public static string UseFurniture(int furnitureId, Player user) { IFurnitureRepository furnRepo = new EFFurnitureRepository(); var dbFurniture = furnRepo.Furnitures.FirstOrDefault(f => f.Id == furnitureId); dbFurniture.LastUseTimestamp = DateTime.UtcNow; dbFurniture.LastUsersIds = user.Id.ToString(); furnRepo.SaveFurniture(dbFurniture); var furnitureStatic = furnRepo.DbStaticFurniture.FirstOrDefault(f => f.dbType == dbFurniture.dbType); var logMessage = "<b>" + user.GetFullName() + "</b> used <b>" + dbFurniture.HumanName + "</b>."; CovenantProcedures.WriteCovenantLog(logMessage, (int)user.Covenant, false); // furniture gives AP reserve bonus if (furnitureStatic.APReserveRefillAmount > 0) { IPlayerRepository playerRepo = new EFPlayerRepository(); var dbPlayer = playerRepo.Players.FirstOrDefault(p => p.Id == user.Id); dbPlayer.ActionPoints_Refill += furnitureStatic.APReserveRefillAmount; if (dbPlayer.ActionPoints_Refill > TurnTimesStatics.GetActionPointReserveLimit()) { dbPlayer.ActionPoints_Refill = TurnTimesStatics.GetActionPointReserveLimit(); } dbPlayer.LastActionTimestamp = DateTime.UtcNow; playerRepo.SavePlayer(dbPlayer); return("You used " + dbFurniture.HumanName + ", a human voluntarily transformed into furniture and leased by your covenant, and gained " + furnitureStatic.APReserveRefillAmount + " reserve action points."); } // furniture gives effect else if (furnitureStatic.GivesEffectSourceId != null) { EffectProcedures.GivePerkToPlayer(furnitureStatic.GivesEffectSourceId.Value, user); PlayerProcedures.SetTimestampToNow(user); return("You used " + dbFurniture.HumanName + ", a human voluntarily transformed into furniture and leased by your covenant, and gained the " + EffectStatics.GetDbStaticEffect(furnitureStatic.GivesEffectSourceId.Value).FriendlyName + " effect."); } //furniture gives item else if (furnitureStatic.GivesItemSourceId != null) { ItemProcedures.GiveNewItemToPlayer(user, furnitureStatic.GivesItemSourceId.Value); PlayerProcedures.SetTimestampToNow(user); var itemGained = ItemStatics.GetStaticItem(furnitureStatic.GivesItemSourceId.Value); return("You used " + dbFurniture.HumanName + ", a human voluntarily transformed into furniture and leased by your covenant, gaining a " + itemGained.FriendlyName + "."); } return("ERROR"); }
public static void GiveFurnitureToCovenant(Furniture furniture, Covenant covenant) { IFurnitureRepository furnRepo = new EFFurnitureRepository(); ICovenantRepository covRepo = new EFCovenantRepository(); var dbCovenant = covRepo.Covenants.FirstOrDefault(c => c.Id == covenant.Id); var dbFurniture = furnRepo.Furnitures.First(f => f.Id == furniture.Id); dbCovenant.Money -= furniture.Price; dbFurniture.CovenantId = covenant.Id; // update the contract begin/end dates for this furniture dbFurniture.ContractStartTurn = PvPWorldStatProcedures.GetWorldTurnNumber(); dbFurniture.ContractEndTurn = dbFurniture.ContractStartTurn + dbFurniture.ContractTurnDuration; covRepo.SaveCovenant(dbCovenant); furnRepo.SaveFurniture(dbFurniture); var message = "The leader of the covenant has purchased the furniture contract for " + dbFurniture.HumanName + "."; CovenantProcedures.WriteCovenantLog(message, covenant.Id, true); }
public static void UpdateWorld() { var worldStats = DomainRegistry.Repository.FindSingle(new GetWorld()); var turnNo = worldStats.TurnNumber; PvPStatics.LastGameTurn = turnNo; if (turnNo < PvPStatics.RoundDuration) { PvPStatics.AnimateUpdateInProgress = true; IServerLogRepository serverLogRepo = new EFServerLogRepository(); var log = new ServerLog { TurnNumber = turnNo, StartTimestamp = DateTime.UtcNow, FinishTimestamp = DateTime.UtcNow, Errors = 0, FullLog = "", Population = PlayerProcedures.GetWorldPlayerStats().CurrentOnlinePlayers, }; log.AddLog($"Started new log for turn {turnNo} at <b>{DateTime.UtcNow}</b>."); serverLogRepo.SaveServerLog(log); var updateTimer = new Stopwatch(); updateTimer.Start(); IPlayerRepository playerRepo = new EFPlayerRepository(); Player lindella = playerRepo.Players.FirstOrDefault(p => p.BotId == AIStatics.LindellaBotId); Player wuffie = playerRepo.Players.FirstOrDefault(p => p.BotId == AIStatics.WuffieBotId); #region spawn NPCS // make sure the NPCs have been spawned early turn if (turnNo <= 3) { if (lindella == null) { BossProcedures_Lindella.SpawnLindella(); lindella = playerRepo.Players.FirstOrDefault(p => p.BotId == AIStatics.LindellaBotId); } if (wuffie == null) { BossProcedures_PetMerchant.SpawnPetMerchant(); wuffie = playerRepo.Players.FirstOrDefault(p => p.BotId == AIStatics.WuffieBotId); } var fae = playerRepo.Players.FirstOrDefault(p => p.BotId == AIStatics.JewdewfaeBotId); if (fae == null) { BossProcedures_Jewdewfae.SpawnFae(); } var bartender = playerRepo.Players.FirstOrDefault(p => p.BotId == AIStatics.BartenderBotId); if (bartender == null) { BossProcedures_Bartender.SpawnBartender(); } var lorekeeper = playerRepo.Players.FirstOrDefault(p => p.BotId == AIStatics.LoremasterBotId); if (lorekeeper == null) { BossProcedures_Loremaster.SpawnLoremaster(); } var soulbinder = playerRepo.Players.FirstOrDefault(p => p.BotId == AIStatics.SoulbinderBotId); if (soulbinder == null) { var id = DomainRegistry.Repository.Execute(new CreatePlayer { FirstName = "Karin", LastName = "Kezesul-Adriz the Soulbinder", FormSourceId = 1000, Location = "stripclub_office", Level = 10, Mobility = PvPStatics.MobilityFull, Money = 0, Gender = PvPStatics.GenderFemale, Health = 9999, MaxHealth = 9999, Mana = 9999, MaxMana = 9999, OnlineActivityTimestamp = DateTime.UtcNow, BotId = AIStatics.SoulbinderBotId }); var newSoulbinder = playerRepo.Players.FirstOrDefault(p => p.Id == id); newSoulbinder.ReadjustMaxes(ItemProcedures.GetPlayerBuffs(newSoulbinder)); playerRepo.SavePlayer(newSoulbinder); } } #endregion log.AddLog(updateTimer.ElapsedMilliseconds + ": Started loading animate players"); IEffectRepository effectRepo = new EFEffectRepository(); log.AddLog(updateTimer.ElapsedMilliseconds + ": Started loading effects"); var temporaryEffects = effectRepo.Effects.Where(e => !e.IsPermanent).ToList(); log.AddLog(updateTimer.ElapsedMilliseconds + ": Finished loading effects"); var effectsToDelete = new List <Effect>(); log.AddLog(updateTimer.ElapsedMilliseconds + ": Started updating effects"); var effectsExpiringThisTurn = temporaryEffects.Where(e => e.Duration == 1).ToList(); var activeOrExpiringEffects = temporaryEffects.Where(e => e.Duration > 0).ToList(); foreach (var e in temporaryEffects) { e.Duration--; e.Cooldown--; if (e.Duration < 0) { e.Duration = 0; } if (e.Cooldown <= 0) { effectsToDelete.Add(e); } else { effectRepo.SaveEffect(e); } } log.AddLog(updateTimer.ElapsedMilliseconds + ": Finished updating effects"); serverLogRepo.SaveServerLog(log); log.AddLog(updateTimer.ElapsedMilliseconds + ": Started running effect-expiry actions"); try { JokeShopProcedures.RunEffectExpiryActions(effectsExpiringThisTurn); } catch (Exception e) { log.Errors++; log.AddLog(FormatExceptionLog(updateTimer.ElapsedMilliseconds, " ERROR running effect-expiry actions", e)); } log.AddLog(updateTimer.ElapsedMilliseconds + ": Finished running effect-expiry actions"); serverLogRepo.SaveServerLog(log); log.AddLog(updateTimer.ElapsedMilliseconds + ": Started deleting expired effects"); foreach (var e in effectsToDelete) { effectRepo.DeleteEffect(e.Id); } log.AddLog(updateTimer.ElapsedMilliseconds + ": Finished deleting expired effects"); serverLogRepo.SaveServerLog(log); #region playerExtra / protection cooldown loop IPlayerExtraRepository playerExtraRepo = new EFPlayerExtraRepository(); var extrasToIncrement = playerExtraRepo.PlayerExtras.ToList(); var extrasToIncrement_SaveList = new List <PlayerExtra>(); var extrasToIncrement_DeleteList = new List <PlayerExtra>(); log.AddLog(updateTimer.ElapsedMilliseconds + ": Started updating protection change cooldown (" + extrasToIncrement.Count + ")"); foreach (var e in extrasToIncrement) { var owner = PlayerProcedures.GetPlayer(e.PlayerId); if (PlayerProcedures.PlayerIsOffline(owner)) { extrasToIncrement_SaveList.Add(e); } } foreach (var e in extrasToIncrement_SaveList) { if (e.ProtectionToggleTurnsRemaining > 0) { e.ProtectionToggleTurnsRemaining--; playerExtraRepo.SavePlayerExtra(e); } else if (e.ProtectionToggleTurnsRemaining <= 0) { extrasToIncrement_DeleteList.Add(e); } } foreach (var e in extrasToIncrement_DeleteList) { playerExtraRepo.DeletePlayerExtra(e.Id); } #endregion log.AddLog(updateTimer.ElapsedMilliseconds + ": Finished updating protection change cooldown."); #region main player loop using (var context = new StatsContext()) { try { context.Database.ExecuteSqlCommand("UPDATE [dbo].[Players] SET TimesAttackingThisUpdate = 0, CleansesMeditatesThisRound = 0, ShoutsRemaining = 1, ActionPoints = ActionPoints + 10, ItemsUsedThisTurn = 0 WHERE Mobility='full'" + $"UPDATE [dbo].[Players] SET ActionPoints_Refill = ActionPoints_Refill + (ActionPoints % {TurnTimesStatics.GetActionPointLimit()} / 2) WHERE ActionPoints >= {TurnTimesStatics.GetActionPointLimit()} AND Mobility='full'" + $"UPDATE [dbo].[Players] SET ActionPoints = {TurnTimesStatics.GetActionPointLimit()} WHERE ActionPoints > {TurnTimesStatics.GetActionPointLimit()} AND Mobility='full'" + $"UPDATE [dbo].[Players] SET ActionPoints_Refill = {TurnTimesStatics.GetActionPointReserveLimit()} WHERE ActionPoints_Refill > {TurnTimesStatics.GetActionPointReserveLimit()} AND Mobility='full'" + $"UPDATE [dbo].[Players] SET ActionPoints = ActionPoints + 20, ActionPoints_Refill = ActionPoints_Refill - 20 WHERE ActionPoints <= {TurnTimesStatics.GetActionPointLimit()-20} AND ActionPoints_Refill >= 20 AND Mobility='full'"); if (PvPStatics.ChaosMode) { context.Database.ExecuteSqlCommand($"Update [dbo].[Players] SET ActionPoints = {TurnTimesStatics.GetActionPointLimit()}, ActionPoints_Refill = {TurnTimesStatics.GetActionPointReserveLimit()}, Mana = MaxMana"); } log.AddLog(updateTimer.ElapsedMilliseconds + ": ANIMATE SQL UPDATE SUCCEEDED!"); serverLogRepo.SaveServerLog(log); } catch (Exception e) { log.Errors++; log.AddLog(FormatExceptionLog(updateTimer.ElapsedMilliseconds, " ANIMATE SQL UPDATE FAILED", e)); serverLogRepo.SaveServerLog(log); } } var timeCutoff = DateTime.UtcNow.AddHours(-8); var playersToSave = playerRepo.Players .Where(p => p.Mobility == PvPStatics.MobilityFull && p.LastActionTimestamp > timeCutoff).ToList(); foreach (var player in playersToSave) { //Skip regen stuff for those in quests. if (player.InQuest > 0) { continue; } // extra AP condition checks if (player.Covenant > 0) { var playerCov = CovenantDictionary.IdNameFlagLookup.FirstOrDefault(c => c.Key == player.Covenant).Value; // give this player an extra AP refill if they are at their safeground, scaled up by level if (playerCov != null && !playerCov.HomeLocation.IsNullOrEmpty() && player.dbLocationName == playerCov.HomeLocation) { player.ActionPoints_Refill += .25M * playerCov.CovLevel; } // give this player an extra AP refill if they are on a location that their covenane has enchanted var currentLocation = LocationsStatics.LocationList.GetLocation.FirstOrDefault(l => l.dbName == player.dbLocationName); if (currentLocation != null && currentLocation.CovenantController == player.Covenant) { if (currentLocation.TakeoverAmount < 25) { player.ActionPoints_Refill += .05M; } else if (currentLocation.TakeoverAmount <= 50) { player.ActionPoints_Refill += .10M; } else if (currentLocation.TakeoverAmount <= 75) { player.ActionPoints_Refill += .15M; } else if (currentLocation.TakeoverAmount < 100) { player.ActionPoints_Refill += .20M; } else if (currentLocation.TakeoverAmount >= 100) { player.ActionPoints_Refill += .25M; } } // make sure AP reserve stays within maximum amount if (player.ActionPoints_Refill > TurnTimesStatics.GetActionPointReserveLimit()) { player.ActionPoints_Refill = TurnTimesStatics.GetActionPointReserveLimit(); } } var buffs = ItemProcedures.GetPlayerBuffs(player); player.Health += buffs.HealthRecoveryPerUpdate(); player.Mana += buffs.ManaRecoveryPerUpdate(); player.ReadjustMaxes(buffs); playerRepo.SavePlayer(player); } log.AddLog($"{updateTimer.ElapsedMilliseconds}: Finished updating animate players ({playersToSave.Count})"); serverLogRepo.SaveServerLog(log); #endregion main player loop log.AddLog(updateTimer.ElapsedMilliseconds + ": Started updating inanimate/animal players"); using (var context = new StatsContext()) { try { context.Database.ExecuteSqlCommand("UPDATE [dbo].[Players] SET TimesAttackingThisUpdate = 0, ItemsUsedThisTurn = 0 WHERE (Mobility = 'inanimate' OR Mobility = 'animal') AND BotId = 0"); log.AddLog(updateTimer.ElapsedMilliseconds + ": Finished updating inanimate/animal players"); } catch (Exception e) { log.Errors++; log.AddLog(FormatExceptionLog(updateTimer.ElapsedMilliseconds, " ERROR UPDATING INANIMATE/ANIMAL PLAYERS", e)); } } serverLogRepo.SaveServerLog(log); #region decrement mind control timers log.AddLog(updateTimer.ElapsedMilliseconds + ": Started mind control cooldown."); using (var context = new StatsContext()) { try { context.Database.ExecuteSqlCommand("UPDATE [dbo].[MindControls] SET TurnsRemaining = TurnsRemaining - 1"); context.Database.ExecuteSqlCommand("DELETE FROM [dbo].[MindControls] WHERE TurnsRemaining <= 0"); context.Database.ExecuteSqlCommand("UPDATE [dbo].[MindControls] SET TimesUsedThisTurn = 0"); log.AddLog(updateTimer.ElapsedMilliseconds + ": Finished mind control cooldown."); } catch (Exception e) { log.Errors++; log.AddLog(FormatExceptionLog(updateTimer.ElapsedMilliseconds, "MIND CONTROL COOLDOWN UPDATE FAILED", e)); } } #endregion serverLogRepo.SaveServerLog(log); PvPStatics.AnimateUpdateInProgress = false; // bump down the timer on all items that are reuseable consumables log.AddLog(updateTimer.ElapsedMilliseconds + ": Started updating items on cooldown"); IItemRepository itemsRepo = new EFItemRepository(); var itemsToUpdate = itemsRepo.Items.Where(i => i.TurnsUntilUse > 0).ToList(); foreach (var item in itemsToUpdate) { item.TurnsUntilUse--; } foreach (var item in itemsToUpdate) { itemsRepo.SaveItem(item); } log.AddLog(updateTimer.ElapsedMilliseconds + ": Finished updating items on cooldown"); serverLogRepo.SaveServerLog(log); // find the ids for the merchants Lindella and Skaldyr var skaldyr = PlayerProcedures.GetPlayerFromBotId(AIStatics.LoremasterBotId); var soulbinderId = PlayerProcedures.GetPlayerFromBotId(AIStatics.SoulbinderBotId).Id; // have abandoned items go to Lindella if (turnNo % 11 == 3 && lindella.Mobility == PvPStatics.MobilityFull) { log.AddLog(updateTimer.ElapsedMilliseconds + ": Started collecting all abandoned items for Lindella"); using (var context = new StatsContext()) { try { context.Database.ExecuteSqlCommand($"UPDATE [dbo].[Items] SET OwnerId = {lindella.Id}, dbLocationName = '', PvPEnabled = {(int)GameModeStatics.GameModes.Any}, TimeDropped = '{DateTime.UtcNow.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss")}' " + $"FROM DbStaticItems WHERE dbLocationName <> '' AND dbLocationName IS NOT NULL AND TimeDropped < DATEADD(hour, -8, GETUTCDATE()) AND OwnerId IS NULL AND DbStaticItems.Id = Items.ItemSourceId AND ItemType != '{PvPStatics.ItemType_Pet}' AND ItemSourceId != {ItemStatics.ItemType_DungeonArtifactItemSourceId};" + $"UPDATE [dbo].[Players] SET dbLocationName = '' FROM Items WHERE Items.FormerPlayerId = Players.Id AND Items.OwnerId = {lindella.Id};"); log.AddLog(updateTimer.ElapsedMilliseconds + ": Finished collecting all abandoned items for Lindella"); } catch (Exception e) { log.Errors++; log.AddLog(FormatExceptionLog(updateTimer.ElapsedMilliseconds, "ERROR collecting all abandoned items for Lindella", e)); } } } // delete all consumable type items that have been sitting around on the ground for too long log.AddLog(updateTimer.ElapsedMilliseconds + ": Started deleting expired consumables"); DomainRegistry.Repository.Execute(new DeleteExpiredConsumablesOnGround()); DomainRegistry.Repository.Execute(new DeleteExpiredConsumablesOnMerchants { LindellaId = lindella.Id, LorekeeperId = skaldyr.Id }); log.AddLog(updateTimer.ElapsedMilliseconds + ": Finished deleting expired consumables"); serverLogRepo.SaveServerLog(log); log.AddLog(updateTimer.ElapsedMilliseconds + ": Started deleting expired runes"); try { DomainRegistry.Repository.Execute(new DeleteExpiredRunesOnMerchants()); } catch (Exception e) { log.AddLog(FormatExceptionLog(updateTimer.ElapsedMilliseconds, "ERROR deleting expired runes", e)); log.Errors++; } log.AddLog(updateTimer.ElapsedMilliseconds + ": Finished deleting expired runes"); serverLogRepo.SaveServerLog(log); // allow all items that have been recently equipped to be taken back off log.AddLog(updateTimer.ElapsedMilliseconds + ": Started resetting items that have been recently equipped"); var recentlyEquipped = itemsRepo.Items.Where(i => i.EquippedThisTurn).ToList(); foreach (var item in recentlyEquipped) { item.EquippedThisTurn = false; itemsRepo.SaveItem(item); } log.AddLog(updateTimer.ElapsedMilliseconds + ": Finished resetting items that have been recently equipped"); #region give covenants money based on territories if (turnNo % 6 == 0) { log.AddLog(updateTimer.ElapsedMilliseconds + ": Started giving covenants money from territories"); ICovenantRepository covRepo = new EFCovenantRepository(); var covs = covRepo.Covenants.Where(c => c.HomeLocation != null && c.HomeLocation != "").ToList(); foreach (var c in covs) { var locationControlledSum = CovenantProcedures.GetLocationControlCount(c); var moneyGain = (decimal)Math.Floor(Convert.ToDouble(locationControlledSum)); c.Money += moneyGain; if (moneyGain > 0) { CovenantProcedures.WriteCovenantLog("Your covenant collected " + moneyGain + " Arpeyjis from the locations you have enchanted.", c.Id, false); } covRepo.SaveCovenant(c); } log.AddLog(updateTimer.ElapsedMilliseconds + ": Finished giving covenants money from territories"); } #endregion serverLogRepo.SaveServerLog(log); #region drop dungeon artifacts and spawn demons if needed try { if (turnNo % 7 == 2) { log.AddLog(updateTimer.ElapsedMilliseconds + ": Starting dungeon item / demon spawning"); var dungeonArtifactCount = itemsRepo.Items.Count(i => i.ItemSourceId == ItemStatics.ItemType_DungeonArtifactItemSourceId); for (var x = 0; x < PvPStatics.DungeonArtifact_SpawnLimit - dungeonArtifactCount; x++) { var randDungeon = LocationsStatics.GetRandomLocation_InDungeon(); var cmd = new CreateItem { dbLocationName = randDungeon, OwnerId = null, EquippedThisTurn = false, IsPermanent = true, Level = 0, PvPEnabled = 2, IsEquipped = false, TurnsUntilUse = 0, ItemSourceId = ItemStatics.ItemType_DungeonArtifactItemSourceId }; DomainRegistry.Repository.Execute(cmd); } IEnumerable <Player> demons = playerRepo.Players.Where(i => i.FormSourceId == PvPStatics.DungeonDemonFormSourceId); var dungeonDemonCount = demons.Count(); var randLevel = new Random(Guid.NewGuid().GetHashCode()); var demonNames = XmlResourceLoader.Load <List <string> >("TT.Domain.XMLs.DungeonDemonNames.xml"); for (var x = 0; x < PvPStatics.DungeonDemon_Limit - dungeonDemonCount; x++) { var randDungeon = LocationsStatics.GetRandomLocation_InDungeon(); // pull a random last demon name double maxDemonNameCount = demonNames.Count(); var num = randLevel.NextDouble(); var demonIndex = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Floor(num * maxDemonNameCount)); var demonlastName = demonNames.ElementAt(demonIndex); // if there's already a demon with this last name, reroll and try again if (demons.FirstOrDefault(d => d.LastName == demonlastName) != null) { x--; continue; } var levelRoll = randLevel.NextDouble(); var level = (int)Math.Floor(levelRoll * 8 + 3); var cmd = new CreatePlayer { BotId = AIStatics.DemonBotId, FirstName = "Spirit of ", LastName = demonlastName, Mobility = PvPStatics.MobilityFull, FormSourceId = AIStatics.DungeonDemonFormId, Gender = PvPStatics.GenderFemale, GameMode = 2, Health = 10000, Mana = 10000, Covenant = -1, Location = randDungeon, Level = level, MaxHealth = 10000, MaxMana = 10000, }; var id = DomainRegistry.Repository.Execute(cmd); var newDemon = playerRepo.Players.FirstOrDefault(p => p.Id == id); if (cmd.Level <= 5) { ItemProcedures.GiveNewItemToPlayer(newDemon, ItemStatics.SpellbookMediumItemSourceId); } else if (cmd.Level <= 7) { ItemProcedures.GiveNewItemToPlayer(newDemon, ItemStatics.SpellbookLargeItemSourceId); } else if (cmd.Level > 7) { ItemProcedures.GiveNewItemToPlayer(newDemon, ItemStatics.SpellbookGiantItemSourceId); } newDemon.ReadjustMaxes(ItemProcedures.GetPlayerBuffs(newDemon)); playerRepo.SavePlayer(newDemon); } log.AddLog(updateTimer.ElapsedMilliseconds + ": FINISHED dungeon item / demon spawning"); } } catch (Exception e) { log.Errors++; log.AddLog(FormatExceptionLog(updateTimer.ElapsedMilliseconds, "ERROR running dungeon actions", e)); } #endregion serverLogRepo.SaveServerLog(log); #region forcibly terminate duels that have timed out log.AddLog(updateTimer.ElapsedMilliseconds + ": Started duel updates"); try { IDuelRepository duelRepo = new EFDuelRepository(); var duels = duelRepo.Duels.Where(d => d.Status == DuelProcedures.ACTIVE).ToList(); foreach (var d in duels) { // if the duel has timed out, end it forcibly if ((turnNo - d.StartTurn) >= PvPStatics.MaximumDuelTurnLength) { DuelProcedures.EndDuel(d.Id, DuelProcedures.TIMEOUT); } } log.AddLog(updateTimer.ElapsedMilliseconds + ": Successfully completed duel updates"); } catch (Exception e) { log.Errors++; log.AddLog(FormatExceptionLog(updateTimer.ElapsedMilliseconds, "ERROR completing duel updates", e)); } #endregion duel