.Count; j++) { TuioListener listener = (TuioListener)listenerList[j]; if (listener != null) { listener.removeTuioBlob(removeBlob); } } } List <long> buffer = aliveBlobList; aliveBlobList = newBlobList; // recycling of the List newBlobList = buffer; newBlobList.Clear(); } else if (command == "fseq") { lastFrame = currentFrame; currentFrame = (int)args[1]; if (currentFrame == -1) { currentFrame = lastFrame; } if (currentFrame >= lastFrame) { long currentTime = lastTime; if (currentFrame > lastFrame) { TimeSpan span = DateTime.Now - startTime; currentTime = span.Milliseconds; lastTime = currentTime; } IEnumerator <TuioBlob> refreshList = blobList.Values.GetEnumerator(); while (refreshList.MoveNext()) { TuioBlob refreshBlob = refreshList.Current; if (refreshBlob.getUpdateTime() == UNDEFINED) { refreshBlob.setUpdateTime(currentTime); } } for (int i = 0; i < listenerList.Count; i++) { TuioListener listener = (TuioListener)listenerList[i]; if (listener != null) { listener.refresh(currentTime); } } } } } else if (address == "/tuio/2Dcur") { if ((command == "set") && (currentFrame >= lastFrame)) { long s_id = (int)args[1]; float x = (float)args[2]; //TUIODecoder.TUIODecoder.instance.FHost.Log(VVVV.PluginInterfaces.V1.TLogType.Debug, x.ToString() + " - " + message.BinaryData.Length); float y = (float)args[3]; float X = (float)args[4]; float Y = (float)args[5]; float m = (float)args[6]; if (!cursorList.ContainsKey(s_id)) { int f_id = cursorList.Count; if (cursorList.Count <= maxFingerID) { TuioCursor closestCursor = freeCursorList[0]; IEnumerator <TuioCursor> testList = freeCursorList.GetEnumerator(); while (testList.MoveNext()) { TuioCursor testCursor = testList.Current; if (testCursor.getDistance(x, y) < closestCursor.getDistance(x, y)) { closestCursor = testCursor; } } f_id = closestCursor.getFingerID(); freeCursorList.Remove(closestCursor); } else { maxFingerID = f_id; } TuioCursor addCursor = new TuioCursor(s_id, f_id, x, y); cursorList.Add(s_id, addCursor); for (int i = 0; i < listenerList.Count; i++) { TuioListener listener = (TuioListener)listenerList[i]; if (listener != null) { listener.addTuioCursor(addCursor); } } } else { TuioCursor updateCursor = (TuioCursor)cursorList[s_id]; if ((updateCursor.getX() != x) || (updateCursor.getY() != y)) { updateCursor.update(x, y, X, Y, m); for (int i = 0; i < listenerList.Count; i++) { TuioListener listener = (TuioListener)listenerList[i]; if (listener != null) { listener.updateTuioCursor(updateCursor); } } //cursorList[s_id] = tcur; } } } else if ((command == "alive") && (currentFrame >= lastFrame)) { for (int i = 1; i < args.Count; i++) { // get the message content long s_id = (int)args[i]; newCursorList.Add(s_id); // reduce the cursor list to the lost cursors if (aliveCursorList.Contains(s_id)) { aliveCursorList.Remove(s_id); } } // remove the remaining cursors for (int i = 0; i < aliveCursorList.Count; i++) { long s_id = aliveCursorList[i]; if (!cursorList.ContainsKey(s_id)) { continue; } TuioCursor removeCursor = cursorList[s_id]; int c_id = removeCursor.getFingerID(); cursorList.Remove(s_id); if (c_id == maxFingerID) { maxFingerID = -1; if (cursorList.Count > 0) { IEnumerator <KeyValuePair <long, TuioCursor> > clist = cursorList.GetEnumerator(); while (clist.MoveNext()) { int f_id = clist.Current.Value.getFingerID(); if (f_id > maxFingerID) { maxFingerID = f_id; } } List <TuioCursor> freeCursorBuffer = new List <TuioCursor>(); IEnumerator <TuioCursor> flist = freeCursorList.GetEnumerator(); while (flist.MoveNext()) { TuioCursor testCursor = flist.Current; if (testCursor.getFingerID() < maxFingerID) { freeCursorBuffer.Add(testCursor); } } freeCursorList = freeCursorBuffer; } } else { removeCursor.remove(); freeCursorList.Add(removeCursor); } for (int j = 0; j < listenerList.Count; j++) { TuioListener listener = (TuioListener)listenerList[j]; if (listener != null) { listener.removeTuioCursor(removeCursor); } } } List <long> buffer = aliveCursorList; aliveCursorList = newCursorList; // recycling of the List newCursorList = buffer; newCursorList.Clear(); } else if (command == "fseq") { lastFrame = currentFrame; currentFrame = (int)args[1]; if (currentFrame == -1) { currentFrame = lastFrame; } if (currentFrame >= lastFrame) { long currentTime = lastTime; if (currentFrame > lastFrame) { TimeSpan span = DateTime.Now - startTime; currentTime = span.Milliseconds; lastTime = currentTime; } IEnumerator <TuioCursor> refreshList = cursorList.Values.GetEnumerator(); while (refreshList.MoveNext()) { TuioCursor refreshCursor = refreshList.Current; if (refreshCursor.getUpdateTime() == UNDEFINED) { refreshCursor.setUpdateTime(currentTime); } } for (int i = 0; i < listenerList.Count; i++) { TuioListener listener = (TuioListener)listenerList[i]; if (listener != null) { listener.refresh(currentTime); } } } } } }