updates log.AddLog(updateTimer.ElapsedMilliseconds + ": Started Lindella actions"); serverLogRepo.SaveServerLog(log); try { BossProcedures_Lindella.RunActions(turnNo); } catch (Exception e) { log.Errors++; log.AddLog(FormatExceptionLog(updateTimer.ElapsedMilliseconds, "ERROR running Lindella action", e)); } log.AddLog(updateTimer.ElapsedMilliseconds + ": Finished Lindella actions"); log.AddLog(updateTimer.ElapsedMilliseconds + ": Started Wuffie actions"); serverLogRepo.SaveServerLog(log); try { BossProcedures_PetMerchant.RunPetMerchantActions(turnNo); } catch (Exception e) { log.Errors++; log.AddLog(FormatExceptionLog(updateTimer.ElapsedMilliseconds, "ERROR running Wuffie actions", e)); } log.AddLog(updateTimer.ElapsedMilliseconds + ": Finished Wuffie actions"); log.AddLog(updateTimer.ElapsedMilliseconds + ": Started running effect-related actions"); try { JokeShopProcedures.RunEffectActions(activeOrExpiringEffects); } catch (Exception e) { log.Errors++; log.AddLog(FormatExceptionLog(updateTimer.ElapsedMilliseconds, " ERROR running effect-related actions", e)); } log.AddLog(updateTimer.ElapsedMilliseconds + ": Finished running effect-related actions"); serverLogRepo.SaveServerLog(log); #region furniture if (turnNo % 6 == 0) { // move some furniture around on the market try { FurnitureProcedures.MoveFurnitureOnMarket(); } catch (Exception e) { log.Errors++; log.AddLog(updateTimer.ElapsedMilliseconds + "ERROR MOVING FURNITURE ON MARKET: " + e); } // move Jewdewfae to a new location if she has been in one place for more than 48 turns, 8 hours try { var fae = PlayerProcedures.GetPlayerFromBotId(-6); var faeAI = AIDirectiveProcedures.GetAIDirective(fae.Id); // if the turn since her last move has been long enough, relocate her if (turnNo - (int)faeAI.Var2 > 48) { log.AddLog(updateTimer.ElapsedMilliseconds + ": FORCED JEWDEWFAE TO MOVE."); BossProcedures_Jewdewfae.MoveToNewLocation(); } } catch (Exception e) { log.Errors++; log.AddLog(updateTimer.ElapsedMilliseconds + "ERROR TRYING TO MOVE JEWDEWFAE: " + e); } } #endregion furniture #region bosses // DONNA if (worldStats.Boss_Donna == AIStatics.ACTIVE) { log.AddLog(updateTimer.ElapsedMilliseconds + ": Started Donna actions"); serverLogRepo.SaveServerLog(log); try { BossProcedures_Donna.RunDonnaActions(); } catch (Exception e) { log.Errors++; log.AddLog(FormatExceptionLog(updateTimer.ElapsedMilliseconds, "Error running Donna actions", e)); } log.AddLog(updateTimer.ElapsedMilliseconds + ": Finished Donna actions"); } // VALENTINE if (worldStats.Boss_Valentine == AIStatics.ACTIVE || PlayerProcedures.GetAnimatePlayerFromBotId(AIStatics.ValentineBotId) != null) { log.AddLog(updateTimer.ElapsedMilliseconds + ": Started Valentine actions"); serverLogRepo.SaveServerLog(log); try { BossProcedures_Valentine.RunValentineActions(); } catch (Exception e) { log.Errors++; log.AddLog(FormatExceptionLog(updateTimer.ElapsedMilliseconds, "Error running Valentine actions", e)); } log.AddLog(updateTimer.ElapsedMilliseconds + ": Finished Valentine actions"); } // BIMBO if (worldStats.Boss_Bimbo == AIStatics.ACTIVE) { log.AddLog(updateTimer.ElapsedMilliseconds + ": Started Bimbo actions"); serverLogRepo.SaveServerLog(log); try { BossProcedures_BimboBoss.RunActions(turnNo); } catch (Exception e) { log.Errors++; log.AddLog(FormatExceptionLog(updateTimer.ElapsedMilliseconds, "Error running Bimbo actions", e)); } log.AddLog(updateTimer.ElapsedMilliseconds + ": Finished Bimbo actions"); } // THIEVES if (worldStats.Boss_Thief == AIStatics.ACTIVE) { log.AddLog(updateTimer.ElapsedMilliseconds + ": Started Thieves actions"); serverLogRepo.SaveServerLog(log); try { BossProcedures_Thieves.RunThievesAction(turnNo); } catch (Exception e) { log.Errors++; log.AddLog(FormatExceptionLog(updateTimer.ElapsedMilliseconds, "Error running Thieves actions", e)); } log.AddLog(updateTimer.ElapsedMilliseconds + ": Finished Thieves actions"); } // SISTERS if (worldStats.Boss_Sisters == AIStatics.ACTIVE) { log.AddLog(updateTimer.ElapsedMilliseconds + ": Started Sisters actions"); serverLogRepo.SaveServerLog(log); try { BossProcedures_Sisters.RunSistersAction(); } catch (Exception e) { log.Errors++; log.AddLog(FormatExceptionLog(updateTimer.ElapsedMilliseconds, "Error running Sisters actions", e)); } log.AddLog(updateTimer.ElapsedMilliseconds + ": Finished Sisters actions"); } // FAEBOSS if (worldStats.Boss_Faeboss == AIStatics.ACTIVE) { log.AddLog(updateTimer.ElapsedMilliseconds + ": Started Narcissa actions"); serverLogRepo.SaveServerLog(log); try { BossProcedures_FaeBoss.RunTurnLogic(); } catch (Exception e) { log.Errors++; log.AddLog(FormatExceptionLog(updateTimer.ElapsedMilliseconds, "Error running Narcissa actions", e)); } log.AddLog(updateTimer.ElapsedMilliseconds + ": Finished Narcissa actions"); } // BIKER GANG BOSS if (worldStats.Boss_MotorcycleGang == AIStatics.ACTIVE) { log.AddLog(updateTimer.ElapsedMilliseconds + ": Started BikerBoss actions"); serverLogRepo.SaveServerLog(log); try { BossProcedures_MotorcycleGang.RunTurnLogic(); } catch (Exception e) { log.Errors++; log.AddLog(updateTimer.ElapsedMilliseconds + ": BikerBoss ERROR: " + e); } log.AddLog(updateTimer.ElapsedMilliseconds + ": Finished BikerBoss actions"); } #endregion bosses // psychopaths log.AddLog(updateTimer.ElapsedMilliseconds + ": Started psychopath actions"); serverLogRepo.SaveServerLog(log); var psychoExceptions = AIProcedures.RunPsychopathActions(worldStats); foreach (var e in psychoExceptions) { log.Errors++; log.AddLog(FormatExceptionLog(updateTimer.ElapsedMilliseconds, "Error running pycho action", e)); } log.AddLog(updateTimer.ElapsedMilliseconds + ": Finished psychopath actions"); // minibosses log.AddLog(updateTimer.ElapsedMilliseconds + ": Started miniboss actions"); serverLogRepo.SaveServerLog(log); var minibossExceptions = BossProcedures_Minibosses.RunAll(worldStats.TurnNumber); foreach (var e in minibossExceptions) { log.Errors++; log.AddLog(FormatExceptionLog(updateTimer.ElapsedMilliseconds, "Error running miniboss action", e)); } serverLogRepo.SaveServerLog(log); log.AddLog(updateTimer.ElapsedMilliseconds + ": Finished miniboss actions"); log.AddLog(updateTimer.ElapsedMilliseconds + ": Starting setting update status to done"); try { PvPWorldStatProcedures.UpdateWorldTurnCounter_UpdateDone(); log.AddLog(updateTimer.ElapsedMilliseconds + ": Finished setting update status to done"); } catch (Exception e) { log.AddLog(FormatExceptionLog(updateTimer.ElapsedMilliseconds, "ERROR setting update status to done: ", e)); log.Errors++; } serverLogRepo.SaveServerLog(log); try { log.AddLog(updateTimer.ElapsedMilliseconds + ": Started stored procedure maintenance"); using (var context = new StatsContext()) { context.Database.ExecuteSqlCommand( "DELETE FROM [dbo].[LocationLogs] WHERE Timestamp < DATEADD(hour, -1, GETUTCDATE())"); context.Database.ExecuteSqlCommand( "DELETE FROM [dbo].[Messages] WHERE Timestamp < DATEADD(hour, -72, GETUTCDATE()) AND DoNotRecycleMe = 0"); context.Database.ExecuteSqlCommand("DELETE FROM [dbo].[TFEnergies] WHERE Amount < .5"); context.Database.ExecuteSqlCommand( "DELETE FROM [dbo].[PlayerLogs] WHERE Timestamp < DATEADD(hour, -72, GETUTCDATE())"); context.Database.ExecuteSqlCommand( "DELETE FROM [dbo].[ChatLogs] WHERE Timestamp < DATEADD(hour, -72, GETUTCDATE())"); context.Database.ExecuteSqlCommand( "DELETE FROM [dbo].[AIDirectives] WHERE Timestamp < DATEADD(hour, -72, GETUTCDATE()) AND DoNotRecycleMe = 0"); context.Database.ExecuteSqlCommand( "DELETE FROM [dbo].[CovenantLogs] WHERE Timestamp < DATEADD(hour, -72, GETUTCDATE())"); context.Database.ExecuteSqlCommand( "DELETE FROM [dbo].[RPClassifiedAds] WHERE RefreshTimestamp < DATEADD(hour, -72, GETUTCDATE())"); context.Database.ExecuteSqlCommand( "DELETE FROM [dbo].[TFEnergies] WHERE Timestamp < DATEADD(hour, -72, GETUTCDATE())"); context.Database.ExecuteSqlCommand( "DELETE FROM [dbo].[SelfRestoreEnergies] WHERE Timestamp < DATEADD(hour, -4, GETUTCDATE())"); // move soulbound items on the ground to the soulbinding NPC. context.Database.ExecuteSqlCommand( $"UPDATE[dbo].[Items] SET OwnerId = {soulbinderId}, dbLocationName = '' WHERE dbLocationName <> '' AND SoulboundToPlayerId IS NOT NULL;"); } log.AddLog(updateTimer.ElapsedMilliseconds + ": Finished stored procedure maintenance"); } catch (Exception e) { log.AddLog(FormatExceptionLog(updateTimer.ElapsedMilliseconds, "ERROR running stored procedure maintenance: ", e)); log.Errors++; } serverLogRepo.SaveServerLog(log); #region update joke shop log.AddLog(updateTimer.ElapsedMilliseconds + ": Updating joke shop started."); try { JokeShopProcedures.EjectOfflineCharacters(); if (new Random().Next(20) == 0) { LocationsStatics.MoveJokeShop(); } ChallengeProcedures.CheckChallenges(); } catch (Exception e) { log.Errors++; log.AddLog(FormatExceptionLog(updateTimer.ElapsedMilliseconds, "Updating joke shop FAILED", e)); } log.AddLog(updateTimer.ElapsedMilliseconds + ": Updating joke shop completed."); serverLogRepo.SaveServerLog(log); #endregion update joke shop #region regenerate dungeon if (turnNo % 30 == 7) { log.AddLog(updateTimer.ElapsedMilliseconds + ": Dungeon generation started."); try { DungeonProcedures.GenerateDungeon(); } catch (Exception e) { log.Errors++; log.AddLog(FormatExceptionLog(updateTimer.ElapsedMilliseconds, "Dungeon generation FAILED", e)); } log.AddLog(updateTimer.ElapsedMilliseconds + ": Dungeon generation completed."); serverLogRepo.SaveServerLog(log); } #endregion #region move tomb quest // Just to keep some things consistent, following the update pattern of the dungeon regen. if (turnNo > 6665 && turnNo % 30 == 7) { log.AddLog(updateTimer.ElapsedMilliseconds + ": Updating tomb location started."); try { // Get the quest stuff to start with. int questId = 39; //Nephthyma's Calling quest ID. IQuestRepository repo = new EFQuestRepository(); var questStart = repo.QuestStarts.FirstOrDefault(q => q.Id == questId); if (questStart != null) { // Pick a random location. string[] locationList = { "mansion_mausoleum", "gym_laundry", "street_50e9th", "park_shrine" }; Random locationRandom = new Random(); int locationIndex = locationRandom.Next(locationList.Length); string location = locationList[locationIndex]; // Set it to the new location. questStart.Location = location; QuestWriterProcedures.SaveQuestStart(questStart); } } catch (Exception e) { log.Errors++; log.AddLog(FormatExceptionLog(updateTimer.ElapsedMilliseconds, "Updating tomb location FAILED", e)); } log.AddLog(updateTimer.ElapsedMilliseconds + ": Updating tomb location completed."); serverLogRepo.SaveServerLog(log); } #endregion log.AddLog(updateTimer.ElapsedMilliseconds + ": Started deleting unwanted psycho items/pets on Lindella/Wuffie"); try { DomainRegistry.Repository.Execute(new DeleteUnpurchasedPsychoItems()); } catch (Exception e) { log.Errors++; log.AddLog(FormatExceptionLog(updateTimer.ElapsedMilliseconds, "ERROR deleting unwanted psycho items", e)); } log.AddLog(updateTimer.ElapsedMilliseconds + ": Finished deleting unwanted psycho items/pets on Lindella/Wuffie"); log.FinishTimestamp = DateTime.UtcNow; serverLogRepo.SaveServerLog(log); } }
public static string AttackLocation(Player player, BuffBox buffs) { ILocationInfoRepository repo = new EFLocationInfoRepository(); ICovenantRepository covRepo = new EFCovenantRepository(); var location = LocationsStatics.LocationList.GetLocation.FirstOrDefault(l => l.dbName == player.dbLocationName); var output = ""; if (location == null) { output = "You cast an enchantment here, but you aren't actually anywhere!"; return(output); } var info = repo.LocationInfos.FirstOrDefault(l => l.dbName == player.dbLocationName) ?? new LocationInfo { TakeoverAmount = 75, CovenantId = -1, dbName = player.dbLocationName, }; if (player.Covenant == null) { output = "You cast an enchantment here, but it did no effect as you aren't part of a covenant"; return(output); } if (info.TakeoverAmount >= 100 && info.CovenantId == player.Covenant) { output = "You cast an enchantment here, but it did no effect as this location's enchantment is already at its highest possible level, 100."; return(output); } var takeoverAmount = (float)player.Level / 2.0F; takeoverAmount += buffs.EnchantmentBoost; decimal XPGain = 0; try { XPGain = 40 / Math.Round(Convert.ToDecimal(101 - Math.Abs(info.TakeoverAmount)), 1); } catch (Exception) { XPGain = 0; } if (XPGain > PvPStatics.XP__EnchantmentMaxXP) { XPGain = PvPStatics.XP__EnchantmentMaxXP; } var XPGainText = String.Format("{0:0.#}", XPGain); // location is not controlled; give it to whichever covenant is attacking it if (info.TakeoverAmount <= 0) { info.CovenantId = (int)player.Covenant; info.TakeoverAmount = takeoverAmount; if (info.TakeoverAmount > 100) { info.TakeoverAmount = 100; } info.LastTakeoverTurn = PvPWorldStatProcedures.GetWorldTurnNumber(); output = "<b>Your enchantment settles in this location, converting its energies from the previous controlling covenant to your own! (+" + XPGainText + " XP)</b>"; location.CovenantController = (int)player.Covenant; location.TakeoverAmount = info.TakeoverAmount; var myCov = covRepo.Covenants.First(c => c.Id == player.Covenant); var locationLogMessage = "<b class='playerAttackNotification'>" + player.GetFullName() + " enchanted this location and claimed it for " + myCov.Name + "!</b>"; LocationLogProcedures.AddLocationLog(player.dbLocationName, locationLogMessage); var covLogWinner = player.GetFullName() + " enchanted " + location.Name + " and has claimed it for this covenant."; CovenantProcedures.WriteCovenantLog(covLogWinner, myCov.Id, true); } // otherwise the location is controlled by someone else { // add points toward the attacker's covenant or take them away if it belongs to another if (info.CovenantId == player.Covenant) { info.TakeoverAmount += takeoverAmount; location.TakeoverAmount = info.TakeoverAmount; var cov = covRepo.Covenants.FirstOrDefault(c => c.Id == player.Covenant); output = $"Your enchantment reinforces this location by {takeoverAmount}. New influence level is {info.TakeoverAmount} for your covenant, {cov?.Name ?? "unknown"}. (+{XPGainText} XP)</b>"; } else { info.TakeoverAmount -= takeoverAmount; location.TakeoverAmount = info.TakeoverAmount; var cov = info.CovenantId == null ? null : covRepo.Covenants.FirstOrDefault(c => c.Id == info.CovenantId); if (info.TakeoverAmount <= 0) { // notify old covenant who stole the location and their covenant if (info.CovenantId != null && info.CovenantId > 0) { var attackingCov = CovenantProcedures.GetCovenantViewModel((int)player.Covenant); var covLogLoser = player.GetFullName() + " of " + attackingCov.dbCovenant.Name + " enchanted " + location.Name + ", removing it from this covenant's influence!"; CovenantProcedures.WriteCovenantLog(covLogLoser, (int)info.CovenantId, true); } info.CovenantId = -1; info.LastTakeoverTurn = PvPWorldStatProcedures.GetWorldTurnNumber(); } if (cov != null) { output = "You dispel the enchantment at this location by " + takeoverAmount + ". New influence level is " + info.TakeoverAmount + " for the location's existing controller, " + cov.Name + ". (+" + XPGainText + " XP)</b>"; } else { output = "You dispel the enchantment at this location by " + takeoverAmount + ". New influence level is " + info.TakeoverAmount + ". (+" + XPGainText + " XP)</b>"; } } var locationLogMessage = "<span class='playerAttackNotification'>" + player.GetFullName() + " cast an enchantment on this location.</span>"; LocationLogProcedures.AddLocationLog(player.dbLocationName, locationLogMessage); } if (info.TakeoverAmount > 100) { info.TakeoverAmount = 100; } // cap at 0 to 100 points else if (info.TakeoverAmount <= 0) { info.CovenantId = -1; info.TakeoverAmount = 0; } repo.SaveLocationInfo(info); PlayerProcedures.GiveXP(player, XPGain); PlayerLogProcedures.AddPlayerLog(player.Id, output, false); return(output); }
public static string ReturnToAnimate(Player player, bool dungeonPenalty) { IInanimateXPRepository inanimXpRepo = new EFInanimateXPRepository(); IItemRepository itemRepo = new EFItemRepository(); var inanimXP = inanimXpRepo.InanimateXPs.FirstOrDefault(i => i.OwnerId == player.Id); var currentGameTurn = PvPWorldStatProcedures.GetWorldTurnNumber(); if (inanimXP == null) { inanimXP = new InanimateXP { OwnerId = player.Id, Amount = 0, // set the initial times struggled proportional to how high of a level the player is TimesStruggled = -6 * player.Level, LastActionTimestamp = DateTime.UtcNow, LastActionTurnstamp = currentGameTurn - 1, }; } double strugglebonus = currentGameTurn - inanimXP.LastActionTurnstamp; if (strugglebonus > TurnTimesStatics.GetItemMaxTurnsBuildup()) { strugglebonus = TurnTimesStatics.GetItemMaxTurnsBuildup(); } if (strugglebonus < 0) { strugglebonus = 0; } if (PvPStatics.ChaosMode) { strugglebonus = 100; } // increment the player's attack count. Also decrease their player XP some. IPlayerRepository playerRepo = new EFPlayerRepository(); var dbPlayer = playerRepo.Players.FirstOrDefault(p => p.Id == player.Id); dbPlayer.TimesAttackingThisUpdate++; var strugglesMade = Convert.ToDouble(GetStruggleChance(player, dungeonPenalty)); var rand = new Random(); var roll = rand.NextDouble() * 100; var dbPlayerItem = DomainRegistry.Repository.FindSingle(new GetItemByFormerPlayer { PlayerId = player.Id }); if (dbPlayerItem == null) { return("Cannot struggle - no player item"); } if (dbPlayerItem.Owner != null) { var owner = PlayerProcedures.GetPlayer(dbPlayerItem.Owner.Id); dbPlayer.dbLocationName = owner.dbLocationName; } var itemPlus = ItemStatics.GetStaticItem(dbPlayerItem.ItemSource.Id); if (roll < strugglesMade) { // assert that the covenant the victim is in is not too full to accept them back in if (dbPlayer.Covenant > 0) { var victimCov = CovenantProcedures.GetCovenantViewModel((int)dbPlayer.Covenant).dbCovenant; if (victimCov != null && CovenantProcedures.GetPlayerCountInCovenant(victimCov, true) >= PvPStatics.Covenant_MaximumAnimatePlayerCount) { return("Although you had enough energy to break free from your body as a " + itemPlus.FriendlyName + " and restore your regular body, you were unfortunately not able to break free because there is no more room in your covenant for any more animate mages."); } } // if the item has an owner, notify them via a message. if (dbPlayerItem.Owner != null) { var message = player.FirstName + " " + player.LastName + ", your " + itemPlus.FriendlyName + ", successfully struggles against your magic and reverses their transformation. You can no longer claim them as your property, not unless you manage to turn them back again..."; PlayerLogProcedures.AddPlayerLog(dbPlayerItem.Owner.Id, message, true); } // change the player's form and mobility DomainRegistry.Repository.Execute(new ChangeForm { PlayerId = dbPlayer.Id, FormSourceId = dbPlayer.OriginalFormSourceId }); dbPlayer.ActionPoints = TurnTimesStatics.GetActionPointLimit(); dbPlayer.ActionPoints_Refill = TurnTimesStatics.GetActionPointReserveLimit(); dbPlayer.CleansesMeditatesThisRound = PvPStatics.MaxCleansesMeditatesPerUpdate; dbPlayer.TimesAttackingThisUpdate = PvPStatics.MaxAttacksPerUpdate; // don't let the player spawn in the dungeon as they will have Back On Your Feet // and may not be meet the level and game mode requirements if (dbPlayer.IsInDungeon()) { dbPlayer.dbLocationName = LocationsStatics.GetRandomLocationNotInDungeon(); } dbPlayer = PlayerProcedures.ReadjustMaxes(dbPlayer, ItemProcedures.GetPlayerBuffs(dbPlayer)); dbPlayer.Health = dbPlayer.MaxHealth / 3; dbPlayer.Mana = dbPlayer.MaxHealth / 3; playerRepo.SavePlayer(dbPlayer); // drop any runes embedded on the player-item, or return them to the former owner's inventory DomainRegistry.Repository.Execute(new UnbembedRunesOnItem { ItemId = dbPlayerItem.Id }); // delete the item or animal that this player had turned into itemRepo.DeleteItem(dbPlayerItem.Id); // delete the inanimate XP item inanimXpRepo.DeleteInanimateXP(inanimXP.Id); // give the player the recovery buff EffectProcedures.GivePerkToPlayer(PvPStatics.Effect_BackOnYourFeetSourceId, dbPlayer); var msg = "You have managed to break free from your form as " + itemPlus.FriendlyName + " and occupy an animate body once again!"; if (PvPStatics.ChaosMode) { msg += $" [CHAOS MODE: Struggle value overriden to {strugglebonus:0}% per struggle.]"; } PlayerLogProcedures.AddPlayerLog(dbPlayer.Id, msg, false); StatsProcedures.AddStat(dbPlayer.MembershipId, StatsProcedures.Stat__SuccessfulStruggles, 1); return(msg); } // failure to break free; increase time struggles else { // raise the probability of success for next time somewhat proportion to how many turns they missed inanimXP.TimesStruggled += Convert.ToInt32(strugglebonus); inanimXP.LastActionTimestamp = DateTime.UtcNow; inanimXP.LastActionTurnstamp = currentGameTurn; inanimXpRepo.SaveInanimateXP(inanimXP); playerRepo.SavePlayer(dbPlayer); if (dbPlayerItem.Owner != null) { var message = $"{player.FirstName} {player.LastName}, your {itemPlus.FriendlyName}, struggles but fails to return to an animate form. [Recovery chance next struggle: {(int)GetStruggleChance(player, dungeonPenalty)}%]"; PlayerLogProcedures.AddPlayerLog(dbPlayerItem.Owner.Id, message, true); } PlayerLogProcedures.AddPlayerLog(dbPlayer.Id, "You struggled to return to a human form.", false); return($"Unfortunately you are not able to struggle free from your form as {itemPlus.FriendlyName}. Keep trying and you might succeed later... [Recovery chance next struggle: {(int)GetStruggleChance(player, dungeonPenalty)}%]"); } }